Submarine Boys Series
By Victor G. Durham
These splendid books for boys and girls deal with life aboard submarinetorpedo boats, and with the adventures of the young crew, and possess,in addition to the author's surpassing knack of story-telling, a greateducational value for all young readers.
1 THE SUBMARINE BOYS ON DUTY; Or, Life on a Diving Torpedo Boat.
2 THE SUBMARINE BOYS' TRIAL TRIP; Or, "Making Good" as Young Experts.
3 THE SUBMARINE BOYS AND THE MIDDIES; Or, The Prize Detail at Annapolis.
4 THE SUBMARINE BOYS AND THE SPIES; Or, Dodging the Sharks of the Deep.
5 THE SUBMARINE BOYS' LIGHTNING CRUISE; Or, The Young Kings of the Deep.
6 THE SUBMARINE BOYS FOR THE FLAG Or, Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam.
7 THE SUBMARINE BOYS AND THE SMUGGLERS; Or, Breaking Up the New Jersey Customs Frauds.
Cloth, Illustrated Price, per Volume, 50c.
* * * * *
The Square Dollar Boys Series
By H. Irving Hancock
The reading boy will be a voter within a few years; these books arebound to make him think, and when he casts his vote he will do it moreintelligently for having read these volumes.
1 THE SQUARE DOLLAR BOYS WAKE UP; Or, Fighting the Trolley Franchise Steal.
2 THE SQUARE DOLLAR BOYS SMASH THE RING; Or, In the Lists Against the Crooked Land Deal.
Cloth, Illustrated Price, per Volume, 50c.