MR. CARRHART, the president of the mining company, arrived early on thefollowing morning. He was an experienced engineer, and with a force thatis characteristic of successful men in the industrial world, he quicklyput the mine in working condition.
In the meantime Mr. Carrhart had listened to the tale of the heroism ofthe Iron Boys. They had saved the company thousands of dollars by theirefforts. On the second day he sent for the two boys and extended to themhis hearty congratulations, assuring them at the same time that he wouldshow the appreciation of the company in a more substantial way. He askedSteve if there were anything he could do for him at that moment.
"No, sir; I thank you," was the prompt answer.
Late that afternoon Steve was approached by an inspector in themines named Cavard, a Russian. His first name, being practicallyunpronounceable, had remained in disuse so long that nearly every one inthe mine had forgotten it. Cavard was called the Duke for short, becauseof his dignified carriage and aristocratic airs. He was greatlyrespected, however, especially by the foreign element in the mine, overwhom he exercised considerable influence. It was Cavard to whom theyturned to settle their differences; it was Cavard who advised them intheir money matters, and it had been rumored that he had profitedthrough this until he had amassed quite a sum of money. However, the manwas an experienced miner. He had worked up from grade to grade until hehad become an inspector, and though the officials of the company did notlike the man personally, they were forced to admit that he was valuableto them.
Steve knew Cavard, though he had never passed five minutes' conversationwith him since the lads had been in the employ of the company. Steve didnot like the fellow; he had distrusted the Duke from the first. Theirdislike for each other appeared to have been mutual, Cavard treatingboth boys with indifference and scorn.
Rush was, therefore, rather surprised when the Russian approached himwith cordial, outstretched hand that afternoon on the level where thelad was attending to his duties.
"I want to congratulate you, Rush," said the inspector.
"What for?" asked Steve rather brusquely.
"For your heroism at the time of the fire. The men are all proud ofyou."
"Thank you. I simply did my duty. Anyone would have done the same."
"But the fact remains, my boy, that no one did the same. The men werepanic-stricken. They were crazed with fear."
"So I observed. But I hear good reports of you also. You did your duty,too. Why aren't they congratulating you?"
"Oh, that was nothing. By the way, Rush, you and I ought to be friends."
"I wasn't aware that we were enemies," replied the boy, with a faintsmile.
"I did not mean it that way. I meant that we ought to get together andcome to a better understanding."
"Thank you; I am too busy to indulge in friendships. I am much obligedfor your kindness, though."
"Pshaw, don't talk that way. I want you to do something for me."
"I shall be glad to do whatever I can for you, sir. What do you want?"
"Come and see me. You and I have much to talk over. We can talk betterin my own rooms. It may be to your advantage to talk matters over withme."
"What is it you want to talk with me about?" asked Steve.
Steve's suspicions were aroused, though what lay behind the invitationhe did not know.
"Will you come?"
"I'll think about it," answered the lad. "Where do you live?"
"Twenty-three, Iron Street."
"Yes, I know the place."
"You might bring your friend Jarvis with you. He will be interested inwhat I have to say. You are both boys of influence in the mines, and youare advancing rapidly. We ought to be able to work together to ourmutual advantage."
Rush bade the inspector good afternoon and went about his duties. Thelad was puzzled. That Cavard was influenced by some ulterior motive hewas certain. But, puzzle over the matter as he might, Steve Rush wasunable to decide in his own mind what that motive might be. He was atfirst inclined to accept Cavard's invitation to call on him. Uponreflection, however, he decided that he wanted nothing to do with theman.
That evening he talked the matter over with Bob, and Jarvis was of theopinion that the less they had to do with the Russian the better itwould be for both of them. Later on, as the boys were taking theirevening walk, they passed Cavard strolling along the street with astranger. The latter was tall and well dressed. He was red of face, andwhen he raised his hat to wipe the perspiration from his forehead theboys saw that his head was crowned with a luxuriant growth of red hair.His small, keen eyes took in every detail of the two boys in onecomprehensive glance. They saw him ask a quick question of Cavard. Thelatter glanced at the boys, nodding smilingly, then answered thered-headed man in a tone too low for them to catch the words.
"Who's the red head?" demanded Bob Jarvis.
"I don't know. I never saw him before," answered Steve, gazingsearchingly at the two men. "He is a stranger in this vicinity, thatis certain. I wonder what he and Cavard are talking about soconfidentially. By the way, Bob, have you kept your eyes open of late?"
"I usually do. What particular thing are you talking about?"
"What I spoke about before. Since the fire in the mine there has beenmore talk than ever going on among the men."
"Yes; I have observed that."
"I have noticed also that our friend Cavard has had a most importantpart in these talks. I wish I knew what he had in mind when he urged meto come and see him. I believe that fellow will bear watching, Bob."
"I agree with you there. We'll keep an eye on him. He has nerve,whatever other failings may be his. He certainly made himself useful atthe fire the other day and the men would lay down their lives for him atany moment."
"Provided they didn't get an attack of cold feet," added Jarvis, with agrin.
"You couldn't blame them for that. You must remember that the rankand file of the men in the mines are ignorant and unreasoning. Inconsequence they become easily panic-stricken in time of danger."
"Yes, that's so. A little knowledge does give a man more or lesscourage."
"Because it gives him greater reasoning powers. It teaches him to reasonthings out instead of getting scared and running away. That is why theDuke is so far above the rank and file of the workers in the mines."
"I guess you're right, at that," agreed Bob.
"Of course I am. But I am convinced that we shall hear something fromCavard before a great while that will interest us. He has made the firstmove in asking us to come and see him. Of course we shall not do so, butif he wants to see us very badly he will look us up, depend upon that.If he approaches you, Bob, let him take the lead, but see to it that youdraw him out if you can without committing yourself."
"I'll do that; don't you worry. I'll show him I can play at a game ofwits just as well as he can."
"Don't underrate the fellow. Remember, he is a sharp, shrewd man. He isplaying a game unless I am greatly in error, and he is playing it veryshrewdly. We know that, because not a breath of what he is up to hasgotten to our ears."
"Have you asked anyone about him?"
"Well, I had a talk with the mine captain of the Cousin Jack the otherday. Jim thinks him a very capable man. He says that Cavard is one ofthe best men in the mines, and that the Duke has more influence with theminers than has any other man in the mines."
"That statement doesn't enlighten us as to Cavard's game."
"No, but we will eventually find it out. I shall try to throw myself inCavard's way without appearing to do so. Then perhaps he will open upand give me a clue to what he is driving at."
"That's a good idea. I'll keep hands off and leave you a clear field towork in."
Their further conversation along this line was interrupted by Mr.Penton, who overtook them at that moment. He greeted the lads warmly andwalked with them until he reached his
own home, where he left the IronBoys. They did not refer to the subject again that night. The followingday was Sunday, a day when all work is suspended in the mines, no matterhow great the demand for output.
Late in the afternoon Steve saw Cavard and the stranger walking out oftown, going in the direction of a little lake that lay a mile beyond themining town. After a time Rush observed other groups moving in the samedirection.
"Now I wonder if the whole town is going fishing," mused Rush. "I've agood notion to follow them out and see what is going on. But I think Ihad better stay at home and attend to my own business."
He did so, in a short time forgetting entirely what he had observed. Thematter was again brought to his attention when the men came back justbefore the supper hour. Some of the men from his own boarding house hadbeen out to the lake. All of them seemed more or less excited oversomething. The boys asked a few guarded questions, but gained noinformation whatever, their questions being parried in every instance.
This made Steve Rush all the more determined to get to the bottom of themystery.
"I'd give a day's wages to know what that fellow, Cavard, has got in theback of his head. I'll bet it would be interesting reading, and I'mgoing to make it my business to find out. Something has been going onto-day, Bob."
"Yes; it is easy to see that. Have you any idea what this secrecymeans?"
"Not the slightest in the world."
It was noticed that the red-haired stranger still lingered in town.Steve learned that the man was in frequent communication with certain ofthe workers in the mine, spending all, or the greater part of hisevenings at Cavard's lodgings on Iron Street.
One evening late in the week Rush walked down to the village hotel,where he occasionally went to read the Chicago papers that were kept onfile there. He had seated himself at the long, paper-littered table inthe deserted reading room and settled himself for a quiet time. He hadbeen reading for some time when he suddenly heard his name spoken.
Glancing up quickly the Iron Boy found himself looking into the floridface of the red-haired man whom he had seen with the Duke.
"Good evening, sir," said Steve innocently, resuming his reading.
"I am glad to make your acquaintance, young man. I have heard all aboutyour heroism at the time of the fire in the mine. It was a brave pieceof work that you and your friend--let's see, what is his name?"
"You mean Bob Jarvis?"
"Yes, that's the name--that you two did."
"Thank you. Let's talk about the weather."
The stranger laughed heartily.
"I see you are a humorist. I expect you will be at the head of a mineyourself one of these fine days."
"I expect to be," answered the lad so quickly as fairly to take theother man's breath away. "That day is a long way off, however."
"Perhaps not so far off as you think. There is a way that men of yourability and mind may improve their conditions."
"May I ask what your business is, sir?"
"I am interested in mines. I am up here on mining business. By the way,I have some of the finest samples of ore that you ever saw."
Steve was interested in spite of himself.
"Yes; I can show you samples that will interest you greatly. If you havea little time I wish you would come up to my room. We can talk to betteradvantage there than down here, and besides I can show you the sampleswithout a crowd gathering about us."
"I do not know you, sir," answered the lad, with a half smile.
"My name is Driscold, Barney Driscold. I am from Chicago."
"I am glad to meet you, Mr. Driscold," said Rush, extending his hand."Under the circumstances I shall be glad to see the ore you speak of. Iam always willing to look at anything that will add to my store ofknowledge."
"I know that. Come with me. I am interested in young men like you. Whereis your friend to-night?"
"He has gone to call on another friend."
Steve rose and started after Driscold. The latter did not pass throughthe lobby of the hotel, but made his way back through the parlor on theground floor, opening a door that revealed a stairway leading to thefloor above. Steve had never been upstairs in the hotel. He did not evenknow the arrangement of the rooms up there. He was a shrewd boy, andperhaps he was not so much attracted by the promised exhibition of oreas he was by the idea of learning something about Mr. Driscold.
The latter led him down a hall toward the front of the building, thenentered a small, cosy parlor, which he had engaged for his use while inthe mining town.
"Have a seat," said Driscold cordially, as he turned on the lights, thendrew up a chair close to where Steve Rush had seated himself.
"I guess something is going to start in a short time," thought Steve."Where are the ore samples, sir?" he asked.
Driscold brought out a handful of specimens of copper ore that he had inhis bag. These he laid on the little round table that stood at the sideof his chair.
Steve picked up the samples. He saw at once that they were inferiorsamples, not worthy even of passing consideration.
"Where do these samples come from, sir?" he asked, apparently deeplyinterested.
"From a new mine over in Michigan. I am interested in the mine and Ithought you would be interested in the ore we take from it."
"Yes, sir."
"We have some ideal conditions in the mine. Our men are better paid andhave shorter hours than you men have up here. You work ten hours here,while our men work only eight."
"Yes, sir."
"I presume that you would like to have shorter hours and get more moneyat the same time, would you not?"
"That depends," replied Rush evasively.
"Upon what?"
"Oh, it depends upon several things. In what way do you accomplish thisin your new copper mine?"
"By organization purely."
"I don't think I quite understand."
"By organization I mean organizing the working men."
"Oh, you mean holding up one's employers; in other words, throttlingthem and compelling them to grant one's demands. Is that what you mean?"demanded the lad with sharp incisiveness.
"Oh, no, no, no! You misunderstand me. We do nothing of the sort.We----"
Driscold was interrupted by a rap on the door.
"Come in," he called.
A man stepped into the room. Steve could scarce repress an exclamationas he saw and recognized the newcomer.
"I begin to understand what the game is now," thought the boy, as heleaned back in his chair with a smile of recognition on his face.