Page 3 of Felony

depressedthe stud.

  Vogel sobbed.

  * * * * *

  Color blinded him, rainbows blared in sweet, sparkling thunder. Hewhimpered, covering his eyes. The music drowned him in a fugue ofweeping delight. Slowly he raised his head.

  He stood ankle-deep in gold crystals that stretched out forever in asplendid sea of flame. The crystals sang softly, achingly, to a silversun in an emerald sky. A grove of blue needle trees tinkled in ecstasyon his left. And beyond those trees....

  The city sang.

  White spires foamed skyward in impossible cataracts of glory. Aglissando of joy burned his eardrums, and he could not face thatliving splendor. It was the city beyond dreams, beyond legend, thecity where all dreams end. He strode toward it, raptly.

  The crystals screamed. The blue needle forest lashed wildly, andterror shivered through the air in shrieking dissonance.

  From the blue forest, people ran. Beautiful people, with great goldeneyes and scarlet tunics. They could have been Amenth's brothers andsisters. They stared, horror and revulsion twisting their faces. Theystarted toward him.

  Vogel understood.

  If destroying beauty on this world was a crime, then killing uglinessmust be a duty.

  On this world, he was ugly--


  * * * * *

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