ON the following morning Olsen reported to the mine, as directed bySteve. The latter had made some inquiries and the results had arousedhis suspicion. Barton, the mine captain of the Red Rock, denied thatOlsen had applied to him for work. He grew suddenly red under Steve'squestioning. But Steve had Mr. Penton's authority for putting theIcelander to work, and the big man, after gripping Rush's hand until theboy felt like crying out, went to work with a will.

  When Steve went home for lunch he found a note from Miss Cavard in whichshe wrote:

  * * * * *

  "You offered to help me relieve some of our poor, suffering people. I amtaking you at your word. There is a family in dire distress on CaveStreet. Their name is Allison. If you will meet me there to-night ateight o'clock, we will see what can be done for them. I wish to consultwith you about some other charitable work, and that is one of thereasons I am asking you to meet me as stated above.

  "Sincerely, MARIE CAVARD."

  * * * * *

  Steve decided that he would go. There was no good reason why he shouldnot, and his heart really ached for the suffering families of thestriking miners. If there were anything he could do to relieve theirsufferings he would willingly do it. Already no small part of his wageshad been devoted to this very work. Bob Jarvis also had contributedliberally to the cause.

  Nothing of moment occurred during the day. When evening arrived Rush,dressed in his best, slipped out, not telling his companion where he wasgoing. He found the house of the Allisons without difficulty. Steveknocked and was admitted. The hall in which he found himself was dark,and the house was as silent as if deserted. The lad did not even see anyone who might have opened the door.

  "Hello, is anybody at home?" he called.

  For answer he was struck a sudden and powerful blow. It sent the boy tothe floor in a heap, where he lay as one dead.

  Unseen hands lifted the unconscious lad from the floor, carried him downa flight of stairs and threw him upon a pile of straw.

  Steve was young and strong, and nature reasserted herself in a fewmoments. He got to his feet unsteadily and began groping about him.

  "I--I wonder where I am?" he muttered.

  After groping for some time, Rush decided that he must be in a cellar,but he seemed unable to find any way out of the place. There were nostairs, so far as he could determine, and he had no matches to lightthat he might look about him.

  Rush sat down on the pile of straw to think matters over. He understoodat once that someone had struck him down in the dark hall, but as to theidentity of his assailant he could not make up his mind. He had a prettyclear idea why the attack on him had been made. Yet the more he thoughtover the matter the more perplexed did he become as to certain featuresof it.

  All at once the thought of the letter he had received from Miss Cavardentered his mind.

  "It was a trick!" almost shouted Steve Rush. "She tricked me here forthat scoundrel brother of hers. They wanted to get me here, so theycould do me up, and they've won. What a fool I was! But I'll outwit themyet. I'll----"

  Steve paused as he heard the sound of footsteps over his head.

  "Hello, up there!" he shouted.

  There was no answer. The boy shouted again and again, but no attentionwas paid to his shouts. Apparently they had not been heard, althoughSteve doubted this to be the case.

  Once more Rush tried to find some way out of his prison, but, as before,he failed to do so. After what seemed hours of waiting he decided thatthere was nothing to be gained by exciting himself, so he threw himselfdown on the heap of straw, and after a time went to sleep. Being youngand vigorous, he was not kept awake by his worries.

  Steve was awakened in the morning by the sounds of someone shaking astove on the floor above. He listened, and understood that the peopleabove were preparing breakfast.

  Then the lad realized that he was hungry.

  "Hello, up there! Pass down some breakfast, even if you won't let meout." Then, in a lower tone: "If anyone comes down here with mybreakfast, I'll walk over him and out pretty quick. I smell breakfast,and it seems to be right here. Whew, but it makes me ravenously hungry!"

  Steve's foot at that moment kicked against something that he was surehad not been there on the previous night. He stooped over, when all atonce his hands came in contact with a tin pan.

  Rush investigated with more than ordinary curiosity.

  "Meat, as I live! And hot, too! Why, the stuff must have been placedhere within a very short time. And potatoes? Well, I _am_ in luck, afterall. Evidently my jailers do not intend to starve me to death."

  Steve ate with relish, though the meat was tough and the potatoes werenot overdone. After he had finished the meal he felt better, though hewould have appreciated a wash. He walked back and forth for an hour orso, feeling that he needed the exercise, after which he lay down foranother nap.

  * * * * *

  In the meantime an alarm had been sent out for the Iron Boy. Bob Jarviswas sure that something had happened to his companion, as Steve neverhad remained away from home over night before. Jarvis reported theabsence to the superintendent and a search was made. Late in theafternoon Bob, worried and irritable, met Olsen. To the latter heexplained that Steve was missing.

  Segunder listened attentively, but without change of expression.

  "Where you think he go?" demanded the Icelander, after Bob had finished.

  "I'll tell you, Segunder, I believe that man Cavard has had something todo with this affair."

  "Huh!" was the only comment made by the giant.

  After his day's work had been finished, however, Segunder started offdowntown. He walked along with lowered head, gazing suspiciously intoevery face he met, as though in search of someone. Olsen continued hisslow tramping about the village until the supper hour had passed. He hadno thought for this. His mind was possessed of a singleness of purposethat would permit of the entrance of no other thought there.

  "You know where boss he stay?" demanded Segunder of the secretary of theunion, whom he finally met.

  "Who do you mean--the superintendent?"

  Olsen shook his head.


  "Oh, Cavard, you mean? I left him at Liberty Hall just now. He isattending to some of the union's affairs there. You will find him if yougo there. He isn't going home to supper. What do you want? You're ascab! They'll serve you as they did those two scabs Rush and Jarvis, ifyou go there."

  "No throw Segunder out of window," grunted the Icelander.

  The information that he had obtained did not seem to elate him. Heturned toward the hall, plodding along with lowered head and set,inexpressive countenance.

  There was no one to bar his progress up the stairs, and it was well forsuch that there was none. Segunder was going up to the meeting roomregardless of any obstacles that might obstruct his path.

  The Icelander strode into the hall where, with head still lowered, hegazed at Cavard with dull, listless eyes. The walking delegate and headof the union was absorbed in a litter of documents on his desk. At firsthe did not see Olsen, and there was no one else in the room to informhim of the other man's presence.

  Finally the big Icelander coughed to attract the other man's attention.

  Cavard glanced up; then a scowl overspread his face.

  "What do you want here?" demanded the leader, half irritably.

  Segunder did not answer.

  "I say, what do you want?"

  "I want you. I come speak with you."

  "Get out of here! I want nothing to do with a scab!"

  "I go when get ready."

  "You will go now. If you do not move fast enough I will throw youout--yes, I'll throw you downstairs head first, or whichever way youchance to start. Now go!"

  Cavard aro
se to give emphasis to his words.

  "Where you put boy?"


  "Where you put boy?"

  "What boy are you talking about?"

  "Where you put Segunder's friend Rush?" demanded the big miner, stillpreserving his stolid expression.

  Cavard laughed.

  "You must be a fool!" he sneered.

  "No. Segunder not fool. You big fool. Where you keep boy?"

  "See here, my man; I've heard all I wish to hear from you. I demand thatyou leave this hall at once. I don't know what you are talking about. Idon't know where the boy Rush is. Furthermore, I don't care where he is.If I did know I wouldn't tell you, for it would be none of yourbusiness."

  Olsen nodded reflectively while digesting the words of the walkingdelegate.

  "Where you put Segunder's friend, Steve Rush?" persisted the big man.

  "I have told you once that I do not know where he is," answered Cavard,his face flushing with anger.

  "You lie!"