Page 8 of Kissing the Boss

  “No, you’re right,” I agreed. “We’ve never formally been introduced before.”

  His brow crinkled. “Formally introduced? What does that mean? Should I know who you are? What’s your name?”

  I shook my head, unable to tell him. “I… I…”

  He rubbed his thumb soothingly over the back of my hand. “Do you work for JFI?” he pressed. “That’s what’s freaking you out, isn’t it? You just found out you kissed the big boss man?”

  “I…” My mind spun. Technically, it wouldn’t be a lie if I said no, I didn’t work for him… Yet. Lana had fired me earlier in the week, and I wouldn’t start working for Brick until Monday, so at the moment, no, I was not employed at JFI, and therefore he couldn’t be my boss’s boss. But it’d still feel like a lie to me, so I couldn’t say no, either. And yet, I couldn’t tell him yes. He couldn’t find out who I was. This couldn’t get back to Lana. Ever.

  He’d been an amazing kisser, no doubt about that: the best mouth I’d ever had the pleasure of tasting. I’d enjoyed the past half hour with him more than I could remember enjoying much of anything, and we’d connected on an almost cosmic level. But no man was worth the wrath of Lana Judge on a bitter, jealous angry bender. I valued my life more than that. This had to stop here and now, before it went any further.

  When it took me too long to answer, Nash’s face filled with concern. He stepped closer and cupped my cheek in his hand. “Talk to me,” he urged gently. “Something is freaking you the fuck out. I can see it all over your face. Help me understand what’s going on here.” He pressed his lips to my forehead and tucked my stray piece of hair behind my ear again. “I swear, I’ll help fix whatever it is.”

  I groaned. “Dear God, you are so sweet.”

  That was something I never would’ve guessed about him after seeing him only in corporate mode, decked out to the nines in a suit and tie, his jaw always so firm and unforgiving, the air of authority and disdain cloaking him like armor.

  It was impossible to equate that man I’d seen from afar on so many different occasions to the one right in front of me, who’d dressed as a woman after losing a bet with his sister, who’d playfully teased me, who’d kissed me in the dark like I was precious to him. Who stood before me now and watched me earnestly as he begged to help me with my problems.

  Unable to stop myself, I leaned against this chest and pressed my cheek to his heartbeat, just over his fake boobs. The solid, comforting thud against my ear consoled me even as it made the entire situation hurt more.

  He hugged me to him, trying to protect me from an inevitable fate he had no clue was approaching. “Tell me what’s going on inside this head of yours, Yellow.”

  Oh, damn. He’d given me a nickname. I loved it.

  I smiled wistfully and closed my eyes. “I wish I could.”

  “But you can.” The warmth of his breath tempted my ear. I clutched a fistful of the bell sleeve of his dress. He ran the backs of his knuckles along my jaw. “Let’s start with your name. Simple and easy as that. So, what’s your name, beautiful girl?”

  Except it wasn’t simple or easy at all. Half an hour ago, he hadn’t even believed the daughter of Marcella and Arthur Judge existed. What would he do if he learned he’d just made out with her? What would he think of my ties to Lana, the bane of his existence? Would he believe that my stumbling across him in the courtyard was pure coincidence? Or would he think it orchestrated, that I’d carefully planned to trick and seduce him for some nefarious reason?

  I did want my company back. When he learned that, why wouldn’t he believe our chance encounter had been one big scheme to pull the rug out from under him in order to somehow regain JFI?

  I couldn’t handle him thinking that way about me. I had to stop this here and now before he learned the truth.

  So, no more kissing the boss.

  Pulling away, I shook my head sadly. “I should go. This was nice, but we should never see each other again. I need… I need to find Brick.”

  “No.” The word was soft and beseeching. And when he tightened his grip on my hand, I didn’t put much of a fight into pulling away. “No, no, no. Don’t leave me like this. Please.”

  “Nash,” I cried softly, pleading in my own way for him to give it up. “I’m sorry, but I can’t—”

  “It’s Ezra,” he corrected with a coaxing smile as he tugged me closer. He tweaked my nose playfully. “Why do you keep calling me Nash?”

  “Because that’s your…” My words fell quiet as I blinked at him slowly. “Wait, isn’t that what you go by? What everyone calls you?” Confusion swirled through me. I’d only ever heard him referred to as Nash. I’d just assumed—

  “No.” He let out an amused laugh. “No one calls me that.” Then his eyes darkened. “Except…”

  I think he realized at the same moment I did where I’d so often heard him referred to as simply Nash. And now that I thought back to it, my stepmother—and sometimes Brick—were the only people I’d really ever heard talk about him.

  Oh, shit.

  His gaze collided with mine, mine full of guilt and rue, his shocked suspicion.

  He let go of me as if I were suddenly contaminated, then he eased a leery step back.

  “You know Lana.” The words were thick with accusation, and his body language was a sudden barrier, warding me away. “Of course you know her. You came here tonight with her son. You gave her other son a cookie.”

  I started to shake my head, denying it, except he could see the truth all over my face.

  “You’re close,” he hissed. “Dear God. Are you one of her spies?”

  “What? No!” What a horrible assumption. I would never spy for Lana. But then I realized, maybe I didn’t want him knowing I even knew about her spies. It could be bad news if he had any idea I was in so deep with her family and the company.

  So I quickly added, “We are not close.” Except he’d probably interpret me being her stepdaughter as mighty close. “I mean, we’re not friendly or anything.”

  “Yet you’re extremely friendly with both her sons.”

  “Yeah.” I snorted. “And neither Brick nor Hayden are exactly fond of her either. Heck, Brick told me just this evening that they wanted in on your half of the company when you showed up because they didn’t want to deal with her.”

  “That.” He nodded, narrowing his eyes. “Or they wanted in on my half of the company so they could spy for her as well.”

  I laughed. I actually had to laugh at such a ridiculous notion. “Wow. You’re paranoid.”

  He didn’t join the amusement, or even smile back. His expression was hard, set in stone, and a lot like the Nash I knew him to be.

  “When it comes to Lana Judge, do you blame me?”

  Good point.

  Swallowing, I lowered my face as I shook my head. “No,” I admitted just as softly. “When it comes to Lana, I become suspicious too. Just… Don’t ever accuse me of being in league with her. If I could have my way, I’d never have anything to do with that witch ever again for the rest of my life.”

  Nash—er, Ezra—lifted his eyebrows at my venomous tone before he gave a respectful nod. “Fair enough,” he answered. “I’d avoid her too, if I could. But none of this answers the biggest question I have. Which is…” Stepping closer, he lowered his voice and hissed, “Who the fuck are you?”


  The menace behind his question rattled through me with doom, mostly because he no longer seemed so welcoming. Now he was distrustful and guarded. He wouldn’t soften toward me until I at least answered him with a name. But the only name I could give him would tear us further apart.

  I suddenly felt as if I had deceived him in the courtyard, even though I’d had no idea who he was when we’d met out there.

  He’d never believe I wasn’t one of Lana’s spies if he learned who I was. It was best if we just stopped things here and now while he was none the wiser.

  “Can’t we just let tonight become some nice,
amusing memory and leave it at that?” I asked even as I took a step backward away from him.

  Except he hissed, “No,” and prowled after me. “Tell me who you are.” When I shook my head, he grinned. “Maybe I need to kiss the truth from you then. Huh?”

  My lips parted on a silent exhale. I knew I shouldn’t care, but the knowledge that he still wanted to kiss me was intoxicating. I remained stupidly rooted to the spot when he reached out and slid his fingers along my cheek. He leaned toward me; I found myself leaning back toward him.

  I wanted to feel his mouth against mine more than anything.

  Just one more kiss, I promised myself. Then I’d go. And he’d never hear from me again. I mean, until I approached him when I was ready to buy out his half of the company… Or if he saw me at a meeting, since I was going to be a paid employee and could finally attend them… Or if he ran into me in the hallway, now that we’d be working on the same floor… Or—

  Oh geez, there was no way to avoid him in the future, was there?

  Which was exactly why I could never kiss him again. He was bound to find out my identity one way or another.

  I jerked away right before he made contact. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t. Please just… Let it go.” Pressing my fingers against my own lips because they grew angry at me for not giving them what they wanted, I sent Ezra a pleading look, hoping he’d forgive me for this, right before I spun away and dashed off.

  “No! Wait.”

  He followed. Damn persistent man. But I was desperate and fast. I couldn’t face this right now. I wanted one more night to dream about the magic we’d made in the courtyard before he hated me forever.

  When I realized I was headed toward the ballroom and could already hear the music and talking from inside, I darted right toward another entrance back into the dark courtyard.

  “No!” he cried, probably realizing the same moment I did that once I slipped into the night, I could probably escape him for good.

  I dashed through the doorway, hurtling myself toward the bushes. It felt as if he were right on my tail, but by the time I reached a shadow and crouched down before turning back to check, he’d just reached the doorway.

  “Dammit,” he muttered, while I silently cheered. I’d successfully evaded him. Yes!

  His arched horns and cape made a daunting silhouette as he cursed in the lighted entrance of the courtyard. When he stepped outside, I huddled down and held my breath, trying not to breathe.

  “This isn’t fair,” he called as he let the door fall shut behind him, casting more darkness around us. “You know that, right? What you’re doing to me. It’s not right. I don’t even have a name to remember you by.”

  When I didn’t answer, just pulled myself taut as he walked past within five feet of me, he let out a harassed sigh.

  “Fine. You don’t want to talk? Then maybe you’ll listen.” He entered the clearing where my mother’s statue was, and moonlight sprayed down onto his horns. “I don’t know what’s going on here or what frightened you off, but it started the moment you learned who I was. So I can only assume you work for JFI and got spooked when you realized you’d just kissed the boss. Am I right? I mean, we’re at an office party. It makes sense.”

  He waited a moment after that declaration, as if waiting for me to confirm or deny his suspicions. When I remained hidden and silent, he cleared his throat.

  “Okay then. I’ll continue with that theory since I’ve got nothing else to work with.” He gave another slight pause, letting me jump in and say something. Then he shook his head. His voice took on a compassionate tone. “I admit, I should’ve known better. I have no idea what I was thinking by kissing you; you have to be somehow affiliated with the company, either as an employee or friend of one. But… But now that it’s happened, I don’t regret it. And I don’t want to stop with just that.”

  He made a frustrated groan before blowing out a long, calming breath. Then he murmured, “I understand, you know. I’ve never made out with an employee before. This is unchartered territory for me too. My guts are tied in knots with all kinds of different concerns. But I don’t think it’s something we have to run from or hide. We can deal with this. I know it.”

  It was crazy how freaking sweet and understanding and wonderful this man was. I squeezed my eyes closed, wondering if maybe I should just face him head on, tell him everything.

  “You don’t report to me directly,” he went on. “You can’t, otherwise I’d know who you are. We’ve never crossed paths in the office, so we can just keep it that way. Your direct supervisor can handle doling out your duties, and I will take no part in it. We can stay professional at work and leave everything personal for after hours. I’m not looking for some secret tawdry office affair. I just want an open, honest, let’s-see-where-this-goes date. I mean, don’t you?”

  Yes, I did. I wanted to get to know this man and see if all the chemistry between us could bloom into an actual relationship. There was just one problem. I didn’t want to remain a subordinate employee. Someday, I wanted his job.

  “Yellow?” he said. “Are you still out here?”

  I nodded my head stupidly.

  Tempted to stand up and gush out all my confessions, I bit my lip and squeezed my fingernails into my palms. I was a split second from calling out to him when a ding came from him, like an incoming text message.

  He grumbled under his breath, and a rustle of clothing followed before I could see the glow of his phone reflect off his face as he checked the screen.

  Hey. Why hadn’t he used his phone light to look for his shoe?

  He probably hadn’t even considered the idea like I hadn’t… Until just now.

  Oh crap, I hope he didn’t think to use his phone light to look for me now.

  I sank deeper into the bushes, my heart pounding through my ears.

  “Shit,” he muttered. “What is she doing here?” The light flashed off as he put the phone away, making me blink from the sudden absence. Then he called, “Yellow, I have to go. But I’m not giving up on this, I’m just… I’m letting you think it through. Okay? The ball’s in your court now.” He sighed, resigned to the fact that I wasn’t going to reply. “I have a feeling you know where to find me.”

  With that, he strode off. Seconds later, I heard the door open and close again. I blew out a breath and plopped onto my butt in the grass, deflated, only to yelp when I landed on something hard and pointed.

  A swipe of the hand revealed I’d found one of his high heels we both must’ve dropped during our kissing session.

  Picturing him walking through JFI right now, barefoot, caused me to shake my head and smile softly.

  “This is so messed up,” I murmured to myself.

  After patting the ground, I found the second shoe and even my Power Ranger helmet and gloves. Putting the mask and gloves back on so I wouldn’t have too much of an armful, I hurried toward the door, after him.

  Maybe he was right. We could deal with this. We just had to be open and honest about everything. I could do open and honest. That was pretty much my life motto. That, right along with kindness. I endeavored to be kind always, because that’s what everyone always said my mother had been.

  With a glance toward her statue, I nodded, my mind made up. It felt cruel—and totally not kind—to keep the truth from him.

  Maybe he’d agree that we should never see each other again, or maybe he’d have some idea I hadn’t considered to get past our issues. But he had the right to know, didn’t he?

  Ready to confess all, I hurried after him, bundling both of his shoes against my chest as I made my way inside. When I rushed through the doorway, looking left, then right, I was almost afraid I’d lost him. But then, there! He entered a room at the end of the hall, so I turned that way in hot pursuit.

  I didn’t even pay attention to where I was in the building or where I was headed until I was nearly to the entrance of the office. And by the office, I mean the office, as in Lana’s lair.

kidding to a halt just outside the open door, I sucked in a silent curse, hoping no one inside had heard me, because yikes, there came her dreaded voice, floating into the hallway like poisonous exhaust fumes as she asked, “What exactly are you wearing?” in that condescending way only she could master.

  Ezra answered in a dry, unamused tone he hadn’t used all evening in the courtyard. “A costume. There’s a Halloween party going on, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  And now I understood why I hadn’t recognized him from his voice alone. He had sounded nothing like the man I listened to now. It made me realize that before this, I think I’d only heard him speak whenever he’d been addressing my stepmother, and he reserved an icy, disdainful voice for her, it seemed.

  “Trust me, I noticed,” Lana sneered. “But what’re you supposed to be?”

  “I figured if I wanted to go as the most frightening thing possible, I should go as you.”

  A grin lit my face. I loved how so politely rude he was with her. Peeking around the corner, I barely made out Lana’s blank expression through the doorway and over Ezra’s shoulder before he added, “I’m Maleficent. You know, powerful evil queen from Sleeping Beauty.”

  Lana purred out a pleased sound as she strolled toward him. Then she lifted her hand, and it was impossible to see what she did next from where I was watching, but I swear she trailed her finger down the center of his chest. “Yes, well. I’m glad you finally recognize me as the powerful queen I am.”

  For a split second, I wanted to storm in there and drag her away from my man by the hair. But then I realized, he wasn’t mine. He wasn’t anything to me, and letting Lana know I had any interest in him would be my downfall.

  Ezra smacked her hand away, thank God, and I could practically hear his teeth grind. “Is there a point to this summons?”

  “Of course.” My stepmother airily turned away from him and tossed something onto her desk before rounding it to face him. As I ducked back out of sight, she continued. “Your grand plans to boost employee morale with your pathetic little party tonight has backfired. That’s my point.”