Page 4 of Mercy

  He looked around, thinking. Where did he want her? Considering she might be out for a while, he laid her on the chair that could also become a bed. The restraints would prevent her from falling off and injuring herself.


  Was she trying to say his name still? Odd that she’d want to. Her tone was interesting to him, like she was sure he didn’t mean any of it. Maybe her mind was stuck on the last thing it was able to logically do-- reason with him.

  He held her face in his hand and turned it to him. “Mercy,” he said quietly. “I’m going to let you sleep a bit and then we’re going to have a little talk.” He slid his thumb on the soft skin of her cheek and then let his hand glide off.

  Sade got her keys from her bag on the counter and drove her car to a parking garage a few blocks over. He dug through the car for anything telling about the mysterious Mercy, listening to the music playing. Classical. Not a bit surprised with the taste.

  She was a sloppy person, but at least clean. He pocketed all the paper items except what needed to stay, locked up, and jogged back home.

  Locking the door, he walked over to the couch and plopped down with his findings. First thing he went through was the address book on her phone. A couple of male names, mostly female. A few places of business. He then went through her texts, finding far too little. No doubt this was all a front. Nobody had this much of no life. Especially a woman with her looks and charm.

  The receipts showed she bargain shopped. Not surprised. But again, everything on the receipts were too normal. Hair products, school items. Aha. He stared at the receipt that told him what he needed to know. Gun range. Hello detective Mercy.

  Sade put all her shit in his vault in the basement then finished cleaning up his apartment. He didn’t like that he had the urge to check on her every few minutes. He needed to get to the bottom of the Mercy mystery and be fucking done. If this had anything to do with that hit-and-run, he’d be in deep shit. Because Tommy was the one driving and now he’s fucking dead and couldn’t testify for him, should he need it.

  Jesus Christ, or it could be any number of drug offenses. Or maybe she was trying to get a lead on the underground fights. He needed to know at least what she wanted.

  Sade bolted up from the couch at the muffled sound of his name. She must be screaming bloody murder for him to be able to hear it. Fuck, was he going to have to gag her?

  He raced to the basement and found a very awake Mercy, yanking at her restraints and letting out a bloodcurdling scream that hammered his balls each time.

  He grabbed hold of her face and tapped it, making her focus. “I’m right here. Hey!”

  “What…” she blinked and furrowed her brows. “Sade,” she gasped. “What the fuck are you doing, Sade? Why are you doing this?”

  He could hardly believe how gullible and naïve she acted. He turned and pulled up his stool and pumped the lever with his foot, putting him near eye level with her. “Talking to you.”

  “Why? Why did you do that? You didn’t need to do that Sade. I would answer anything you asked me, why are you treating me like a… a criminal?”

  He slowly smiled and wagged his finger at her. “You’re good detective.”

  “D… What? Detective? What are you talking about?”

  “Look,” he held up his hands. “If I’m all wrong, you will have to pardon my manners. But I do have a few issues that I need answers to.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like what were you doing in my alley that night?”

  She stared at him with mouth open. “I was… running from some perv!”

  He nodded. “That alley was blocked off.”

  “I only saw a crowd.”

  “And nobody tried to prevent you?”

  She sat with her mouth open a second. “Yes but I was scared. I thought he was just another perv. And then I was at a dead end and I saw you getting killed. Maybe you should be thanking me for happening along—I did save your life!” she reminded.

  “He winked at her and grinned. “That you did. And why?”

  She screwed up her face. “What do you mean why? Because he was killing you.”

  “And you just happened by?”

  She gave a little nod that screamed lying. “I’m a very helpful person, my father was the same,” she said quietly.

  “So what were you even doing there? On my block?”

  Her mouth dropped a little then her eyes widened, moving off of him. “I was out for a drive. I got turned around.”

  Lie. “And so you parked by the Black Velvet BDSM club to get your bearings?”

  She rocked a little and shrugged. “I don’t get out much and since my father’s death I realized it was time.”

  More lies. “Time to let loose, get into some BDSM?”

  “I don’t even know what you’re saying. BDSM. What is that, Body Dancing something, something? I saw a crowd, and it’s not the only club in the vicinity.”

  Sade took a deep breath. “Your acting skills suck as bad as your lines. How did you know I was going to be in the alley that night, detective?”

  She gave him a hard direct stare. “I didn’t. And I’m not a detective.”

  He pointed at her. “Now see, you look all honest and even sounded it that time. But it’s hard to imagine you just happened to come on the one night of the year where I take care of personal business.”

  She screwed her face up, confused. “You were getting killed!” Her brows ever so slowly went soft. “Ohhhh,” she muttered as though just figuring it out. Her look slowly morphed into horror. “You made him beat you nearly to death?”

  Sade stood now and went to his tray of tools and grabbed a sharp blade. “I’m not here to share what I do with you or why I do it… detective. Or pretend that you give a singular shit about that. You’re here to share what you want from me.”

  He turned and wagged the blade at her. “Now, I’m going to play a little game with you called cut away the lies. For every lie you tell me, I cut away clothes until there is nothing left but that pretty skin of yours. And then… if there are still secrets, I’m going to use some of these handy restraints and tie you open. Wide open. Until you are comfortable being transparent with me. And if that doesn’t work…” He gave a long sigh and leveled a hard gaze at her. “I have other persuasive tools that will make you talk. Scream even. In pleasure or in pain… it’s up to you.”

  Chapter Five

  “I’m not a cop,” she swallowed, her words breathy, “or a detective. I work at the hospital, I volunteer at the nursing home. My father died a few weeks ago.”

  “Ohhhh that. Yes. Your father dying bit.” She eyed him with a mix of hope and suspicion. “I do need to verify all of this. His name?”

  She drew back a little, looking offended. “I don’t see why you need to know that.”

  Anger shot through him and he grabbed the front of her shirt in one hand and sliced it down the middle with a yank, pulled it entirely off, and tossed it.

  “Stop this!” she said.

  In answer, he grabbed her bra and cut it the same, tossing it away. “Any other demands, Miss Mercy?”

  “You fucking bastard,” she whispered pissed.

  “I am that, yes. But something tells me you already knew that?” She jerked her gaze away when his eyes lowered to her chest. “Don’t worry, your tits don’t appeal to me. Now can we have an honest conversation?” It wasn’t entirely true about her tits. And it wasn’t the size or the look of them that turned him on, it was that they were clearly a vulnerable point for her and the weakness aroused him. If he had to take a guess, it was likely due to how small they were. He noted at that instant one of her nipples was substantially smaller than the other. The defect was delectable to him. Most women assumed big, full, and perfect was the male preference. For him, it was none of that. It was all about perception. Self-perception. “What’s the matter Mercy? Are you ashamed of your tits?”

  “My shame has nothing to do with how I feel ab
out my tits. Sade!”

  Damn. She was like the perfect mix of sadomasochistic temptation. “Did you know your anger arouses me almost as much as your weakness?”

  She spit at him then turned back to her down and away gaze.

  Sade retaliated by going to work cutting off her pants. She screamed loud enough to make his fucking ears ring. After he was done with one leg, he jerked open the drawer below the bed and grabbed the roll of red duct tape. A gag could come later. He ripped off a strip and pressed it to her mouth with a pat then finished cutting off her other pant leg.

  He sat back on the stool with a huff. “That didn’t take so long. Getting you down to your panties. Black panties.” He angled his head, staring. “Nice.”

  She went back to looking away from him. Judging by the heave of her stomach and chest, she was either very pissed or on the verge of breaking down.

  “So detective. What were you doing in the alley that night?”

  She jerked her head to him with a mocking look and wide eyes, like how am I supposed to talk dumbass? Sade reached over and yanked the tape off. “I’m not. A. Detective!”

  Her anger rubbed along his sadism like a stroke on his cock. “The alley, Mercy.”

  “Already told you, Sade.”

  “Are you being difficult because you want me to see you naked and wide open? You want me to make you talk? Make you scream?”

  He waited in the silence, watching her breaths slow. “I was running from a man. And ended up there. And saved your life! Oh, wait. No, I guess I didn’t, I guess I ruined a business deal you had with death?”

  He sighed.

  “I am telling you,” she said emphatic.

  He leaned forward and grabbed the front of her panties and cut them along both sides and tossed them to the floor. “And I told you not to answer me with the same shit. I don’t get it Mercy. Why not just tell me how you know me and why you were there that night?”

  “I did and you won’t believe me!”

  “One more time. Next I help you open up a little more.”

  “Look! I panicked. I ran. I saw you, I saved you, why am I not getting a reward or something? For good intentions at least!”

  He stared at her incredulous. “Jesus,” he muttered into the air above as he got up and fetched the rubber restraints.

  “I’m telling you the truth!”

  “If that’s the truth, I feel so fucking sorry for you. It’s just too unbelievable.” He cut the tie on her ankle, and her legs suddenly clamped around his neck and slammed his face onto the bed-table in a tight choke hold.

  “Ffffuck,” he growled, reaching with his left hand and pressing her chest. Her pussy almost in tongue touching distance, he grunted in pain and excitement as she choked him harder with solid muscle, screaming with her effort. Her strength was exhilarating. Sade’s struggled for purchase with his right hand, anything that would give him leverage. But if he made the wrong move, that pressure on his neck would become lethal. He knew that move she was applying all too well.

  Sade slid his left hand down her stomach and onto her pussy. She squeezed his neck harder and he strained with a roar before shoving his thumb inside her.

  She gasped and her pussy gripped him while he worked his other hand under her leg, seeking out her sciatic nerve. She struggled and squirmed to maintain her hold, the movement serving as a nice finger job for her and judging by the sounds she made, she didn’t get those very often. Sade finally found his target and dug hard. She screamed and he thrust his thumb deeper inside her, gaining that give in her leg lock.

  He finally broke free and scrambled onto the bed, pressing his knees into her open thighs.

  “Mercy, Mercy,” he whispered, the smell of her sex everywhere now. She’d gone and done it. Pushed too many wrong buttons. His sadism roared through his blood, begging to take all control. She was back to looking away from him, winded. “I can only assume you wanted that. I do love the fuck out of giving pain and receiving, but only the consenting kind. And that… baby… was very close to begging.”

  “You’re a pig,” she whispered. “A disgusting pig.”

  He kept one of her legs pinned while he carefully restrained the other. Once done, he grabbed hold of the second and restrained it. “Martial arts… I think you forgot to mention that little bit in your resume?”

  “My father taught me!” She screamed the words at him. “He was a good man! He saved my life. And I appreciated it!”

  “Well,” he said, truly surprised. “Somewhat fresh material at least.” He sat heavily on the stool, winded and hard as a rock. “Still lame as fuck but fresh.”

  “Do you realize what’s going to happen when you let me go?”

  “Do tell me,” he said eagerly, challenging her with a hungry gaze.

  “I am going to… kick your fucking ass, that’s what.”

  Holy fuck, wow. He sat there, truly tickled and happy with what he was discovering with her. “That’s it? You seemed like you were going to say something else. And damn am I’m tempted to untie you now.”

  She nodded eagerly. “Oh do it. Please yes. I will kick your ass until you’re down for the count, you asshole!”

  Asshole. For some reason the term felt endearing, and out of nowhere, a longing hit Sade. “You know. Too bad you’re lying.”

  “Too bad I’m not.”

  “You and I might actually get along. Be friends even. You’re actually fun to be around.”

  Her anger suddenly dissolved, to his amazement. “Well…” She now debated with herself, transparent as can be. “I mean maybe we still could.”

  “See, you’re still hiding something,” he pointed at her.

  “Why!?” she said incredulous. “Because I want to be nice and be your friend?”

  “Yes!” He stood. “Yes, exactly that! Nobody is my friend, not without a price. The question is, what’s yours? Besides gaining your freedom.”

  She stared up at him, mouth open, eyes locked onto his. “How about a little trust!”

  He laughed for a while on that before he got in her face. “You say that like you’re so offended that I don’t! What fucking planet are you from? Since when do you just trust anybody?”

  “Okay I get that you wouldn’t, given your life.”

  “Ohhhh.” He put a hand on his chest. “My life? What do you know about it? Detective?”

  She hesitated a moment, big bad attitude settling down. “I mean it’s kind of obvious. You… clearly need help, you pay people to try to kill you. You do understand that’s not… healthy in any fashion? Not exactly Sesame Street traits.”

  He sat back down, ready to consider another angle. Hands on his legs, he angled his head for a hard stare between her thighs. “You know that your pussy is wet?”

  She jerked her head to the side now.

  “What does that say?”

  “That I’m human?” Like he was stupid.

  “Yeeees,” he dragged out casually, “and that you’re arouuuused?”

  “Body’s react. And your point?”

  “When aroused. The question is, what is making your pussy wet?”

  “You shoved your thumb in it!”

  “It was already soaked when I did that. Had to be something before, I think,” he concluded casually.

  “Me needing to bust your ass, that’s what,” she muttered.

  “Fuck, you make my cock throb when you talk like that.” He sat on the bed to get closer and she looked away more. “So I don’t arouse you? At all?” He lowered his gaze to her breasts. “Your nipples are hard.”

  “It’s cold.”

  “You’re saying when I put my finger in you, you didn’t like that?”

  “Of course I didn’t, Sade! Stop acting like a dense prick, why would I like you doing that against my will? And what happened to not forcing people against their will? Huh?”

  She still refused to look at him. “Is it against your will?”

  “Am I tied up?” She looked closer toward him with t

  “Yes. But apparently you either like being tied up, or you like me.”

  She didn’t answer him.

  “Which do you think it is?”

  “Untie me please,” she whispered. “I want to leave.”

  Fascinating. “You say it like we’re just playing a little game and you’re ready to quit.”

  “I don’t think you’re going to hurt me. And I don’t think you’re going to believe anything I say.”

  He hated how partially right she likely was. But he wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do with her and he wanted to explore that. He liked her. She was a lot of fun in a different way, regardless of her intentions. If he could ensure her long-term company, then getting to the bottom of whatever she was hiding would eventually come. And she was definitely hiding something.

  He angled his head at her. “Considering for a moment… that you might be telling the truth. What could I possibly do to ensure that you are not the law trying to incriminate me?”

  She looked at him, back to a little hopeful. “I don’t know, what do you mean?”

  “I mean what would you be willing to do, to prove to me you’re telling the truth?”

  She seemed to brainstorm quickly. “Oh! What about a lie detector test?”

  Sade let his gaze slide over her body, making her look away again. He realized two things in that instant. He didn’t care so much about the truth as much as he cared about testing her so called good and helpful intentions. Or use them.

  And if she was the law in some capacity… what the fuck did he care? Prison inside, prison outside, what was the difference? “What about… a binding contract?”

  Her eyes widened. “Yes!” She added a lot of nodding. “Yes of course, I would be so very happy to sign a contract ensuring you that I will never ever do anything to try to hurt you in any way. Ever.”

  Despite the fact that her dire eagerness was no doubt hinged on desperation to be free, it still roared through him. The sheer possibilities of opening that Pandora’s box before him, finalized it. “Done.”

  “So untie me?”

  “I need to draw the contract up first. And then you need to read it. And sign it.” He thought about something then. “Playing along with the idea that you’re not a cop, contracts aren’t really binding when laws are broken.”