What People Are Saying About

  Chicken Soup for the Cat & Dog Lover’s Soul . . .

  “My father would have been proud to have his stories in this book. That unequalled bond between animals and people about which he wrote so vividly, is brought to life again within these pages.”

  James Wight

  son of James Herriot, author of All Creatures Great and Small

  “The special relationship people share with their pets is presented with sensitivity, humor and extraordinary candor.”

  Leeza Gibbons

  executive producer/host, Leeza

  “This powerful, touching book, shows how our beloved pets lend a touch of graciousness to our lives. Two paws up!”

  Sally Jessy Raphael

  host, the Sally show

  “A landmark book that honors our beloved pets, while exploring the kindest impulses of humanity. It stirred my soul!”

  Jim Davis

  creator of Garfield the Cat

  “Telling stories is one of the most powerful tools for teaching values and touching people’s hearts. Full of insights into the souls of pets and people, these stories are destined to be read, reflected upon, and reread by generations of pet lovers.”

  Richard Carlson

  author, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

  “I am grateful to you for putting into words the inexpressible love and appreciation for our pets that so many of us feel.”

  Jack Lemmon


  “A uniquely memorable, incredibly delightful, easy-reading testament to the positive power of pets.”

  Lynn Redgrave


  “An extraordinary collection of stories, sometimes moving, sometimes funny and always wonderful.”

  Phyllis Levy

  books editor, Good Housekeeping magazine

  “I lost my mascara on the first story and recommend this book to everyone!”

  Cheryl Tiegs


  “Sharing your life with a pet is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. These stories capture the magic of this uniquely precious bond.”

  Edward Asner


  “I laughed, cried, rolled over, scratched myself and had a terrific urge to chase cars. . . . Terrific!”

  Martin Mull


  “These messages show how our pets draw families closer and create irreplaceable memories.”

  Sally Lee

  editor in chief, Parents magazine

  “For everyone who has ever loved a pet! These timeless tales of love solve my gift-giving dilemmas. Thank you!”

  Gretchen Wyler

  president, The Ark Trust, Inc.

  “These stories paint a picture of compassion and love for the pets that share our lives. This book belongs in every home.”

  Jack Hanna

  host, Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures

  “These inspiring vignettes touch my soul. Good medicine!”

  Robert Taylor, D.V.M.

  star of Animal Planet’s, Emergency Vets

  “Wow! How marvelous to celebrate the multitude of ways our pets fill our souls and lift our spirits. Thank you!”

  Karen Parrella

  executive producer, Pets: part of the family TV series

  “These stories will leave you smiling, even through your tears.”

  Amy D. Shojai

  author and president, Cat Writers’ Association, Inc.





  Celebrating Pets as Family

  with Stories About Cats, Dogs

  and Other Critters

  Jack Canfield

  Mark Victor Hansen

  Marty Becker, D.V.M.

  Carol Kline

  Health Communications, Inc.

  Deerfield Beach, Florida



  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Chicken soup for the cat & dog lover’s soul: celebrating pets as family with stories

  about cats, dogs, and other critters / [edited by] Jack Canfield . . . [et al.].

  p. cm.

  eISBN-13:978-0-7573-9680-9 eISBN-10: 0-7573-9680-1

  1. Cats Anecdotes. 2. Dogs Anecdotes. 3. Pets Anecdotes. 4. Pet owners Anecdotes. 5. Human-animal relationships Anecdotes.

  I. Canfield, Jack, date.

  SF445.5.C46 1999 99-33710

  636.0188'7—dc21 CIP

  © 1999 John T. Canfield and Hansen and Hansen LLC

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

  HCI, its logos and marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.

  Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.

  3201 S.W. 15th Street

  Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190


  Cover photo © Barbara Campbell

  Cover design by Lisa Camp

  Typesetting by Lawna Patterson Oldfield

  This book is dedicated with love to

  the millions of people around the world who treat

  their pets—cats, dogs and other critters—

  like family members, doing whatever it takes to make

  sure their beloved pets are happy, healthy and

  live full lives. And to the world’s pets who fortify us

  with their daily gifts of love and loyalty,

  and make us laugh.

  We also dedicate this book to the veterinary

  profession, whose skillful, compassionate service has

  earned the public’s admiration, trust and respect.

  And to our heroes, the people who work

  tirelessly and without fanfare in their communities

  to help homeless, sick or injured pets. You have our

  profound, eternal gratitude for making

  a difference, one pet at a time.

  Finally, we dedicate this book to God,

  who, through his grace and compassion, has given

  us the special love of animals to bless

  our hearts and homes.


  CITIZEN DOG © 1999 Mark O’Hare. Dist. by UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.




  Share with Us

  1. ON LOVE

  Rescued by Love Lisa Duffy-Korpics

  Bumpus Janine Adams

  Agnes and Mattie Shari Smyth

  Friends in Arms Rosamond Young

  The Yorkshire Christmas Cat James Herriot, D.V.M.

  Princess Was a Nuisance Carol Ann Baum

  A Horse and His Boy Alicia Karen Elkins

  Greyfriars Bobby Tim Jones

  A Friend in Need Stephanie Laland

  Lucy Carol Kline

  Weep Not Richard Severo

  Love Makes Us Whole Aletha Jane Lindstrom


  The Fishermen Mike Lipstock

  Sister Seraphim’s Deal with God Jane Eppinga

  Heart of a Champion Ellen Harvey

  A Duchess in the Desert Sarah, Duchess of York

  Boris in New York Bill Holton

  The White Dog Carol Kline

  The Princess and the Toad Joan Sutula

  Sheba Michael A. Obenski, V.M.D.
r />
  Ranch of Dreams Cleveland Amory

  Prince Charming Sharon Landeen

  Fifteen Minutes of Fame Marty Becker, D.V.M.

  A Gift Exchange Mary Bucher Fisher

  Chitra’s Calling W. Bradford Swift, D.V. M.


  The Therapy Team Terry Perret Martin

  Medicine Cat Joan M. Walker

  Sweet Pea’s Mama Jim Kerr

  Meant to Be Cindy Midgette

  Is Holly Working Today? Barbara J. Wood

  The Healing Touch Allen M. Schoen, D.V.M.

  The Language of the Heart Maureen Fredrickson

  Body and Soul Cynthia Knisely as told to Bill Holton

  Dolly Renée Sunday

  The Cat Doctor Norma and Vincent Hans


  Paw Prints in the White House Hillary Rodham Clinton

  Church Dog Evelyn Olson

  Bahati: The Lucky One John E. Cooper, D.T.V.M., F.R.C.V.S.

  Hamster on the Lam Amy and Jim Grove

  The Dog Show Dave Barry

  Moving Together Sheldon Oberman

  Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun Susan White

  The Cat Lady Patti Thompson

  When Puss Comes to Shove Joe Kirkup

  The Day We Almost Didn’t Go Arthur Gordon


  Letters from Vietnam Joe Fulda

  I Love You, Pat Myers Jo Coudert

  Jake and the Kittens Christine Davis

  We Are Family Jan Paddock

  Me and My Mewse Cindy Podurgal Chambers

  Step-Babies Christie Craig

  Jet Lynn Pulliam

  Obedience Lori Jo Oswald, Ph.D.

  A Cat Named Turtle Ellen Perry Berkeley

  Woman’s Best Friend Holly Manon Moore

  Bedroom Secrets of Pets Revealed Marty Becker, D.V.M.

  Mighty Hercules Barbara Bartocci

  Angie’s Dog Always Nancy Roberts


  Lesson in Love Pam Johnson-Bennett

  More Than Medicine Liz Gunkelman, D.V.M.

  Wheely Willy Deborah Turner as told to Carol Kline

  The Education of Jeeves Debbie Freeberg-Renwick

  Silky’s Test Christine Townend

  Cat’s Paw Eric Swanson

  Charity Susan Chernak McElroy

  Killer Angels Marty Becker, D.V.M.


  Pampered Persian Brad Steiger

  Three-Dog Night George Feifer

  King of Courage Stephanie Laland

  Ginny, the Dog Who Rescues Cats Philip Gonzalez with Leonore Fleischer

  Jim the Wonder Dog Bryan Aubrey

  Ding, Dong, Bell Eric Swanson

  The Cowboy K. Salome-Garver

  The Cat Who Needed a Night Light Susan McCullough

  Flight over Little Egypt G. Edgar Hall


  The Christmas Angel Pamela S. Zurer

  Shorty Larry Monk

  Prince’s Golden Season Irving Townsend

  Hondo Page Lambert

  A Gentle Good-Bye Toni Eames

  Banjo David C. Hoopes

  The Cantor’s Cat Jacqueline Shuchat-Marx

  Circle of Love Maria Sears

  One Last Gift Kate Murphy


  Soldier Dog Ron St. James

  Mr. Reed Ruth Hanessian with Wendy Bounds

  A Moggy for Michael John Keane (a.k.a. Sherlock Bones)

  Double Duty Lisa Hurt

  An American Cat in Paris Peter Mandel

  Waiting at the Door Barbara J. Crocker

  Flying Free H. Gordon Green

  Of Dogs and Angels Roger Caras

  More Chicken Soup?

  Problems with Your Pet?

  Who Is Jack Canfield?

  Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?

  Who Is Marty Becker, D.V.M.?

  Who Is Carol Kline?




  Putting together a book like this takes the help of many people. We want to acknowledge our families, friends, staff, business partners, colleagues and others who contributed to make Chicken Soup for the Cat & Dog Lover’s Soul happen!

  First, a huge thank you to our families!

  To Jack’s family, who, in the midst of the pressure-filled weeks it takes to finish a book like this, constantly reminded him to slow down, smell the roses, “purr the cats” and pet the bunnies. To Jack’s mother, Ellen, who instilled in him a love for all creatures big and small, and whose stepfather, Fred, worked so hard to purchase, house and feed them—from the purebreds to the numerous strays that inevitably appeared on their doorstep.

  To Mark’s wife, Patty, who has the biggest heart for animals of almost anyone we know in the whole world; and to his daughter, Elisabeth, who often declares that she is going to become an animal chiropractor, and to his daughter, Melanie, who has decided that one of her chief missions in life is to help save the elephants on the planet.

  To Marty’s cherished wife, Teresa, and his beloved children, Mikkel and Lex, whose love, loyalty, laughter and vitality ignite Marty’s desire to tackle many projects and fuel his daily walk. To Virginia Becker and the late Bob Becker, who passed on the DNA that says, “Love pets like family.” To Teresa’s family—Valdie, Jim and Rocky Burkholder—whose rock-solid support and avalanche of goodwill have allowed Marty the freedom to globetrot in pursuit of helping pets and people, with the blessing of returning to a hometown oasis of beauty, simplicity and serenity.

  To Carol’s husband, Larry, for his seemingly endless strength, kindness and support. Without him, this book could not have been written. And to Carol’s stepchildren, Lorin and McKenna, two fantastic people who inspire her constantly with their creativity, humor and enthusiasm. To Carol’s lovely mother, Selmajean Schneider, for her constant encouragement and to Carol’s father, Raymond Zurer, who lives on in the hearts of his family. To her wonderful brothers and sisters and their families, Jim— ”Mr. Internet”—and Diana, cheerleaders Barbara and Wilbur, fellow pet-lovers Burt, Pam and Rachel, and the ever-charming and delightful Holly.

  Special thanks go to Marci Shimoff, whose generosity and brilliance is unparalleled. Your friendship is so precious to us. We love you, Marci.

  Grateful thanks go to Heather McNamara, our senior editor, whose skill and steadiness make her such an invaluable asset. To Nancy Autio, for her hard work and patience getting all the permissions we needed and for miraculously keeping all of the simultaneous “book action” straight. To Leslie Forbes, for her help with permissions, for forwarding e-mails and cartoons, and keeping this book on track. And to Patty Aubery, who astounds us with her ability to get everything done with warmth, humor and skill. You go girl!

  A large round of applause goes to the incredible Linn Thomas, whose dedication, hard work and considerable talents are only matched by his enormous heart. And to Anne Sellaro, our publicity and public relations expert whose boundless energy, creativity, enthusiasm and dogged determination have allowed us to reach millions of pet lovers; Anne, you are a sparkling fountain of dynamism, beauty and bright ideas.

  Thanks go to:

  Kimberly Kirberger, for her ongoing support of this project; Ro Miller, Veronica Romero, Lisa Williams, Laurie Hartman, Robin Yerian and Teresa Esparza, for holding down the fort while the rest of us wrote and edited.

  Beverly Merson, for her constant encouragement and valuable assistance, as well as her empathy and charm; Bryan Aubrey, an impeccable editor and brilliant mind. Your feedback was useful beyond measure and your assistance made the whole thing fun as well. Well done, old chap; Cindy Jevne Buck, a great collaborator, whose thoughtful and deft editing was greatly appreciated; Betsy Hinchman, a mega-animal-lover and dear friend, for much-needed input and help with story selection and editing; Teresa Williams, Natalie Cleeton and Ruthie Hutchings for superb editing work; Karie Hansen, Carol’s office ange
l, for her important assistance with everything and Craig Herndon, our trusty computer whiz; Jim Rubis, for going the extra mile; the Fairfield Printing crew for their professional friendly service; Sherry, Tom and all the other kind faces at the post office.

  Fred C. Angelis, Jack’s stepfather, who read and commented on every story in the book. Your thoughtful feedback was extremely useful.

  Joel Goodman and Hanoch McCarty for taking the time to send us funny pet cartoons.

  We thank some key partners, Bayer Animal Health and Hill’s Pet Nutrition, for supporting this book—first as pet lovers, and second as companies that have devoted incredible resources over many years to helping pets live happier, healthier, fuller lives. We would like to single out John Payne from Bayer, and Gilles Guillemette, Blake Hawley, Paula Stack, Dorset Sutton, Chuck Wayner and Bob Wheeler from Hill’s, for special recognition. They are extraordinary friends, good stewards of the resources at their disposal and special shepherds of The Bond.

  Thanks to all of the people who agreed to dedicate a few weeks to evaluating, commenting upon and improving the stories you see in this book. Their feedback was priceless. The panel of readers included: Fred C. Angelis, Bryan Aubrey, Virginia Becker, Carol J. Benson, Elizabeth Brown, Valdie Burkholder, Joanne Clevenger, Tom Colvin, Wallace L. Croskey, Sharon DeNayer, Robin Downing, D.V.M., Lisa Drucker, Thales Finchum, Mary Gagnon, Elinor Hall, Betsy Hinchman, Allison Janse, Bud and Phyliss Johnston, Bettie Kapiloff, Rita M. Kline, Christi Leahs, M. B. Leininger, D.V.M., Barbara Lomonaco, Ariane Luckey, Holly Moore, Jana Murphy, Janice Phillips, Alisa Pucher, Mary Rubis, Marci Shimoff, Sarah Skoglund, Sharon Cuddy Somers, Laura May Story, C.V.T., Carolyn Strickland, Jan Sturges, Celeste Wallace, Luree Welch, and Mark Wood, D.V.M.

  All the people at our publisher, Health Communications, Inc.—especially Peter Vegso, for his guidance and support, and for getting the book into the hands of millions of readers.

  Christine Belleris, Matthew Diener, Allison Janse and Lisa Drucker, our skilled and dedicated editors at Health Communications; Randee Feldman, our dear friend and Chicken Soup for the Soul product manager; and Tom Sand, who helps us make sure our books are sold worldwide. And, to our hard-working publicists, Kim Weiss and Larry Getlen, who were always there to support us and give us words of encouragement along the way.