Page 31 of The Decadent Duke

  Once again she shook her head.

  “Why don’t you get into bed,” he suggested. When he saw her hesitation, he turned the lamp down to a faint glow. John was relieved when she slowly arose, lifted the covers, and slid into bed. She sat motionless as if she were in a trance. He removed the studs from his shirt and sat down on the bed. Propped against the huge pillows, his bride looked small and fragile.

  His hands cupped her shoulders, and he drew her toward him to place a kiss on her forehead. The moment his lips touched her silken skin, he felt her stiffen. She’s thinking about Francis. I must give her time . . . I must be patient.

  John smiled down into her eyes. “You’re not up to this tonight, are you, Georgy?”

  Her lips trembled as she swallowed hard and whispered, “No.”

  “I understand—truly. Get some sleep.” John tenderly tucked the covers about her. He moved away from the bed, turned out the lamp, and sank down in the overstuffed bedroom chair.

  Georgina lay awake in the dark for hours before the numbness gradually seeped away. It was replaced by anger. Hatred for Francis Russell rose up inside her with a vengeance. He was the root of all her trouble. Georgina was also furious with her mother for constantly pushing her into the dissolute swine’s arms.

  It was doubly infuriating that her sister Susan and Manchester had aided and abetted her mother in the sordid seduction plot. Lastly, she was angry with John Russell. He had married her under false pretenses, and shattered all her lovely dreams.

  The dominant devil had no trouble persuading me to do exactly as he wished. He took complete charge at a time when I was most vulnerable. My instincts should have told me that the imperious, domineering male wanted God-given dominion over me.

  She lay in the dark with one unhappy thought chasing another in an unending circle. But gradually it began to dawn on her that she had no one to blame but herself. I was the one who flirted with Francis Russell, luring him and toying with him so that he would come panting after me. I did this in spite of my brother warning me a dozen times that the duke was a womanizer.

  I should have made it plain to Mother that I detested the man and had no intention of marrying him. I could have taken Susan into my confidence and told her it was John Russell who attracted me while Francis repelled me.

  Georgina pictured her new husband sleeping in the chair across the room. The thought of John marrying her out of duty, rather than love, was devastating. But there it was. It must be faced. I am wed to a man who does not love me, in spite of vowing never to get trapped in a loveless marriage. I must stop feeling sorry for myself. My future happiness is up to me. All I have to do to make my dreams come true is make John

  Russell fall in love with me. In the darkness, Georgina’s mouth curved into a secret smile.

  Chapter 27

  Georgina opened her eyes and realized it was morning. Someone had opened the curtains, and sunlight was streaming into the chamber. In that instant everything came back to her, and her glance flew to the bedroom chair. It was empty, and her heart sank.

  John has left! And no bloody wonder. Any self-respecting bridegroom who’d been made to sleep in a chair on his wedding night would be miles away by now!

  The door opened, and John came in carrying a tray. “Good morning. I thought you might enjoy breakfast in bed.”

  She sat up against the pillows. “My behavior last night was appalling . . . I’m sorry, John.”

  "“Nonsense.” He set the tray before her and sat on the bed.

  Her green eyes shone with admiration. “You are such a civil man. Civil is short for civilized, I suppose, which is something us Gordons could never claim to be.”

  John lifted the silver covers from three platters of food.

  “Good heavens, I’ll never be able to eat all that.”

  “I should hope not! Most of it’s for me.”

  “Greedy devil. And here’s me calling you civilized.”

  “I have a man’s healthy appetite.” His glance was drawn to her lush breasts, enticingly visible through the filmy nightgown. In all things, and I’m starving. He gazed at her hungrily and couldn’t quite catch his breath.

  Georgina had been trained her entire life in how to attract the male of the species. It wasn’t enough to be feminine and alluring. To make a man fall hard, a lady must also be provocative and elusive. Men always wanted what they could not have. They enjoyed the chase, and found a challenge irresistible. I must not let John know I am head over heels in love with him.

  She reached for a piece of bacon with her fingers, but John got there first. “Do you like bacon, Georgy?”

  “I do,” she admitted, “especially if it’s crispy.”

  He reached across the tray and held it close to her lips. She smiled into his eyes and allowed him to feed her. “I just learned a secret . . . you cannot resist temptation.”

  “Of course I can.”

  He picked up another piece and wafted it before her. Its tempting aroma was irresistible. Georgina succumbed, and allowed him to feed her all the bacon on the platter. Sharing the breakfast resulted in much laughter, and John was immensely pleased that Georgina was in a happy, playful mood.

  Though he was fully aroused and longed to make love to her, he controlled his rampant desire. He was wise enough to realize he must go slowly in his courtship and win her to a giving mood. The last thing he wanted was for his beautiful wife to draw back and retreat from his advances.

  “I must get dressed. I can’t wait to put on my lovely traveling suit. I bought my entire trousseau in Paris.” Her eyes sparkled. “I couldn’t resist the temptation of French fashions.” “Our people in Bedfordshire are most discerning, and are certain to appreciate them,” he teased, “but I can’t guarantee that our people in Cambridge and Northampton won’t simply gape at you.”

  “But I love to be gaped at. Why do you think I wear such outrageous hats?” she demanded.

  “To steal every other woman’s thunder and make yourself the center of attention, of course. I’m learning all your secrets.”

  “Ha! That will take forever.”

  John smiled into her eyes. “We have forever, Georgy.”

  You have a gift for saying exactly the right thing. It’s no wonder I’m mad about you.

  Two hours later, Georgina, in a spectacular primrose-yellow traveling dress and matching coat, stepped up into the Duke of Bedford’s carriage and threw good-bye kisses to Charlotte and her niece Mary. The newlyweds would spend tonight at Woburn and leave on a short trip tomorrow.

  “I’m sorry the time is so short, Georgina. I must visit the Russell estates in Cambridge and Northampton, and be back at Woburn when my sons finish their school year.”

  “You needn’t apologize, John. As the Duchess of Bedford, I look forward to sharing all your responsibilities. I have an insatiable curiosity, and love visiting places I’ve never been before and meeting new people.”

  “They’re new to me too. I haven’t visited the Russell estates since I was a boy. I don’t intend to be an absentee landlord. I need to make sure the stewards in charge of the estates are not stealing me blind, or making the lives of my tenant farmers hell on earth.” He grimaced. “Such an exciting honeymoon.v

  “Duty before pleasure,” she teased, “is a mark of maturity and a quality that is most desirable in a husband.” Georgina suddenly blushed as she realized their marriage had not yet been consummated. They were husband and wife in name only. Tonight was the night when all that would change. She experienced a moment of panic, as she wondered if John would find it a duty or a pleasure. I won’t think about it now; I’ll think about it later.

  When they arrived at Woburn Abbey it was late in the afternoon, and Mr. Burke had assembled both the inside staff and the outdoor workers to greet the Duke of Bedford and his new duchess.

  Georgina asked the steward to introduce each servant by name. She stopped each maid from curtsying and, instead, shook her hand. Then she offered her hand to every m
ember of the male staff and repeated his name.

  “Thank you for your warm welcome. There hasn’t been a duchess at Woburn for three decades, and I warrant that most of you are apprehensive about catering to a female. I just want everyone to know that I’m apprehensive also. Being a duchess is new to me, and I ask all of you to help me fulfill my role.”

  Mr. Burke and the Duke of Bedford looked at Georgina with approval and admiration. Then John swept her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold. The women clapped and the men cheered. All were clearly delighted to be part of the age-old romantic custom. Before he could set her down, Georgina gave in to a sudden impulse. She wound her arms about her husband’s neck and lifted her mouth to his. When he took possession of her lips, the entire staff applauded. Georgina ended the kiss first; then she smiled mischievously and whispered, “Thank you. One more kiss on the forehead would have undone me.”

  Helen Taylor stood in the entrance hall at the bottom of the magnificent staircase. She had arrived at Woburn a week ago, bringing all Lady Georgina’s clothes, personal effects, and possessions. She helped the new mistress of Woburn from her coat. “Ye’ve never looked more lovely, ma lamb. I’ll take yer hat and coat upstairs.”

  “Thank you, Helen.” Georgina tucked her arm into Mr. Burke’s. “I put myself in your capable hands, sir. While my husband deserts me for his office to tend to important business matters, I beg you to show me around my new home.”

  John hid a smile as he watched the pair disappear from the hall. Mr. Burke is about to succumb to Georgy’s irresistible charm, and if I’m not mistaken she already has the rest of them eating out of the palm of her hand.

  Burke took Georgina into the main reception room and then led her through two smaller chambers into the sitting room.

  She moved toward the fireplace and stood gazing up at the painting that hung above the mantel. “What a beautiful lady. Who is she, Mr. Burke?”

  “The Duke of Bedford’s first wife, Elizabeth.”

  “Oh.” Georgina licked lips gone suddenly dry. As she stared at the portrait, all her newfound self-assurance melted away. I had no idea John’s wife was so exquisite. She remembered Francis saying, My brother was deeply in love with his wife. John was a devoted husband. His mourning has almost consumed him.

  Georgina could not help comparing herself to the tall, slim, fair-haired Elizabeth. I’m too short, too dark . . . I could never take her place in his affections. In less than a minute, all her confidence vanished and was replaced by a mass of insecurity.

  Mr. Burke poured a glass of claret and pressed it into her hand. Their eyes met, and Georgina knew she had found a staunch ally. As she sipped the wine she realized that making John love her might take longer than she had first anticipated.

  Upstairs, Helen opened the doors to the bedchamber that had been prepared for Georgina. Her own familiar furnishings from Pall Mall took away some of her uncertainty.

  “I chose this chamber because it has a spacious dressing room for all yer lovely clothes, and also because it adjoins the duke’s bedchamber,” Helen explained.

  “I didn’t know we’d sleep in separate rooms.”

  “Ha! There’ll be little sleepin’ done. Ye’ll be able to make love in one bed then move to the other.”

  Georgina felt forlorn. “Helen, I’ve just seen a portrait of John’s wife. I’m afraid he’s still in love with her.”

  “Rubbish! In any contest ye’d win hands down.”

  “Whatever makes you think that?”

  “She’s dead. Georgina Russell is living flesh and blood. Moreover, yer the bloody Duchess of Bedford. Never forget it. Never let him forget it!”

  Georgy smiled tremulously. “I’m so glad you’re here, Helen.”

  The newlyweds ate an intimate dinner for two that had been especially prepared by the chef. They lingered over the food and wine for two hours. John did not want Georgina to feel rushed, and since she was experiencing a shy reticence laced with a good deal of anxiety, she was content to let him set the pace.

  When dinner was over, Georgina went to the kitchens and complimented the chef and his assistants. Pleased at her thoughtfulness, he asked what she would like for breakfast and if she would like it served upstairs.

  She tried not to blush. “No, no, we will eat in the small dining room we used tonight. We are leaving for Cambridge after breakfast.”

  Georgina went upstairs and found Helen in the spacious dressing room, packing the things she would take on her honeymoon trip.

  “Yer new Paris gowns are a wee bit scandalous, though beautiful nonetheless. I’m glad ye chose some vivid colors. This jade green is the same color as yer lovely eyes.”

  “I was so tired of those insipid debutante shades.” To say nothing of the drab mourning monstrosities Mother foisted on me. “I don’t want you to pack my new Paris gowns. I shall save them for when we entertain here at Woburn. But I will need some of my old clothes . . . a couple of riding skirts and jackets. I’ll be meeting John’s tenant farmers on the various estates and flimsy tulle empire dresses would make me a laughingstock. Don’t forget walking shoes and riding boots. When you’re finished packing, summon a footman. I don’t want you carrying any heavy luggage, Helen.”

  “One thing I can say fer Woburn—there’s no dearth of male servants. Some of ’em are braw, attractive buggers too.”

  They heard John in the adjoining bedchamber, and Helen winked. “Speaking of braw, attractive buggers . . .”

  “Leave the rest of the packing, and finish in the morning.”

  “It’s all done. Shall I help ye undress, ma lamb?”

  “No, thank you, Helen. I’ll look after myself.”

  As Georgina removed her shoes and stockings, she was gripped with apprehension. Her husband had behaved in a civilized manner last night, but she knew she dared not deny him her body tonight. Her mind flew back. The first time she’d seen him she thought him dangerously threatening. What daunted her was the deep suppressed anger in his black eyes that he kept reined in. She had thought: If he ever unleashes his rage, it will be like opening the gates of hell. She’d always thought John Russell had a dark, dangerous side, and suspected the dominant devil was capable of giving her a thrashing if he was pushed beyond his limits.

  By the time John opened the adjoining door, Georgina had donned her nightdress, brushed her hair, and was sitting up in bed. He walked a direct path to her, drew back the covers, and lifted her into his arms. He carried her into the other room. “This is our bedchamber, Georgy. We’ll both be more comfortable in here.”

  Her heart began to hammer so loudly she feared he might hear.

  The chamber was large and luxuriously furnished in black and gold. There was a fire burning, and the huge fireplace and hearth were decorated with red Oriental tiles. Soft-cushioned chairs and a sofa sat on a thick-piled red and gold carpet. A carved, black oak games table sat in front of the fire, and a deep window seat held a chess set. The curtained bed was massive and so high, there was a stepping stool beside it.

  John pulled back the covers and slipped her into the bed. He turned out the lamp, and other than a soft, flickering glow from the fire, the room was in shadow. He took off his bed robe, and saw the reflection of the flames in her eyes. “Georgy, you’re staring as if you’ve never seen a naked man before.”

  “I haven’t seen many,” she confessed. She had caught fleeting glimpses of two of her sisters’ husbands, but had averted her eyes instantly because of the intimate sexual acts involved. “And none as splendid as you.”

  “Flattery, begod,” he teased, and she laughed nervously.

  John climbed into bed beside her and drew her into his arms. If he wanted to make his young, beautiful wife fall in love with him, he knew he would have to bring her pleasure. Searing desire flared in him, but he leashed it tightly. He must not fall on her and ravage her as his hunger urged him to do; rather he must woo her with his lips, and his hands, arouse her slowly, gently, and savor he

  The heat of his body shocked her, but it also thrilled her. The male scent of his skin was tantalizing. She fought the desire to lick him and taste him. She felt his breath upon her skin and suddenly she wanted this man more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. Then his mouth took possession of hers, and her lips clung to his and opened softly under the seductive pressure of his sensual kiss.

  He kissed her for an hour. Tiny, quick kisses to her temples, eyelids, and the corners of her mouth. He kissed her hair, her ear, then traced his lips along her cheekbone and down to her throat. He heard the quick intake of her breath and knew she was becoming aroused; then his mouth sought hers, and they lost themselves in the bliss of a hundred slow, melting kisses.

  Georgina floated in a warm sea of pleasure; then soon her skin began to tingle, and a thousand pleasure points of fire and ice raced through her.

  When he withdrew his mouth, he gently touched her lips with his finger. She suddenly lost control and took his finger into her mouth and sucked on it. This told him she was eager for more, and this time when he kissed her, he parted her lips and slid his tongue into her exciting mouth. He thrust in and out, imitating what his body wanted to do with hers.

  When he drew back and released her lips, he heard a little moan of protest that told him his wooing was bringing her pleasure. He took her hand, dropped a kiss into her palm, and closed her fingers over it to keep it captive. Then his lips traced across her wrist, and he trailed kisses along the soft flesh on the inside of her arm. When she shuddered with pleasure, he cupped her breast and stroked his thumb over its tip. Through the silk of her nightdress, he felt her nipple ruche, and he could no longer control his hunger to feel her naked flesh against his body.

  Starting at her ankles, he slid both hands beneath the silken garment. His palms stroked up her legs, caressed her hips, skimmed up over her rib cage; then he pulled the nightgown over her head. Though the light was dim, he gazed down at her naked body and worshipped her with his eyes. His fingers followed his glance as they caressed her lush breasts, slid across her soft belly, and toyed with the dark curls that covered her mons.