Cardona, Santiago, 68

  Cardona Furró, Josép, 50

  Cardona Lladós, Joan, 50

  Carlists, 429

  Carpentier, Alejo, 289

  Carrière, Eugène, 76

  Casagemas, Carlos, 67, 75, 76, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90; his suicide, 91; its effect on P, 92, 95, 100, 101, 128, 235, 271; and “La Vie,” 116, 121-22, 291. See also “Burial of Casagemas”

  Casanova, Laurent, 362, 413

  Casanovas, Enrique, 145

  Casas, Ramón, 66, 67, 73, 74, 76, 77, 87, 92, 96

  Cassou, Jean, 47, 372, 374, 393

  Catalan anarchists, 65, 70-71

  Catalan Gothic revival, 108

  Catalan Romanesque sculpture, influence of, on P, 148, 155

  Catalonia, 43 ff.; history of, 43-44; language, 44-45, 64, 65; literature, 44-45; art, 47

  Catalunya Artística, 74

  Catholicism, 14, 27-28

  Cavaliers d’ombre (Laporte), 435; P’s illustrations for, 426

  “Celestine, La, ” 117

  Cendrars, Blaise, 215, 240

  Centaure picador, El (Reventos), 388

  Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc, 70, 118

  Cérel, 184-86, 201-3, 414, 428-29

  Cervantes, Miguel, Saavedra de, 44, 47

  Cézanne, Paul, 54, 85, 86, 97, 101, 102, 103, 132, 139, 141, 147, 155, 164, 170, 174, 178, 197, 210-11, 261, 275, 395, 441, 442; his influence on P, 138, 149-50, 155-56, 164-65, 179; his death, 149; P on, 168

  Chagall, Marc, 210, 352

  “Chandail jaune, Le, ” 346

  Chanel, Coco, 239, 256, 270

  Chant des Morts, Les (Reverdy), P’s illustrations for, 391

  Chant du Rossignol (ballet), 264

  Chapel of the Rosary (Vence), 407

  Chardin, Jean-Baptiste, 442

  Charivari, Le, 161

  “Charles I” (van Dyck), 138

  Charles V, Emperor, 44, 422

  Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 367-68, 424

  “Charnier, Le, ” 379

  Chat Noir (café), 65, 66

  Chef d’oeuvre inconnu (Balzac), 317,461; P’s etchings for, 271

  Chelsea Arts Club, 197

  Chéret. Jules, 83

  Chesterton, G. K., 197

  “Chèvre, La, ” 397, 398, 428

  Chiara, Baldomero (P’s uncle), 53; P’s portrait of, 37

  “Chien et coq, ”252

  Chirico, Giorgio de, 210, 262, 263, 267

  Cirlot, Juan-Eduardo, 36, 50

  Clam de les Verges, El (Oliva), P’s illustration of, 73-74

  Clapiers family, 440

  “Clarinette, La, ” 184-85

  Clavé, Antoíi, 429

  Closerie des Lilas, 132

  Clouzot, Georges, 429-31

  Cocteau, Jean, 217, 218-20, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 237, 238, 240, 253, 254, 255, 270, 279, 292, 341, 366, 367, 368, 383, 401, 428, 431-32, 434; P’s jealousy of, 400; his illustrations for Laporte’s poems, 431; his death, 457

  “Coiffure, La,” 258

  Coletta, Benedetta, P’s portrait of, 133

  Collages, 191, 194-95, 214, 255, 276

  Colle, Pierre, 368

  College of Architects (Barcelona), P’s concrete panel designs for, 452-53

  Collioure, 413-14, 420-22

  Colossal style, 237, 244-45, 255, 281

  “Combat du Bien et du Mai,” 438-39

  Communist Party, 356, 372, 373-74, 394-95, 396, 401, 402, 405, 412, 413; Paris peace conference (1949), 396; Twentieth Congress (Moscow), 434

  Completa y verídica historia de Picasso y el Cubismo (Gomez de la Serna), 230

  “Composition,” 147, 197

  “Concert Champetre,” (Giorgione), 445

  Congress of Intellectuals for Peace (Wroclav), 394

  Connoisseur, 197

  Conversations avec Maillot (Frére), 315

  Conversations avec Picasso (Brassaï), 292

  Cooper, Douglas, 440, 448

  Coq et l’arlequin, Le (Cocteau), P’s illustrations for, 240

  Coquiot, Gustave, 98, 100, 227

  Cornet à dís, Le (Jacob), P’s illustrations for, 240

  Corot. J. B. Camille, 84, 178, 197, 442

  “Corsage rayé, ” 365-66

  Cossio del Pomar, Felipe, 166

  Costales, Raimundo Perez, 35, 39, 40; P’s portrait of, 37

  Courbet, Gustave, 84, 427

  “Couronne de fleurs, ” 258

  Cranach, Lucas, 451

  Cranach Venus, the, P’s lithographic versions of, 397

  Crespelle, Jean-Paul, 192, 215, 275, 401

  Crommelynck brothers, 471

  Crucifixion drawings, 29

  Crucifixion picture, 286-87, 291

  Cuadro Flamenco (ballet), 245-46

  Cubism, 86-87, 129, 134, 136, 141, 147, 151, 160, 166-73, 176-85, 205-6, 218, 236, 240-41, 253, 254-55, 260, 266, 270, 280, 358, 478; Braque and, 156-57, 165, 167, 177-78, 179, 181, 182, 185, 191, 194-95, 203; birth of, 164-65; Apollinaire and, 166, 182, 183; early critical response to, 166-67, 181-82, 196, 197-98; precursors of, 168; development of, 166-73; analytic, 177-78, 191, 194, 202, 237; Derain and, 180; theories of, 182-83; hermetic aspect of, 185; synthetic, 191, 194, 202-3,237, 251, 278, 291; exhibitions of, 196-99; pa-pier-collés, 199-200; Armory Show, 200-1; rococo, 209, 291; and ballet, 220, 223, 224, 242; the Kahnweiler-Uhde auctions, 247-48; zebra manner, 254; late, 273, 291; curvilinear, 287-88; high, 291, 328; proto-, 291; neo-, 376

  Cubism, Picasso and, 155, 160, 166-73, 176-85, 205-6, 220, 221, 236-37, 242, 253, 254-55, 266, 270, 277, 340, 358, 363; “Demoiselles d’Avi-gnon, ” as first direct statement of, 151, 152, 153; his Proto-Cubist period, 164-65, 291; and birth of Cubism, 165; his remarks on, 166-67; in his early works, 167; Cubist portraits, 168, 172, 178-79, 291; landscapes, 171-72; full development of Cubism, 171-72, 182; analytic, 177-78, 191, 194, 202, 237, 260, 437: synthetic, 191, 194, 202-3, 237, 251, 278, 291; papier-collés, 199-201, 203, 269-70; rococo, 209, 291; red and black pictures, 227; zebra manner, 254; still-lives, 260, 269, 270, 273, 287-88; late, 273, 291; sculpture, 280-81; curvilinear, 287-88; high, 291, 328; neo-, 376

  “Cuisine, La,” two versions of, 396

  Curved graphism, 288

  Cuttoli, Madame, 380-81, 386, 393-94

  Cuttoli, Monsieur, 393-94

  Dadaism, Dadaists, 236, 262-63

  Daix, Pierre, 358, 412, 440, 458, 462

  Dalí, Salvador, 180, 275, 304; P and, 293-94

  Dalmau, Luis, 47

  Dalmau gallery (Barcelona), 293

  “Dancer, The,” 155

  “Danse, La,” 235, 272-73, 287

  Da Silva, Vieira, 463

  Daumier, Honoré, 84

  David, Jacques-Louis, 84, 297, 458

  David, Sylvette, 411, 425; P’s portraits and studies of, 419; P’s sculpture of, 433

  “Death of Marat, ” 297

  Debussy, Claude, 218

  De David a Degas (Blanche), 254

  Defense de Tartufe (Jacob), P’s illustrations for, 240

  Degas. Edgar, 86, 98, 133, 205, 442

  De Gaulle. Charles, 439

  Deharme, Lise, 311

  “Déjeuner sur I’herbe” (Manet), P’s variations of, 445-52, 455, 456, 457

  Delacroix, Ferdinand, 84, 98, 458; P’s admiration for, 427

  Delaunay, Robert, 165, 183, 201, 209, 275

  Delgado, José (Pepe Illo), 55, 432-33, 435

  “Demoiselles d’Avignon, ” 56, 102, 136, 155, 162, 164, 171, 176, 177, 179, 183, 189, 197, 217, 245, 261, 263, 272, 273, 329, 346, 383; as P’s first direct statement of Cubism, 150, 151, 152; preliminary studies for, 150; reaction of P’s friends to, 151, 152, 156; as reflection of P’s feeling for women, 203

  “Demoiselles des bords de la Seine, ” 397

  Denis, Maurice, 70, 84, 174

  Derain, Alice, 180, 230-31, 247

  Derain, Andre, 104, 130, 132, 149, 153, 162, 163, 165, 175, 180-81, 182, 184, 206, 212, 225, 236, 239, 240, 264, 292, 293, 341, 352, 414, 442; and Cub
ism, 180; goes to war, 207; his death, 424

  Dermée, Paul, 240

  Désir attrape par la queue, Le (Picasso), 353-54

  Desnos, Robert, 262, 268, 279, 289, 293, 364, 366, 378, 379; his arrest by Gestapo, 368

  De Sucre, J. M., 67

  Deux Magots (café), 309

  Diaghilev, Sergei, 219, 220, 222, 223, 225, 226, 237, 241, 242, 245, 246, 255,256, 270, 271

  Dieu bleu,Le (ballet), 219

  Dinard, 254-55, 278, 279

  Divisionism, 78

  Domergue, Jean-Gabriel, 434-44, 457

  Dominguín, Luis Miguel, 443-44, 457

  D’Ors, Eugenio, 67, 109, 111

  Dos Contes (Reventós), P’s illustrations for, 388-89

  Doucet, Jacques, 152

  “Douzet toiles en une, une toile en douze, ”467

  Drawings, P’s: Crucifixion, 29; of Max Jacob, 115-16, 133, 213; Gósol, 146-47; realistic pencil, 213-14, 216, 237; religious, 214-15; Biarritz, 232; of Renoir, 243; realistic line, 244; dot, 273-74, 280; Verne suite, 417-18, 430, 459; “Ivanhoe, ” 418; bullfight and Christ figure, 443, 444; “pornographic, ” 471-72, 474-76

  “Dream and Lie of Franco, The” (poem). See “ Sueòo y mentira de Franco,”

  Dreyfus. Alfred, 131

  Duchamp, Marcel, 183, 186, 196, 201,209, 263, 293

  Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 183

  Dufy,Raoul, 183, 240, 275

  Duncan, David, 142

  Duncan, Douglas, 435

  Durand-Ruel, 85, 98, ! 13, 133

  Durio,Paco, 106, 107, 124, 125

  “Dwarf Dancing-Girl, ” 95, 100

  Ecole romane, 132

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, 468

  El Greco, 29, 40, 50, 54, 66, 78, 101, 147, 392, 397, 421, 427; P’s copies of, 55; his influence on P, 67, 117

  “El Greco’s Bride, ” 79

  Eluard, Dominique Laure (third wife), 403, 404, 410

  Eluard, Madame (first wife), 293

  Eluard, Nusch (second wife), 309, 311, 330, 332, 366, 386; P’s portraits of, 304, 332, 333, 358; her death, 388

  Eluard, Paul, 73, 253, 262, 268, 279, 292, 293, 295, 303, 309, 311, 313, 330, 332-33, 340, 352, 357, 361, 362, 366, 374, 378, 386, 387, 394, 395, 397, 399, 401, 477; on “La Femme en chemise, ” 204; P’s portraits of, 304, 332-33; and death of Nusch, 388; his marriage to Dominique Laure, 403; his death, 410,411

  “Embrace, The,” 117

  Enchanteur pourrissant, L’ (Apollinaire), 184

  “Enlévement d’Europe, ” 384

  Entierro del Conde de Orgaz, P’s etchings for, 467

  “Entrée des croisés à Constantinople” (Delacroix), 458

  Ernst, Max, 262, 263, 352

  Errazuriz, Eugenia, 213, 217, 230, 231, 232, 233, 268, 302

  Escuela de Artes y Oficios de San Telmo (Málaga), 17

  Escuela Provincial de Bellas Artes (La Coroña), 30, 34-35

  Espagne noire (Verhaeren), 93

  Esprit nouveau, 236, 241

  Etchings and engravings, 81, 240, 258, 276-77, 285-86, 294, 307-8, 318, 340,471-72,474-76

  “Evocation, ” 101. See also “Burial of Casagemas”

  Excelsior (Maragall), 73

  “Execution of Maximilian” (Manet), 446

  Exposition Universlle (1900), 81, 82, 84, 89, 468

  Expressionism, 78, 340

  Fabiani (publisher), 364

  Fagus, Felicien, 98, 115

  Falla, Manuel de, 237, 243, 245, 246

  “Family of Saltimbanques,” 138-39, 206

  Farge, Adrien, 113

  “Fauteuil rouge,” 285

  Fauves, Fauvism, 51, 140, 141, 149, 156, 165,266,414

  Fels, Florent, 157, 167

  “Femme à lacafeticre, ” 164

  “Femme à la montre, ” 307

  “Femme assise, ” 278

  “Femme assise au bord de la mer, ” 281-83, 285

  “Femme au chien, 412

  “Femme au jardin, ” 281

  “Femme au pot de moutarde, ” 198, 200

  “Femme couchée lisant, ” 339

  “Femme couchée sur un canape, ” 339-40

  “Femme dans un fauteuil” (1927), 281

  “ Femme dans un fauteuil” (1929), 281

  “Femme en chemise, assise dans un fauteuil, ” 203-4, 248, 266

  “Femme en corset, ” 232

  “Femme endormie dans un fauteuil, ” 276

  “Femme en rouge dans la forêt” (Rousseau), 248

  “Femme fleur, ” 384

  “Femme morte à I’hôpital, ” 476

  “Femme nue se coiffant, ” 346

  “Femmes à leur toilette, ” Gobelin tapestry version of, 472

  “Femmes d’Alger” (Delacroix), P’s versions of, 426-27

  Fenelosa,E. F., 463

  Férat, Serge, 210, 216

  Ferdinand V, King of Spain, 44

  Ferrÿndiz, Bernardo, 18, 40

  Festin d’Esope, Le, 131

  Feu d’Artifice (ballet), 220

  Fiestas Modernistas (Sitges), 50, 66

  Figaro, Le 74


  “Fillette à la eorbeille fieurie,” 137, 197

  “First Communion,” 29

  First Spanish Republic, 35

  Fitzgerald, Scott, 242

  “Flight into Egypt,” 29

  Fokine. Michel, 219

  Fontbana, Emili, 87, 111, 121

  Fontbana. Josep, 111

  Forain, Jean Louis, 74, 83, 98

  Ford, Richard, 16

  Forma, P’s exclusion from, 118, 119

  Fort, Louis, 382, 386, 389

  Fort, Paul, 132, 162, 217

  Fort Saint-Elme, 422

  Fortuny y Carbó. Mariano, 47

  Foujita, Youki, 368

  Fournier, Gabriel, 215

  France: and declaration of WW II, 344; German occupation of, 350 ff.; the Resistance, 350-51; deportation of Jews from, 359; Liberation of, 371, 372; Communist Party, 374

  Franco, Francisco, 310, 317, 318, 321, 326, 328, 331, 334, 348, 374,473

  Frédé, 106, 130, 135, 160

  Frére, Henri, 315

  Freud, Sigmund, 20, 267

  Friesz,Othon, 127, 183

  Fry, Roger, 197-98, 383

  Fuseli, Henry, 267

  Futurists, Futurism, 191-92, 248; their disapproval of Cubism, 197

  Gaillard, Pol, 373

  Galerias Dalmau, 275

  Galérie del I’Art Nouveau, 85

  Galérie Georges Petit, P’s retrospective exhibition at, 290, 293

  Galérie La Boëtie, 196

  Galéries Renou et Colle, 305

  Galrie Serrurier, 124

  Galérie Vollard, 98

  Galicia, 31 ff.

  Gallimard (publishing house), 421

  Galloise, La, 392, 397, 407, 411, 417, 463; Gilot claims, 426,427

  Gargallo, Magalí, 226

  Gargallo, Pablo, 125, 127, 226, 413; his portrait-head of P, 210

  Gargallo, Pierrette, 413

  Gaspars, the, 429

  Gastrebzoff, Serge, 212

  Gaudi, Antoni, 47, 66, 70, 108

  Gauguin, Paul, 84, 85, 86, 93, 98, 108, 125,138, 139, 197

  Gay-Lussac, rue, P’s studio and flat in, 404, 405, 410, 426, 428

  Gener, Pompeu, 93

  “Generation of ’98, ” 92

  Germany, and WW II, 347, 369. See also Hitler; France, occupied

  Giacometti, Alberto, 397

  Gibbon, Edward, 15

  Gil Bias illustrç, 74

  Gili, Gustau, 432-33, 443,467

  Gili, Madame, 467

  Gilot, Françoise, 21, 29, 107, 122, 237, 247, 250, 274, 285, 289, 315-16, 342, 367, 372, 376, 377, 378, 387, 389, 392, 401, 403, 407, 413, 424, 425, 435, 456 n., 465; meets P, 364; P’s portraits of, 381, 384, 396, 398, 412; lives with P, 382, 384-85; her memoirs, 383-84, 400, 462 ff., 466, 467, 468; first pregnancy, 385; birth of Claude, 389; her discontent, 392, 393-94, 399, 402, 406; second pregnancy, 394, 396; birth of
Paloma, 396; her own painting, 405; leaves P first time, 410-11; final separation, 414-15; continuing quarrels, 426, 427

  “Gioconda” theft, 186-87, 189, 206

  Giorgione, 445, 446

  Giotto, 198, 410

  Gischia, Léon, 463

  Gleizes, Albert, 165, 166, 182, 186, 201

  Gobelins tapestry factory, 472

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 20, 69

  Golfe Juan, 392

  Gómez de la Sema, Ramón. See Sema

  Góngora, Luis de, P’s illustrations for his poems, 391-92

  González, Juli, 121, 210, 272, 280, 358

  Gósol, 145-47

  Goya, Francisco, 14, 40, 53, 54, 55, 136, 198, 352; P’s copies of, 55

  Grafton Gallery (London), 197-98

  Grand Air (Eluard), P’s collaboration on, 340

  “Grand nu” (Braque), 157

  Grand Palais, P’s retrospective exhibition at (1967), 468-69

  Grands-Augustins studio, 317, 320, 329, 339, 351-52, 366, 415, 428, 451

  Graphic, 249

  Greenawaym, Kate, 66

  Grimaldi Palace museum (Antibes), 393, 422; P’s paintings in, 385-87

  Gris, Josétte, 472

  Gris, Juan, 129, 161, 165, 196, 200, 202, 209, 211-12, 213, 215, 220, 240, 250, 264, 414, 472; his relationship with P, 201-2, 211; and Matisse, 211-12; his death, 278

  Groupe de Puteaux, 183

  Grünewald, Mathias, 287

  Guayaba, the, 110-11, 118, 144

  Güell, Hortensi, 56, 108

  “Guenon el son petit, ” 405

  “Guernica, ” 29, 56, 227, 310, 321-28, 334, 339, 340, 359, 379, 383, 391, 402, 409, 410, 429, 458, 468; studies for, 321-22, 323-24; description of, 322-23; Dora Maar’s photographs of, 322, 324; as allegory, 325-27; symbolism in, 326-27; P’s postscripts to, 329; P’s testament concerning, 473

  “Guerre et la Paix, La, ” 406-10; critical reception, 408, 409; description of, 408-9; studies for, 418

  Guillaume, Paul, 233

  “Guitar, ” P’s presentation of, to MOMA, 473

  “Guitare, La” (Braque), 248

  “Guitare et verre, ” 200

  Hahn, Reynaldo, 219

  Harlequins, 100, 138, 167, 202, 209, 214, 227, 269, 471; Jung on symbolism of, 491

  Hartung, Hans, 463

  Havilland, Frank, 202, 429

  Hegel, Friedrich, 66

  Herbin, Augusta, 165, 183, 209

  Hiroshige, Ando, 66

  Histoire naturelle (Vollard), P’s illustrations for, 308

  Hitler, Adolf, 317, 333, 343, 348, 356

  “Homaje a Gertrude, ” 173

  “Hommage à Picasso” 196

  “Homme à la mandoline, ” 191

  “Homme à I’enfant, ” 466-67

  “Homme au mouton, ” 360-61, 362-63, 377, 397-98, 407, 428; as symbol of the Resistance, 371-72