Godfrey felt in wild spirits as they hoisted their sail, for the end ofthe journey was close at hand, and, unless some altogether unforeseenmisfortune were to befall them, they would have accomplished anundertaking that had been deemed almost impossible. They kept well outfrom land, increasing the distance as they sailed west until they weresome ten miles out, for the map showed that some five-and-twenty milesfrom the point where they had camped a rocky peninsula jutted out. Inthree hours they could make out its outline, for the land was bold andhigh, and it took them another four hours before they were abreast ofits eastern point, Cape Navalok. Then they coasted along the peninsulauntil they arrived at Cape Kekour, its western point. They had now beenpaddling nearly twelve hours, for Godfrey was too impatient to becontent with the sail only. Just before they arrived at the cape, Luka,seeing a good place for landing, suggested a halt.

  "No, no," Godfrey said, "we will not risk another landing. We have beenmarvellously fortunate up to now, and it would be folly to run even theslightest risk when we are so near the end of our journey. We will keepon. There are only thirty or forty more miles to go, and then we shallenter the Voranger Fiord. Then we shall be in Norway. Think of that,Luka! We can snap our fingers at the Russians, and tell everyone we meetthat we have escaped from their prisons."

  "Who shall we meet?" Luka asked.

  "Ah, that is more than I can tell you. The sooner we meet some one thebetter. Norway is not like this country we have been passing along; itis all covered with great mountains and forests. I don't know anythingabout the coast, but I fancy it is tremendously rocky, and we shouldhave a poor chance there if caught in another storm from the north.There are Laplanders, who are people just like the Samoyedes, and whohave got reindeer; if we find any of them, as I hope we shall, we oughtto be all right. We have got a hundred silver roubles, and if you show aman money and make signs you want to go somewhere, and don't much carewhere, he is pretty safe to take you. Now you take a sleep, Luka. I willsteer. There is no occasion to paddle, the wind is taking us alongnearly three miles an hour, and time is no particular object to us now.You get three hours, then I will take three, and then we will set towith the paddles again."

  Eight hours later they could make out high land on the starboard bow,and knew that they were approaching the entrance to the fiord. They hadnot taken to their paddles again, for the wind had freshened, and theywere going fast through the water. Luka cooked a meal, and as it wasgrowing dark the land closed in on both sides to a distance of abouteight miles.

  An hour later they saw lights on their right hand. "Hurrah!" Godfreyexclaimed, "there is a village there. We won't land to-night. We mightfind it difficult to get a place to sleep in. One night longer on boardwon't do us any harm. Thank God we are fairly out of Russia at last, andshall land as free men in the morning."

  They drew in towards the shore a mile or so above the lights, andpaddled cautiously on until close to the land. There they dropped theiranchor overboard, and, wearied out by their long row, were speedilysound asleep.

  It was broad daylight when they woke. Godfrey, when he sat up, gave aloud cheer, which set Jack off barking wildly. "Look!" Godfrey shouted,"it is a town, and there are two steamboats lying there. Thank God, ourtroubles are all over. You had better get breakfast, Luka. It is of nouse going ashore till people are awake."

  Breakfast over the anchor was at once pulled up, and in a quarter of anhour they were alongside a quay. Their appearance was so similar to thatof the Lapps that they themselves would have attracted but littlenotice, but the canoe was so different in its appearance to those usedby these people that several persons stood on the little quay watchingthem as they came alongside. Their surprise at the boat was increasedwhen Godfrey came up on to the quay. No Laplander or Finn of his heighthad ever been seen, and moreover, his face and hands were clean. Theyaddressed him in a language that he did not understand. He replied firstin English, then in Russian. Apparently they recognized the latterlanguage, and one of them motioned to Godfrey to follow him.

  "You wait here till I come back, Luka. I daresay the people are honestenough, but I don't want any of our furs or things stolen now that wehave got to the end of our journey."

  He then followed his conductor to a large house in the principal street,where he went in to a sort of office and spoke to a man sitting there.Then he went out, and in a minute returned with a gentleman.

  "Do you speak English, sir?" Godfrey said.

  "I speak it a little," the gentleman replied in surprise at hearing thelanguage from one who looked like a Laplander.

  "Do you speak Russian better?" Godfrey next asked.

  "Yes," he replied in that language. "I know Russian well. And who areyou?"

  "I am an Englishman. I was resident in St. Petersburg when I was seizedand condemned to exile in Siberia as a Nihilist, although I wasperfectly innocent of the charge. I was taken to the mines of Kara inthe east of Siberia, but made my escape, descended the Yenesei, and havecoasted from there in a canoe."

  The man looked at him incredulously.

  "I am not surprised that you doubt my story," Godfrey said. "If you willcome down with me to the wharf you will see the canoe in which I madethe journey. I built it on the Yenesei. I have with me a Tartar whoescaped with me and shared my fortunes."

  The merchant put on his hat and walked down to the wharf.

  "It is a strange craft," he said, "though I have seen some atChristiania similar in form but smaller, built of wood, that Englishmenhave brought over. And is it possible that you have sailed from themouth of the Yenesei in her?"

  "There has been no great difficulty about it," Godfrey said. "We havekept near the coast, and have generally landed when bad weather came on.I have a gun, and with that and fishing there has been no difficultyabout food. The journey has been a long one. It is seventeen monthssince I left Kara. I am provided with Russian money, sir, and shall beglad if you can tell me what is my best way of getting back to England."

  "It is fortunate indeed that you did not arrive here two days later, forthe last steamer will sail for Hamburg to-morrow. She touches at manyports on her way, but I don't know that you can do better than go toHamburg, whence there is a steamer nearly every day to England. If youhad been two days later you would have lost her, for the season is justover, and you would then have had to travel by land and river down toTornea on the Gulf of Bothnia. But come up with me to my house; I am theagent here for the steamer. What are you going to do with your canoe?"

  "I shall take her home with me just as she stands," Godfrey said.

  "And the Tartar?"

  "Yes, the Tartar and the dog."

  "Very well. Stay here for ten minutes," he said to Luka, "I will send aman down to help you up with the canoe. We may as well put it in myyard," he went on as he started back with Godfrey. "The people are ashonest as the day, but they might be pulling it about and examining it,and it is just as well to stow it away safe. Well, this is a wonderfulescape of yours! During the twenty years I have been here, it has neverhappened before."

  "I wonder it has not been done many times," Godfrey said. "Canoes gofrom Archangel to the Petchora, which is quite half-way to the mouth ofthe Obi, and there is no more difficulty between the Petchora and theYenesei than there is on this side. The first thing to do now is to getsome clothes."

  "The first thing to do, I think, is to get some breakfast," the tradersaid.

  "I have already had some breakfast on board," Godfrey said; "but Idaresay I can eat another."

  "I will warrant you can. Your breakfast was probably of the roughest."

  "It was," Godfrey admitted. "I have not eaten a piece of real bread formore than a year. We haven't had much of anything made of flour since westarted in the canoe in June; but one gets to do without bread verywell."

  "I have not asked you your name yet," the trader said.

  "It is Godfrey Bullen. My father is head of a firm in London that does
agood deal of trade with Russia. He was Living in St. Petersburg a goodmany years. That is how it is that I speak the language."

  "I was wondering how it was that you spoke it so well. Now, then, let meintroduce you to my wife and family. This is an English gentleman,wife," he said in his own language to a pleasant-looking lady. "He doesnot look like it, but when I tell you that he has made his escape fromSiberia in a canoe it will account for it."

  Godfrey found that his early meal had in no way abated his appetite. Thebreakfast was an excellent one, but he confined himself to bread andbutter, and thought he had never tasted anything so good in his life. Helearned that his host was an importer of goods of all kinds, and did theprincipal trade at Vadsoe, besides supplying all the villages on thefiord.

  "If you had been here a few days earlier," he said, "you would havefound a countryman of yours, a Mr. Clarke, who almost monopolizes thewhaling trade here. He owns three steamers, and has a great melting-downestablishment. I myself send great quantities of cod to Hamburg bysteamer. Most of the boats here work for me."

  After breakfast Godfrey gave his host a sketch of his adventures.

  "It has been a wonderful journey," his host said when he concluded. "Ihave heard of one or two cases where men have made their way toArchangel, and thence by land to our frontier, but I never heard ofanyone attempting it by sea before. It was a perilous journey indeed,and required a knowledge of canoeing, which no Russian prisoner would belikely to have. Then you were certainly fortunate in having a companionwith you who was at home with those Ostjaks. Still, as you brought himwith you for that purpose, that was forethought rather than luck."

  "Which is the first port at which the steamer will stop that I can senda telegram from?"

  The merchant laughed. "If you go down-stairs into the office, and gothrough the door to your left hand, you will find yourself in atelegraph office."


  "Yes, really. We have had the telegraph here for some little time."

  Godfrey rushed down-stairs, and sent off a telegram as follows:--

  "_Have just arrived here. Made my escape from prison at Kara, inSiberia. Seventeen months on the way. Am in first-rate health. Startto-morrow by steamer to Hamburg. Hope all are well. Have plenty ofmoney._"

  He directed it to his father's office, so that the news might be brokengradually to his mother. In the afternoon the answer came:--

  "_Thank God for His mercies. All well. I shall cross to Hamburg to meetyou._"

  While Godfrey was being made much of by the merchant and his family,and, indeed, by many of their acquaintances, who, upon hearing the news,came in to see him and inquire into the wonderful voyage, Luka was noless a centre of attraction to the fishermen, and was so generouslytreated that long before it became dark he was obliged to be assisted,in a state of inebriation, to a pallet that had been prepared for him.Godfrey was annoyed when he heard it; "but," as his host said, "afterbeing eighteen months, and, for aught I know, eighteen months beforethat, without touching liquor, very little would be likely to produce aneffect upon him. I daresay it is his talking as much as the spirit thathas turned his head; besides, you know, the lower class of Russians andTartars are all fond of spirits."

  "I shall not be angry with him in the morning," Godfrey said, "because Ido think that it is pardonable; but I shall talk seriously to him aboutit, and tell him that if he is coming home to England with me he mustgive up spirits. He has done without them so long that it can't be anyhardship."

  "What are you going to do with him?"

  "I have not the most remote idea," Godfrey laughed. "If he likes toreturn to his people I daresay my father would be able, through theRussian embassy, to get a pardon for him and permission to go back; butI don't think he has any notion of that. He lost his parents when he wasa child, and I never heard him express the slightest desire to go backagain. He has attached himself to me heart and soul, and I think looksupon it as a settled thing that he will be always with me. I don't knowin what capacity, still, I suppose, something will be found for him."

  The steamer was to start at nine o'clock on the following morning, andby that hour Godfrey, Luka, and Jack were on board and the canoecarefully stowed on deck. Both had obtained a complete fit-out from themerchant's stores, and although Godfrey's garments would scarcely havepassed muster in London, they did very well for the voyage. Luka wasgreatly amused at his own appearance in European garb, though Godfreythought he looked much better in his Ostjak costume.

  "We will rig him out fresh when I get him home," he said to themerchant. "I don't know what he looks like now in that greatcoat andbillycock hat."

  The merchant stayed on board until the last moment. As soon as he gotinto his boat the paddles began to revolve and the steamer started onher way. She was ten days on her voyage, ascending many of the fiords,landing or taking on board cargo or passengers.

  Godfrey enjoyed the voyage greatly. The scenery was magnificent, andeagerly as he desired to be at home, he was almost sorry when the endapproached. It had been so strange to have nothing to do but to sit andwatch the shore, to eat and to sleep. Luka had been very penitent overhis little excess at Vadsoe, and had solemnly promised Godfrey to abstainfrom spirits in future; and he, too, enjoyed the voyage in his way,eating enormously, and drinking vast quantities of tea and coffee.Godfrey had sent off one or two telegrams from the ports at which hetouched, so that his father might be able to judge when the ship waslikely to arrive; and when one morning early the vessel steamed up tothe wharf at Hamburg Godfrey saw him waiting there. It was a joyfulmeeting indeed, and it was not until they were alone together at anhotel, Luka being left down-stairs in charge of the canoe, that theywere enabled to begin to talk.

  "Did you know what had become of me, father?"

  "Yes, my boy. Petrovytch telegraphed to me that you had been missingthree days, and I at once went over to St. Petersburg. He thought thatyou had fallen into bad hands, and had been murdered and thrown into theNeva; but remembering that you had got into that silly scrape beforewith the police, I thought it possible that, coming, as your absencedid, directly after the affair at the Winter Palace, suspicion hadfallen on you again. I went to the head of the police; he declined togive me any information. Then I set the embassy at work, and they foundout that you had been arrested with some desperate Nihilists. At lastthey obtained a sight of the records of the court-martial before whichyou had been tried, and told me that the case was so strong against youthat nothing could be done; indeed, had it not been for your youth, andthe fact that you were a British subject, you would certainly have beenexecuted. I tried everything, but I found it absolutely useless. Theembassy recommended me to let the matter drop for the present, and intime, perhaps, when the Nihilist scare passed off, it might be possibleto interest some minister or other in your favour and obtain a reversionof your sentence. Then a few months later came the assassination of theCzar, and, of course, that rendered it more hopeless than ever, and allwe could hope for was, that in the course of years we might again movein the matter. Of course it has been a terrible business for us all. Butwe won't talk about that now. Thank God it is over, and that you havereturned to us. But what madness, Godfrey, to mix yourself up with thesepeople!"

  "Indeed, father, I was perfectly innocent, though I cannot blame thecourt-martial for finding me guilty." And he then gave his father thedetails of his connection with the two Nihilists Akim Soushiloff andPetroff Stepanoff, and of the circumstances of his arrest in their room.

  "I am very glad to hear that, Godfrey. Not that it makes any actualmatter now, but because, after the warning I had given you to avoid thesociety of any people holding extreme opinions, it seemed to me you musthave showed an incredible amount of wilfulness and folly in gettingyourself mixed up with these desperate conspirators. I am heartily gladto find that I was mistaken, and that, except as regards that foolishbusiness at the theatre, you have really not been to blame in thematter, and have been altogether a victim of circumstances. Now, tell mehow
you got away. And first, who is that queer-looking little fellowwith your canoe?"

  "He is my comrade and friend, father. He escaped from prison with me,and is devoted to me; but for him I should have had no chance whateverof making my way through all the difficulties of the journey." And hethen gave his father an outline of their adventures from the time oftheir leaving Kara.

  When he had finished, Mr. Bullen went down-stairs and saw Luka, andshook hands with him heartily, telling him in Russian that he had heardfrom Godfrey how much he owed to him, and assuring him that he need haveno fear for the future.

  Two days later the party arrived at home. There is no occasion to sayanything as to the joy of that meeting. The three years of hardship androughing it had converted the careless school-boy into a powerful youngfellow. His spirits were as high and he was as full of fun as of old;but the experience he had gone through had strengthened his character,had given him self-reliance and confidence, and had, as his father andmother soon saw, had a very beneficial effect in forming his character.

  Two or three days after his arrival Godfrey wrote to Mikail. It was avery guarded letter, because he knew that it would be opened by theprison authorities, but it thanked him for the kindness he had shown tohim while in prison, and expressed a hope that, now that he would haveobtained partial freedom, and would be united to his wife, he wouldsucceed and prosper. He inclosed a five-hundred-rouble note from hisfather as a present in return for the kindness he had shown him, and healso inclosed a directed envelope, so that he could acknowledge thereceipt of the letter.

  An answer written by the priest of the village--for Mikail was unable towrite--came at the end of five months. It was expressed in the mostgrateful terms. He had been released four months after Godfrey left, andthe governor had, as a reward for his good conduct, allowed him to workfor a farmer instead of in the mines. He said that he was perfectlyhappy, and that, as he should now be able to purchase a small farm forhimself, he should be sure to do well. "I have a boy," he said, "who wasborn three months ago; we have christened him Godfrey, in memory of thenight when you saved my life at the risk of your own."

  Luka was for some time a difficulty. He absolutely refused to return toRussia, and was for a time established as doorkeeper at the office, butin the spring after Godfrey's return the latter took him down with himto a house Mr. Bullen had just purchased near Richmond. Luka was sodelighted with the country that he was established there, and became asort of general factotum, assisting in the garden, stables, or house,wherever he could make himself useful, and being in special charge of asailing boat that Godfrey keeps on the river. He had picked up a gooddeal of English from Godfrey on their travels, and soon came to speak itfairly, and being regarded as a friend by all the family, he is in everyway perfectly contented with his lot. Four years after Godfrey's return,a clerk one day came into the office with the news that a gentlemanwished to speak to him, and Godfrey was astounded at the entry ofAlexis.

  "I have come," the Russian said. "You told me to come, and I have doneso."

  "I am delighted to see you, Alexis. I had thought of you as married andsettled among the Buriats."

  "I did marry," Alexis said; "but three years afterwards I lost my wife.What was I to do? I could not remain all my life a wandering shepherd,afraid ever to enter a town or to speak with a civilized being; so Isold my flocks and herds. You know my wife owned a third of those of theBuriat. He was a rich man and bought most of them, and for the rest Ifound other purchasers. Then he negotiated for me with one of the teamerchants, and I managed to go as a driver with one of his caravans toPekin."

  "And what do you mean to do, Alexis? I can still keep my promise, andmake a berth for you here in the office."

  "I thank you, my friend," Alexis said; "but I shall return to myprofession. I am a doctor, you know, and have my Russian diplomas. Ishall learn your language, and study in your hospitals for a time; thenI shall set up here. I believe you have many Russians in your poorerdistricts; and as, besides, I speak German, I should be able to obtain asufficient practice. Moreover, I have brought with me orders on a bankhere for five thousand pounds, which I paid into their branch atHong-Kong. I will get you to invest that for me, and you will see thatit will give me an income sufficient for all my wants."

  Alexis carried out his plans, and has now a large although not veryremunerative practice among the Russian and German colony in the EastEnd of London. He married the daughter of a clergyman there, and remainsfast friends with Godfrey, who has now set up an establishment of hisown, of which Luka is major-domo, and special guardian and playmate toGodfrey's little boys.

  Godfrey has not returned to Russia, but is his father's right hand inthe London business; at the same time he is free to visit St. Petersburgdid he wish to do so, as Mr. Bullen drew up a full statement of hiscase, and this having been forwarded by the Russian ambassador, with astrong recommendation on his part, a reversal of the sentence of thecourt-martial was obtained, and a full pardon granted to him. It is notprobable, however, that he will again set foot on Russian soil, hisexperiences as a prisoner in Siberia having been, as he says, ample fora lifetime.


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  Six and Twenty Boys and Girls. Pictures by JOHN HASSALL; Verses byCLIFTON BINGHAM. 25 pages in full colour, and 24 pages of letterpress.Picture boards, 9 inches by 11-1/4 inches, cloth back, 3s. 6d.; alsocloth elegant, 5s.

  Most of us know some at least of the little girls and boys portrayed by Mr. Hassall in this amusing picture-book. As depicted with Mr. Hassall's inimitable skill, and described in humorous verse by Mr. Bingham, they may challenge comparison with the classic Struwwelpeter. Each picture is not only attractive and amusing in itself, but furnishes a hint of virtues to be imitated or faults to be avoided.

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  A charming volume of verses and colour pictures for little folk--rhymes and pictures about most of the everyday events of nursery life.

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  In _Gammon and Spinach_ Mr. Stewart Orr has produced a picture-book unique of its kind. Nothing could be more droll than the situations in which he represents the frog, the pig, the mouse, the elephant, and the other well-known characters who appear in his pages. Little folk will find in these pictures a source of endless delight, and the artistic skill which they display will have a special appeal to children of an older growth.

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  Games and Gambols. Illustrated by HARRY B. NEILSON; with Versesby JOHN BRYMER. 26 pages in colour, and 24 pages of letterpress.Picture boards, 9 inches by 11-1/4 inches, cloth back, 2s. 6d.;also cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

  Mr. Neilson surpasses himself in these irresistible colour pictures representing the animal world at play. The great test match between the Lions and the Kangaroos, Mrs. Mouse's Ping-Pong Party, Mr. Bruin playing Golf, Towser's Bicycle Tour, and the Kittens _v._ Bunnies Football Match, are a few among the many droll subjects illustrated in this amusing and original series.

  "Mr. Neilson has a positive genius for making animals comic."--_Academy._

  "Children will revel in his work."--_Daily Graphic._


  The Animal Book. A Natural History for Little Folk. With a ColouredFrontispiece and 34 full-page Illustrations by F. SPECHT. Crown quarto,11-1/4 inches by 9-1/2 inches, picture boards, cloth back, 2s. 6d.

  This book consists of a series of bright and instructive sketches of the better-known wild beasts, describing their appearance, character and habits, and the position they hold in the animal kingdom. The text is printed in a large, clear type, and is admirably illustrated with powerful, realistic pictures of the various creatures in their native state by that eminent animal artist F. Specht.

  "A work of the greatest value to the young."--_Eastern Morning News._

  * * * * *


  * * * * *


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  * * * * *



  A Rough Shaking. With 12 page Illustrations by W. PARKINSON. Crown 8vo,cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

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  In the sphere of fantasy George Mac Donald has very few equals, and his rare touch of many aspects of life invariably gives to his stories a deeper meaning of the highest value. His _Princess and Goblin_ exemplifies both gifts. A fine thread of allegory runs through the narrative of the adventures of the young miner, who, amongst other marvellous experiences, finds his way into the caverns of the gnomes, and achieves a final victory over them.

  The Princess and Curdie. With Frontispiece and 30 Illustrations byHELEN STRATTON. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

  A sequel to _The Princess and the Goblin_, tracing the hist
ory of the young miner and the princess after the return of the latter to her father's court, where more terrible foes have to be encountered than the grotesque earth-dwellers.

  * * * * *

  Some Children's Picture-Books (See page 32)]

  * * * * *


  _With coloured frontispiece and black-and-white illustrations_

  No child of six or seven should have any difficulty in reading andunderstanding _unaided_ the pretty stories in the 6d. series. In the9d. series the language used is slightly more advanced, but is wellwithin the capacity of children of seven and upwards, while the 1s.series is designed for little folk of somewhat greater attainments. Ifthe stories are read _to_ and not _by_ children, it will be found thatthe 6d. 9d. and 1s. series are equally suitable for little folk ofall ages.


  Holidays at Sunnycroft. By Annie S. Swan. _New Edition._ At Lathom's Siege. By Sarah Tytler. Fleckie. By Bessie Marchant. Elsie Wins. By Ellinor Davenport Adams Bears and Dacoits. By G. A. Henty. Crusoes of the Frozen North. By Dr. Gordon Stables. A Saxon Maid. By Eliza F. Pollard. Uncle Bob. By Meredith Fletcher. Jack of Both Sides. By Florence Coombe. Do Your Duty! By G. A. Henty. Terry. By Rosa Mulholland (Lady Gilbert).


  Gipsy Dick. By Mrs. Henry Clarke. Two to One. By Florence Coombe. Cherrythorpe Fair. By Mabel Mackness. Little Greycoat. By Ellinor Davenport Adams. Tommy's Trek. By Bessie Marchant. That Boy Jim. By Mrs. Henry Clarke. The Adventures of Carlo. By Katharine Tynan. The Shoeblack's Cat. By W. L. Rooper. Three Troublesome Monkeys. By A. B. Romney. The Little Red Purse. By Jennie Chappell.


  Hi-Tum, Ti-Tum, and Scrub. By Jennie Chappell. Edie's Adventures. By Geraldine Mockler. Two Little Crusoes. By A. B. Romney. The Lost Doll. By Jennie Chappell. Bunny and Furry. By Geraldine Mockler. Bravest of All. By Mabel Mackness. Winnie's White Frock. By Jennie Chappell. Lost Toby. By M. S. Haycraft. A Boy Cousin. By Geraldine Mockler. Travels of Fuzz and Buzz. By Geraldine Mockler. Teddy's Adventures. By Mrs. Henry Clarke.


  Each of these books contains many full-page and other illustrations, anumber of which are in colour. The text is printed in bold type, andcomprises bright and humorous stories and rhymes, specially written forthe purpose.


  Each contains 38 colour pages, over 40 full-page black-and-whiteIllustrations, and a large number of Vignettes. Quarto, 10-1/8 inches by7-3/4 inches, picture boards, 2s. 6d. each; cloth, gilt edges, 3s.6d. each.


  _Quarto, 10-1/8 inches by 7-3/4 inches_

  Faithful Friends. My Book of Nursery Stories. My Very Best Book Arm-chair Stories. My Very Own Picture-Book. Cosy Corner Stories. Our Darling's First Book

  Twenty pages in colour. Cloth, gilt edges, 2s.; picture boards, 1s.


  _Cloth, 5-1/2 inches by 6-7/8 inches_

  My Pretty Picture-Book. Sunbeams.


  _Quarto, 10-1/8 inches by 7-3/4 inches_

  Bow-Wow Picture-Book. Cats and Kits. Friends at the Farm. Once upon a Time. Long, Long Ago. Fairy Tales for Little Folk. Smiles and Dimples. Little Bright-Eyes. For Kittie and Me. As Nice as Nice Can Be. Round the Mulberry Bush. Little Rosebud. For My Little Darling. For Dolly and Me. My Own Story-Book. Play-time Pictures. Bed-time Stories. For Little Chicks.

  The cover and seven pages in colour. Picture boards.


  _Picture boards. Quarto, 10-1/8 inches by 7-3/4 inches_

  Stories from the Life of Christ

  Twenty pages in colour. Picture boards, 1s.; cloth, gilt edges, 2s.


  Glad Tidings The Good Shepherd Gentle Jesus

  * * * * *


  Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully aspossible, including obsolete and variant spellings. Obvioustypographical errors in punctuation (misplaced quotes and the like) havebeen fixed. Corrections [in brackets] in the text are noted below:

  Inconsistent spelling?:

  Irkutsk (throughout) and Irkoutsk (pages 92, 94)

  Yuruks (page 287) and Yuraks (pages 220, 309)

  Mesentzeff (page 62) and Mezentsoff (page 66)

  Moskow (page 62), although Moscow elsewhere

  page 32: added quote

  "He is released from his suffering," Katia said solemnly. "Anything else, Akim?["]

  page 35: added quote

  as he entered. ["]It is a foolish business altogether, but if

  page 41: typo corrected

  "That is more cheerful by a long way," Godfrey said to himself as the man, who had mantained[maintained] absolute silence on

  page 46: added quote

  of being mixed up in the most remote way with politics, your best friends will shun you like the plague.["]

  page 61: extra quote removed

  grave. Nothing was said until the servant, having handed round the dishes, left the room.["]

  page 69: typo corrected

  Ireland. There are the Guards in London, but the populalation[population] is so large that you might go a week without seeing

  page 117: added quote

  political prisoners now. We might be honest peasants if it were not for these confounded heads of hair.["]

  page 122: typo corrected

  "we should have been down on the Selinga[Selenga] to-morrow, and we had calculated

  page 132: extra quote removed

  lifting the eyelid. "He is coming round now," he said at last.["] A few more passes and the child drowsily opened

  page 198: added hyphen

  On the fourth day they saw a small farm[-]house lying not far from the edge of the wood.

  page 240: added hyphen

  fishing, keeping holes broken in the ice and catching fish by torch[-]light. The men walked with the sledges, which only

  page 250: typo corrected

  "The isvostchiks[Isvostchiks] are often frozen in St. Petersburg in

  page 276: added comma

  "It may be either a fox or a bear," Luka said[,] making his way farther back into the hut, and returning with his

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