Page 2 of Mine to Chase

Not if Chase had anything to do about it. He glanced around, certain no one watched. His senses didn’t tingle as he strode to his car and gently adjusted Jasmine in his hold as he situated her in the passenger seat and closed the door. He paused at the driver’s door to peer over the top of the car. Arry stood silent, her blonde hair white under the street lights.

  “Help them clean up that mess inside.”

  “I’m here to see you, not dispose of rogue kill.”

  “It’s an order. Do it or leave my territory.”

  “So forceful.” Arry smiled. “I always liked that about you.” She stepped closer, running her fingers over the curves of her breasts on their way to hug lean hips. “I’d rather help you.”

  The meaning was clear and he was tired of it. “Go help them or just leave, Arry. There’s no reason for you to be here. Do as I say or I’ll have to escort you out of my territory by force.”

  He climbed inside the car and started the engine. Chase didn’t miss the way the blonde stormed back into the house. She was going to be a problem but she had been since her arrival a week before. Arry had always been determined and selfish about getting her way. She was set on him.

  He pulled away from the curb, darting glances at the unconscious woman in the next seat. She was too pale, had lost weight since he’d last seen her, and Chase decided Arry was correct—Jasmine wouldn’t survive the next day unless he saved her life.


  The vampires in the area might have a problem with him taking in a human. They posed a threat but the werewolf pack wasn’t strong enough to win a challenge if anyone protested. He’d kill any vampires who attacked. That would definitely piss off his two bosses, Blaron and Lethal, but they wouldn’t be a problem. They were friends.

  Taking Jasmine to the club wasn’t an option. She would need his full attention while she recovered and he didn’t want to deal with any bullshit. He headed to the place he kept on the sly. No one would find him until he decided how to deal with the consequences of what he planned to do. One more glance to his right assured him that the woman clung to life. He refused to allow Jasmine to die.

  The long driveway was cracked from years of purposeful neglect to give it an abandoned appearance but the small light on the entry pad remained on when he stopped the car. He punched in the code and the gate blocking his path slowly wobbled to the side. He drove through and up to the two-story hillside house.

  As he lifted Jasmine out of the car he sensed a presence behind him. One sniff assured him it was Jenny. He didn’t look back as he spoke.

  “We have a guest.”

  “Is she one of us?”

  He disliked being questioned but he had a soft spot for his half sister. “No.”

  “I smell vampire and death all over her. Is she turning?”

  “No. She’s just a human victim and a special friend.”

  “She’s in bad shape.”

  “I know.” He kicked the car door closed and quickly walked up the porch steps. “Open the door and prepare a bath in my room. I’m also going to need blood.”

  Jenny darted around him and threw open the front door. “Okay.”

  He went inside and turned, carrying his light burden down the basement steps, and paused near the wine racks. Jenny gripped two bottles, pushing them deeper into their slots to trigger the panel. The wall soundlessly slid open, revealing a hallway. He strode down it to his bedroom.

  He laid Jasmine across the end of his bed and began undressing her. There wasn’t much to remove. The sight of the bruising and bites on her pale form once again made him regret killing the rogue too quickly. He’d deserved to suffer.

  “The tub is filling.” Jenny paused. “Do you want me to wash her?”

  It was tempting but Jasmine was his responsibility. “No. Do what I said. Bring me the blood. She’ll need clothing when she wakes.”

  “I don’t have anything sexy.”

  He growled, whipped his head in her direction and glared at her. “She’s not my lover. Bring her one of those large nightshirts you wear. That will do. Go.”

  “Sorry.” Her gaze dropped in submission. “You said special friend. I assumed wrong.”

  Jenny rushed off without another word. Chase slid his hands under Jasmine and lifted her into his arms again. It was going to be torture to his libido to bathe her. He avoided looking at her breasts or other tempting sights. It seemed a violation of his duty to notice those things while she was so near death.

  “You’re going to be fine,” he promised.

  Chapter Two

  Jasmine was warm and something smelled wonderful. She tried to turn on her side but something held her firm. Her eyes opened to soft lights around her and a face hovered just over hers.

  “Easy,” Chase rasped. “You’re safe.”

  Memory returned. She was delusional, fantasizing that her sexy client had come to her rescue. His eyes were an incredible mocha brown with swirls of blue, as striking as his handsome, tan face. He had the best lips. They were full and lush, the kind she guessed would be wonderful to kiss. Chase Woods was a guy who probably did everything really well.

  She lay on something soft and comfortable with her upper body slightly elevated so her head was higher than her legs. Dirt no longer clung to her skin from lying on the basement floor. It took effort to look away from Chase to glance at her surroundings. The room was spacious and a fire burned in a brick-rimmed fireplace. The bed she rested on was large with silky black sheets. She stared at Chase again.

  “You need to help me help you.”

  “Okay.” She would do anything he wanted as long as it kept her mind from returning to the hellish nightmare of the dank basement.

  His eyes fascinated her. She remembered them being dark brown but they were lighter now and the hints of bright blue were an odd combination. More of the vibrant color flared, spreading as she watched until they glowed as if they were sapphires.

  He took a deep breath and parted his lips. The sight of sharp canines made her gasp. They were long, terrifying fangs. The arm around her waist tightened.

  “Don’t fight. I won’t hurt you.”

  He lifted his other arm and she watched in rapt horror while he bit into his wrist. Chase jerked his mouth away and shoved the wound at her open mouth. Warm skin and blood touched her lips and tongue. It was instinct to twist away but the arm at her waist lifted and his hand fisted into her hair to hold her head in place.

  “Stop fighting and drink.”

  It was as if she lost her will to do anything else. She was aware of swallowing the warm substance. It grossed her out but she didn’t gag as she continued to do as he ordered. His voice sounded deeper and her daydream had turned into an entirely new nightmare.

  “This will heal you. You’ve lost a lot of blood and some of your internal organs have begun to shut down. You’re safe, Jasmine. You know me.” His eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry I have to force you, but this is for the best.”

  He finally pulled his wrist away and licked it. The second he broke eye contact, she regained control of her body. She tried to twist away again but he held her firmly by the hair. She managed to wipe at the wetness on her mouth with her hand. Red blood smeared across her fingers.

  A soft gasp drew her attention from the sight of it. A pretty woman with dark hair stood a few feet from the bed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. “You’re sharing your blood with her? You can’t do that!”

  Chase stared at the brunette. “Did you bring the blood?”

  “Yes. It’s on the table. I thought it was for you.”

  “This is none of your concern. Leave.”

  “How can you say that? You should have asked me first.”

  “This is my house.” His voice deepened into a snarl. “You’re welcome to move out if you have a problem.”

  The woman spun and fled the room. Jasmine stared at Chase when he met her gaze. Is that his girlfriend? Wife? He seemed to guess her thoughts.

  “That’s my siste
r. I just surprised her but she’ll adjust to you being here.”

  “What is going on?” Jasmine hated how soft her voice sounded, a near whisper.

  “You were attacked by a rogue vampire but you’re safe now. This is my home.” He picked up a warm, wet washcloth and dabbed gently at her fingers. He then cleaned away the blood on her face. “It’s your home now too.”

  She wasn’t sure what alarmed her the most. Did he say vampire? It would explain his fangs and that he’d made her drink blood. What does he mean—it’s my home too? Fear edged up her spine but it wasn’t as bad as being chained inside a basement with a homicidal madman.

  “Your eyes…”

  “Easy,” Chase rasped, dropping the washcloth on a side table. He leaned in and cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb along her hairline. “I know this is a lot to learn after what you’ve suffered. I’ll answer all your questions.”

  The first one that came to mind popped out of her mouth. “What are you?”

  “I’m a rarity.” His hand dropped from her skin but he stayed close. “I’m a mixed breed—werewolf and vampire.”

  She wondered why all the really handsome men had such major flaws. Chase Woods was nuts. Of course, it wasn’t real. “Okay.” There was no use arguing with a hallucination.

  “That doesn’t distress you?” One dark eyebrow arched.

  “It would if this were real.”

  He drew in a deep breath then sighed. “What would it take to convince you it is?”

  “I’d be in a hospital if I’d survived and the police had found me. Your eyes would be brown too.”

  “Humans aren’t allowed to know about us. They usually scream and then promptly attempt to kill us. We police our own. The vampire who took you was bad and I was sent to kill him.”

  “So you’re a vampire hunter?” She must have watched too many movies to create this fantasy. “With magical eyes?”

  “I’m an enforcer.”

  “Nicer title.”

  Chase really was a good-looking man when he grinned. “Yes.”


  “You’re being very agreeable.”

  “This beats reality. It isn’t the kind of dream I usually have about you though.”

  Interest sparked in his eyes. “You dream about me?”

  “All the time. You’re hot, Chase. I flirted but you ignored me. I don’t blame you,” she went on. “I drove by that Goth club you work at a few times and saw some of the women going inside. They all looked like strippers, lingerie models or porn stars…and I don’t.”

  “I don’t date any of them.” His hand returned and he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’re much more attractive to me than any of those women.”

  Jasmine laughed. Her body didn’t ache anymore and she felt good. “Now I know this is a dream. That’s such a load of bullshit.”

  He grew solemn. “Never put yourself down.”

  “I’m not. My boobs are real, I like to eat, and no one is ever going to want to pay me to be on film without my clothes. I’m more of the girl-next-door type.”

  “Exactly. There’s a sweetness about you that I find very appealing. You fascinate me.”

  “I would say you must lead a very boring life but I know better. Your club has a reputation for being pretty wild.”

  “It’s not technically my club. I just work there, running security.”

  “Ah. Do you get tired of patting down all those super-skinny girls? Are they too bony?”

  He chuckled, his eye color fading to brown. “Let’s just say I prefer someone with curves and a personality. Those women didn’t last long the few times I attempted relationships.”

  “You dumped them?”

  He leaned back and stopped touching her. “No. They couldn’t handle my lifestyle.”

  “Jealousy.” She could understand that. “It would be tough knowing you were hanging around all those women with your looks. You must get hit on often.” She paused, unable to resist. “You admitted to being part dog.” She laughed at the joke. He didn’t.

  “You’re almost fully recovered.”

  He took her hand to study her wrist. Jasmine looked too and the ugly injuries from the shackles she’d fought were gone. Pink, healthy skin appeared unmarred.

  “Very cool dream. I wonder if I can fly.”

  His gaze held hers. “No. That’s one thing you can’t do. You’ll be a little bit stronger, faster, and you’ll heal quickly from most injuries.”

  “Am I a vampire now?” The concept was intriguing.


  “You’re almost his mate.” The cold voice belonged to a rail-thin, tall blonde who stepped closer to the bed. Her eyes—fixed on Chase—resembled two chunks of jagged emeralds. “How could you?”

  He rose to his feet. “How did you even find this place, Arry?”

  “You were so worried about her that you didn’t notice my car trailing yours.” She glanced around. “Tell me you aren’t completing the bond. She’s human.”

  Jasmine could hear the insult in the other woman’s tone and she looked to Chase for answers. “Who is she? What is she talking about?”

  “Leave,” Chase ordered the blonde coldly, ignoring the questions. “You aren’t welcome here, Arry.” He took a threatening step forward. “I told you it wouldn’t happen when you showed up.”

  Arry planted her hands on her hips. “Our clans fear us and we’re alone. It’s a given that we’ll mate.”

  “We’re not feared. We’re pitied. Our vampire traits make it more difficult to mate in the wolf way.” He paused. “I chose her. There’s nothing for you here.”

  Arry chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s easier if we mate.”

  “I want to be happy.”

  “Sex would be good between us.”

  “It’s not enough.”

  Arry glanced at Jasmine. “What can she give you that I can’t?”

  “Her thoughts were easy to read. She’s sweet and funny.” He paused. “Smart. Honest. She’s everything I want in a mate.”

  Jasmine slid out of bed and walked to Chase. One glance down her body revealed a frumpy, faded nightshirt that hit just above her knees. It was comfortable, covered her for the most part, though she’d never seen it before in her life. Her attention returned to Chase and she tapped his shoulder. He turned, peering down at her. His eyes were blue again.

  “You read my mind?”

  “It’s a vampire trait. I can only read surface thoughts, but yes.”

  “She isn’t even sure this is reality.” Arry chuckled. “It’s too crazy to be real. That’s what she’s thinking. That and something about infection from the bites. I see the attraction is mutual. She thinks you’re incredibly hot but your eyes are confusing her.”

  Jasmine was stunned as she looked at the blonde. The dream was becoming more than a little disconcerting. “Stay out of my head.”

  “It’s real. He saved you from that basement and healed your wounds. Vampires and werewolves do exist. His eyes change color when he’s angry, turned-on, or using our special traits.” Arry opened her mouth, fangs extending. “See? The better to bite with. You’re beginning to believe. You’re afraid.”

  It was true. Everything seemed too real and denial was great but it could only last for so long. Jasmine dropped her hand and backed away from Chase as fear crept up her spine until the hairs at the base of her neck stood on end. He reached for her but she jumped out of the way to avoid his touch.

  “Trouble in paradise.” The blonde snorted. “Wipe her memories and send her home.” She approached Chase. “Mate me. We’re the same.”

  His head snapped forward. “We aren’t. Leave, Arry. Return to wherever you came from. We’ll never be mates.”

  “We’re in a world that has no place for our kind.” She paused. “Vampires don’t trust us completely, regardless of your faith in them. While your little wolf pack tempts me to try to find one of my own, you know you only rule them because they fear your stre
ngth. They’d chop you into pieces if given the chance because you aren’t truly one of them. I catch some of their thoughts, the way you must too when their guards are down. It has to be tiring to always worry they will come at you. I’d have your back and you’d have mine.”

  “My friends and pack are none of your business. I’d be more worried, if I were you, that they’ll come after you. They swore allegiance to me. You’re just a visitor who refuses to follow orders. Watch your own back and get out of my house. Never return here or reveal the location. I’ll hunt you down and kill you if you do.”

  Jasmine watched them stare at each other as more chills ran down her spine. It was obvious the two weren’t friends, not even close, and the dangerous vibes pouring from Chase were strong enough for her to feel. The room seemed to grow colder as the seconds passed.

  The blonde raised her hands in defeat. “I’ll go but call me after this blows up in your face. No human is going to accept and love you for what you truly are. She’s already frightened and it hasn’t yet fully sunk in.”

  Arry spun around but hesitated by the open doorway, turning her head to peer at him. “Your den is safe. I’d never betray you regardless of the stupid mistakes I believe you make.” She glanced at Jasmine, then retreated.

  Chase watched Arry go and faced Jasmine. She’d backed into the corner by the fireplace. He knew her thoughts centered on using the fire poker as a weapon if he attacked. He wanted to assure that wouldn’t happen.

  “I’d never hurt you.”

  “You’re really part vampire and werewolf?”



  She was too cute. Part of her wanted to bolt but she was also very curious. Her strong attraction to him helped. She’d fantasized about him often since they’d met. He could read all that as he concentrated on her thoughts. It would be easy to force her to agree to mating him but once the bond took, she’d have free will. It would be a bad way to start their future together. It was also forbidden.

  “My parents had sex.” She frowned, not appreciating his attempt at humor. “My father was a vampire, my mother a werewolf and vampire half-breed.”