A few hours after entering the Yenesei they saw on the right bank of theriver, which was now of great width, the domes of the town. They ran into the shore a mile above it.

  "I shall not land, Luka," Godfrey said. "I don't want to be questioned.I shall put off, and drop our anchor a quarter of a mile out and fish.You must make two or three journeys if necessary."

  "The things will not be heavy, Godfrey, the flour is the only thing thatwill weigh much. I will get someone to help me down with that."

  They had already gone over and over again the list of purchases to bemade.

  "I shall drop down a little nearer the town, Luka, when I think it isabout time for you to be coming back, so you won't have so far to carrythe things. Don't be more than three hours whether you have got anythingor not, or I shall begin to feel anxious about you."

  Luka nodded, and went off. Godfrey paddled the boat out a shortdistance, let down the stone, and began to fish. He was under no realuneasiness as to the young Tartar, there was nothing about him todistinguish him from other natives, and as these would be about thistime arriving in considerable numbers at Yeneseisk to sell the skins ofthe animals they had taken in the chase during the summer, and to layin stores for the winter, it was unlikely in the extreme that anyonewould even question him. Such indeed was the case. There were numbers ofnatives in the stores of the Russian traders, and he made his purchaseswithout any question whatever being asked. He bought rather morehatchets, knives, and trinkets than they had agreed upon, and two sacksof flour, although he deemed the latter to be a luxury that they couldvery well dispense with altogether. Godfrey was just thinking of takingup his anchor and going down towards the town when he saw him returning,accompanied by two natives carrying the sacks. He pulled up his anchorand paddled to shore. "Have you got everything, Luka?" he asked.

  "Everything--powder, shot, and balls; tea, salt; ten knives, and eightaxes; beads, four goat-skins, looking-glasses, tobacco, and flour;" andone by one he handed the articles as he named them into the boat.

  "How much flour is there, Luka?"

  "Two hundred pounds. I have got more trinkets than we said. They werevery cheap. They look like gold and silver, and only cost ten kopecksapiece. I have also brought two bottles of vodka."

  "That is bad, Luka."

  "The two only cost a rouble," Luka said calmly; "they may be very usefulto us; and I bought more tea and tobacco than we said."

  The men who had carried the flour had received a few kopecks for theirtrouble, and had gone off as soon as they had laid down their burdens.Directly the things were handed into the boat, Luka stepped in and theypushed off into the stream.

  "I have bought plenty of arrow-heads, and two steel spear heads andshafts."

  "I wondered what those short poles were."

  "They are of tough wood and the right length, ten feet long. They aregood for seal-hunting and for bears."

  "Well, I think you have done capitally, Luka. You have made the money goa long way. I suppose you have spent the hundred roubles you took withyou?"

  "I have four left. I think I have done very well. We have everything weshall want through the winter."

  "Well, we are fairly off for the north now," Godfrey said, in highspirits that everything was settled, and that for eight months at leastthere would not be the slightest risk of meeting with a Russianpoliceman or soldier. "Hurrah for the north, Luka, and for shooting andadventures!"

  Luka smiled. It was rarely he laughed, but he was always ready to smilewhen Godfrey addressed him.

  "The air feels brisk and cold to-day. We shall soon have winter uponus."

  "Yes; look there!" Luka said, pointing into the air ahead of them.

  "What is it? It looks like a long black streak."

  "Geese," Luka said. "It is a flight of wild geese from the north."

  As it approached Godfrey saw that the Tartar was right. A solitary birdled the way, two followed him closely, then came rank after rankwidening out till it was a broad band of fully fifty abreast. Line afterline they followed in almost military array, and extending in lengthfully a quarter of a mile.

  "Why, there must be thirty or forty thousand of them there," heexclaimed in amazement.

  "You will see bigger flocks than that," Luka said. "Why, all the river,from Minusinsk down to Turukhansk, more than 2000 miles, is well-nighcovered with birds. We shall have no lack of meat presently."

  During the day many flights similar to those first seen passed overhead,some larger, some containing only a score or two birds. The next day thenumbers were still larger, whole battalions coming along almostincessantly. These were by no means confined to geese. There were gullsand swans, flocks of small birds of many kinds, flights of wildducks--the latter, for the most part, flying much lower than the geese,which kept far overhead.

  "We had better land to-night," Luka said. "They fly close after dark,and the flocks will settle on the banks. We will shoot them as they comeoverhead. You may not see them well, but they are so thick that you canhardly miss them."

  Accordingly, when evening came on they landed, fastened the boat, took acouple of sheep-skins each to throw over their shoulders (for even inthese two days the cold had sensibly increased), and lay down to awaitthe coming of the birds. All day long the air had been full of theircries, but it had grown quieter now, though occasionally they heard asharp cry of the leader of a flock, followed by a responsive note fromthe birds following him. From time to time Godfrey could hear thewhirring sound of a multitude of wings as the flocks passed overhead.These became louder as the time went on, and he knew that they wereflying lower. He had loaded his gun with heavy shot, and once or twicewas disposed to fire, but Luka each time stopped him. "They are much toohigh yet. They will come close down presently." The stars were shiningbrightly, and Godfrey could make out the outlines of the geese as theypassed overhead. Presently there was a sharp call a few hundred yardshigher up the bank.

  "This lot are coming low," Luka whispered. "They are probably going tosettle to feed. Get ready now."

  Godfrey lay with his gun pointed upwards; a minute later he heard therustling of wings, which rose to a sound like a mighty wind, and thensome forty yards overhead a dark cloud of birds swept along across thesky. Godfrey fired one barrel, waited a moment and then fired again.With a loud cry of surprise and alarm the flock divided in two, andalmost instantly there were several heavy thuds on the ground close by.

  "Hurrah! we have got some of them," Godfrey said, and leaping up theyran to collect the fallen birds. There were five of them. "That isgrand," he exclaimed in delight.

  "Will you shoot some more?" Luka asked.

  "No, we have as many as we can eat, Luka, for the next three days atleast. It would be a waste of powder and shot to kill more, and worsestill, it would be a waste of life. It is right to kill what we requireas food, but to my mind there is nothing more wicked than taking lifemerely for amusement. I consider that we should well deserve anymisfortune that might happen to us if we were to kill any one of God'screatures wantonly. One of our best poets has written:

  "'He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all.'

  "It makes me furious sometimes, Luka, when I read books of what iscalled sport, and find men boasting of killing numerous creatures merelyfor the pleasure of killing them. I feel that nothing would give megreater pleasure than to flog such brutes."

  Luka did not much understand this outburst of indignation, but as usualhe grunted an assent, and carrying the birds they returned to the boat.

  "It is freezing to-night," the Tartar said as they stepped in. "I willlay the geese in the bow beyond the cover. They will be frozen by themorning."

  Godfrey was glad of the wrapping of warm furs that night, and even whenhe shook them off and looked out at sunrise, it was still so chillythat, after he had leaned over the side of the boat as usual, ands
luiced his head with water, he was glad to take a paddle and work hardfor a bit to keep himself warm.

  "Get the fire alight, Luka, and the kettle on," he said, "and cut up oneof those geese. How are you going to get the feathers off? I suppose youwill have to pluck them and singe them."

  "It would take much too long that. We can spare the feathers this time."

  So saying, with his knife he made a slight incision down thebreast-bone, and then proceeded to tear off the skin, bit by bit,feathers and all.

  "That is a quick way," Godfrey said, "though it doesn't improve thebird's appearance; but that is a trifle. Never mind the bread, we shallhave to do without that before long, and I feel as hungry as a hunter."

  In a very few minutes the fire was blazing, and portions of the goosefrizzling over it, and in twenty minutes the meal was ready. Godfreythought he had never eaten anything nicer; and the meat being much lessrich than that of tame geese, he did very well without bread. For thenext three days they made no pause, floating down night and day, thestream varying in speed from five to ten miles an hour. At points wherethe stream was most rapid, they paddled in towards the bank to avoid thewaves raised by the river in its course. The light boat always floatedeasily over these, but she needed to be kept with her head to them; andGodfrey was afraid that a moment's carelessness might bring herbroadside on to them, and therefore preferred to glide along at asomewhat slower rate near the shore.

  The river was now a mile and a half wide. To the left the country wasflat, but on the right they could see hills rising far above each other.One or two small trading stations were seen on the right bank, but uponthe left they passed only a few clusters of Ostjak yourts. On the rightgreat pine forests came down in places to within a short distance of theriver, but these were rarely seen on the left. On the fifth day afterleaving Yeneseisk they saw a small trading station on the right bank.This Godfrey, who had got the geography of the river by heart, judged tobe Peslovska, because it was one of the few trading stations which wasnot situated at a point where a tributary stream ran into the Yenesei.

  "We are far enough down now, Luka," he said. "We are not more than twohundred miles from Turukhansk. We will land at the next Ostjak huts wecome to, and see if they are disposed to be friendly with us."

  "They will be friendly," Luka said confidently. "Why not? They arepeaceable people, and they know that did they touch strangers they wouldbe punished. There are Russian soldiers at Turukhansk. The Ostjaks arevery poor. You have things to give them, and you want nothing of them."

  Twenty miles further they saw a group of seven huts on the left bankahead of them, and paddling in landed close to them. Three or fourcanoes, much smaller than their own lay there, and as they climbed thelofty bank some of the Ostjaks came out from their huts.

  "What do you want?" one of them asked abruptly.

  "I am travelling with this gentleman, who has come from a far distantcountry to hunt and to shoot game here in winter. We would like to livebeside your village and to hunt with you. You see he has a gun. He hasmany things as presents, and it will be well for the village where hesettles. Here is some tobacco for all," and Luka handed a small roll oftobacco to each of the men. "We have also some presents for the women,"and he produced two or three looking-glasses, and some rows of largeblue and red beads. The women, who were listening in the huts, at oncecame out.

  "It is good," an old man, who seemed to be the leader of the Ostjaks,said. "Why should not the stranger live here with us and hunt with us ifhe chooses? He will be welcome. Let us help the strangers."

  The whole of the Ostjaks at once set to work. Godfrey chose a piece oflevel ground twenty or thirty yards lower down than the huts. He andLuka, aided by some of the men, carried the various articles out of theboat. While they were doing this, the women stuck some poles in theground round the circle Godfrey had traced, and lashed them together inthe middle with some strips of hide. The three large skins were placedagainst this on the northern side. Then the women paused.

  "You had better buy some more large skins if they have got them, Luka.Say that you will give a knife for hides enough to finish the hutswith."

  The knives were large ones with rough handles and strong blades, andwhen Luka took one out from a bundle and said to the chief, "We willgive this knife for enough skins to finish the hut," he gave an order tohis wife, and she and two of the other women at once brought some elkhides from a pile lying by the side of his tent. A few stitches here andthere with the needle made of a sharp fish-bone, with a thread oftwisted gut, fastened the corners of the hides together, and in half anhour the tent was complete. The goat-skins were spread on the ground.The fox and other skins were made into two piles, one on each side ofthe tent, and all the goods stored inside.

  "This is splendid," Godfrey said; "here we are as snug as if we wereborn Ostjaks. I had no idea they would have made us so comfortable. Wewill give them a cup of tea all round, Luka, as a reward for theirlabours. We don't care for sugar, but the two pounds you bought atYeneseisk will come in useful now. They will think a lot more of it ifit is sweet. See if they have got a big kettle. That little thing ofours will only hold a couple of quarts."

  Upon inquiry the chief produced a cauldron, which he exhibited withgreat pride. It had evidently been used for melting down blubber. Lukacarried it down to the water's edge, and then scrubbed it with sanduntil it was tolerably clean; then he rubbed it with wisps of coarsegrass, filled it with water, and stood it on a fire that the Ostjaks hadmade from drift-wood picked up from the shore. In half an hour the waterboiled. He put in two or three handfuls of tea and half a pound ofsugar, let it boil for another minute or two, and then took the pot offthe fire. Then he invited the Ostjaks to dip in their cups. In each ofthe huts they had a few tin mugs, for the expense and risk of carriageof crockery rendered the prices prohibitive, and even the tin mugs wereprized as among their most precious possessions. Luka and Godfrey alsodipped in their cups as an act of civility, but the latter made a wryface when it approached his lips, for the odour of the blubber was verystrong, and he took an opportunity, when none of the Ostjaks werelooking, to pour the contents of the tin upon the ground beside him; butto the Ostjaks the smell and flavour of blubber was no drawback, and menand women sat round the fire drinking the sweet liquor with greatenjoyment, and evidently highly contented at the coming of this strangeramong them.

  While they were partaking of it Godfrey heard a sound behind, andlooking round saw a boy driving in several reindeer. He was delighted atthe sight, not only because it promised hunting expeditions, but becausethey might aid to carry them across the frozen steppes, to the Obi,before the frost broke up. Talking with the Ostjaks Luka found that, asthe temperature had been below freezing-point all day, they intended tocommence fishing in earnest the next morning. The position of the hutshad been specially selected for that purpose. The river made a sharpbend just above them, and the point threw the current across to theopposite bank, forming almost a back-water at the spot where the hutsstood. It seemed strange to Godfrey, as he lay down that night, to bewithout the gentle motion of the boat to which he had been so longaccustomed, and he lay awake for some time, not forgetting before hewent to sleep to thank God for the wonderful success that had so farattended him, and to pray for a continuance of His protection.

  As soon as it was light the boats all put off, and anchoring a shortdistance out were soon engaged in fishing. Godfrey put down four lines,each with six of the hooks Mikail had purchased for him before startingfrom Kara. These were baited with strips of fish, and he and Luka weresoon busy at work hauling in the fish. They were mostly jack or tench,and by the evening they had caught nearly a hundred. When they rowed toshore they found that they had been far more successful than any of theOstjaks, this being due to the superiority of their hooks over thefish-bone contrivances of the natives. Following the example of theOstjaks they laid the fish in lines in front of their tent to freezeduring the night.

  After boiling their kettle, frying a couple
of fish, and taking supper,they lighted two torches and again went out, returning before midnightwith twenty-five salmon averaging fifteen pounds each. By the morningthe fish were all frozen as hard as pieces of wood, and were then laidin a pile. For four days this work continued with equal success, and bythe end of that time they had a pile of fish six feet square and threefeet high, making, Godfrey calculated, nearly a ton of fish. They hadobserved that some of the Ostjaks had each morning brought in severalwild geese and swans, and Luka learnt from them that there was a largemarsh a mile away in which large flights of geese settled every night.Accompanied by two of the Ostjaks they started late in the evening forthe spot. When they came near the marsh they could hear a low chatteringnoise as the birds fed on the aquatic grasses. Sometimes they heardcries in the air, answered by calls from the feeding birds, and followedspeedily by a great rustling of wings as fresh flocks alighted.

  Godfrey and Luka had brought with them some fox-skins and sat wrapped upin them, but in spite of that they felt the cold as they waited hourafter hour. Godfrey dozed off several times, and at last slept for threeor four hours. He was awakened by a touch from Luka, and a low warningto keep silence. The morning was breaking. He found that the Ostjaks hadbuilt a sort of shelter of bushes, which had the effect of breaking theforce of the north wind and of hiding them from the water-fowl. Raisinghis head cautiously he saw before him a sheet of shallow water; this wasabsolutely covered with geese, a few swans being seen here and there.Luka had warned him not to fire until the Ostjaks had shot all theirarrows, as the sound of his gun would at once scare the whole flock. Theedge of the water was about forty yards away. The Ostjaks and Luka hadboth made holes through the bushes in front of them so as to be able toshoot without exposing their heads. Moving gently Godfrey found a spotwhere he could see through the boughs. The natives were just ready toshoot. There were three swans close to the edge of the water, and thebows twanged almost together.

  Although he knew how marvellous was the shooting of the Ostjaks, he wasnevertheless surprised at seeing that each of the birds was struck inthe head, and was thus killed instantly without the slightest noisebeing made.

  Again and again they shot, and each arrow brought down its bird. Luka'sthird arrow was less successful; it wounded a bird on the neck, and withloud cries of pain and alarm it flew flapping across the pool. In aninstant the whole mass of birds rose on the wing, circling round andround with loud cries. The natives, lying on their backs, shot arrowafter arrow into the air, in each case transfixing a goose. Each hadtwelve arrows, and when they were exhausted Luka said, "Now, Godfrey,you can fire."

  Godfrey waited until a number of birds flew in a mass over him, and thendischarged both barrels. Five geese fell, and then the whole vast flockflew away to the north, leaving the lagoon entirely deserted save by thefloating bodies of their dead companions.

  "Arrow better than gun," Luka said as he rose. "Gun kill, but frightenall away. Arrow keep on killing."

  "That is true enough, Luka; there is no doubt the bow is the best forthis sort of work; but I shall manage better another time."

  The birds were picked up. Twelve had fallen to each of the Ostjaks. Lukahad eleven, and Godfrey five. It was a heavy burden to carry back to thehuts. Godfrey and Luka's shares of the birds were laid by the pile offish, with the exception of one which Luka proceeded to skin and hangup, while Godfrey saw to the fire and put on the kettle.

  When they had finished breakfast Godfrey said, "We will take three orfour hours' sleep now, Luka, and then I am going down to have a look atthat marsh." They accordingly started at mid-day. Godfrey made a detourround the lagoon, and a hundred yards beyond it, on the opposite side,found a clump of bushes that he thought would suit his purpose. WithLuka's assistance he cleared a spot in the middle large enough for themto lie down on, and then returned to camp. They took their next mealearly, and then, taking some furs to make themselves comfortable, againstarted round the lagoon. It was just sunset when they got there, andspreading two or three fox-skins on the ground, and throwing two overtheir shoulders, they waited.

  It was scarcely dusk when the first flock of geese passed close overtheir heads, on their way to the lagoon. Luka discharged two arrows, andthen Godfrey fired his two barrels into them. Several fell, but theflock scattered with wild screams; but, after circling round and roundfor some time, settled in the lagoon. A quarter of an hour passed, andthen another flock came along. All night the flocks continued to arriveat short intervals, and from each Godfrey brought down several. Luka'sarrows were soon exhausted, but Godfrey continued firing until morningbegan to break. Then they got up to see the result of the night'sshooting. Luka, although seldom excited, gave a shout of pleasure. Theground around them was thickly strewn with geese. Many were onlywounded; but Luka, with a short, heavy stick, soon put them out of theirpain, although not without several sharp chases. Then they collected andcounted the birds. There were eighty-four in all.

  "Another night's shooting, Luka, and our larder will be full."

  Each taking up six geese, which was as much as they could carry, theyreturned to the tents, and then set out again, accompanied by all theboys and girls of the village; and this time the whole of the geese werecarried to the hut.

  "It is an awful pity," Godfrey said, as he looked at the great pile,"that we haven't got anything we could use for holding the feathers.Well, we will have them picked anyhow. We can make a thick layer of themunder the skins for the present. When it gets downright cold we cannestle in among them somehow."

  Accordingly the children were set to work to pluck the birds, which werethen left out to freeze in the same way as the fish. That night and thenext day they rested, and then had another night's shooting. The amountof success was as great as that which had attended the first.

  "We have plenty now to last us well on into the spring," Godfrey said ashe looked at the great pile. "What is to be done next, Luka?"

  "Pour water over them and the fish and let them freeze."

  "Do they keep better that way, Luka?"

  "Yes; not get so dry."

  The Ostjaks had been astounded at the success of their visitors, both infishing and shooting. Godfrey now had a conversation with their chief,and offered to shoot a supply of geese for the natives, if they wouldfurnish him and his companion with a complete outfit of furs for thewinter. This the chief at once agreed to, as they had a large supply offoxes' skins in camp, and these, with the exception of the rarer sorts,were practically worthless for the purpose of exchange.

  Godfrey made the chief another offer: to give him a hatchet, two knives,and six fish-hooks, if he would supply them with as much seal's flesh asthey might require during the winter, and with blubber for lamps. TheOstjaks had already killed a good many seals; but the pursuit of themrequired time and patience, and Godfrey wanted to ensure a supply forthe winter, although Luka told him they would have plenty ofopportunities of getting seals then. Accordingly, for the next ten daysthe shooting was continued at night, Godfrey and Luka sleeping duringthe day, and leaving it to the young Ostjaks to collect and bring in thebirds.

  The cold daily increased, and Godfrey began to feel much the want ofwarmer clothing. However, on the eighth day the Ostjaks brought in twosuits. They were the joint work of the women of the village. As theOstjaks were greatly pleased at the quantity of food coming in daily,which ensured them a sufficiency of meat throughout the winter, inaddition to their own stock of fish, the work was well done. For each aclosely-fitting shirt had been made of the squirrel skins they hadbrought down with them, with the fur inside. The trousers were of redfox-skin, with the hair outside. The upper garment was a long capote ofthe same fur, reaching down to the ankles, and furnished with a hoodcovering the head and face, with the exception of an opening from theeyes down to the mouth. In addition to these, was given to each as apresent a pair of Ostjak boots. These were large and loose. They weremade of goat-skins, rendered perfectly supple by grease and rubbing, andwith the hair inside. They came up to the
thighs, and had a thick solemade of layers of elk-hide. There was also for each a pair of socks ofsquirrel's skin, with the hair inside, and a pair of fingerless glovesof double skin, the fur being both inside and out, except in the palm,which was of single skin, with the fur inside.

  "Well, if it is cold enough to require all that," Godfrey said, "it willbe cold indeed; but it will be awful walking about with it. Surely onecan never want all those furs!"

  But in time Godfrey found that they were none too many, for atTurukhansk the thermometer in winter sometimes sinks to 60 degrees belowzero. For a time, however, he found no occasion to use the capote, thefur shirt trousers and boots being amply sufficient, while the fur capwith the hanging tails kept his neck and ears perfectly warm. Alreadythe ice was thick on the still reach of the river beside which the hutsstood, although, beyond the shelter of the point, the Yenesei stillswept along. The lagoon had been frozen over for some days, in spite ofthe water being kept almost perpetually in motion by the flocks ofwater-fowl, and the ground was as hard as iron. The Ostjaks were now forsome days employed in patching up their huts and preparing them towithstand the cold of winter.

  An immense pile of firewood had been collected on the shore, for boughsof trees and drift-wood, brought down by the river, often came into thebackwater, and these were always drawn ashore, however busied the menmight be at the time in fishing. All through the summer every scrap ofwood that came within reach had been landed, and the result was a greatpile that would, they calculated, with the blubber they had stored, besufficient to last them through the winter.

  "What will they do if fuel should run short?" Godfrey asked Luka.

  "They will cross the frozen river with their sledges to the forests.They would either take their huts down and establish themselves there,or would cut wood, fill their sledges, and bring it over. I have beentalking to them. On the other side there are many Russian villages, forthe post-road is on that side. In summer the carriages are drawn byhorses; in winter they have reindeer. These people are very poor; theskins that they make their clothes with are all poor, the animals weretorn by the dogs or injured--that is why they could not sell them. Thosered fox-skins would have been worth two roubles each if they had beengood; but the merchants will give nothing for those that are injured.They say it does not pay for the carriage. So they were glad to makethem up for us."

  "What do they do with the reindeer?"

  "They milk them in summer, and in winter they let them to the owners ofthe post-stations. Of course, when they move they use them themselves."

  "What we want, Luka," Godfrey said, after sitting quiet for some time,"is more money. If we had that, we might hire sledges and reindeer assoon as the snow gets on the ground, and travel west; but of coursethere is no tempting these poor people to make such a journey withoutmoney to pay them well."

  "They will go hunting presently," Luka said. "You might get some goodfurs and sell them."

  "Yes; but I don't see why I should. No doubt many of the Russianpeasants in the villages have guns; and if they don't get skins, whyshould I?"

  "A great many skins come down every year," the Tartar said. "Black foxis worth money, fifteen, twenty roubles; ermine is worth money; lots ofthem in the woods."

  "Well, we must hope for the best. If we can but get enough for them totake us across to the Obi, we ought to be able to coast round in a canoeto Archangel. But I don't think we could do it from this river in oneseason. The ice does not break up till June, and begins to form again inOctober. We can only rely upon three open months. I doubt whether wecould get in that time from the Yenesei. However, it is of no use ourbothering ourselves about that now."

  Another fortnight and the frost was so severe that the ice extendedalmost across the river, and a heavy fall of snow covered everything. Assoon as it was deep enough Godfrey and Luka followed the example of theOstjaks and raised a high wall of it encircling the tent to keep off thebitter north wind. Then the weather changed again. The wind set in fromthe south, and drenching rains fell. At the end of two or three days theice on the river had disappeared, but it was not long before winter setin more bitterly than before. The ground became covered with the snow toa depth of upwards of three feet, and the river froze right across. Thewall round the tent was rebuilt, Godfrey fashioning wooden shovels fromsome planks he found among the drift-wood. The Ostjaks took to theirsnow-shoes, and Godfrey fashioned for himself and Luka two pairs ofrunners, such as he had seen in use near St. Petersburg.

  These were about five feet long, by as many inches wide, and slightlyturned up at each end. A strap was nailed across, under which the footwent. The ends were turned up by damping the wood and holding it overthe fire, a string being fastened tightly from end to end, so as to keepthe wood bent. When they were completed they practised with themsteadily, and found that as soon as the surface of the snow hardenedthey could get along upon them at a good pace on level ground,completely distancing the Ostjaks on their broader snow-shoes. TheOstjaks evidently admired them greatly, but were too much wedded totheir own customs to adopt them.

  Godfrey was so warmly clad that he felt the cold but little. His eyes,however, suffered from the glare of the snow, and he at once adoptedspectacles, which were made for him by the Ostjaks. They were the shapeof goggles, and made of skin with the hair on, narrow slits being cut inthem, these slits being partly covered with the hair, and so shieldingthe eyes from the glare of the snow. They were fastened on by leathernstraps, tied at the back of the head. The Ostjaks themselves seldom worethem, but they were used by Samoyedes, a kindred tribe, dwellinggenerally farther north, though many of them at times came down even asfar as Yeneseisk.

  Early in November the Ostjaks prepared for a hunting expedition. Themen, since they were confined to their huts by the snow, had been busyin manufacturing traps of various kinds and getting the sledges intoorder. On a large sledge, which was to be drawn by three reindeer, wasplaced the skins necessary for forming a tent. On these were piled astore of provisions, which were chopped out from the frozen masses byhatchets. On the smaller sledges were placed the traps and a quantity ofthe coarser kinds of frozen fish as food for the dogs. It had beensettled that Godfrey and Luka should accompany them. They hadcontributed liberally from their store of geese and fish, and added tothe load on the reindeer sledge their kettle, frying-pan, and a parcelof tea and tobacco. When all was ready the three reindeer were harnessedto the large sledge, one to each of the three small sledges, and soonafter daybreak on the 5th of November they started, the Ostjaks beinganxious to be off, for the weather again showed signs of breaking, andit might be another month before the river was permanently frozen forthe winter. Six Ostjaks, including the chief, formed with Godfrey andLuka the hunting party; the others remained behind to look after therest of the reindeer, as it was necessary to keep a space clear fromsnow, to enable them to get at the grass. They would, too, continue thefishing, keeping holes broken in the ice and catching fish bytorch-light. The men walked with the sledges, which only went at awalking pace.

  Across the river the route was easy, the surface of the snow being crispand hard, but it was hard work mounting the opposite bank, which wasexceedingly steep. The reindeer pulled well, and at difficult points themen aided them. A short distance from the bank they crossed thepost-road, and in another half-hour were in the forest.

  Godfrey had already been told that they would travel for several daysbefore they began to hunt, as the villagers with their guns scared thewild animals from the forests in their neighbourhoods. There was nodifficulty in travelling through the forest, for the pine-trees stoodgenerally at some distance apart, and there was but little growth ofunderwood. All day they kept steadily on. When evening came they cutsome young poles, erected their tent, and lit a fire in the centre. Bythis time Godfrey had become accustomed to the smoke, which escaped fromthe top of the tent by a hole.

  A couple of geese were cut up and broiled over the flame, and some cakesbaked in the frying-pan, their pipes were lighted, and the
y lay down ina circle with their feet to the fire. For three more days the journeywas continued. Then, as several tracks had been seen in the snow, theyhalted and prepared for the hunt. The method was simple. The menscattered in several directions, and when they struck upon a recenttrack followed it up. Each man took with him a dog, a certain amount ofprovisions, a box of matches from Godfrey's store, and a large skin towrap himself in at night. Sometimes, as Godfrey found, the track had tobe followed a long distance before they came up to the animal, whichalways travelled in zigzag courses hunting about for white mice andother prey. Sometimes it was found to have taken to a hole, and then atrap was set to catch it when it came out. The animals were principallyermine; but one or two sable, which are considerably larger, with muchmore valuable skins, and some martens were taken. All belong to theweasel family; the upper part of the ermine being brown in summer, but,like most animals in or near the arctic zone, changing into a pure whitein winter, with the exception of the tail, which remains black as insummer. The ermine is but little larger than the English ferret, whilethe sable and marten are the size of large polecats. When the Ostjakscame up with them they either knocked them on the head with a club orshot them through the head. They were then carefully skinned, thebodies being thrown to the dogs for food.

  It had been agreed that the animals caught should be divided; butGodfrey felt that he was doing but little, for he was unable to shootthem, as this would have damaged their skins. However, he aided intracking them down, and in setting traps when he traced them to a hole;and once or twice he came up with and killed one with a club.Occasionally he shot a squirrel--the little animals coming out fromtheir nests in holes in the trees at the sound of footsteps, theircuriosity costing them dear. After remaining four days at this spot thetent was pulled down and packed up, and they advanced another two days'journey into the forest.