Page 13 of Bold Conquest

  Emma wanted him forever. She wanted no other for her husband. How to get him to marry her filled all her thoughts. She wrapped up an old warm shawl that she could manage without, and took it along to Morag.

  Morag sighed, "So the cycle begins again. Wherever men are present, there is always the fear of pregnancy."

  "Morag, I want a child desperately, now. Give me something that will make me fruitful."

  "You have drunk so much boiled fern that you fear you are barren?" chuckled Morag.

  "Is that what you gave me?" asked Emma, surprised.

  Morag ignored the question. "Orache is the cure for barrenness. Make a syrup of the orache herb with honey."

  "Where will I find this herb?"

  "It is plentiful enough. It grows on dungheaps," laughed Morag at the fastidious Emma.

  To Guy, the day seemed to have a hundred hours. There were many preparations to be made before they left to rejoin William's army. He knew that he could not leave many behind to guard all he held dear, because William had ordered him to be in London in full force. So although he knew Rolf would prefer to be at his side, he had asked him to remain at Godstone because he was the only one in whom Guy could put complete trust. He worried not one whit about the dangers that lay in wait for him, but only those that might befall his beloved, once he could not protect her with his own presence. There had been no more attacks or thieving in the night, and he hoped fervently that it had been an isolated incident. When he returned, he was determined to build and fortify his holdings so this fear would never be with him again. The Saxons were great fools when it came to defending their land. Normans were better builders, stronger leaders, greater at fighting and defense. Guy thought it a great waste that the thanes who were shepherds, swineherds and sowers were not trained to defend their own land. This was another thing he intended changing. He believed a lord need not fear a revolt because his peasants bore arms if they had a fair master who offered their families protection inside a strong motte and bailey when attackers threatened.

  He was leaving Aedward in charge at Oxstead because he was so familiar with its workings, and he could hardly take him to London. Each knight was responsible for his own armor and weapons and those of his horse. Guy had refused many a fighting man in his mesnalty because he could not furnish himself with a horse. He didn't want foot soldiers for obvious reasons. The forge was going day and night, repairing, cleaning and sharpening. Lances were fashioned from newly trimmed larchwood, and everywhere could be seen men-at-arms lolling on spears or resting on the quillons of their swords, blades pointing downward.

  Victuals for the men and fodder for the horses had to be loaded on wagons and the loot, carefully packed and guarded, had to be taken to William. It was November and he had promised William he would set out then. He could delay his going no longer. It must be on the morrow. He was impatient to be with Lillyth, and when he told the men it must be approaching time for the evening meal, they smiled behind their hands since the day hadn't even started to fade yet.

  In the hall he looked about for Lillyth, but could only see Lady Alison busy about her household duties.

  "Where is Lillyth?" he asked.

  "She has not shown her face belowstairs all day. Is everything all right between you two?" she asked doubtfully.

  "Everything is perfect!" He smiled at her, and took the stairs three at a time.

  Lillyth lifted her head from the fine sendal silk shirt she was stitching for him and blushed as his eyes rested upon her boldly.

  "Wear something beautiful for me tonight, cherie, I want to make every male at Godstone mad with jealousy."

  "I thought perhaps I wouldn't come down tonight," she said hesitantly. "Perhaps I will have something sent up here. I'm not really hungry."

  "Splendor of God!" he stormed. "You are ashamed men will call you my leman. I shall not make you wear a sign that says whore, Lillyth," he sneered.

  The hurt sprang into her eyes, and he had her in his embrace in an instant. "Forgive me, love, I didn't mean it. You wounded my pride, and in all truth I did want to display you like some prize I'd captured. We will both eat up here away from everyone, if it makes you happier to do so," he promised.

  "Oh Guy, it is only that I could not bear anyone to spoil this beautiful thing between us with sniggers or ribald jests. You know what the men are like."

  He mock-sighed, "Ah well, tomorrow you will be rid of my burdensome presence and will be able to show your face without embarrassment."

  "I am so afraid for you," she said hollowly.

  He threw back his head and laughed. "Foolish one, 'tis I who am afraid for you. I fear you will be snatched from me when it has taken me a lifetime to find you."

  She reached up her arms behind his neck and stood on tiptoe to lift her mouth to his. He picked her up from the floor and swung her about. "l thought the day would never end," he whispered.

  "You are early, it's still an hour before supper. I'll ask Edyth to bring our food up here."

  "l'm not hungry for food," he teased, taking her earlobe between his teeth. He unclasped her girdle from her hips, and just as quickly she fastened it again and whirled away from him.

  "I want you to get measured for some new clothes so that while you are away, I can work on them and have them ready for you when you return. Come to the solarium now and we can pick out material. See the shirt I have just finished for you?"

  He took the soft silk between his fingers. "It is almost too fine for me. I'll tell you what, sweetheart, I'll come with you now if you will put this on later and let me see what it looks like."

  "Your suggestions are all scandalous!" She pretended to be shocked, and he grinned at the mental picture he conjured of her.

  They went into the solarium and in just a few minutes the room was filled with attractive young women who circled about Guy, giving him every attention. Lillyth was amazed to see them openly flirting with him and sending him the most inviting glances. She knew for the first time what the pangs of jealousy felt like, but as she watched Guy closely, he seemed unaware of the female lures being cast his way. The materials were spread in gorgeous array and each girl gave him her advice on what would suit him. Saxons loved sharp, bright colors, but Normans had more sober tastes, their clothes being dark and colorless for the most part. He touched the black velvet, but Lillyth shook her head quickly. He lifted a brown dun-colored cloth and she pulled a little moue with her mouth.

  "When you do that sweetheart, I don't know if you are going to spit on me or kiss me," he laughed, and the women sent her envious glances. He finally chose a rich wine-colored velvet, some fine dark green cloth and velvet in a deep russet shade. Measurements were taken and style of sleeve discussed. When they had finished, Lillyth asked Edyth to send a page with their supper.

  "Will you need me to help you with your hair?" Edyth asked.

  Guy whispered in Edyth's ear and she blushed and ran quickly from the room.

  "What did you say to her?" asked Lillyth.

  "I told her we wanted to be alone and that I would put you to bed tonight."

  "You didn't!" said Lillyth, scandalized.

  "No, no of course not, sweetheart. I can't resist teasing you! I only sent her to fetch a surprise I had made for you."

  Edyth came back with the fur-lined cloak over her arm. Lillyth was delighted with it. The wolf skins were soft and the workmanship was exquisite. Envious eyes followed the couple as they left, Guy with his arm held lovingly about Lillyth.

  They sat across from each other at a small table; and Guy carved a succulent stubble-goose, and tender slices of venison. They ate most things boiled in Saxon England, and there were many dishes of boiled vegetables and freshly baked, coarse bread spread with thick, creamy butter. The food was different in Normandy. Everything was very heavily spiced or dressed with frumenty. Guy found that the plainer English fare suited his taste better. He poured wine for Lillyth and urged her to drink. Guy always seemed to have a healthy appetite. He ate qu
ickly as a man who was used to taking meals on the march, while Lillyth dawdled and nibbled delicately on this and that. He was finished before Lillyth and, unable to stay away from her any longer, came around to her chair and slid her into his lap.

  "l think I have had enough, Guy," she said.

  "No, no, you must eat everything I gave you. Here, let me help you," and he lifted a choice piece of meat to her lips and made her eat it.

  "Now some wine; it will warm your blood when we lie naked by the fire," he said into her neck.

  He took it completely for granted that she would lie with him whenever he wanted. He acted as if she were his property, as if he owned her body and soul. Lillyth thought she should be angry at this, but deep inside she wasn't really. It was her turn to tease him. She slipped from his knee and crossed the room to wash her hands and face. Then, ignoring him completely, she unbound her hair and began to brush it. Guy took the fur coverlet from the bed and some pillows and spread them before the fire.

  "Come and be warm, love," he invited, removing his doublet and chainse.

  "You assume too much, my lord," she said haughtily.

  His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What? Would you deny me on my last night?" he demanded.

  He was beside her in an instant and tried to take her in his arms.

  Lillyth hit him with her brush. He crushed her in his arms and carried her to the fire.

  "Whether you will or no, I do not intend to forego the joy of you, my darling."

  He lay beside her on the furs and despite her struggles, managed to disrobe her.

  "I know you are stronger than I, but I intend to fight you," she promised.

  'That will just add a fillip to our lovemaking," he laughed.

  She raked her nails down his back and bit him sharply on the shoulder.

  "Little bitch," he gritted, then caught the flicker of a smile at the corner of her mouth.

  "You are just playing with me," he accused. "All right; my little golden witch, I will make you beg for mercy before this night is over," and he found the softness of her mouth.

  He knelt above her to watch the firelight play over her lustrous skin. She was like a gift from the gods as she lay naked before him. Her glorious golden hair was highlighted by tiny red tendrils where the fireshine touched it and he reached out to spread it across the dark furs so that it framed her lovely shoulders and breasts. Her body was all delicious light and shadow as his eyes traveled from the curve of her throat to the rosy globes of her breasts with their tiny wine-dark crests.

  She drew in her breath as he reached out with his powerful hands to possess them. Guy was an experienced lover who knew better than to immediately touch a woman's nipple before the rest of her breast had received his full attention. His strong fingers stroked and caressed. Then he took them into his hands to weigh and fondle them with his palms.

  She turned her face from the fire and lifted her lashes to watch him. Guy felt the warmth of her radiant look as her breasts began to harden. Only then did he allow his thumbs to gently brush the tips and a flame of desire ran along his shaft as they swelled in arousal. She glimpsed his look of intensity before his head dipped to kiss, taste, lick then finally suck the hard little fruits which thrust up at him so temptingly. She moaned softly and he raised his head once more to gaze down upon her loveliness.

  In the firelight his tanned body turned a deep mahogany and his eyes smoldered with green fire. He was like a dark predator who mesmerized her so that she wanted only to lie beneath him forever while he worshipped her beauty with his eyes, hands and mouth.

  As his sex branded her thigh, she knew an overwhelming curiosity to explore him. She reached down and as her fingers touched his shaft, he arched above her with a ragged cry. He raised from his haunches, full upon his knees, and thrust his pelvis toward her. Then he took her fingers and drew back the velvet foreskin so that its bold head sprang up hot and taut in its natural state.

  As her fingers caressed him, her thighs opened of their own volition and he was astride her instantly. As his lips sought hers to take her soft sighs into his mouth, the tip of his phallus slid against her tiny slit nestled beneath her golden triangle. She almost scalded him and as he rubbed himself against her, all the time kissing her, she became moist and slippery.

  His mouth and his manhood worked in unison. As her lips parted to take the tip of his tongue into her mouth, so the pulsing head of his shaft thrust inside her tight sheath. It was not long before this was not enough for her and she opened her mouth to encourage his tongue to delve deeply. At the same time his fingers reached between her legs to open her so that he could bury his entire length inside her sugared walls. He stilled to allow her to grow accustomed to his bursting fullness, then amazingly her tight sheath gripped and squeezed and sucked him deeper, as with a half-sob she experienced the first pulsation.

  Lillyth surrendered completely to his seeking mouth and pressing shaft as his fierce hunger devoured her. He swept her away with him to a place she had never known existed. Their hearts beat, and their breaths came and went in unison until they moved as one. His domination was so complete she wanted to yield to him forever. Then, as they began to peak, they both cried out in fulfillment and regret, wishing they could go on and on without end.

  Guy arched his neck as his head fell back and Lillyth came up from the furs with him inseparably, her lips clinging to his throat. His ejaculation was like a volcanic eruption and she went limp and almost swooned.

  Much later as she slumbered in the firelight, he gently lifted her to his bed and she half-roused and murmured against his shoulder, "Would William let a Norman marry a Saxon?"

  His heart constricted, but with his lips against her hair he said, "If it were possible for me to wed you, Lillyth, I would have done so long ago."

  She missed his meaning and said, "Be sure to ask William when you see him," and she was asleep.

  Chapter 13

  When Lillyth awoke, she knew immediately that he was gone. He must have slipped away before dawn, taking pains not to disturb her. She felt desolated. Would he ever return? If he did, would he still feel the same way about her? Would he be faithful? Would he be killed? Oh God, do not let me think such things! she prayed fervently. I will go to the church every day and burn candles, and I will keep so busy that the days will fly past swiftly, she promised herself. I will start with this chamber. I will put up my tapestries and if there are any more wolf pelts, I will get them for before the fire. She blushed at last night's lovemaking and smiled a secret smile to herself. She would make some pine-scented candles, and perhaps the smithy could make a little incense burner for beside their bed. If only it were spring she would fill this chamber with flowers. She decided to strip the room and give it a thorough cleaning. She would get a couple of the girls to help her and beeswax the wooden floor.

  Guy's men traveled eastward to meet William's army. He knew that after Canterbury the goal was London, and Guy hoped to meet the army somewhere between. The men rode in full chain mail, but Guy carried his helmet on the pommel of his saddle and the upper catches of his coif were undone, and it was pushed back from his head and lay across his shoulders. This wasn't war, it was a matter of subduing small villages. There was only token resistance, and Guy found himself more in sympathy with these Saxons, no doubt due to the weeks he had spent at Godstone.

  Whenever Guy met fierce resistance he quickly discerned that instead of wholesale killing, only an example of one man need be demonstrated or a single dwelling burned, and they were ready to lay down their arms and swear fealty to William, who was claiming England as his by divine right. The Saxons had no other strong leader to follow and could easily be persuaded. Guy met William's troops near Rochester. Many of them were suffering from dysentery, which they had been fighting for over a month. Guy told his men to ride through the camp and go upstream. He forbade them to touch the filthy water that had been polluted by thousands of soldiers, but bade them fill their casks upstream before cont
amination had set in. He quickly sought out William and the leaders, among whom was William's half-brother, Odo. Guy wanted to unload his treasure wagons and get an official tally, as looting would be rife in an army of this size.

  He found William suffering from the same complaint of dysentery, and Guy told William's physician, Nigel, about the plant alkanet. How, when boiled in wine, it would help to bind up the bowels. Scouting parties were sent to pick great quantities of this miracle plant, which grew wild along the streams, and although many a soldier drank boiled weeds from the wrong plant that night, many others got the correct dose, and within a couple of days the army was back on its feet and ready to move again.

  William was always in the midst of a crowd and it was a difficult task to gain a word with him, but finally Guy managed to see him.

  "Congratulations, Montgomery, you have done well by me. You brought in more silver and gold than many another. When it has been counted and our due taken out, the rest will come back to you."

  "My lord king, I would rather have my share in land. The towns I hold in lordship for you I could continue to hold if you will grant me legal deed of lordship so that none other can claim them. My own men I can pay myself."

  "I am not crowned yet, Montgomery, but it is only a short time away. I will have the treasurer draw up deeds of ownership, not lordship, then it will be up to you to keep what is your own:"

  "I deeply appreciate your generosity, sire," said Guy honestly.

  William laughed. "Don't thank me too soon, Montgomery. When you learn the taxes I will levy on your holdings, you may begin to curse me. So many are eager for territory, you would not believe the hunger for land that is about these days. It is basic animal instinct coming out in us, to stake out a territory and defend it to the death." William laughed. "How can you afford to pay your men? Keeping a coffer of silver deniers from my tally?" he jested.