Page 5 of Rollo at Work

  James and Rollo remained, according to Jonas's proposal, near the bars,while he went along the path towards the spring. Rollo and James had afine time gathering blackberries, until, at last, they saw the cowscoming, lowing along the path. Presently they saw Jonas's head among thebushes.

  The Cows.]

  When he came up to the boys, he told them it was lucky that they did notgo with him.

  "Why?" said Rollo.

  "I came upon an enormous hornet's nest, and you would very probably havegot stung."

  "Where was it?" said James.

  "O, it was right over the path, just before you get to the spring."

  The boys said they were very sorry to hear that, for now they could not goto the spring any more; but Jonas said he meant to destroy the nest.

  "How shall you destroy it?" said Rollo.

  "I shall burn it up."

  "But how can you?" said Rollo.

  Jonas then explained to them how he was going to burn the hornet's nest.He said he should take a long pole with two prongs at one end like apitchfork, and with that fork up a bunch of hay. Then he should set thetop of the hay on fire, and stand it up directly under the nest.

  The boys continued talking about the hornet's nest all the way home, andforgot to say any thing more about the causey until just as they weregoing into the yard. Then they told Jonas that he had not told them how toput on the gravel, on the top.

  He said he could not tell them then, and, besides, they would have as muchas they could do to put in stones for one day.

  Besides, James said it was sundown, and time for him to go home; but hepromised to come the next morning, if his mother would let him, as soon ashe had finished his lessons.

  Keeping Tally.

  Rollo and James began their work the next day about the middle of theforenoon, determined to obey Jonas's directions exactly, and to workindustriously for an hour. They put a number of small pieces of board upontheir wheelbarrows, to put along the pathway at first, and just as theyhad got them placed, Jonas came down just to see whether they werebeginning right.

  He saw them wheel in one or two loads of stones, and told them he thoughtthey were doing very well.

  "We have earned one cent already," said Rollo.

  "How," said Jonas; "is your father going to pay you for your work?"

  "Yes," said Rollo, "a cent for every two loads we put in."

  "Then you must keep tally," said Jonas.

  "_Tally_," said Rollo, "what is tally?"

  "Tally is the reckoning. How are you going to remember how many loads youwheel in?"

  "O, we can remember easily enough," said Rollo: "we will count them as wego along."

  "That will never do," said Jonas. "You must mark them down with a piece ofchalk on your wheelbarrow."

  So saying, Jonas fumbled in his pockets, and drew out a small, well-wornpiece of chalk, and then tipped up Rollo's wheelbarrow, saying,

  "How many loads do you say you have carried already?"

  "Two," said Rollo.

  "Two," repeated Jonas; and he made two white marks with his chalk on theside of the wheelbarrow.

  "There!" said he.

  "Mark mine," said James; "I have wheeled two loads."

  Jonas marked them, and then laid the chalk down upon a flat stone by theside of the path, and told the boys that they must stop after every load,and make a mark, and that would keep the reckoning exact.

  Jonas then left them, and the boys went on with their work. They wheeledten loads of stones apiece, and by that time had the bottom of the pathall covered, so that they could not wheel any more, without the longboards. They went up and got the boards, and laid them down as Jonas haddescribed, and then went on with their wheeling.

  At first, James kept constantly stopping, either to play, or to hear Rollotalk; for they kept the wheelbarrows together all the time, as Jonas hadrecommended. At such times, Rollo would remind him of his work, for he hadhimself learned to work steadily. They were getting on very finely, when,at length, they heard a bell ringing at the house.

  This bell was to call them home; for as Rollo and Jonas were often away ata little distance from the house, too far to be called very easily, therewas a bell to ring to call them home; and Mary, the girl, had two ways ofringing it--one way for Jonas, and another for Rollo.

  The bell was rung now for Rollo; and so he and James walked along towardshome. When they had got about half way, they saw Rollo's father standingat the door, with a basket in his hand; and he called out to them to bringtheir wheelbarrows.

  So the boys went back for their wheelbarrows.

  When they came up a second time with their wheelbarrows before them, heasked how they had got along with their work.

  "O, famously," said Rollo. "There is the tally," said he, turning up theside of the wheelbarrow towards his father, so that he could see all themarks.

  "Why, have you wheeled as many loads as that?" said his father.

  "Yes, sir," said Rollo, "and James just as many too."

  "And were they all good loads?"

  "Yes, all good, full loads."

  "Well, you have done very well. Count them, and see how many there are."

  The boys counted them, and found there were fifteen.

  "That is enough to come to seven cents, and one load over," said Rollo'sfather; and he took out his purse, and gave the boys seven cents each,that is, a six-cent piece in silver, and one cent besides. He told themthey might keep the money until they had finished their work, and then hewould tell them about purchasing something with it.

  "Now," said he, "you can rub out the tally--all but one mark. I have paidyou for fourteen loads, and you have wheeled in fifteen; so you have onemark to go to the new tally. You can go round to the shed, and find a wetcloth, and wipe out your marks clean, and then make one again, and leaveit there for to-morrow."

  "But we are going right back now," said Rollo.

  "No," said his father; "I don't want you to do any more to-day."

  "Why not, father? We want to, very much."

  "I cannot tell you why, now; but I choose you should not. And, now, hereis a luncheon for you in this basket. You may go and eat it where youplease."

  Rights Defined.

  So the boys took the basket, and, after they had rubbed out the tally,they went and sat down by their sand-garden, and began to eat the breadand cheese very happily together.

  After they had finished their luncheon, they went and got a watering-pot,and began to water their sand-garden, and, while doing it, began to talkabout what they should buy with their money. They talked of several thingsthat they should like, and, at last, Rollo said he meant to buy a bow andarrow with his.

  "A bow and arrow?" said James. "I do not believe your father will letyou."

  "Yes, he will let me," said Rollo. "Besides, it is _our_ money, and we cando what we have a mind to with it."

  "I don't believe that," said James.

  "Why, yes, we can," said Rollo.

  "I don't believe we can," said James.

  "Well, I mean to go and ask my father," said Rollo, "this minute."

  So he laid down the watering-pot, and ran in, and James after him. Whenthey got into the room where his father was, they came and stood by hisside a minute, waiting for him to be ready to speak to them.

  Presently, his father laid down his pen, and said,

  "What, my boys!"

  "Is not this money our own?" said Rollo.


  "And can we not buy what we have a mind to with it?"

  "That depends upon what you have a mind to buy."

  "But, father, I should think that, if it was our own, we might do _anything_ with it we please."

  "No," said his father, "that does not follow, at all."

  "Why, father," said Rollo, looking disappointed, "I thought every bodycould do what they pleased with their own things."

  "Whose hat is that you have on? Is it James's?"

  "No, sir, it is mine."
  "Are you sure it is your own?"

  "Why, yes, sir," said Rollo, taking off his hat and looking at it, andwondering what his father could mean.

  "Well, do you suppose you have a right to go and sell it?"

  "No, sir," said Rollo.

  "Or go and burn it up?"

  "No, sir."

  "Or give it away?"

  "No, sir."

  "Then it seems that people cannot always do what they please with theirown things."

  "Why, father, it seems to me, that is a very different thing."

  "I dare say it seems so to you; but it is not--it is just the same thing.No person can do _anything they please_ with their property. There arelimits and restrictions in all cases. And in all cases where children haveproperty, whether it is money, hats, toys, or any thing, they are alwayslimited and restricted to such a use of them _as their parents approve_.So, when I give you money, it becomes yours just as your clothes, or yourwheelbarrow, or your books, are yours. They are all yours to use and toenjoy; but in the way of using them and enjoying them, you must be undermy direction. Do you understand that?"

  "Why, yes, sir," said Rollo.

  "And does it not appear reasonable?"

  "Yes, sir, I don't know but it is reasonable. But _men_ can do anythingthey please with their money, can they not?"

  "No," said his father; "they are under various restrictions made by thelaws of the land. But I cannot talk any more about it now. When you havefinished your work, I will talk with you about expending your money."

  The boys went on with their work the next day, and built the causey uphigh enough with stones. They then levelled them off, and began to wheelon the gravel. Jonas made each of them a little shovel out of a shingle;and, as the gravel was lying loose under a high bank, they could shovel itup easily, and fill their wheelbarrows. The third day they covered thestones entirely with gravel, and smoothed it all over with a rake and hoe,and, after it had become well trodden, it made a beautiful, hard causey;so that now there was a firm and dry road all the way from the house tothe watering-place at the brook.


  On counting up the loads which it had taken to do this work, Rollo'sfather found that he owed Rollo twenty-three cents, and James twenty-one.The reason why Rollo had earned the most was because, at one time, Jamessaid he was tired, and must rest, and, while he was resting, Rollo went onwheeling.

  James seemed rather sorry that he had not got as many cents as Rollo.

  "I wish I had not stopped to rest," said he.

  "I wish so too," said Rollo; "but I will give you two of my cents, andthen I shall have only twenty-one, like you."

  "Shall we be alike then?"

  "Yes," said Rollo; "for, you see, two cents taken away from twenty-three,leaves twenty-one, which is just as many as you have."

  "Yes, but then I shall have more. If you give me two, _I_ shall havetwenty-three."

  "So you will," said Rollo; "I did not think of that."

  The boys paused at this unexpected difficulty; at last, Rollo said hemight give his two cents back to his father, and then they should haveboth alike.

  Just then the boys heard some one calling,


  Rollo looked up, and saw his mother at the chamber window. She was sittingthere at work, and had heard their conversation.

  "What, mother?" said Rollo.

  "You might give him _one_ of yours, and then you will both havetwenty-two."

  They thought that this would be a fine plan, and wondered why they had notthought of it before. A few days afterwards, they decided to buy twolittle shovels with their money, one for each, so that they might shovelsand and gravel easier than with the wooden shovels that Jonas made.


  Farmer Cropwell.

  One warm morning, early in the spring, just after the snow was melted offfrom the ground, Rollo and his father went to take a walk. The ground bythe side of the road was dry and settled, and they walked along verypleasantly; and at length they came to a fine-looking farm. The house wasnot very large, but there were great sheds and barns, and spacious yards,and high wood-piles, and flocks of geese, and hens and turkeys, and cattleand sheep, sunning themselves around the barns.

  Rollo and his father walked into the yard, and went up to the end door, alarge pig running away with a grunt when they came up. The door was open,and Rollo's father knocked at it with the head of his cane. Apleasant-looking young woman came to the door.

  "Is Farmer Cropwell at home?" said Rollo's father.

  "Yes, sir," said she, "he is out in the long barn, I believe."

  "Shall I go there and look for him?" said he.

  "If you please, sir."

  So Rollo's father walked along to the barn.

  It was a long barn indeed. Rollo thought he had never seen so large abuilding. On each side was a long range of stalls for cattle, facingtowards the middle, and great scaffolds overhead, partly filled with hayand with bundles of straw. They walked down the barn floor, and in oneplace Rollo passed a large bull chained by the nose in one of the stalls.The bull uttered a sort of low growl or roar, as Rollo and his fatherpassed, which made him a little afraid; but his attention was soonattracted to some hens, a little farther along, which were standing on theedge of the scaffolding over his head, and cackling with noise enough tofill the whole barn.

  The Bull Chained by the Nose.]

  When they got to the other end of the barn, they found a door leading outinto a shed; and there was Farmer Cropwell, with one of his men and apretty large boy, getting out some ploughs.

  "Good morning, Mr. Cropwell," said Rollo's father; "what! are you going toploughing?"

  "Why, it is about time to overhaul the ploughs, and see that they are inorder. I think we shall have an early season."

  "Yes, I find my garden is getting settled, and I came to talk with you alittle about some garden seeds."

  The truth was, that Rollo's father was accustomed to come every spring,and purchase his garden seeds at this farm; and so, after a few minutes,they went into the house, taking Rollo with them, to get the seeds thatwere wanted, out of the seed-room.

  What they called the seed-room was a large closet in the house, withshelves all around it; and Rollo waited there a little while, until theseeds were selected, put up in papers, and given to his father.

  When this was all done, and they were just coming out, the farmer said,"Well, my little boy, you have been very still and patient. Should not youlike some seeds too? Have you got any garden?"

  "No, sir," said Rollo; "but perhaps my father will give me some ground forone."

  "Well, I will give you a few seeds, at any rate." So he opened a littledrawer, and took out some seeds, and put them in a piece of paper, andwrote something on the outside. Then he did so again and again, until hehad four little papers, which he handed to Rollo, and told him to plantthem in his garden.

  Rollo thanked him, and took his seeds, and they returned home.

  Work and Play.

  On the way, Rollo thought it would be an excellent plan for him to have agarden, and he told his father so.

  "I think it would be an excellent plan myself," said his father. "But doyou intend to make work or play of it?"

  "Why, I must make work of it, must not I, if I have a real garden?"

  "No," said his father; "you may make play of it if you choose."

  "How?" said Rollo.

  "Why, you can take a hoe, and hoe about in the ground as long as it amusesyou to hoe; and then you can plant your seeds, and water and weed themjust as long as you find any amusement in it. Then, if you have any thingelse to play with, you can neglect your garden a long time, and let theweeds grow, and not come and pull them up until you get tired of otherplay, and happen to feel like working in your garden."

  "I should not think that that would be a very good plan," said Rollo.

  "Why, yes," replied his father; "I do not know but that it is a good planenough,--that is, fo
r _play_. It is right for you to play sometimes; and Ido not know why you might not play with a piece of ground, and seeds, aswell as with any thing else."

  "Well, father, how should I manage my garden if I was going to make _work_of it?"

  "O, then you would not do it for amusement, but for the useful results.You would consider what you could raise to best advantage, and then layout your garden; not as you might happen to _fancy_ doing it, but so as toget the most produce from it. When you come to dig it over, you would notconsider how long you could find amusement in digging, but how muchdigging is necessary to make the ground productive; and so in all youroperations."

  "Well, father, which do you think would be the best plan for me?"

  "Why, I hardly know. By making play of it, you will have the greatestpleasure as you go along. But, in the other plan, you will have some goodcrops of vegetables, fruits, and flowers."

  "And shouldn't I have any crops if I made play of my garden?"

  "Yes; I think you might, perhaps, have some flowers, and, perhaps, somebeans and peas."

  Rollo hesitated for some time which plan he should adopt. He had workedenough to know that it was often very tiresome to keep on with his workwhen he wanted to go and play; but then he knew that after it was over,there was great satisfaction in thinking of useful employment, and inseeing what had been done.