Page 15 of Deal With the Devil

  Liar. Betrayer.



  Her chest still ached as she looked at him. But running away, that wasn’t an answer—that had just been her rage and pain driving her to flee. She was way calmer now.

  She hoped.

  “Be careful with her,” Olivia told Eric before she marched for the door.

  A twisted smile pulled at Ella’s lips. “Everyone sure seems to think I’ll attack you.”

  The door closed behind Olivia. Eric shook his head. “That wasn’t what she meant. She was warning me not to hurt you.”

  Ella’s laugh was high and bitter. “Right. Because your friends care about what happens to me.”

  “They do care. Just like I care.” He advanced.

  She retreated, then absolutely hated herself for it. She stiffened her spine and lifted her chin. “You were interrogating Cedric.”

  His jaw clenched. “Yes.”

  “What are you going to do with him?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “Liar, liar,” Ella taunted. “You’re already thinking about sending him to Purgatory, aren’t you?”

  “Purgatory isn’t for him. It wasn’t designed to keep in prisoners who can fly. That kind of defeats the whole isolation and no-access-except-by-air-and-sea thing I had going on with the place.”

  She blinked.

  “My first goal is to learn his secrets. When I have a new enemy, that’s always step one.”

  Her hands felt clammy. She barely stopped herself from pushing them against her jeans again. “Is that what you did with me? Try to learn my secrets?”

  He hesitated.

  And she had her answer. “That’s why you didn’t push me, isn’t it? You tried to build trust first.” Fool. “You read me like a book. You saw that interrogations wouldn’t work, so you tried to get beneath my guard. You let me believe—”

  She whirled away, unable to look at him any longer. It just hurt too much.

  “Ella, I never said I was Fey.”

  She gave a short, hard shake of her head. “That’s not what I meant. Screw that. You let me believe that you actually wanted me. You even had sex with me to—”

  His hands curled around her shoulder and he spun her right back around to face him. “That wasn’t a lie.”

  She could only shake her head again.

  “That wasn’t a lie.” His hold tightened on her. “I wanted you more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life. If I hadn’t been with you then, right the fuck then, I think I would have gone insane.”

  “Lies,” she whispered. “More—”

  He kissed her.

  She bit him.

  A mistake. Oh, such a mistake. Because when her teeth nipped his lower lip, he gave a rough, ragged growl of desire. That sound shot right through her. And as his taste slid onto her tongue, lust burst within her.

  “Just like right now,” Eric muttered against her mouth. “I want you so damn much. Every moment, I want you.”

  She shoved against his shoulders. He let her go. But she could see the hunger glittering in his eyes.

  Maybe that desire hadn’t been a lie, after all.

  “Control,” Eric said, the word seemingly torn from him. “That’s what my life has been about ever since I went through the transformations. I’m too strong. I can hurt others far too easily. I have to keep my control in place. Every moment. All the time.”

  She licked her lower lip and still tasted him. Her body ached. She yearned.

  And it was wrong. They were wrong.

  She’d gone down a dark path before with one lover. That path had ended in blood and death and fire.

  Another wrong choice…

  “I need to get away from you,” Ella told him.

  He staggered back a step. For just an instant, she saw pain flash across his face. Real pain. The kind that cuts open your soul and leaves you gutted.

  Provided, of course, that you had a soul to begin with.

  “You probably do,” Eric said, shocking her. “But…” His voice roughened even more. “I am begging you not to leave.”

  What? “Stop it.” Another trick. She doubted he’d ever begged for anything. Certainly not for her. This was just another—

  “Please. I want you to stay. I need you to stay.” He caught her hand in his and lifted it to his chest. Eric put her hand over his heart. “It beats differently when you’re near me.”

  No. He had to—“Stop.”

  “Not faster. Not slower. Stronger. I feel different when you’re near me. When I held you in my arms and you just slept—fucking slept—that was the most peace I’d had since I died on that blood-soaked mission in the Middle East. I thought I’d never know peace again. I thought all I had was the job. And then…there was you.”

  She had to blink quickly so her tears wouldn’t fall. She didn’t want him seeing her cry.

  “I’m not a good man. Not the kind who follows the straight and narrow. I’ve seen too much darkness for that. I break rules. I get my hands dirty. I do whatever it takes to get the job done.”

  Am I a job?

  No…no…he’d begged.

  She didn’t want him begging. She didn’t want anyone begging.

  Because I begged Cedric once. I begged him to stop hurting me. I begged him to let the Fey go.

  “I was a monster long before I started to change. And the control that I hold so tightly? Sometimes, I think that’s all that keeps me from winding up in Purgatory. Or, it was…until you.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “I can let go with you, and not be afraid I’ll wreck and destroy. I can let go with you…and not lose the last damn shred of humanity I have. I can just…let go. With you.”

  Her hand was still over his heart. Heat from his body wrapped around her.

  “I want you to be able to let go, with me,” Eric told her. His eyes—they were swirling with emotion. One instant, they appeared a dark green. In the next, almost closer to blue. Was that color change a side effect of his transformations? Maybe some kind of tie to his emotions?

  Her emotions were sure all over the place right then. She wanted to get far away from Eric. And she wanted to get as close as possible.

  “Rage, fear, desire…” He exhaled raggedly. “I don’t want you to hold anything back. I want you to show me all that you are, and, sweetheart, I’ll do the same. No one knows me like you do. No one will ever know me that way.” His mouth tightened “We aren’t mates. Fuck me, but I wish we were. I wish I was that genetic match you need. Because that would be a tie that would help to keep you with me.”

  “Eric—” She stopped, not even sure what to say.

  “But I’m not. I’m a man who messed with science and magic and became something else. And you…you are the most perfect woman I’ve ever seen.”

  No, not perfect. “I’m evil, I’m death, I leave destruction in my path, and I—”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. Tenderly. “You brought me hope when I was sure I’d never have it again. Peace. You gave me that. I don’t care what stories you were told. I don’t care what happened before. You and me. Here and now. We matter. Fuck fate. We can choose our own path. Together.”

  Her heart was racing too fast. Her breath coming too quickly. He was offering her the most sinful temptation.

  “Be with me again, Ella,” Eric said, his voice a deep rumble that seemed to sink through her. “Be with me and let go of everything else.”

  She shouldn’t.

  She should leave. Walk—run—or fly away as fast as she could.

  But what would she be running to? And wouldn’t she always be looking back? Looking—for him?

  “I will never betray you,” Eric told her.

  She moved fast as she made her decision, grabbing his shirtfront in her hands and fisting the material as she yanked him toward her. “You’d better not,” she warned him. “Because hell truly doesn’t compare to a Fey’s fury.”

  Then Ella kissed him. Her mouth was open, hungry, and just as desperate as his when they came together.

  Desire exploded between them.

  She let her control go. Let emotions surge through her. Fury. Lust. Fear.


  She just let go…

  And Eric was there to hold her tight.


  Cedric pulled at the collar on his neck, but there was no give in the freaking thing. It didn’t burn his fingers when he touched it, so he knew the gold was inside the collar, protected somehow.

  “Might as well stop,” a growling voice said.

  His head snapped up. He saw the male standing in the doorway. Dark hair. Gold eyes. Predatory grin.

  “I’ve got first-hand experience with those collars,” the guy told him. “Save yourself some trouble. Don’t try to get loose. It’s not going to happen.”

  “I need to see Ella.”

  “Yeah, about that…” He sighed. “In case you didn’t hear Pate, that won’t be happening. Ella isn’t coming anywhere near you.”

  “Yes, she is.” He wasn’t going to get this close—after so long—and have her slip away. “Bring her to me, now.”

  The man laughed. “Something tells me that Ella is a bit busy at the moment. Last I saw, Pate was rushing to be at her side.” The fellow gave a little salute. “Enjoy the chains. I think they’ll be keeping you company for a very long time.” He turned away.

  “No, stop!” Cedric ordered. “Stop!”

  But he didn’t stop. The guy sealed the door shut and left Cedric in that cell.

  He yanked at the chains on his wrists. He bellowed.

  Ella and Pate…Ella and Pate…

  Rage built. Fury. Jealousy. Hate.

  It built and built and…

  Cedric began to smile.


  His control was gone. Eric had stripped off his clothes as fast as he could. And Ella’s—hers were on the floor.

  They were still in Olivia’s office. Ella was naked and spread out on that couch. Her eyes were open, so very blue, and locked on his. He could see her tiny fangs peeking out behind her plump, red lips.

  His own fangs were out. And when she reached for him, he caught her wrist. He kissed her racing pulse and then he nipped her.

  Her blood flowed on his tongue, driving up his lust even more. Making him wilder. So desperate for her.

  He licked the small wound. Kissed it again. Then he parted her legs, opening her completely to him. Her light, tempting scent was making him drunk. His dick was so hard he felt like he’d erupt at any moment but—

  He had to taste. All of her.

  Eric put his mouth on Ella. On the sweetest spot. He licked and sucked and her moans filled his ears and just pushed his desperate need even higher. She came against his mouth. He felt her shudders and heard the cry of his name that broke from her lips.

  It wasn’t enough. He lifted up, positioned his cock, and when she locked her arms around him, he sank balls-deep into her.

  Time froze. Her eyes were on him. So beautiful. She was beautiful. Perfect. The best thing in his life. That crystal clarity lasted an instant and then—

  Take. Take. Take!

  The beast in him took over. He drove faster. Harder. Deeper. They fell off that couch and hit the floor, but he took the impact. She straddled his hips, rising above him and surging down. Again and again. He heaved up. Caught her breast in his mouth. Laved the nipple. Sucked hard.


  He loved the way she said his name. Loved it even more when she screamed it.

  But it wasn’t enough. Madness drove him on. He flipped their positions so that he was on top again. He caught her legs. Pushed them over his shoulders. He could go into her even deeper now, and she moaned with each downward thrust of his hips as he stroked over her clit.

  She was shaking. His heartbeat was drumming out of control.

  He wanted to bite again. He wanted to fuck her endlessly.

  He wanted to mark her. To own her.

  To never, ever let go.

  “Again!” Her voice was sharp as pleasure washed over her face. “Again, I’m coming—”

  She was. Her sex squeezed him so tight.

  Mark her. Own. Her.



  He put his mouth on her shoulder. Bit down right in that spot where it curved toward her neck. Werewolves liked that spot.

  He wasn’t a werewolf.

  But…part of him was.

  And he wanted her.

  He bit and thrust and he came, exploding within her on a wave of release so strong that the whole world went dark. He forgot everything else. Didn’t care about anything else.

  But Ella.

  But the pleasure they shared.

  They were in their own world. No fear. No pain.

  Pleasure. Endless.

  He started thrusting again. She was wet and hot and he slid deep into her. He always wanted to be with her. A part of her.

  Again. Again.

  He was hard once more. Swelling, thickening, as he slid into her hot channel. He couldn’t get enough of her. Couldn’t claim her deep enough. Couldn’t touch her silken skin long enough. Couldn’t hear her soft cries enough.

  Nothing was ever going to be enough with her.

  Forever wouldn’t be fucking long enough.



  Lawrence Carter tensed when he heard the cry. He’d been doing his sweep, checking on those in containment, and that weak cry barely reached him.

  Cell unit eight. He headed closer, and opened the door with his security keycard. A quick glance assured him that the prisoner was still secure, the gold chains glinted. But the guy—he was on his knees. His head was bowed and the scent of burned flesh—a truly sickening scent—filled the air.

  “The gold is too strong,” the man said, gasping. “I-I can’t…take more.”

  Lawrence lifted his radio. “I need assistance in unit eight. Bring the doc.” Holly would know what to do for this guy. She always knew how to handle the paranormals.

  The prisoner’s head tilted back. Sure enough, there were burns on his throat. “A doctor…” He whispered. “Yes, that’s what I-I need…”

  Lawrence nodded. “One’s coming.”

  “Get me…out of the chains…”

  Did he look stupid? “That’s not happening.”

  “They burn.”

  And without them, who the hell knew what the guy would do? “Pate wants you secured.” So you stay secured, buddy.

  “Pate.” The word was said with such fury. “As much a monster as me…but he’s not chained up, is he?”

  At those words, Lawrence stiffened. “Pate’s the one in charge here. The last thing that will ever happen is for him to get chained.”

  The prisoner’s lips curled. “Don’t be…so sure…”

  Lawrence took a step toward him, but he made sure not to get close enough for the guy to touch him. He also held the fellow’s collar remote in his hand.

  “Never dealt with…someone like me…before…” The prisoner gasped out each word. “Don’t understand…genetics…”

  “Holly understands plenty about genetics.” He knew the woman was flat-out brilliant. Scarily so sometimes.

  “Take off…collar.” Now that sounded a whole lot more like an order, not a plea.

  I don’t take orders from prisoners. Lawrence’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not happening.”

  The fellow smiled at him. “I’ll…remember you.”

  His guts were twisting. This scene was off. Sure, the guy was hurting, but he was also playing mind games. Lawrence’s gaze shot to the video camera in the cell. He sure hoped the other agent on duty was watching this feed. Just in case, Lawrence lifted the radio to his mouth once again. “Get that back-up in here before the doc arrives—”

  But there were footsteps behind him. He turned around and Holly was there. Her eyes were wide as she stared at th
e prisoner.

  “Hurts…” The guy groaned.

  Holly had a black medical bag with her. She shot a quick glance at Lawrence, then nodded when she saw the remote in his hand. “Keep him secure.”

  She hurried toward the prisoner.

  And Lawrence just couldn’t let her do it. The scene was wrong. The guy was acting weak, but his eyes were blazing. Lawrence jumped into Holly’s path. “No, wait, don’t—”

  There was a whoosh of sound. The only warning he got. He looked over his shoulder and the prisoner’s wings had stretched—freaking grown even more—and one wing flew out and slammed into Lawrence’s back. Lawrence hurtled across the room and thudded into the wall. The remote fell from his fingers, sliding across the room. “Holly!” Lawrence yelled.

  She leapt after the remote and grabbed it with a straining hand—

  Just as the prisoner grabbed her. He lifted her into his arms.

  Lawrence scrambled to pull out his gun. He’d tranq the bastard.

  Holly was pressing the buttons on the remote but nothing was happening. The guy wasn’t going down. He was laughing.

  Lawrence aimed his weapon.

  And the prisoner put Holly in front of him, using her as a shield. He wrapped one of his chains around her neck.

  “Go ahead,” the prisoner taunted. “Shoot. Bet I can snap her neck before I pass out.”

  Lawrence hesitated.

  And in that moment, the jerkoff yanked up his left arm. The chain still encircled his wrist, but he’d yanked the other end of the chain straight out of the stone beneath him. The whole time…he’d been free?

  “Just needed to get angry enough,” the bastard whispered.

  Then he whipped out that chain and slammed it into the side of Lawrence’s head.

  Holly’s scream was the last sound Lawrence heard.

  Chapter Twelve

  An alarm blasted, jerking Eric back to reality just when he was about to feast on Ella again. She was beneath him, her body around him, and he wanted to stay right the hell there.

  But the alarm was blaring.

  And…and someone was pounding at the door.

  “Eric, dammit, we need you!” Olivia’s yell. “Cedric has Holly!”

  Cedric has Holly.

  Eric pulled away from Ella and grabbed for his clothes. He yanked on his jeans and ran for the door. Pounding came again, and he nearly ripped that door right open.