240 curious-knotted with intricately designed flower beds 241 low-spirited base

  241 minnow ... mirth laughable, insignificant object 243 unlettered illiterate

  245 vassal wretch

  249 Sorted associated

  249 consorted accompanied

  250 continent canon law enforcing (especially sexual) restraint 251 passion grieve

  251 wherewith with what

  255 pricks spurs (may pun on sense of "penis") 256 meed reward

  257 carriage behavior

  258 estimation reputation

  259 an't if it

  260 weaker vessel i.e. woman

  262 keep retain (may play on sense of "keep as a mistress") 262 least ... notice slightest notification 263 trial probably plays on sense of "sexual test"

  266 looked for expected

  268 for i.e. example of

  268 sirrah sir (used to an inferior)

  270 confess admit to having been involved with 273 marking of paying attention to

  280 so varied expressed equivocally

  283 maid i.e. use of the word

  283 maid serve your turn get you out of trouble (Costard plays on the sense of "gratify me sexually") 287 pray plays on sense of "have sex"

  287 mutton and porridge mutton soup (mutton plays on the sense of "prostitute" and porridge on the sense of "sex/genitalia") 290 delivered o'er handed over

  293 lay wager

  293 goodman title for someone below the rank of gentleman 294 idle worthless (matter for)

  296 true honest, chaste, good

  298 prosperity malapropism for "adversity"

  298 Affliction Costard means "prosperity"

  299 sit down i.e. be patient

  1.2 Moth winged insect (puns on the similarly pronounced "mote"--i.e. dust speck; possible pun on mot, the French for "word") 1 sign is it is it a sign of

  5 imp sapling/child

  7 part distinguish between

  8 tender youthful, inexperienced

  8 juvenal youth (plays on the name of the Roman satirist Juvenal) 9 familiar easily comprehended

  9 working operation (of the emotions)

  13 congruent epitheton fitting epithet

  14 appertaining relating

  14 nominate name

  16 appertinent appropriate

  21 Pretty neat, ingenious, fine-looking

  21 pretty, because little proverbial

  23 quick quick-witted

  25 condign well-deserved

  28 quick speedy

  29 heat'st my blood make me angry

  32 crossed contradicted

  33 mere absolute

  33 crosses coins (sometimes stamped with a cross) 35 duke i.e. the king

  38 told counted

  39 ill not good

  39 reckoning calculation

  39 tapster barman, tavern keeper

  40 gamester gambler/merry person/lewd person 42 complete accomplished

  44 deuce-ace a (poor) throw of two and one in dice 46 vulgar common people

  48 piece masterpiece/example

  51 dancing horse probably refers to Morocco, a trained horse performing in 1590s London that could beat out numbers with its hoof 52 figure figure of speech/numeral

  53 cipher zero

  54 base unbefitting (sense then shifts to "lowborn") 56 humour of affection disposition to love

  57 reprobate corrupt

  59 new-devised curtsy newly invented (fashionable) bow 59 think scorn disdain

  60 outswear overcome by swearing/swear to do without 60 Cupid Roman god of love

  62 Hercules mythological Greek hero

  65 carriage demeanor/bearing

  66 Samson famously strong biblical character 66 carriage plays on the sense of "carrying ability"

  67 he ... porter Samson carried off the gates of Gaza (Judges 16:3) 69 well-knit well-constructed

  70 rapier long, thin sword

  74 complexion disposition/skin color

  75 Of ... four refers to the four humors (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy) thought to determine temperament 78 sea-water green refers to greensickness, an anemic condition affecting young women 81 Green i.e. because associated with spring and youthfulness 83 affected loved

  83 wit intelligence

  84 green immature

  86 maculate spotted, polluted

  87 colours plays on sense of "pretexts"

  88 Define explain

  91 pathetical moving

  92 she ... of her complexion is (made puns on "maid" as well as possibly suggesting cosmetic artifice) 97 this i.e. her complexion

  98 still always

  99 native naturally

  99 owe own

  100, 101 A ... red i.e. a warning against real or cosmetic red and white complexions; plays on the familiar opposition between rhyme and reason

  102 ballad ... Beggar probably that relating the tale of King Cophetua, who fell in love with a beggar maid 105 ages since generations ago

  106 serve be acceptable

  108 example justify/provide an example of 108 digression transgression

  109 rational hind rustic capable of reason 111 whipped a punishment for prostitutes

  111 yet yet she deserves

  113 heavy sad

  114 light not heavy/promiscuous 116 Clown rustic

  118 penance malapropism for "pleasure"

  119 For as for

  120 for the dey-woman to serve the dairy woman 123 lodge hunting lodge/gamekeeper's cottage 124 hereby nearby

  128 With that face? i.e. Really?/You don't say? (tell may pun on the sense of "count," so that the face would be that of a clock) 134 Villain rascal/peasant/servant

  136 full stomach full of food/courageously 139 bound obliged

  139 fellows servants

  140 but lightly little (plays on opposite of heavily) 143 pent up imprisoned/constipated

  143 loose free/loose in the bowels

  144 fast and loose cheating

  144 shalt to shall go to

  146 desolation malapropism, perhaps for "consolation"

  150 silent perhaps an error for "free"

  151 little error for "much" (or patience is an error for its opposite) 153 affect love

  155 be forsworn break my oath

  155 argument proof

  157 familiar attendant evil spirit

  159 Solomon biblical king known for his wisdom and love of women 160 butt-shaft unbarbed arrow used for target practice 161 too much odds at too great an advantage 162 first ... cause refers to the codes of dueling practice 162 turn purpose

  163 passado forward thrust with one foot advanced 163 duello established dueling code 165 manager master/user

  166 extemporal ... rhyme god of improvised poetry 167 turn sonnet become a sonneteer

  168 for for producing

  168 folio large-format book

  2.1 Princess of France possible parallel in Marguerite de Valois, who married Henri of Navarre 1 dearest most valuable/strongest

  1 spirits energies/thoughts

  3 embassy message

  5 parley speak/negotiate

  5 inheritor owner

  6 owe own

  7 Matchless unrivaled (may pun on the king's unmarried status) 7 plea claim

  9 prodigal of lavish with

  9 dear precious, beloved

  10 dear costly

  11 starve i.e. deprive of graces

  11 beside i.e. apart from yourself 13 mean meager/moderate

  16 uttered offered for sale/spoken

  16 chapmen's merchants'/peddlers'

  17 tell speak of/reckon up

  18 much greatly

  18 counted accounted

  19 spending wasting/paying out

  20 task set a task for/take to task

  20 tasker he who sets a task

  21 ignorant unaware that

  21 fame rumor

  22 noise abroad broadcast

  23 painful laborious/diligent

  25 to's seemeth it it
seems to us

  25 needful necessary

  27 pleasure wishes

  27 that behalf regard to that

  28 Bold confident

  28 single select

  29 best-moving most persuasive

  29 fair just/plausible/flattering

  29 solicitor advocate

  32 Importunes begs for

  32 conference conversation

  33 attend wait

  35 Proud of honored by

  35 willingly puns on will in the previous line 36 pride the princess shifts the sense to "arrogance, vanity"

  37 votaries those bound by a vow

  42 Perigort Perigord is a district in southwest France 42 heir heiress

  44 Normandy region of northern France

  45 sovereign parts excellent qualities

  46 fitted equipped

  46 arts scholarship

  46 arms warfare

  47 Nothing ... well whatever he wants to do well he does well, and it suits him 48 soil blemish

  48 gloss luster

  50 blunt a will i.e. unfeeling readiness to use his wit 51 still continually

  52 his its

  53 belike most likely

  54 humours moods

  58 Of by

  58 for virtue for his virtue

  59 least knowing ill though he is ignorant of evil 60 wit ... good such intelligence that he could make something bad seem good 61 shape the appearance

  61 though even if

  62 Duke Alencon King Henri III of France's younger brother, who unsuccessfully courted Queen Elizabeth around 1580

  63 much ... worthiness my report of him is inadequate compared to the worth I saw in him 68 becoming appropriate

  69 withal with

  70 begets creates

  70 occasion opportunities

  71 catch i.e. see

  72 mirth-moving laughter-provoking

  73 conceit's expositor the expounder of witty ideas 75 play truant at abandon their duties in order to listen to 77 voluble fluent

  80 bedecking adorning

  82 admittance reception

  84 competitors partners/rivals

  85 addressed prepared

  87 lodge entertain/encamp

  87 field open land/battleground

  90 unpeopled inadequately staffed

  94 roof ... court i.e. the sky

  100 by my will willingly

  101 will desire

  104 Where whereas

  105 sworn out house-keeping renounced hospitality 109 beseemeth suits

  110 Vouchsafe agree

  111 suddenly immediately

  111 resolve ... suit answer my request 113 that ... away in order to make me leave 115 Brabant in the Low Countries

  119 quick impatient, sharp

  120 long on account

  121 hot eager, hasty

  122 mire bog

  123 day time is it

  125 mask worn by ladies to protect the complexion from the sun 126 fall befall

  128 so provided that

  130 intimate refer to/imply

  133 Disbursed paid out

  133 his i.e. the King of France's 134 he Navarre's father

  134 as neither have which neither of us has 136 in surety as guarantee

  137 bound contracted

  138 valued to of the same value as

  139 restore repay

  140 unsatisfied unpaid

  143 little purposeth scarcely intends

  144 demand ... repaid legally claims back/insists he has already paid 145 not ... crowns does not even request, on payment of the rest of the money 147 have ... in regain his entitlement to 148 depart withal part with

  150 gelded weakened (literally, castrated) 153 A ... reason me compromise even against reason 157 unseeming not seeming

  162 arrest take you at

  162 word utterance/promise

  163 acquittances documents confirming payment of a debt 165 his i.e. the King of Navarre's 166 Satisfy me so provide me with this

  168 specialties sealed contracts

  171 liberal reason reasonable terms

  173 breach of honour i.e. breaking the oath 174 Make tender of offer

  176 without outside

  177 As that

  179 Your may your

  181 consort attend

  182 Thy ... place! I wish you the same wherever you may be!

  184 do my commendations give it my greetings 187 fool poor thing

  189 let it blood bleed it

  191 physic medical knowledge

  192 eye gaze (puns on ay) 193 Non point "not at all" (French), perhaps also suggesting "no penis" (picking up on prick) 196 stay thanksgiving remain to express thanks 199 Katherine Shakespeare confused the names and wrote "Rosaline" here: editors and directors must emend for clarity of coupling 200 gallant fine-looking

  204 light ... light wanton when her behavior is known 205 desire want to have

  212 choler anger

  214 unlike unlikely

  216 Rosaline Shakespeare confused the names and wrote "Katherine" here: editors and directors must emend for clarity of coupling 216 hap chance, fortune

  218 so something like that

  220 welcome to you you are welcome to go 224 take ... word accept what he says/take him on at his own word games 225 grapple contend with, seize (literally, attach one's ship to another vessel) 225 board accost (literally, climb aboard another ship) 226 hot fiery, ardent

  226 sheeps puns on ships

  229 pasture puns on "pastor" (i.e. shepherd) 230 So as long as

  232 common common ground (available to all sheep/men) 232 several private land/more than one/parted 235 jangling squabbling

  235 gentles gentlefolk

  236 civil domestic/polite

  237 bookmen scholars

  237 abused misapplied

  239 By about

  239 still silent

  242 affected being in love

  244 did ... retire retreated

  245 court royal dwelling (puns on sense of "courtship") 245 thorough through

  246 agate precious stone often carved with tiny figures 246 print image

  246 impressed stamped/affected

  247 Proud made proud/swollen

  247 his form i.e. the princess' image 248 all ... see frustrated at only being able to speak rather than gaze 250 that sense i.e. eyesight

  250 make their repair go

  253 crystal under crystal glass

  254 Who, tend'ring which, offering

  254 glassed encased in glass

  255 point direct, invite

  256 margin i.e. like that of a page, which often carried additional notes 256 quote display

  259 An if

  260 pavilion ceremonial tent

  260 disposed inclined (to be merry)

  261 But only

  267 Venus goddess of love, mother of Cupid 267 father i.e. Boyet, as Cupid's grandfather

  268 grim ugly

  269 mad excitable

  273 hard tough (to outwit)

  3 Concolinel presumably the title of Moth's song, perhaps of Irish or French origin 4 air tune

  5 enlargement freedom

  5 festinately speedily

  7 brawl French dance

  8 Brawling quarreling

  9 jig ... tune sing the tune of a jig

  10 canary i.e. dance (name of a lively dance)

  10 humour adapt (yourself) to/indulge

  14 penthouse-like like a roof projecting over a shop

  15 thin-belly doublet unpadded lower part of a close-fitting jacket 17 after in the style of

  18 snip and away snatch before moving on to the next

  18 compliments gentlemanly accomplishments

  19 humours whims

  19 betray seduce/mislead

  19 nice coy/capricious/lecherous

  20 note reputation (plays on the sense of "musical note")

  21 note pay attention

  21 men possibly addressed to the men in the audienc

  21 affected inclined

  22 purchased acquired

  25 'The ... forgot' probably lines from a popular song, now lost 26 hobby-horse false or toy horse/prostitute

  27 colt young horse/lascivious person

  28 hackney horse for hire/whore

  33 prove demonstrate (sense then shifts to "turn out to be") 37 come by possess

  39 out of heart discouraged

  43 me for me

  44 sympathized suited

  48 slow-gaited slow-moving

  51 ingenious clever one

  53 Minime by no means (Latin)

  60 Thump i.e. noise of a cannon going off 61 acute clever

  61 free of grace liberal with charm

  62 welkin sky, heaven

  63 gives thee place yields its place to you

  65 costard apple/head

  67 l'envoy postscript (i.e. explanation)

  69 egma Costard's mistake for "enigma" (which he seems to think, along with 69 riddle and

  69 l'envoy, means some type of remedy)

  69 salve healing ointment

  69 mail (medicine) bag

  70 plantain medicinal herb

  72 By virtue mild oath

  72 silly foolish

  73 spleen laughter

  74 ridiculous derisive

  75 inconsiderate thoughtless, idiotic

  75 salve Latin for "hail, greetings" (the opposite of l'envoy) 80 precedence something said before

  80 tofore earlier

  80 sain said

  83 humble-bee bumble-bee

  84 still always

  84 at odds quarreling/of an uneven number

  86 Staying the odds ending the quarrel/making the number even 86 adding four making up the fourth

  87 l'envoy ... goose oie is French for "goose" and the final sound of envoy

  89 sold ... bargain i.e. made a fool of him (proverbial) 89 flat obvious

  90 good i.e. well-spent

  90 an if

  91 fast and loose cheating

  93 argument discussion

  99 ended the market refers to "Three women and a goose make a market" (proverbial) 102 sensibly with common sense/feelingly

  103 feeling sense of the pain

  105 threshold doorway

  107 matter pus

  108 enfranchise liberate (Costard hears as "enFrances"--i.e. "give you a Frances") 109 Frances typical name for a prostitute

  110 goose prostitute (slang)

  112 immured confined

  114 purgation purger of guilt/laxative

  115 let me loose free me/loosen my bowels

  116 from durance free from imprisonment

  117 lieu exchange

  118 significant sign

  119 remuneration payment

  119 ward protection

  120 dependants servants

  121 sequel that which follows (recalls the l'envoy joke) 122 incony fine

  122 Jew affectionate term; possible pun on juvenal or diminutive of "jewel"

  124 farthings coins worth quarter of a penny

  125 inkle kind of linen tape

  126 carries it wins the day

  127 French crown coin/bald head caused by syphilis, the "French disease"

  128 out of without using

  130 carnation flesh-colored

  133 halfpenny farthing i.e. three farthings, three quarters of a penny 136 slave rascal/fellow

  137 good my knave my good fellow

  144 villain rascal/fellow