Page 12 of Hazard

  “I’m glad. I was really afraid you’d think it was corny.”

  “Oh, no.” She touched a hand to his cheek. “It’s just the sweetest thing ever. I’ll never forget this, Hazard.”

  On the radio REO Speedwagon warned not to fight this feeling. Erin and Hazard instinctively responded to the words. Their movements slowed, until they were just swaying, their bodies brushing, their gazes locked.

  “You know what?” He touched a hand to her face.


  “I’m glad now that I never went to my high school prom.”

  “Why?” Her voice was little more than a dreamy sigh.

  He smiled. “Because I won’t ever have any other memories crowding this one.”

  “Oh, Hazard.” She stood very still, no longer able to stop the tears that welled up and spilled over.

  “Hey. I didn’t want to make you cry.” Alarmed, he reached for his handkerchief.

  “It’s all right.” She accepted it from his hand and mopped at the moisture. “These are happy tears.”

  “They are?” He tipped up her chin and stared into her eyes.

  “Yes. This just…” She sniffed. “This just means so much to me, Hazard. I’ll never forget this night. And I’ll never forget you.”

  “I’m glad.” With his thumbs he gently wiped away the last of the tears from her cheeks.

  And then, very slowly, very deliberately, he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

  Erin felt the slow simmer begin deep inside as his lips moved over hers, tasting, teasing. And then the delicious curl of desire that inched along her spine.

  She couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped her lips. Couldn’t prevent her arms from encircling his neck or stop the little thrill that shot through her when the dark hair at his nape brushed the backs of her hands.

  Heat suddenly blazed between them, catching them both by surprise. He crushed her against him and took the kiss deeper, until they were both gasping. And still he couldn’t stop. He ran wet kisses down her throat, while his hands moved down her back, then slowly up her sides, until his thumbs encountered her breasts.

  At her gasp of surprise Hazard abruptly lifted his head and took a step back.

  Erin’s eyes widened in alarm. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I just need a minute.” He kept his hands firmly on her shoulders, holding her away a little. “Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll cross over a line here.”

  “Oh.” She was silent for a moment, before saying softly, “I don’t mind.”

  He stared at her in surprise. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “Is that what you think?” She touched a hand to his cheek. “Why are you treating me like a child, Hazard?”

  “Because—” he took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully “—I know, by the way you kiss, by the way you act, that you’re an innocent.”

  “That’s true. But I’m a woman. Just because I haven’t had any experience in love, don’t think I don’t know how I feel.”

  He was staring at her as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “And just how do you feel?”

  She took a deep breath, then said in a rush, “Like a woman in love.”

  Her words nearly shattered his control. Still, he knew that one of them had to be sensible. And since he’d been the one to spring this on her, he felt responsible. “I know this whole thing caught you by surprise, Erin. And I’ll admit that I fantasized about this. About holding you, dancing with you, stealing a few kisses. But that doesn’t mean I intended to take advantage of the situation. I didn’t intend for it to get out of hand.”

  She smiled. He was trying to be strong for both of them. It was one more reason why she loved him so.

  In the background, Whitney Houston was singing about the greatest love of all. Erin felt her heart soar. Maybe it was the music or the fact that this night was magic. Whatever the reason, she felt a rare burst of courage.

  “I know, Hazard. Neither of us intended it to happen. But it did. And I really, really want you to kiss me again.” In fact, she thought she’d die if he didn’t.

  He shook his head. “If I do, I won’t be able to stop.”

  Her smile changed slightly. It became, in that instant, the smile of a woman. A woman who knew exactly what effect she was having on him.

  “That would be just fine with me, Hazard. In fact, I don’t want you to stop. Ever.”

  Chapter 9

  His first instinct was to devour her. To simply kiss her until her head was spinning so wildly she couldn’t think and then take her right there, before she could change her mind. But still he held back, wanting, needing, to give her every opportunity to think this through.

  “I hope you understand, Erin. Tomorrow it’ll be too late for regrets.”

  Instead of arguing, she stood on tiptoe to brush her lips over his. “Kiss me back, Hazard,” she whispered against his mouth. “I need you to kiss me.”

  He’d wanted to take the high ground. But he was only a man. A man too close to the edge.

  His arms went around her, pinning her against him, as his mouth covered hers in a kiss so hot, so hungry, it threatened to melt her bones.

  “Is this what you wanted?” His hands moved along her back, igniting fires with every touch.

  “Yes. Oh, yes.” She returned his kisses with a fervor that matched his.

  “There’s still time, Erin.” He brought his mouth to her temple. His hands were in her hair, though he couldn’t recall how they got there. He whispered the words against her flesh, loving the taste of it. “Time to change your mind.”

  He tensed, afraid she might do just that. He couldn’t bear it if she denied him now. For him the line had already been crossed.

  “I won’t. I want…” She moved in his arms, loving the way his lips burned a trail of fire down her cheek to her ear. When his tongue plunged inside, she gave a gasp. “Oh, Hazard. I want you.”

  A man could only take so much.

  He scooped her up and started down the hallway, hoping he could make it to a bedroom. Hers or his, it didn’t matter. He just wanted her. Now. The blood was roaring in his temples. His vision was nearly blinded by passion.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and nibbled his ear, sending a series of tremors along his spine. The need for her had him on the verge of exploding.

  At the doorway to her room he paused to set her on her feet. His mouth covered hers in a kiss so passionate they were both trembling.

  He drew her tightly against him; he could feel every delicious curve imprinting itself on his body. The press of her breasts. The lovely flare of her hips. He was practically crawling inside her skin. But still it wasn’t enough. He wanted it all.

  “Your dress.” He reached up behind her neck, fumbling for the snap. When at last he found it, he watched as the bodice of the dress slid down, revealing pale, creamy skin.

  “Oh, Erin. You’re so beautiful.” He trailed kisses down her throat, then lower, to the swell of her breast.

  “I’m small.” She felt suddenly shy. “I’ve always been too small.”

  “You’re perfect.” His mouth closed around a nipple, and she gasped as little darts of fire shot straight through to her core. “The most perfect woman I’ve ever known.”

  He feasted on one breast, then the other, until he lifted his head and forced himself to take a breath. He had to keep reminding himself to go slow. To touch. To savor. To draw out the moment.

  His fingers found the zipper at her waist, and her dress fluttered down, pooling at her feet. He slipped his fingertips under the elastic of her modest cotton panties. It took all his willpower not to tear them from her. But he didn’t want to shock her, so he gently slid them down until they joined the dress.

  Erin had always thought she would feel embarrassed to stand naked before a man. But instead of shame, she felt suddenly, gloriously free. She could tell, by the blaze of heat in his eyes, that he found her desira
ble. And that only fueled her own desire.

  “I need to touch you, Hazard.” She reached her hands to the buttons of the starched white shirt and managed to slide it from his shoulders.

  The touch of his hair-roughened chest caused another rush of heat, and she surprised herself by trailing her lips over him. She felt the thundering of his heart and thrilled to the fact that her touch was causing it. Growing even bolder, she reached for the fastener at his waist, fumbling in her haste. After several frustrated oaths muttered under his breath he managed to kick off his boots and jeans, leaving them in a heap beside her clothes on the floor.

  “Hazard.” She ran her hands up his chest, across his shoulders. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Beautiful?” He tried to laugh, but it sounded choked. Then he gave a long, drawn-out sigh. He’d dreamed of having her touch him like this. And now that she was, he was burning with need. Consumed with it.

  “Yes. Beautiful. So strong. All these muscles.” Her fingertips were igniting fires wherever they touched him.

  “And you’re so soft. So sweet.” His big hands framed her face, and he brushed light, feathery kisses over her eyelids, down her nose, across her lips. “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  “You won’t, Hazard. You couldn’t possibly hurt me.” A lie, she knew. She was about to give him the power to hurt her. To break her heart. But she wouldn’t think about such a thing now.

  He feasted on her mouth, nearly drowning in the sweetness. He couldn’t get enough of the taste of her. Her lips parted for him, and her tongue tangled with his until, on a sigh, she gave herself up completely to the pleasure.

  With his mouth on hers he lowered her gently to the floor, cushioned by their scattered clothing.

  Outside, the wind had picked up, sending a spray of rain laced with snow against the window. Neither of them noticed. Their world had been reduced to this room. This passion. This moment.

  From the kitchen radio drifted the muted sounds of a haunting love song. Moonlight spilled through the window, casting them in a golden glow. They could hear nothing except the pounding of their own hearts. And the sound of their shallow breaths mingling.

  Hazard felt the need rising and struggled to hold it at bay. It wasn’t enough to take. He wanted to give. He wanted, more than anything, to make this as pleasurable as possible for Erin.

  His kisses gentled, became almost reverent, as, with lips and tongue and fingertips, he explored her face, her neck, her throat. And with each touch, each taste, he felt her body become more tense, her breathing grow more shallow.

  As her blood heated and her heartbeat pounded, Erin felt needs pulse through her veins. Nothing mattered now except this man. This moment. This pleasure.

  Hazard saw the fear that leaped into her eyes whenever she thought about what they were going to do. And so he patiently led her, with soft, soothing touches and long, drugging kisses until the fear subsided and she slipped under the spell of passion.

  With exquisite tenderness he made her feel cherished. But even while his touch calmed, it also aroused, unlocking feelings she’d never even known she possessed. Her body hummed with need. With each touch, each kiss, he uncovered another layer of need, another depth of passion.

  Finally, when she could bear it no longer, she wound her arms around his neck and dragged his lips back to hers.

  He sensed the change in her and thrilled to it. This was no mere surrender. This was desire so all consuming, there would be no denying its demands. He could see it in her eyes. Taste it on her lips. Hot. Hungry. Desperate.

  The heat rose up between them, clogging their lungs, clouding their vision.

  His touch was no longer gentle, but demanding. His kisses were no longer patient, but insistent.

  With his eyes on hers he drew her head back and covered her mouth in a savage kiss. For a moment she stiffened, fearing the change in him. This was a dark side, a dangerous side of Hazard that she hadn’t seen before. Then, as he took the kiss deeper, the fear was swept away by her own newly awakened passion.

  She had a driving, desperate need to touch him as he was touching her. With tongue and teeth and fingertips she traced the muscles of his shoulders and chest. At his low moan of pleasure she grew even bolder, exploring all of his body as thoroughly, as erotically as he had explored hers.

  He had thought he could go slowly, to allow her to set the pace. But now the need was too great. His body was alive with need. And still he struggled to hold back. He wanted this, her first time, to be a cherished memory she could carry with her for a lifetime.

  With great care he brought his mouth to her breast, suckling until the nipple hardened. Then he moved to the other, feasting until she moaned and writhed beneath him.

  Her breathing grew more ragged. Her hands fisted in the gown that was crushed beneath her. And still he held back, drawing out every pleasure until she cried out for release.

  Erin hadn’t believed it possible to feel so deeply. She was incapable of thought. Now there was only Hazard. The taste of him—dark, passionate. The look of him—fierce, powerful. His gaze—riveted on her with such intensity that he made her feel beautiful and loved. And the feel of his rough, work-worn fingers on her flesh—more heavenly than silk, making her feel desired above all else.

  She moved under him and strained for release as he brought his body down hers, touching her as no one ever had. He felt her stiffen as she reached the first crest. But he gave her no time to recover as he traced his lips upward until they found hers.

  He saw her eyes widen as he entered her. He wanted desperately to be gentle. To spare her any pain. But he was beyond control now. There was a beast inside him fighting to be set free. A madness that had taken him over, body, mind and soul.

  Erin had anticipated some pain. Instead, all she felt was an even deeper arousal. Driven by a desperate need for more, she surprised him by wrapping herself around him and holding him as tightly as he was holding her. Then she began to move with him, matching him strength for strength.

  He could smell roses and gardenias. The perfume filled his lungs, even as he filled himself with her. And he knew that he would never again be able to smell those flowers without being reminded of her. Of this.

  “Erin. Erin.” He whispered her name like a litany as he began to climb with her, higher and higher.

  Together they soared until they seemed to reach the very center of the moon. Then, rocked by a series of shudders, they shattered into tiny fragments and slowly drifted back to earth.

  It was a journey unlike any they’d ever known.

  “Are you all right?”

  They lay, still joined. Hazard thought about rolling aside, but it seemed too much effort. His lips were pressed to her throat. Their bodies were still slick with sheen.

  “I’m…fine.” That fact amazed her. She hadn’t died. Even though, for one brief moment, she’d thought she might. She’d actually felt herself breaking into pieces. Shattering, like fragile crystal. But here she was, whole, and even able to speak coherently.

  “Am I too heavy?”

  She sighed. “Maybe. I’m not sure.” She gave a shaky laugh. “Give me a minute to think about it.”

  He leaned up on his elbows to stare down into her face. “Can this be Dr. Erin Ryan, the brilliant laboratory researcher, who suddenly can’t put together a simple thought?”

  “See what you’ve done to me?”

  “This is serious.” With a laugh he rolled to one side and drew her into the circle of his arms. He loved the way she seemed to fit so perfectly against him, as though made for him.

  She snuggled close, loving the feel of his arms around her. As her heartbeat slowly returned to normal, she gave a long, deep sigh.

  At once he glanced at her with a look of alarm. “Are you sure you’re all right with this?”

  She looked up. “You mean with what we just shared?”

  He nodded and felt his heart stop. She was too solemn. Too serious.

  She sat
up and stared down into his eyes. “I was just thinking how glad I am that I waited. That you were my first.”

  His heart started beating overtime.

  “But I hope you’re not sorry, Hazard. I know I’m not very experienced about this…”

  “Hey.” He tugged on a lock of her hair, and drew her face down for a long, slow kiss. “I know that guys aren’t supposed to share their secrets with women. But I’ll tell you this much. There’s no guy in the world who doesn’t love being the first. It makes him feel like Adam at the dawn of creation. Or Tarzan in the jungle.”

  She started to laugh. “Really? Is that how you’re feeling right now?”

  “Yeah.” He grinned, and her heart did a series of somersaults. “I feel like strutting around and shouting that Dr. Erin Ryan is my woman. And I’m her man.”

  Her laughter grew. “All right. Strut and shout if you want. But I don’t think you’ll want to do that out on the range in front of the wranglers.”

  She leaned down, tracing the mat of dark hair on his chest. Her hair fell forward, veiling her eyes. “It’s funny.”

  “What is?”

  She paused a moment, wondering if she ought to tell him what she was thinking. Then she decided to be completely honest. “I thought I’d be embarrassed to be…like this. Naked. But with you, it all seems so natural.”

  “Yeah. I’m just a natural guy. We ranchers are like that. One with nature.” He grinned, then suddenly caught her wrist. “Besides, you’re not completely naked. You still have your corsage.”

  She glanced down in astonishment. She’d completely forgotten about the flowers. Then she looked more closely. “Look at this. Half of one of the gardenias is gone.”

  He gave her a devilish grin and folded his arms behind his head. “I think I got carried away and ate it.”

  Their eyes met and she felt a little thrill that shot straight through her.

  She touched a finger to his face, tracing the curve of his lips, the arch of his brow. “You were so…”