Page 24 of The Highlander

  What the devil was going on?

  Then Gunnolf rose from where he had crouched, and Niall saw he was carrying Anora.

  "God's wounds." His heart drumming, Niall was about to dismount to take her in his arms, to see how badly she was injured.

  "Nay, mon. Stay. I will hand her up to you."

  "Is she all right?" Niall asked, before he had her in his grasp.


  "What of Matthew?" Niall asked, ready to kill the bastard.

  "Looks like the coward dumped her and rode on. He probably realized his folly, and that he couldna outrun us—that once we reached him, we would kill him." Gunnolf handed Anora up to Niall.

  Niall took her in his arms and though he wanted to crush her against his chest, he was afraid she might be injured, not to mention the puppy was still tucked safely inside his tunic. "Lass, are you injured?"

  She looked up at him, her eyes misting with tears. "Nay, I am fine."

  "Let us go, Gunnolf," Niall said, turning his horse around in the woods and heading northwest this time. "Are you sure you are all right, lass?"


  "Good." Though Niall truly wouldn't believe it until he could see her in the light. She would not have gone willingly with Matthew.

  "We are going to Chattan's castle, aye?" Gunnolf asked Niall.

  "We are." They had been traveling in the direction of the MacEwen's castle ever since they had begun their journey. But Matthew knew of it also. He would not know of their association with the Chattan clan. "Either way 'tis another day. We should begin to see the Chattan's crofts scattered about, late tomorrow."

  But he knew they had to rest the horses later tonight, though he worried Matthew might meet up with someone, and they would attempt to locate them in the dark. Which could be hard to do, particularly if they were headed in a different direction.

  On the other hand, mayhap Matthew had thought to steal her away from Niall, and this business had nothing to do with turning Anora over to anyone.

  Niall wanted to ask Anora what had happened, but it was safer if they remained quiet as they made their way across a stream and then cut through a glen before they reached woods again and another river. They would stay here for a few hours to rest the horses until dawn when the sun was beginnning to rise. Niall wanted to check Anora over for injuries she might have suffered.

  Gunnolf quickly dismounted. Charlie, that had disappeared someways back, suddenly appeared and greeted him, wagging his tail, panting. Gunnolf took Anora from Niall and held onto her until Niall had grabbed his blankets and made a bed on the ground. At least the sky looked clear. They would not have to suffer another rainstorm right away.

  Gunnolf laid Anora on the bedding. "I will get us something to eat."

  "Aye." Niall knelt on the blanket and took Anora's hand in his. "Lass, tell me what happened."

  "Matthew was angry that… that we were together as we were. I told you he would be."

  "Aye, but what happened?"

  "He said… he said he was leaving. I worried about him traveling alone. He said he would be safe. No one ever bothered a butcher's son. He hit me. I do not remember anything after that until he cursed. I found I was riding his horse on my belly. We heard your horses. He assumed you would follow and would soon gain on us. To my shock, he grabbed my arm and threw me from his horse."

  Niall ground his teeth. "Are you sure you are no' injured, Anora?"

  "Nay, just where he struck me. I am certain I have more bruises than I know what to do with, but I did not break any bones or such."

  He was thankful she was uninjured, but he couldn't quell the anger he felt. "I will kill him."

  She took Niall's hand and kissed it. "We were friends once."

  Niall scowled down at her, not believing she still wanted to protect the bastard.

  "Oh, aye, he intended to turn me over to Cian for the money." Anora quickly brushed away tears, and Niall pulled her into his embrace, wanting to chase away her upset.

  She snuggled against his chest, but inside his tunic, the puppy squirmed between them, her tiny sharp toenails scratching his skin. Niall chuckled, pulled Zara out of his tunic, and set her on the grass.

  "He injured you. And if he had turned you over to Cian…" Niall shook his head, knowing that he would have killed the man if he'd reached him, and he'd put up any kind of a fight.

  Gunnolf returned with a flask of water, bread, and cheese. "Are you well, lass?" he asked, sounding just as concerned as Niall was.

  "Aye, I am fine," Anora said. "And I thank you for your concern."

  They ate, giving the dogs some of the leftovers from the bread and cheese, and then Niall curled up on the blanket with Anora, pulling her gently into his embrace. He still couldn't believe she was all right, as quiet as she was. Only about four more hours to travel ahead of them. The day wouldn't dawn soon enough for him.

  "The puppy," Anora said sleepily against Niall's chest.

  "Got her," Gunnolf said, and Niall chuckled.


  Slowly waking from a ragged sleep, Anora was so tired as she snuggled against Niall's warm body on the blanket, the hour—early morn, the sun just beginning to spread yellow and crimson rays in bands of color filtering through the upper half of the trees. Yet, a ground fog covered the lower half in a blanket of yellow mist. She knew they had to ride again soon, and she was glad they were getting closer to the Chattan's castle, but she ached all over after Matthew had thrown her from his horse.

  Then she heard the sound of horses and she was instantly awake, her heart thudding, she scambled to stand. Her warrior husband jumped to his feet, sword unsheathed and readied. The same with Gunnolf.

  In the predawn light, she saw maybe eleven men on horseback materialize from the mist—all wearing plaids. Cian's men.

  Chapter 21

  Anora pulled Gunnolf's dagger from the sheath where she'd worn her own sgian dubh until the French knight had taken it from her.

  To her disappointment, she saw Matthew ride in behind the rest of Cian's men, as Charlie ran beside his horse. Had Charlie found Matthew and led them to Anora?

  She'd still had her doubts Matthew could do this, but she didn't have any more now.

  Feeling sick to her stomach, she readied herself for a fight every bit as much as Niall and Gunnolf did.

  Niall glanced back at her. "Stay out of their reach, lass," he warned.

  "Give up the lassie and you can go on your way," a man with a black beard and wild curly black hair said, his eyes a vivid blue, the man who had entered her cottage, asking where Camden and the rest of the men had gone. "'Tis no' a fight we want with you, Niall of Craigly."

  "She is my wife and I will give her up to no mon, Cian," Niall said, venom in his voice.

  Cian's black brows lifted. He glanced at Matthew as if surprised the man had not told him the news. Matthew appeared stony-faced, as if he had not a care for her dispostion in the least. She couldn't help but be further angered and upset at the betrayal.

  "Is that so?" Cian said, turning his attention back to Niall. "No matter. I am certain the French lord who wants the lass willna put any stock in our Highland ways. Not when the lass has title and owns land. Make it easy on yourself, mon. Hand her over, and we will leave you in peace. If no'…" He shrugged. "I assume you killed my other clansmen, so we will be pleased to avenge their deaths."

  "Fight, you whoreson! You are no' taking the lass with you," Niall said.

  "My sword will meet your challenge," Cian said and charged Niall.

  Anora's heart leapt into her throat. Niall would be no match for a Highlander on horseback. She jumped back away from the horse and warrior. Niall jerked the blanket off the ground, twirled it around and around until it formed a long rope-like weapon, and hit the horse hard in the chest. The horse reared up on its hind legs, whinnying in distress.

  The blanket hadn't hurt the horse, just scared it. Niall's quick action and the horse's startled reaction caught Cian off-guard. He yelled
out with a slew of Gaelic words as he fell from his mount and hit his back hard on the earth.

  Two of his men rode forth to attack Niall while another couple of his men engaged Gunnolf. One of the remaining men went to Cian's aid. He tried to get up, but he… couldn't. Anora was glad to see he had been injured enough that it appeared he couldn't fight. She and her party were still outnumbered. Not that she could really count herself in that number.

  The last man rode toward Anora, but she managed to grasp hold of Cian's horse's reins and pulled the animal around, using him as a shield between her and the villain. She prayed he wouldn't hurt the horse in an effort to reach her. But Cian would probably kill him if the man injured his horse.

  Charlie grabbed the pup by the scruff of the neck and hurried her into the woods and out of harm's way. She loved Charlie.

  Gunnolf was busy fighting two more brigands. She assumed Matthew was just watching to see who was victorious. If Cian was, he'd get his money. If Niall was… Matthew had better flee for his life.

  "Anora!" Matthew shouted in warning, as the man who had been trying to help Cian, came after her and approached her from the rear.

  What was Matthew about now?

  A swordfight began at her back and she swore if she hadn't known him better, she would have thought Matthew was a practiced fighter. And that he would fight Cian's man? She thought Matthew was with Cian's men on this venture.

  Her skin clammy with concern, she blocked the other man's attempt to reach her as she continued to move Cian's horse around between them.

  The man swore, then leapt from his horse and came around behind it to reach her on foot.

  Heart thumping hard, she let go of the horse's reins and took a defensive stance, facing the tall, bull of a man, his red beard making his face look rounder, his green eyes narrowed in irritation. She might only be a shepherdess and she might not have the strength or skill that the Highlanders had, but she wasn't giving up, either.

  "Come, lassie," the man coaxed, baring yellow teeth as he drew closer, his sword raised—he was no fool—and approached her cautiously. "Put the sgian dubh down and I will be gentle with you."

  "Do not come any closer," she warned, but movement to the east caught her eye. A man in a gray cloak. "Nay," she groaned. If she, Niall, and Gunnolf managed to defend themselves against Cian's men, next they'd have to fight one of the French knights?

  A man fell to the ground behind her, and she feared it was Matthew. She turned to look, not a good battle tactic on her part, and the man approaching from her front slammed into her. She fell over the body—not Matthew's—and she felt relief that he had not been killed, despite what he had done.

  The brigand on top of her tried to wrest her dagger from her hand, but she wasn't giving it up to any of these men.

  More horses arrived. The rest of the Frenchmen and the baroness. She bit back a curse. Did they not have enough to deal with?

  Niall jerked the man off Anora and with one thrust, stabbed him in the chest, then shoved the man aside. Niall turned to face the French knights, offering his hand to Anora to help her stand.

  "Anora is my wife, now of Craigly Castle. You have no claim to her," Niall said to the French party.

  Anora looked for Matthew and Gunnolf. Gunnolf had taken a stance that indicated he was ready to fight the French next. She was glad to see he had not been injured in the fight. Matthew was lying on the ground on his back, his face ashen, his hand holding his chest, blood spilling onto the soil. Her heart stuttered.

  "Matthew," she said, and went to him. He had been a friend and he had come to her aid at the last, despite that he had helped Cian's men find her.

  "I… I am sorry," Matthew said, his eyes losing their luster as he tried to remain focused on her face. "You… should have… been… mine."

  She thought he looked as though he truly had meant he'd wanted her for his wife all along. Those were the last words she'd ever hear him speak.

  Her eyes filled with tears and she quickly looked away. She couldn't deal with this now, not when the French knights were sure to attempt to kill Niall and Gunnolf next.

  "She does not belong with the likes of you," the baroness said, her tone haughty. "Come, Anora. 'Tis time for you to be a countess again. You should be pleased you have so many marriage prospects."

  Anora moved in close to Niall. "I could not have found a better marriage prospect than I have in Niall. I will not go with you. Asceline, the countess you seek, was lost to the sea many years ago."

  "We have had word your oncle is at the Chattan's castle. Will you ride with us there?" the baroness asked.

  Rondover Castle? Anora took hold of Niall's free hand, suddenly chilled. She had not seen her uncle in so many years. What if he insisted she return with him? What if Laird Chattan agreed with him because she was a Frenchwoman of noble blood?

  "We will ride with you," Niall said to the baroness, and sheathed his sword.

  "But…," Anora said to Niall, not entirely trusting the French party. Then again, they were only two men against the five knights.

  Niall pulled her close and kissed her lips. "We will sleep on a soft bed tonight. You and I. As husband and wife."

  "My knights will help you bury these men," the baroness said, interrupting the moment.

  Anora glanced at Cian, thinking he must have broken his leg or something from the fall, but he didn't appear to be breathing.

  One of the knights checked on him. "His head hit a rock and he cracked his skull. He is dead."

  Anora stared at Cian, remembering so long ago, the fall she had taken from her horse when she was a little girl. And the one where the squire had died from his fall.

  "Are you still afraid of horses?" Pierre asked, as he took hold of one of the bodies near her with the help of another knight.

  "Nay," she said, quite honestly. Not after all the riding she'd done over the last few days. She glanced at the Murray horses, all nibbling on grass nearby. She would ride Cian's horse to Chattan's Castle to prove she told the truth.

  "I have never forgiven myself for what I did to your saddle," Pierre said.

  "Aye, but I have, Pierre. Rest easy."

  He nodded.

  She walked over to Matthew and took his hand, then said a silent prayer for him.

  Niall and Gunnolf approached. "We need to bury him and get on our way, lass," Niall said quietly.

  She nodded. And fought shedding anymore tears. Then she called for Charlie and he came running, greeting her in his usual enthusiastic way, Zara running to catch up.

  When the gruesome business of taking care of the dead men was done, they headed toward Rondover Castle. Anora wanted to go to the McEwan's instead to avoid seeing her uncle. She took a deep breath and let it out.

  She would tell her uncle just what she had done—married Niall—but she couldn't quash the nervousness she felt as she rode Cian's horse through the glen. Though she was quite certain some of the apprehension making her feel so unsettled was due to riding the great gray beast all on her own.


  Niall wanted to get this situation resolved with Anora's French family with all haste, and he was glad he hadn't had to fight any, just in case they could decide this matter diplomatically. In other words, her uncle would agree to Niall and Anora's marriage and be gone.

  Otherwise, Niall was ready for a fight. He just hoped Laird Chattan wouldn't be angry with him for not consulting him first in the matter and putting his own people at risk. What if Chattan backed the French count's plans instead?

  Niall had no intention of losing Anora.

  Niall glanced at her. Her chin held high, she looked proud of herself to be riding a horse on her very own. She was gripping the reins as if she was afraid she'd fall off the horse at any moment, but otherwise, she appeared to be doing well. He thought her real anxiousness was due to having to meet her uncle. He couldn't blame her, either. Hopefully, Chattan would permit Niall to be present during the exchange while the French knights were
excluded from the meeting.

  Much later that day, they reached the first of the crofters' lands who worked for the Chattan, and Niall was much relieved.

  The man had a pitchfork in hand, reminding Niall at once of Anora, and he couldn't help but smile. "We have come to see Laird Chattan. We are kin to the Chattan by marriage and are now visiting his lairdship," Niall said.

  The farmer eyed Anora and the baroness, then—as if Niall and Gunnolf, and their French companions, could not be too much of a threat since they traveled with a couple of women—he nodded. "They have been hunting. Tell the gate guard what you have told me, and he should allow you in."

  "Good. Thanks, mon." Niall then rode with the others toward the castle in the distance, the way clear of trees for a quarter of a mile and saw the lake to the north where he and his cousins had swum a time or two.

  As they approached the castle, he studied the fortifications. The gray stone walls rose to the gray sky, the keep towering above it in the center, built high on a hill of granite, deep ravines cut around it, ensuring an enemy would have difficulty laying siege to the keep.

  A gate guard and two others greeted them—stopping them—but one of them smiled broadly. "Niall and Gunnolf of the Clan MacNeill. Angus and Edana will be pleased to see you. As will his lairdship." Then he eyed the others with a hint of suspicion.

  "My wife," Niall said, introducing Anora, "her sister, Baroness Andrea Rochelle, and their escort."

  The guard frowned. "Is… is the lass you have married the Count of Carcassonne's niece?"

  "Aye," Niall said, already feeling apprehensive about how this would all play out. He would not let the man take her away, but he hoped Anora would not be too upset by what might happen.

  The guard nodded. "I dinna believe he thinks she is married." Then he grinned. "'Tis good she has a husband in you. Welcome. Come. The stablehands will take your horses."

  They dismounted, Niall assisting Anora, though he noted she winced as if the travel had been too much for her. Not to mention the bruises she must have suffered when Matthew had thrown her from his horse.