Page 18 of Desired

  “Where is he?” Caitlin asked Pol y, as she scanned the table for Pol y’s new boyfriend. She was eager to meet him, to see what al the talk was about—and then, to leave. She had been surprised not to find him at the door, waiting to greet Pol y and bring her to her seat, as the other men did.

  “He’s performing tonight,” Pol y said with great pride, “so he won’t be joining us at the feast.

  He always needs to prepare before his performances. He needs time alone. Backstage. That’s because he’s a very great artist.”

  Caitlin looked at Pol y, and wondered if she were serious.

  She was. She had never seen her so smitten by a guy, and she worried for her once again. Everything she said about this guy gave Caitlin the creeps, made her feel as if something was off about him. He sounded so vain, so megalomaniacal. Caitlin could care less that he was performing—she stil thought that he should have greeted Pol y and escorted her to the table, and dined with her, especial y since Pol y was so enthusiastic about him.

  Caitlin once again felt moved to tel Pol y exactly what she thought—but, reluctantly, she bit her tongue. She didn’t want to get involved and ruin her good time, especial y since she didn’t think it would do much good. At the very least, she’d wait until she met him first.

  Several servants appeared, placing dish after dish on Caitlin’s plate, and fil ing her glass with a thick, red liquid.

  Caitlin felt herself getting hungry as she saw what was in the glass: blood. She held it up, and realized that this blood was an even lighter shade of red than any she had seen.

  “It’s refined,” Lily explained.

  Caitlin looked at her.

  “They take al the impurities out of it,” Lily continued. “It’s supposed to be healthier for your kind. Remember, this is Versail es: everything is extravagant here.”

  Caitlin tasted it, and was surprised at how much lighter it was, and how it went down so much more smoothly. She was also surprised by the immediate kick she got, and by how she felt so rejuvenated so quickly. Whatever it was they did to it, this blood was definitely of a greater quality.

  Caitlin took a piece of raw meat off of her plate, reached down, and slipped it to Ruth, who was hiding beneath her legs. Ruth jumped up and snatched it from her fingers, and happily gulped it down. She looked up at Caitlin, ready for more, and Caitlin slipped her another piece.

  Caitlin looked around the table and could see that there was a large mix of vampires and humans here. There was a lot of interaction between the two, and the relationship felt very harmonious.

  “Quite a scene, isn’t it?” Lily asked.

  Caitlin nodded back. Everyone seemed happily engrossed in chatter, and light laughter spread throughout the table.

  “I envy your life,” Lily said. “Our royal life is one of forced idleness. This. Al the time. I’d rather be out there, sparring, traveling, whatever. Anywhere but here.”

  Caitlin was surprised to hear Lily say that, because she had just been thinking of what an amazing life it must be to live here.

  “But this place is so beautiful,” Caitlin said.

  “No place is beautiful if you’re trapped in it,” Lily answered.

  “But you’re not trapped. You’re royal. You can go anywhere you want.”

  “I’m trapped by my class,” Lily said. “I can’t travel with commoners, or on common roads, or by myself. Everything must be formal. There are layers and layers of etiquette.

  Yes, I am free to go.

  But where? I’m trapped by this life.”

  “So why don’t you leave it?” Caitlin asked.

  Lily sighed.

  “I’ve thought about it. Many times. Maybe one day I wil . But for now…golden handcuffs, I guess.”

  Lily smiled and raised her glass, and Caitlin did the same.

  They cheered, and both drank more.

  “Caitlin!” came an excited voice.

  It was Sam, from down the table. He was smiling and surprised to see Caitlin there, and was raising a glass towards her.

  “It’s so great to see you here!” he said.

  Caitlin smiled and raised her glass back at him.

  Beside him, Kendra scowled back at Caitlin, not hiding her hatred for her.

  “Oh my God, how do you know him?” Pol y asked.

  Caitlin looked at her, confused. “Who? Sam?”

  Pol y nodded.

  “He’s my brother!”

  Pol y’s eyes opened wide in shock.

  “Your brother? I had no idea! Oh my god! When I first brought him here, he said he was looking for his sister. I had no idea it was you! Wow! Your brother. That’s intense!”

  Pol y seemed to be thinking about it, curling her hair with her finger as she did.

  “Wel , in that case,” Pol y said, “you should warn him.”

  Caitlin looked at her with concern. “About what?”

  “About that witch,” Pol y said. “Kendra. She’s only after him to get turned. She’s tried to get al of our guys to turn her at some point. They know it’s forbidden, so they won’t. Sam is playing a dangerous game. He can never turn her. So he should stop leading her on. And he should know what she’s real y out for.”

  As Caitlin studied Kendra, across the table, she got angrier and angrier. Now her general distrust and anger towards Kendra turned to something more: protectiveness of her brother.

  She was about to get up, to go around the table, and excuse herself and Sam and have a good talk with him—

  but just as she slid back, there was a sudden loud clinking of crystal, and the whole table stood. As one, they al got up and moved away from the table, heading into the other room.

  “Where is everybody going?” Caitlin asked.

  But before she could answer, Pol y suddenly got super excited, her eyes opening wide, nearly jumping up and down where she stood.

  “Yay! You get to meet him. My boyfriend! He’s up. He’s about to sing. Come quickly,” she said, grabbing her arm.

  “Let’s get a good seat!”

  The crowd slowly filtered into the next room, and Pol y led her, excitedly tugging at her, leading her through the crowd.

  The huge, formal sitting room adjacent to the dining room was large enough to act as a smal concert space. The room was fil ed with dozens of smal couches, chaise lounges, and overstuffed armchairs.

  Pol y led Caitlin to a smal couch, in the front row, and the two of them sat together, Lily sitting with them. Before them was a raised stage, covered in a beautiful, black and white, tile marble, above which hung a huge chandelier. On its edges sat musicians, one sitting behind a harp, one behind a harpsichord, one holding a cel o, and another a violin. Al that was missing was the singer.

  Caitlin looked around, and saw everyone taking their seats with excitement and anticipation. She saw Sam sitting in a loveseat with Kendra, holding hands. She looked the other way, and on the other side saw Blake and his girlfriend sitting together. She looked al around, and nearly everyone seemed to be a couple. Everyone but her.

  Caitlin felt more self-conscious than ever, and already was uncomfortable. She couldn’t help thinking of Caleb, and her heart dropped further. She wanted to leave this place. She hoped that Pol y’s boyfriend would appear soon, so that he could give his concert, and she could go.

  The only solace to her in the room was Lily, sitting beside her. She had become a true and fast friend, and she wished that she’d had more time to talk with her. Caitlin reflected on how much life had changed: she would have bet that Pol y would have been the one who was her closest friend, but already things had changed so quickly.

  The room suddenly quieted, as a huge velvet drape moved in the back of the stage, and several of the candles were snuffed out by the servants. A man, wearing a long, black velvet coat, high col ars, and a white shirt with huge cuffs, strutted dramatical y out onto the stage. The lights were dim, so it was hard for Caitlin to get a good look at his face.

  But already, she could see tha
t he walked very dramatical y, ful of himself, and that he had a huge shock of black, wavy hair.

  As he walked closer, right to the edge of the stage, only feet from her, Caitlin got a good look at his face.

  Her heart stopped, as her entire body when cold.

  No. It couldn’t be.

  “I am going to sing for you tonight a series of motets by Vivaldi,” the singer announced dramatical y.

  He turned and nodded to the musicians. He opened his mouth and on cue, the musicians played.

  Caitlin studied his face closely, praying she was wrong. But she wasn’t. It was definitely him. She was beyond shocked.

  She was horrified.

  Standing before her was one of her greatest enemies.

  Sergei. Kyle’s sidekick. The man who had stolen the Sword from her in the King’s Chapel in Boston. The man who had stabbed her in the back. The man who had worked closely with Kyle to help make her life hel .

  She recognized the scar across his cheek. It was definitely, absolutely him. There was no doubt about it.

  Caitlin felt her entire body start to shake. She wanted to lunge forward and take revenge, kil him with her bare hands.

  But of course, she couldn’t. He was singing, performing, and the room was fil ed with people who had been hospitable to her. For whatever reason, they had taken this man in. Didn’t they have any idea who he real y was?

  Worst of al , Pol y sat there beside Caitlin, her best friend, fil ed with desire for this creature.

  Caitlin couldn’t conceive it. Pol y was clearly completely hypnotized by him.

  Caitlin didn’t know what to do. First and foremost, she felt a burning desire to warn Pol y. And then, to warn the others.

  There was no way that this was just a coincidence, she felt.

  Clearly, Sergei had come back in time. Probably looking for her, Caitlin. Probably stil looking for the Shield.

  Probably sent by Kyle. He probably infiltrated al these people, and had been playing them al to his purposes. He would probably feign forgetfulness, loss of memory. He would probably insist that he was not the person she thought.

  But Caitlin knew. Every ounce of her body knew. The scar she stil bore in her back, by her kidney, throbbed at the sight of him. That scar had never gone away. And this was the man who had to pay for it.

  It took every ounce of Caitlin’s wil to sit there while he continued his song.

  What was worse, worse than everything, was that, despite it al , Caitlin had to admit that his voice was beautiful. It was, in fact, the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. It was like the voice of an angel, come down from heaven. And the song, it was so peaceful, so medieval. It sounded like something that could be sung in a monastery somewhere.

  How was it possible? Caitlin wondered. How could such a hideous creatures could produce such beautiful music?

  Was life so paradoxical?

  Despite everything she knew and felt about this man, Caitlin found herself getting hypnotized by the music, too. It was strange, as if he’d had an unearthly power. She had to force herself to snap out of it.

  Final y, after what felt like hours, the songs ended, and the room erupted into huge applause, everyone jumping to their feet, clapping. She couldn’t believe how ignorant they al were.

  Pol y turned to Caitlin, eyes shining.

  “So? What did you think? Isn’t he amazing? Isn’t he gorgeous? Oh my God, wasn’t that incredible? Don’t you just love him!?”

  Not waiting for an answer, Pol y grabbed Caitlin’s arm, preparing to drag her to the stage, to meet him.

  But this time, Caitlin resisted.

  Pol y stopped and looked at her, confused.

  “What’s wrong?” Pol y asked.

  Caitlin tried to col ect yourself, to stay calm.

  “Pol y, we have to talk.”

  “You have to meet him first,” she said. “We can talk after—”

  “No!” Caitlin snapped. “We have to talk now. Right now!”

  Pol y looked shocked as Caitlin reached out and dragged her against the direction of the crowd, into the other room.

  The two of them were soon in the adjoining empty room.

  “Caitlin, what are you doing? I need to go see him—”

  “Pol y!” Caitlin said firmly. “That singer, your boyfriend, Sergei—he’s not who you think he is.”

  Pol y looked back at her, confused, not registering.

  “He’s a very, very bad man, Pol y,” Caitlin said. “He’s a dark and evil vampire. He is a loyal member of Kyle’s Blacktide coven. He’s come back here from another century, probably sent back to find me. I’m sorry to say this, but he’s using you. And you have to stay away from him.”

  For the first time ever, Caitlin watched Pol y’s face contort with anger.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pol y snapped back. “Sergei’s not like that. You’ve got him mixed up with somebody else. Sergei is perfect. Yes, he’s a vampire, but he’s from a good coven. He didn’t come back for another time. He’s always been here. He told me. He’s from Russia.

  He’s a singer. He’s not out to get anyone. Least of al you.

  You just think this is al about you, that the whole world is about you!”

  Caitlin was stunned by that. She had never seen Pol y act this way.

  “Pol y, please understand—”

  “No, I understand already. You’re just jealous. You want him for yourself. And you can’t stand to be happy for me. What’s wrong with you? I thought you were a good friend.”

  Pol y suddenly brushed passed her, heading back to the room—and Caitlin reached out and grabbed her wrist at the last second.

  “Pol y, I’m tel ing you. Please. I know it’s painful to hear it.

  But you have to listen. You have to trust me. Stay away from him.”

  Pol y looked back at Caitlin, locking eyes with her, seething with rage.

  “Take your hand off of me,” Pol y said, slowly and firmly, with such venom in her voice, that it actual y took Caitlin aback.

  Caitlin slowly released her grip.

  “Our friendship is over!” Pol y said.

  And with that, Pol y marched off, into the other room, slamming the huge door hard behind her.

  Caitlin stood there, feeling hol owed out. She felt so sad to see her relationship with one of her best friends crumbling before her eyes. She hated the fact that a guy got between them. That he had changed her best friend. The Pol y wasn’t the same person she used to be.

  And she hated the fact that there was nothing she could do about it. That, no matter what she said or did, she knew that Pol y would never listen. She was too clouded by love to see straight.

  And she felt worried that Pol y was in for trouble. That she would have her heart broken.

  More than ever, Caitlin knew that her time at Versail es was up. She had lingered for Pol y’s sake, and that had clearly been a mistake. She felt there was no more time to waste.

  It was time to find her father.

  As Caitlin walked out of the room, suddenly, the door opened behind her. She turned, and saw Lily approaching.

  “What happened?” Lily asked, as she walked up beside Caitlin, the two of them walking together away from the room.

  Caitlin was embarrassed. She hoped she hadn’t made a scene storming out of there, and she wondered how much everyone else had seen. But she couldn’t have stood to be in front of Sergei a moment longer, and she didn’t trust herself to be in his presence without taking revenge.

  Caitlin shook her head, not sure how much to tel Lily.

  “Pol y and I…we…had a disagreement.”

  She could feel Lily looking at her.

  “It’s over Sergei, isn’t it?” she asked.

  Caitlin turned and looked at her. Lily was very perceptive.

  “How did you know?”

  Lily sighed, as the two continued walking down a new hal .

  “Pol y’s completely changed ever since sh
e met him. It’s been unbearable, real y. And he’s such a…creep. So ful of himself. Personal y, I can’t stand him. I don’t know what she sees in him. What anyone sees in him. I don’t even know where he came from. It was just like, one day he was here.”

  “Wel , I do,” Caitlin said.

  She stopped and turned to Lily.

  “I met him before. Unfortunately. In another place and time.”

  Lily’s eyes opened wide. “You mean another century?”

  Caitlin nodded. Lily look fascinated.

  “He’s an evil vampire. The right-hand man of an even more evil vampire, Kyle. And what’s worse—I’m the one that turned him.”

  Lily’s eyes opened wide in shock.

  “That is something which I wil always regret. So I know that whatever he’s up to, it’s no good.

  And somehow, he’s using Pol y.”

  Lily shook her head. “I tried to tel her to stay away, but she wouldn’t listen. The strangest thing is, he doesn’t even seem to like her.”

  Caitlin sighed, wondering.

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Lily asked.

  Caitlin looked back at her, and she could see her sadness.

  Once again, she was surprised by Lily’s powers of perception, and at how close friends they had become so quickly.

  Caitlin nodded back.

  “I have to. I have to find my father. And the Shield. I’m on a mission. One that I’ve been ignoring for way too long.”

  “So where wil you go to next?” Lily asked.

  Caitlin thought about that. She thought of the letter, of her father’s reference to the Shield, of the next clue. She kept thinking of that phrase. The Field of the Scholars. But for the life of her, she couldn’t figure it out.

  “My father left me a letter. A direction for where to look for him next. He mentioned a place, but… I’m not sure exactly where it is.”

  where it is.”

  “What place?”

  “The letter mentioned a place cal ed the Fields of the Scholars.”

  Lily’s eyes opened wide, and Caitlin was surprised at her reaction.