151. 11–18th] 11–18 A; 11th to 18th C, D

  152. pressure-ridges] pressure ridges C, D

  153. archaean] Archaean C, D

  154. life-forms] life forms C, D

  155. life-forms] life forms C, D

  156. programme] program C, D

  157. apparatus.] apparatus. ¶ Cc

  158. plan;] plan, C, D

  159. transfer] transfer, C, D

  160. sub-expedition] subexpedition C, D

  161. everyone] every one C, D

  162. short-wave] short-/wave C; shortwave D

  163. wave-lengths] wave lengths C, D

  164. 50] fifty C, D

  165. 22] 22nd C, D

  166. a.m.;] a. m.; C; a.m.; D

  167. 300] three hundred C, D

  168. beaver-like] beaverlike C

  169. blasted;] blasted, C, D

  170. despatched] dispatched C, D

  171. taking.] taking. ¶ Cc

  172. 1500] fifteen hundred C, D

  173. coast-line] coast line C, D

  174. plane] plane, C, D

  175. party.] party: C, D

  176. p.m.] p. m. C; p.m. D

  177. Himalayas] Himalayas, C, D

  178. 700] seven hundred C, D

  179. again.] again: C, D

  180. out. You] out. ¶ “You Cc, D

  181. 35,000] thirty-five thousand C, D

  182. skyline] sky line C, D

  183. marvellous] marvelous C, D

  184. sleeping-time,] sleeping time, C, D

  185. Capt.] Captain C, D

  186. aëroplane;] aëroplane, C, D

  187. 11 p.m.,] eleven p. m., C; 11 p.m., D

  188. Lake.] Lake: C, D

  189. 21,000 feet. Odd] twenty-one thousand feet. ¶ “Odd C, D

  190. low] low, C, D

  191. years. Parts,] years. ¶ “Parts, C, D

  192. lighter-coloured] lighter coloured A, B; lighter-colored C, D

  193. an] of D

  194. shews] shows B, C, D [A illegible]

  195. cave-mouths,] cave mouths, C, D

  196. semicircular.] semi-circular. D

  197. rampart] rampant D

  198. 30,000 to 35,000] thirty thousand to thirty-five thousand C, D

  199. 21,500] twenty-one thousand five hundred C; twenty-one thousand, five hundred D

  200. devilish] devilish, C, D

  201. half-hour] half hour C, D

  202. character.] character. ¶ Cc

  203. need . . . was] require a great deal for the new base which he planned D

  204. made after all] made, after all, C, D

  205. connexion] connection C, D

  206. Capt.] Captain C, D

  207. dog-team] dog team C, D

  208. ice-sheet] ice sheet A, B, C, D

  209. expeditions.] expeditions. ¶ Cc

  210. vast] vast, C, D

  211. pinnacles] pinnacles, Cc

  212. rim.] rim. ¶ Cc

  213. 30,000 to 34,000] thirty thousand to thirty-four thousand C, D

  214. feet.] feet. ¶ Cc

  215. gales] gales, C, D

  216. abruptly rose.] rose abruptly. ¶ C [paragraphing error only corr. by HPL]; rose abruptly. D

  217. 700] seven hundred C, D

  218. strange] strange, C, D

  219. unparalleled] unparallelled A, B

  220. Capt.] Captain C, D

  221. bases; and it] bases. It C, D

  222. days;] days, C, D

  223. borings.] borings. ¶ Cc

  224. restocked;] restocked, C; restocked D

  225. and meanwhile] and, meanwhile, C, D

  226. Esquimau] om. C, D

  227. need] need, C, D

  228. labours,] labors, C, D

  229. 4 p.m.;] four p. m., C; 4 p.m., D

  230. unpropitiously;] unpropitiously, C, D

  231. nearly exposed] nearly-exposed D

  232. shewed] showed B, C, D

  233. archaean] Archaean C, D

  234. tantalising] tantalizing C, D

  235. camp.] camp. ¶ Cc

  236. coal.] coal. ¶ Cc

  237. 500] five hundred C, D

  238. archaean] Archaean C, D

  239. programme;] program; C, D

  240. hence] hence, he C; hence he D

  241. blasting.] blasting. ¶ Cc

  242. limestone] limestone, C, D

  243. teliosts,] teleosts, D

  244. ganoids.] ganoids. ¶ Cc

  245. This in itself] This, in itself, Cc, D

  246. drill-head] drill head C, D

  247. excavators.] excavators. ¶ Cc

  248. subterrene] subterrane Cc

  249. deep,] deep D

  250. form; but] form. ¶ But Cc; form: but D

  251. bones] bones, Cc, D

  252. Mesozoic tree-ferns] mesozoic tree-terns A, B; Mesozoic tree ferns C, D

  253. Tertiary] tertiary A, B

  254. fan-palms,] fan palms, D

  255. Cretaceous, Eocene,] cretaceous, eocene, A, B

  256. palaeontologist] paleontologist C, D

  257. Molluscs, . . . armour,] Mollusks, . . . armor, C, D

  258. unknown.] unknown. ¶ Cc

  259. everyone] every one C, D

  260. despatch] dispatch C, D

  261. labyrinthodonts and thecodonts,] labyrinthodonta and thecoiidea, Cc

  262. mososaur] mosasaur C, D

  263. armour-plates,] armor plates, C, D

  264. wing-bones,] wing bones, C, D

  265. archaeopteryx debris,] Archaeopteryx débris, C; Archaeopteryx debris, D

  266. Miocene] miocene A, B

  267. bird-skulls, . . . other] bird skulls, and other D

  268. palaeotheres,] Palaeotheres, C

  269. xiphodons,] Xiphodons, C, D

  270. dinocerases,] om. C, D

  271. eohippi, oreodons,] Eohippi, Oreodons, C, D

  272. titanotheres.] Titanotheriidae. ¶ Cc

  273. age,] Age, C, D

  274. life-forms] life forms C, D

  275. earlier;] earlier, D

  276. molluscs,] mollusks, C, D

  277. Ordovician.] Ordovician. ¶ Cc

  278. 300] three hundred A, B, C, D

  279. age] Age C, D

  280. closed,] closed C, D

  281. 500,000] five hundred thousand C, D

  282. despatched] dispatched C, D

  283. planes;] planes, C, D

  284. messengers.] messengers. ¶ Cc

  285. reports—. . . years,] reports—reports leading A, B

  286. organisation] organization C, D

  287. his] the D

  288. shorthand.] shorthand: C, D

  289. archaean] Archaean D

  290. 600] six hundred C, D

  291. size.] size, D

  292. Emphasise] Emphasize C, D

  293. Appears] ¶ Appears C; ¶ “Appears D

  294. archaeozoic] Archaeozoic C, D

  295. specialised] specialized C, D

  296. than] than a C, D

  297. life-forms] life forms C, D

  298. “Fowler . . . place.”] Fowler . . . place. C

  299. bone.] bones. C, D

  300. “Later. . . . stalactites.”] Later. . . . stalactites. C

  301. formation. Greenish,] formation—greenish, C, D

  302. centre . . . centre] center . . . center C, D

  303. odour.] odor. C, D

  304. “Still . . . area.”] Still . . . area. C

  305. p.m.] p. m. C; p.m. D

  306. broken-off] broken off A, B

  307. 3.5 . . . 1] three and five tenths . . . one C; three and five-tenths . . . one D

  308. growths. Combs] growths—combs C, D

  309. 7-foot] seven-foot C, D

  310. ‘Necronomicon’. These] Necronomicon. These A, B; Necronomicon. ¶ These C; Necronomicon. ¶ “There D

  311. membraneous,] membranous, Cc, D

  312. framework] frame work D

  313. shrivelled,] shriveled, C, D

nbsp; 314. 10:15 . . . them.”] 10:15 . . . them. C

  315. “11:30 p.m.] 11:30 p. m. C; 11:30 p.m. D

  316. archaean] Archaean D

  317. star-shaped] star-shaped, C, D

  318. Of] ¶ Of C; ¶ “Of D

  319. “Objects] Objects C

  320. Six-foot] Six-foot, C, D

  321. 3.5 . . . 1] three and five tenths . . . one C; three and five-tenths . . . one D

  322. grey,] gray, C, D

  323. membraneous] membranous C, D

  324. colour,] color, C, D

  325. grey,] gray, C, D

  326. stave-like ridges,] stavelike ridges, C; stave-like ridges D

  327. light-grey] light grey A, B; light gray C; light-gray D

  328. 3] three C, D

  329. 3] three A, B, C, D

  330. 6] six C, D

  331. sub-stalks,] substalks, C, D

  332. 8] eight C, D

  333. five] om. D

  334. 25] twenty-five C, D

  335. “At] At C

  336. blunt] blunt, C, D

  337. grey] gray C, D

  338. suggestions] suggestions, C, D

  339. 3-inch] three-inch C, D

  340. colours. Head] colors. ¶ Head C; colors. ¶ “Head D

  341. 2] two C, D

  342. 3-inch] three-inch C, D

  343. centre] center C, D

  344. Five] ¶ Five C; ¶ “Five D

  345. sac-like] saclike C, D

  346. colour . . . pressure] color which, upon pressure, C, D

  347. 2] two C, D

  348. sharp] sharp, C, D

  349. projections. Probable] projections—probable C; projections—probably D

  350. starfish-head] starfish-head, A, B; starfish head, C, D

  351. “At] At C

  352. torso] torso, C, D

  353. light-grey pseudo-neck,] light-gray pseudoneck, C, D

  354. starfish-arrangement.] starfish arrangement. C, D

  355. Tough,] ¶ Tough, C; ¶ “Tough, D

  356. 4 . . . 7] four . . . seven C, D

  357. 2.5] two and five tenths C; two and five-tenths D

  358. membraneous] membranous D

  359. 8 . . . 6] eight . . . six C, D

  360. pseudo-foot] pseudofoot C, D

  361. 50 or 60] fifty or sixty C, D

  362. From] ¶ From C; ¶ “From D

  363. starfish-arrangement] starfish arrangement C, D

  364. 2-foot] two-foot C, D

  365. 3 . . . 1] three . . . one A, B, C, D

  366. pseudo-neck] pseudoneck C, D

  367. “Cannot] Cannot C

  368. favour] favor C, D

  369. Wing] ¶ Wing C; ¶ “Wing D

  370. probable] probably B

  371. vegetable-like,] vegetablelike, C, D

  372. essentially] essential C, D

  373. archaean protozoa] archaean Protozoa C; Archaean protozoa D

  374. “Complete] Complete C

  375. ‘Necronomicon’] Necronomicon A, B, C, D

  376. earth-life] earth life C, D

  377. “Vast] Vast C

  378. fourteen] 14 A, B

  379. With] ¶ With C; ¶ “With D

  380. description?”] description? C

  381. version] version, Cc

  382. off.] off. ¶ Cc

  383. Capt.] Captain C, D

  384. Arkham.] Arkham. ¶ Cc

  385. Lake . . . and] Lake, sending more messages, C, D

  386. completely] om. A, B [revision by HPL in C?]

  387. expected; for] expected, for, C, D

  388. newly raised] newly-raised B

  389. for.] for. ¶ Cc

  390. starfish-arrangements] starfish arrangements A, B, C, D

  391. bewildered.] bewildered. ¶ Cc

  392. organisation;] organization, C, D

  393. palaeogean] paleocene C [corr. by HPL to paleogean]; paleogean D

  394. speculation.] speculation. ¶ Cc

  395. odour] odor C, D

  396. dark-green] dark green A, B

  397. 37] thirty-seven C, D

  398. camp;] camp, C, D

  399. animal;] animal, Cc

  400. base.] base. ¶ Cc

  401. air-storage] air storage A, B

  402. breathing-systems] breathing systems C, D

  403. pores.] pores. ¶ Cc

  404. hibernation-periods] hibernation periods C, D

  405. connexion] connection C, D

  406. syllable-utterance,] syllable utterance, C, D

  407. conceivable;] conceivable, C, D

  408. preternaturally] pre-/naturally C; prematurely D

  409. ganglial] gangliar Cc

  410. centres] centers C, D

  411. specialised] specialized C, D

  412. development.] development. ¶ Cc

  413. advanced;] advanced, C, D

  414. had] has D

  415. analogy.] analogy. ¶ Cc

  416. world;] world— C, D

  417. today.] to-day. C

  418. cryptogams,] crytogams, D

  419. pteridophytes;] pteridophyta, C; Pteridophyta, D

  420. spore-cases] spore cases C, D

  421. aërial.] aërial. ¶ Cc

  422. archaean] Archaean D

  423. earth-life] earth life C, D

  424. Outside] outside C, D

  425. prints’] prints B, Cc, D

  426. specimens;] specimens, C, D

  427. too facile] too-facile C, D

  428. shewed] showed B, C, D [A illegible]

  429. evolution.] evolution. ¶ Cc

  430. pseudo-feet] pseudofeet C, D

  431. organs . . . examined] organs, . . . examined, Cc

  432. Ones”.] Ones.” C, D

  433. 2:30 a.m.,] two-thirty a. m., C; two-thirty a.m., D

  434. interest.] interest. ¶ Cc

  435. head-points] head points C, D

  436. shewed] showed B, C, D

  437. sub-zero] subzero C; sub-/zero D

  438. closer] close D

  439. problem] problem, C, D

  440. quarters.] quarters. ¶ Cc

  441. tent-cloth] tent cloth C, D

  442. antarctic] Antarctic D

  443. dog-corral,] dog corral, C, D

  444. snow] snow, Cc

  445. marvellous] marvelous C, D

  446. praises.] praises. ¶ Cc

  447. trip;] trip, C, D

  448. despatched] dispatched C, D

  449. Arkham] Arkham, Cc

  450. morning; for both] morning. Both C, D

  451. blast,] blast B, Cc

  452. it.] it. ¶ Cc

  453. ten] 10 A, B

  454. Sound] Sound, C, D

  455. 2 p.m.] two p. m. ¶ C [paragraphing error corr. by HPL]; 2 p.m. D

  456. three] 3 A, B

  457. continued;] continued, C, D

  458. six] 6 A, B

  459. us.] us. ¶ Cc

  460. possible;] possible, C, D

  461. favourable.] favorable. C, D

  462. party;] party, C, D

  463. especial] special C, D

  464. 7:30;] seven thirty; C; seven-thirty; D

  465. two] 2 A, B

  466. 7:15 a.m.,] seven fifteen a. m., C; 7:15 a.m., D

  467. 25th,] 25, A

  468. ten . . . seven] 10 . . . 7 A, B

  469. temperature;] temperature, C, D

  470. journey;] journey, C, D

  471. despatched] dispatched C, D

  472. fifty-four,] 54, A, B

  473. Nature and Nature’s] nature and nature’s A, B, C, D

  474. laws.] laws. ¶ Cc

  475. plane;] plane, C, D

  476. non-stop] nonstop C, D

  477. snow-cylinders] snow cylinders C, D

  478. plateau.] plateau. ¶ Cc

  479. understand;] understand, C, D

  480. later] latter D

  481. witch-like] witchlike A, B, C, D

  482. everyone] every one C

  483. height.] height. ¶

  484. phantasy] fantasy D

  485. revelation;] revelation. It was C, D

  486. ultra-dimensionality.] ultradimensionality. C, D

  487. abyss.] abyss. ¶ Cc

  488. cloud-background] cloud background C, D

  489. beyondness] beyondness C, D

  490. spatial;] spatial, C, D

  491. skyline] sky line C, D

  492. dream-like] dreamlike A, B, C, D

  493. temple-ruins] temple ruins, C, D [comma removed by HPL in C]

  494. Roerich.] Roerich. ¶ Cc

  495. Roerich-like] Roerichlike C

  496. archaean] Archaean D

  497. resemblances;] resemblances, Cc

  498. writings.] writings. ¶ Cc

  499. Asia;] Asia, Cc

  500. know.] know. ¶ Cc

  501. itself.] itself. ¶ Cc

  502. near;] near, C, D

  503. archaean] Archaean D

  504. “Necronomicon”,] Necronomicon, A, B, C, D

  505. sample;] sample, Cc

  506. ice-vapours] ice vapors C, D

  507. Cyclopean] cyclopean A, B

  508. laws . . . bizarrerie.] laws. C, D

  509. discs;] disks, C; disks; D [comma changed to semicolon by HPL in C]

  510. strange,] strange D

  511. table-like] tablelike C; table-/like D

  512. beneath.] beneath. ¶ Cc

  513. needle-like] needlelike C

  514. five.] five. ¶ Cc

  515. giganticism.] gigantism. ¶ C [paragraphing error corr. by HPL]; gigantism. D

  516. arctic] Arctic A, B

  517. 1820;] 1820, C, D

  518. distorted] distorted, C, D

  519. opalescence] opalescence, Cc

  520. off.] off. ¶ Cc

  521. dizzyingly] dizzily C, D

  522. shewing] showing B, C, D

  523. field-glass.] field glass. C, D

  524. boring.] boring. ¶ Cc

  525. Everyone,] Every one, C

  526. sojourn.] sojourn. ¶ Cc

  527. Eleven . . . missing.] There were eleven known dead, young Gedney was missing. Cc

  528. realisation] realization C, D

  529. outside.] outside. ¶ Cc

  530. tell—] tell; C, D

  531. wrought] brought D

  532. madly driven ice-particles,] madly-driven ice-particles, A, B; madly driven ice particles, C, D

  533. before.] before. ¶ Cc

  534. pulverised;] pulverized; C; pulverized— D

  535. pieces.] pieces. ¶ Cc

  536. blast] blaster D

  537. obliterated.] obliterated. ¶ Cc

  538. archaean] Archaean D

  539. vast] vast, C, D

  540. comparisons;] comparisons, Cc

  541. specimens.] speciments. D

  542. enclosure] inclosure C, D

  543. breakage] breakage, Cc

  544. themselves.] themselves. ¶ Cc

  545. blasted.] blasted. ¶ Cc

  546. shaken-up] shaken up C, D

  547. 4 p.m.,] four p. m., C; 4 p.m., D

  548. non-committal] non-/committal B; noncommittal C, D

  549. doing.] doing. ¶ Cc