Page 25 of Stout

  “I know this is quick. We’ve only known each other three months and we said we’d wait until the time is right and—”

  “Shh.” She covers my mouth with her fingers. “Yes.”

  “Yes? Too soon? We need to wait? Or, you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes, I will marry you.”

  Fuck, yes.

  She’s gonna be my wife.

  I roll on top of Adelyn and kiss the hell out of her. “Adelyn Thorn. Sounds good.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  And I then make love to my fiancée. My. Fiancée.

  Twists and turns of fate. Although sometimes small, those are the little wonders forming our lives.

  A house went on the market, bringing Adelyn and I together as neighbors. Two strangers. Except we weren’t strangers at all. Our paths were not crossing for the first time. And that once seemingly insignificant intersection of our lives suddenly became a pivotal moment in our futures. It had the potential to become one of two things: a wrecking ball to tear us apart or the cohesion to bond us together forever.

  We choose together forever.


  Adelyn Maxwell

  One year later

  I’m the owner of Bash Incorporated. I’ve organized some of the biggest weddings and extravagant receptions in Birmingham. Hell, in Alabama. Even a few in the surrounding states.

  My wedding has been planned for years, long before I met Oliver. I had it all mapped out.

  Every. Little. Detail.

  A historic manor. Elaborate theme. Two dozen attendants. All the intricate elements required to impress the elite. The only thing missing was the groom.

  Such. Bull. Shit. All of it.

  A barn. Fifty guests. My daddy to officiate. I’m ready to say “I do” to my handsome groom. So ready.

  “Remember what we practiced, Willow? You’re going to walk down the middle of the barn holding Keeley’s hand.”

  “I get to drop the petals this time?” Her small voice is so sweet.

  “Yes. And when you get to the end, you’ll both stand next to Lawrence.” My God, they are so adorable in their white tutu dresses. I don’t think I could stand it if they were any cuter.

  I know putting a five- and three-year-old in my wedding is a risk. It could all go to shit in under a second but I don’t care. I’ve come to love Willow and Keeley dearly. I couldn’t imagine them not being part of our big day.

  The girls start down the aisle and Patty, the wedding planner, turns to look at me. Yes, even I need a wedding planner. I couldn’t do everything and enjoy being the bride. “So far, so good. Keep your fingers crossed.”

  They make it halfway to the bridal canopy before Keeley spots her daddy and takes off running for him. “Well, there goes one.”

  All I can do is laugh. “It was a fifty-fifty shot with that child.”

  I promised them ponies at their next birthday parties if they did well in the wedding. But who am I kidding? They’re getting ponies, or anything else they want, regardless of today. I go completely overboard for those precious girls.

  There were two things that needed to happen before Oliver and I could be married. First, he needed to ask my daddy for my hand. Check. And I had to accept Vance as part of Oliver’s life. Part of my life.

  Nothing about it has been easy. But I did it for Oliver. I did it for me. And I did it for those precious little girls so they could have a daddy in their lives.

  With Jill’s full support, I spoke on Vance’s behalf when he became eligible for parole six months ago. I can honestly say it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. But I know it was the right thing every time I see Willow and Keeley jump into his arms. He loves those girls. Absolutely adores them. And they are thrilled to have their father in their lives. And Toni, now not carrying the burden of provider and working less hours, is closer to looking her age. There is light in her eyes, and not as much fatigue. Yes, it was worth it, and such a good decision.

  I spoke on Vance’s behalf the same month I testified against Martin. That was a dark time in my life. I don’t know what I would have done if Oliver hadn’t been there for me.

  We had no idea what would come of my blackmailing Martin. But Oliver was insistent it would forever be a tie to him, one that must be severed. I knew he was right, but damn, I was terrified.

  Of course, Martin sang like a bird about the blackmail after I testified against him but I was lucky. The DA chose to forego pressing charges against me. He didn’t say it in so many words, but he felt as though I’d suffered enough. At least that’s what I got out of it.

  Martin is finally where he should be. Rotting in jail. Not with the general population since he’s paraplegic, and probably not for an incredibly long time, but he lost his freedom. At least for a little while. Most importantly, his family, friends, and business associates know what he did to me and those other dozen women.

  Patty touches my arm. “Your turn, Adelyn.”

  I walk the aisle formed by the two sections of guests. I pass my bouquet to Lawrence when I reach the bridal canopy and Oliver takes my hands. I’m shocked by what I see when I look into his baby blues. Tears. I’ve never seen Oliver cry. And of course that turns on my waterworks. What kind of bride wouldn’t cry at the sight of her groom shedding tears?

  My daddy gives us a moment before he begins, “Dearly beloved . . .”

  Our wedding ceremony is short. And of course the scripture we requested is about wives submitting to their husbands. Had to.

  Oliver may have been teary eyed before. But not now. I know the look I see there. Lust. Except now it’s for his wife. His wife who will submit to him. Forever. That smile tells me how much he likes hearing that.

  Alpha. Dominant. Oliver has mastered his craft. He knows just how hard to push. How hard to squeeze. How hard to bite . . .

  I’m getting turned on thinking about it. And it’s going to be hours before Oliver can make me come.

  “You may kiss your bride.” Oliver doesn’t hesitate but he keeps it tame. I warned him my mama and daddy would flip out if he didn’t keep it classy.

  He heeded my warning about the kiss but his whispered words in my ear are not as subdued. “Mrs. Thorn, I’m going to fuck you into next week when I get you alone.”

  “It pleases me greatly to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Thorn.”

  Oliver Thorn

  Hooded, lustful eyes watching me. Nibbling her bottom lip. Adelyn is giving me the look. Unspoken words telling me what she wants. What she needs.

  But what the fuck am I supposed to do about it here? Now? We have fifty guests in this fully renovated barn ready to celebrate our nuptials with as much alcohol as they can hold.

  She works her way through the crowd toward the back of the building, looking at me over her shoulder every few steps. Checking to be sure I’m following. Of course, I’m trailing her. I’ll follow her anywhere when she gives me that look.

  The chase ends in the bridal room when I shut the door. And lock it. “Mrs. Thorn. You seem to be in need of something.”

  She nods as she takes several steps backward, her back pressed against the wall. And I know exactly what I’m going to do to her. “Pull your dress up so I can see your sweet pussy.”

  She grabs her wedding gown at the thighs and inches it up until she’s exposed from the waist down. Lacy white panties and a blue garter around her thigh. Fuck.

  “I can’t see what’s mine. Pull your panties to the side.” Ah, there it is. Mrs. Thorn’s shiny wet pussy. And damn if it doesn’t make me harder than Miss Maxwell’s.


  Her dress will make this a little tricky but it’s doable. Probably best from behind. “Turn around and keep holding your dress.”

  I tug open the button on my pants and lower my zipper as I move toward her. I grasp her panties and pull them down her legs. One less thing to hold out of the way. “Feet apart.”

  One hand goes to my cock to guide it into my wife’s warm, i
nviting entrance, the other goes to her throat. “This what you want, Mrs. Thorn? To be fucked against the wall? By your husband while you’re in your wedding dress?”


  I enter her hard and fast and deep. Fuck. I never tire of that gasp.

  My cock no longer needs my hand for guidance so I move it to her clit. I want her to come. Hard. “Feel good?”


  Her breathing and pulse pick up as she grinds harder. I apply bilateral pressure on her carotids. I know exactly what Adelyn’s body needs to push her over the edge into pure ecstasy.

  “I love you, Max.” So fucking much.

  “Love. . . you.” She beats me to the finish line so I release the pressure on her throat a couple seconds after I feel her come around my cock. As always, her climax is the onset of mine.

  I shut my eyes and press my forehead to her back. “I’m coming inside you so hard, baby.”

  We’re both breathless and trembling when I thrust the last time. Fuck, that was hot. The perfect way to consummate this marriage.

  “My legs are shaking like crazy. I need to sit down a minute.”

  I scoop Adelyn from the floor and carry her to the sofa. “That good, huh?”

  “Yeah. That good.”

  I sit next to her and cup her hands around mine, bringing them to my lips for a kiss. “I love you, sweet girl.”

  “I love you too.”

  We both jolt when the bridal room door suddenly swings open, my new mother-in-law standing in the doorway. Fuck, Rachel. My pants are wide open. “There you are. Everything okay in here?”

  Adelyn jerks around to look at me. This is a new expression I’ve not yet seen. The seriously-you-didn’t-lock-the-door face.

  I locked that fucker. I know I did.

  “Fine, Mama. My feet were hurting so I was taking a quick break.”

  “Okay. Just checking.” Mrs. Maxwell’s eyes meet mine. “Michael wants to speak with you for a minute before y’all leave.” I can do without my father-in-law’s private conversations.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Adelyn waits until her mother is gone to slap my chest. “She almost walked in on us. Do you know what she’d have done if she saw you choking me against the wall while you fucked me from behind? From. Behind. Oliver. She probably would have assumed you were putting it in my ass.”

  “I locked it. You saw me.”

  “Then how did she open it?”

  I chuckle as I picture the scene had she come in two minutes earlier. Boy, that would be a hard one to explain to my mother-in-law. “I don’t know, baby. Maybe she got the key or maybe the door didn’t catch all the way.”

  “That can’t happen again.”

  “I hope you don’t mean the fucking against the wall part because I loved the hell out of that.”

  “You know very well what I mean.” She stands and straightens her dress. “Come on. We have guests to entertain.”

  I see my father-in-law as soon as we leave the bridal room. “What do you think your dad wants to talk about?”

  “Honeymoon pointers?” She giggles but I’m not as entertained as her. I don’t enjoy sex talks with my wife’s father. Especially when I was just inside her less than five minutes ago. Sure I smell like sex.

  “I hope to hell not.” I think that might be more uncomfortable than him telling me about popping Mrs. Maxwell’s cherry. Whatever it is, might as well get it over with. “I’m going to see what he wants.”

  “Don’t worry, Thorn. Probably just wants to tell you how proud he is to have you for a son-in-law.” One can hope.

  Brother Maxwell pats me on the back. “Come, Oliver. I want a private word with you.”

  I follow my father-in-law to the room where I just fucked his daughter from behind against the wall. “I wanted to tell you how happy I am to have you as my son-in-law.” What a fucking relief. I was almost thinking he wanted to talk about our wedding night.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Brother Maxwell.”

  “Call me Michael.” I nod but that’s going to take some getting used to. I’ve only been around my father-in-law a handful of times over the last year.

  He sits on the sofa and I follow suit. Don’t guess this is going to be the quick conversation I was hoping for. So glad I didn’t take her on the sofa. Awkward.

  “I once asked you to not break Adelyn’s heart or ruin her for the man who’d want to be her husband. I thank you for keeping your word.” Pretty sure I did both of those things. Broke her heart when she found out about Vance. Glad we’re beyond that now.

  I know for a fact I ruined her for every other man in the world. Not sorry about that one though.

  “She’s been my girl for twenty-eight years but now I’m entrusting her to you. Her soul belongs to God but she’s your girl now. Her heart. Her body.” She’s been my girl since the day she stood in my driveway holding a basket of baked goods.

  “Adelyn has all of my heart. I’m going to take care of her. I’ll never hurt her.” We’re going to have a happy life together.

  “Anyone can see how much you love her. I know you will be the amazing man she deserves.” My father-in-law puts his hand on my shoulder. “A little wedding night advice, son?”

  “Of course.” Because that’s not weird at all. I think he still believes Adelyn is a virgin.

  “I know you’ll be eager to have her but take things slow. Easy. You only get to have your wife beneath you for the first time once.” Oh, Michael. You only get to fuck your wife against a wall for the first time once as well. And we did just fine at that.

  “Slow. Easy. Got it.” Maybe that’ll put his mind at ease, believing his virginal daughter isn’t the lamb coming to the lion between the sheets.

  Instead, she’ll be coming to her alpha.

  Adelyn Maxwell Thorn

  22 months later

  Oliver pokes me in the leg with his toes. “He’s crying for you.”

  “No. I think he’s crying for you.”

  I feel the bed shift as Oliver rolls to look at the clock. “Fuck, it’s only five. Why is he waking up so early?”

  “You said he went to sleep at eight. That means he’s had a full night of sleep. The boy’s ready to eat and play.”

  Oliver groans as he slides off the bed. “I’ll get him since you had a late night.”

  I haven’t had a late night event in a long time but last night’s was one of my biggest jobs ever. Michelle does a magnificent job of managing the events. She has taken so much from my shoulders but even she couldn’t have handled everything without my help.

  “Bring him to me,” I call out to Oliver. It’s been too long since I’ve held that precious boy.

  I sit up and straighten my shirt, holding my arms out for him. “Hey there, cutie.”

  Emeric latches on to the bottle’s nipple and sucks hard. Poor little thing looks like he’s starving. “Lawrence said he hates taking a bottle, and would probably fuss about it, but he seems content enough.”

  “He’s part Thorn. He’ll take food any way he can get it.”

  “Have you heard from them?”

  “Of course. Lawry FaceTimed three times yesterday so she could see him. She cried the last time because he was already asleep and couldn’t hear her voice.”

  A mother’s love is precious. “I know they hated to leave him but it’s good for them to have alone time.” Life was rough for Tap and Lawrence before Emeric was born. They lost two babies within six months. Thank God for this little guy.

  “It’s only a couple of months until our anniversary.” Two years. I can’t believe the way time has flown. “Should we take a trip?”

  “I don’t know. Have something in mind?”

  “I was thinking we might have one of these little guys, or least one on the way, by the time our anniversary rolls around next year.” My heart leaps into my throat. And I feel like I need to throw up. “Maybe we should take advantage and do an extended international trip this year. I was thinkin
g a few days in Dublin and then Edinburgh before hopping over to London and Paris.”

  Oliver loves taking me places. Reminds me so much of how Quentin loves showing Libby the world.

  “You want one of these little guys that soon, huh?” I hear the tremor in my voice even if he doesn’t.

  “Yeah. Emeric needs a cousin. I don’t want to wait until they’re so far apart in age they won’t be close growing up. They’ll one day run Lovibond together. They should be buddies from the beginning.”

  “You sound like you think it’ll automatically be a boy.”

  “Emeric can be tight with a girl cousin. A daughter could run Lovibond as well as a son. Look at Lawry and all she’s accomplished.” Lawrence has made BCC highly successful.

  Oliver introducing the idea of getting pregnant before our next anniversary is news to me. “Having a baby next year will put them two years apart. Maybe two and a half. Don’t you think they’d be better pals if they were more like fourteen months apart?” I’ve already done the math in my head.

  “Of course but that would mean you’d have to get pregnant really soon.”

  “Or I’d have to already be pregnant. Like maybe six or seven weeks.”

  Oliver stares at me, his brow wrinkled. I gulp as I await his response. My fate. I don’t know what I’ll do if he isn’t as thrilled as me.

  “Are you?”

  The knot in my throat aches from holding in my tears. “I’ve known for a week but I didn’t know how to tell you.” The last word leaves my mouth and I burst into tears. Like a baby.

  I’ve gone over this moment in my head a million times since I peed on that stick and two lines appeared.

  “Why are you crying, Max?”

  I don’t want to taint this moment but I have to be real. “You said you weren’t ready the last time we talked about getting pregnant.” He straight up told me he didn’t want a baby yet. That was when Emeric was born five months ago. We’re not ready for a baby, Max. We have plenty of time. No need to be in a hurry.

  The missed period. Nausea. Tender breasts. And then the positive pregnancy test. I was shocked. And then at a loss for words when I tried to think of a way to tell Oliver.