Page 19 of Bold Conquest

  Lillyth glanced down the table and caught Guy watching her. Alison looked at them both. The way they looked, they were mentally caressing each other while separated by the broad expanse of the table. She reflected that she would be glad when their guests had gone and they could get on with the wedding. When Lillyth no longer shared her chamber, Rolf would be able to return to her.

  Lillyth retired early and left the men to their wine and conversation, which seemed to be all about land grants and building fortifications.

  Emma wore her prettiest gown to welcome Esmé back from London. He was extremely attentive to her every need and sent her promises with his eyes. She was encouraged to the point where she shared her secret with him. He looked at her blankly, almost as if he had not heard her correctly. As the silence stretched out, Emma was at a loss and ventured, "Did you understand me, Esmé? I am enceinte."

  "My dearest lady, how could you have allowed such a thing to happen?" Esmé inquired, almost politely.

  Emma wanted to tell him it was her dearest desire to have his child. She wanted to cry "je t'aime," but the words stuck in her throat.

  He bent his blond head close and murmured, "You must do something about it immediately, before it becomes too late. If you will excuse me, my dear, I have to see the king's brother while he is a captive audience here at Godstone. It is not often such opportunities drop into our lap."

  She was devastated but schooled her face so that it gave no hint. How could he have been so cool, so remote? This could not be happening!

  Adela sat at a table lower down the hall. When Hugh had looked her way, she had encouraged him with a warm smile, but he certainly had not responded to it in any way. She felt conspicuous sitting without a partner. The room, filled to capacity, was overheated and noisy. When she heard men laughing, she imagined they laughed at her. With hot, flushing cheeks, she left the hall and went outside for a much-needed breath of fresh air. She walked across the courtyard toward the watchtower. The air was still, but extremely cold and frosty. Adela's cheeks soon cooled and she decided to go back inside. When she heard a noise behind her, she turned, startled that someone was there in the dark with her. She was grabbed from behind by strong hands, and she fought wildly to escape his grip. She fell to her knees, gashing one upon impact with a cobblestone. Then she heard someone scream and realized she was making the terrified shrieks. Suddenly the cruel hands fell away as Hugh rushed upon the scene.

  "Adela! By God, I feared this would happen one night. Who was he?" he demanded angrily.

  "Oh Hugh, thank God! I did not see his face. I have no idea who it might have been." She was lying. She felt sure it was the man who had been pressing his attentions upon her while Hugh had been away.

  "I'll find him," swore Hugh, unsheathing a very nasty weapon.

  "Hugh, I cannot walk. I have gashed my knee. Will you help me to my room?"

  "Of course, sweetheart. Here, lean on me. Oh to hell with it, I'll carry you," he decided. They went up a back staircase which led to the solarium and the rooms beyond. Hugh placed her on the bed. "Let me see your knee," and without waiting for her to show him, he lifted her skirts back and exposed her limbs. "The blood has come through your hose." He reached up her thigh to the garter that held up the hose.

  Adela blushed, but made no protest.

  "The damned lout!" he swore as he gently pulled off the hose and looked at the gash. "I think when it is washed, it won't look so badly, sweetheart. Hold still while I pour some water." He bathed her knee and wiped away the blood that had trickled down her leg. "There now, that's not too bad, is it?"

  "You should not be nursing me, Hugh," she protested.

  "You looked after my hurt when I needed stitching up. I am just returning the favor." He looked at her differently now. "You look so damned tempting on that bed with your skirts around your thighs," he grinned.

  She smiled up at him prettily. "Well, aren't you going to finish the job? Surely you are not going to leave me with one stocking on?" she teased.

  As his hand reached up her thigh for her other garter, he bent forward to claim her lips. "Shall we try again?" he whispered.

  She responded by fusing her mouth to his in a most inviting manner.

  Determined to perform well tonight, he proceeded slowly. He would not rush into bed, only to disgrace himself. He lifted off her head covering and let the soft brown tresses ripple through his fingers. He kissed her eyes and her throat, encouraged when she lifted her face to his for more of his kisses. He lifted her into his lap to finish undressing her. Her fingers, wrists and palms each received his kiss before he moved on to more intimate places. He made love to her with his hands before he trusted himself to make love to her with his body.

  Adela lay in blissful abandon. That she was at last receiving joy from a physical encounter filled her with wonderment.

  Hugh was also overjoyed that every inch of him responded to her loveliness. His body stayed hard and demanding until he had received all her sweetness, then he allowed himself his final release. It was the first time in her life Adela had ever reached climax, and she silently thanked Morag.

  Chapter 18

  Three days later, the Mortain household descended upon them. Alison and Lillyth made their curtsies to Lady de Mortain and her serving women. She was a plain woman to look at, but very gracious and friendly, and Lillyth liked her immediately. Lillyth showed her upstairs to the large bedchamber and said, "This is where you and your lord will be sleeping, madame."

  The older woman started to laugh and Lillyth was momentarily disconcerted.

  "I see you are puzzled. I laugh because we always have separate rooms."

  "Oh, madame, I am sorry, please forgive me."

  "No, no, my dear. I like the arrangements as they are. I do not get to see my husband often enough to suit me, and if Robert objects to the arrangements, we will tell him your accommodations are not as large as he is used to, and see if we can pull the wool over his eyes, no?"

  Lillyth's eyes sparkled as they shared the joke, but the joy left her face a moment later when Lady Mortain said confidentially, "I hope you can put all my ladies together, and preferably away from those Montgomerys. They are the very devil with women, you know. In fact Simonette cannot keep her hands off the eldest one. They had a little affair a few years back, and I can see she will have to be watched closely or it will happen again.'

  "I will put them in the solarium," Lillyth stammered, and ran lightly down the stairs to see what was keeping the ladies. At the far end of the hall, Guy stood in conversation with a tall, dark-haired girl whose figure could only be described as voluptuous. Her generous curves bent toward Guy as she placed a possessive hand on his sleeve.

  Lillyth was oblivious to the crush of people and baggage in the hall as her heart constricted painfully. She was seized with a violent attack of jealousy, a feeling she had never experienced before. This was rapidly replaced by anger, a blinding, red fury that filled her brain and left her panting for breath. She pushed her way through servants and tutors and musicians and priests, caring nothing for the problem of where to stow them all, but only rapidly assessing where she could possibly go to be alone with her thoughts.

  She took down a warm cloak from a peg by the door and swept outside, not knowing if the cloak was hers and caring less. She ran out past the watchtower and outbuildings until she came to the mews. She ran swiftly past the surprised falconer and climbed into the loft and dropped down into a pile of hay in one corner. The birds set up a deafening screech, but Lillyth's thoughts were so loud they blocked out the cacophony. Never before had black hair become so ugly, nor full red mouth so utterly repulsive, nor large dark eyes so hateful, and yet, withal, Lillyth had to admit the woman was attractive. She berated herself for a fool and asked herself, Where do you think he learned to make love so expertly? How many beds had it taken before he became so sure and accomplished? Her face was hot with shame as she recalled how easily she had gone into his arms because of a few words
of love. He had promised to marry her, but what had he promised the others? What did she really know of him? Her mind whirled, tears came to her eyes, but she dashed them away with angry fists. She was cold and wrapped the cloak about her twice and scrunched down into the hay, trying to bury her misery.

  Nicholas had a hasty word with the falconer and climbed into the loft. "My God, what are you doing here? Guy sent me to look for you and it has taken the best part of two hours. Come along quickly, he will be furious."

  "Tell him no," said Lillyth firmly.

  "I cannot tell him no. He won't take no for an answer," he said flatly.

  "From now on that is the only answer he will get from me!" she said passionately.

  "Lillyth, what is this all about?"

  "If he prefers Simonette's company to mine, I shall be free of his attentions, thank heavens!"

  Nicholas left abruptly, and within ten minutes Guy's huge shadow loomed above her. She glared at him defiantly.

  "You are being ridiculous," he said shortly.

  She raised her chin, and even in the dim light he could see the cold green of her eyes.

  "As if I don't have enough on my hands," he said. "Half these people have had to be put up at Oxstead. I've had to organize a hunt for tomorrow to get meat to fill all these extra bellies. You'd think the least you could do would be to arrange to entertain our guests for the evening."

  "Your guests," she stressed, "and l am sure you will not have to look far for entertainment."

  His eyes narrowed warningly. "Our guests, wife," he asserted.

  In icy tones she said, "I think not, Monsieur Montgomery!"

  He picked her up and she struggled furiously, but his arms were like bands of iron and her struggles were useless.

  "Would you make a spectacle in front of Robert?" she asked incredulously.

  "I am master here, not Mortain," he said sharply, and started off for the hall, as straw dropped from the folds of her cloak all the way. Ten yards from the hall he set her on her feet. She brushed herself off furiously and ran toward the kitchen entrance. She shot him a look of pure venom and was shocked to see him laughing at her.

  "I'll show him!" she swore angrily.

  She bathed quickly and spent a full hour brushing her glorious hair until it fell in shining waves to her knees. She took out the new gown Guy had brought her from London but had forbidden her to wear. It was the finest white wool with a silver thread running through it, and it fitted her body to perfection, accentuating the curves suggestively. She colored her lips and cheeks and stroked perfumed oil between her breasts where they rose from a revealing neckline. She deliberately waited until Robert de Mortain and his wife were descending to dine, and joined them. Robert graciously seated his wife on his right hand and sat Lillyth on his left.

  Guy came up immediately and sat beside Lillyth. Points of fire glittered in his eyes as she looked at him.

  "Go up and remove that gown immediately," he said quietly,

  She looked at him triumphantly and said, half under her breath, "Tear it off me here, or better still pick me up again and carry me from the hall kicking and screaming!"

  He lifted a sardonic brow and said, "Ah, chérie, there is a much simpler way." He picked up his wine, and she immediately discerned his intention to spill the contents upon her. She quickly raised her hand and as if by accident the wine splashed across Guy's new tunic. Momentary fear took hold of her, but she saw his lips twitch and a look of admiration came into his eyes. He excused himself to change, and as he left the hall Simonette stood in his path. He brushed past her as if he did not even see her. Simonette immediately sought out Nicholas and laughed up into his dark face at every opportunity.

  Lillyth felt a moment's satisfaction, then immediately fell to brooding in case Guy ever walked past her in such an insulting manner. She looked past Robert and addressed his wife, "Do you go on the hunt tomorrow, madame?"

  "Heavens no, traveling is far too exhausting for me. I shall just rest up for the journey still to come."

  Robert turned to Lillyth. "Will I have the pleasure of your company, mademoiselle?"

  "I am afraid I find hunting not to my taste, my lord, but I should love to ride with you sometime when you have only pleasure in mind."

  He looked at her quizzically and said, "Will you ride with me early tomorrow morning, before the hunt?"

  She smiled up at him prettily, and Guy was just in time to hear her say seductively, "It will be my pleasure, my lord."

  Guy sat beside her and the more she tried to ignore him, the more aware of him she became. He silently overwhelmed her with his nearness and the charm of his green eyes and magnetic smile.

  Ah, God, if only I had the ability to affect him as he does me! she mused, smiling at something Robert said.

  If only she had known in what torment Guy sat there, looking calm. He wanted to plunge a dagger into the heart of his friend Robert every time Robert smiled at her. He wanted to take hold of Lillyth and master her and bend her to his will once and for all, so that hereafter she would cleave only to him.

  Emma sat down beside Adela so she would have someone to converse with, should Esmé not join her again. As soon as Hugh Montrose entered the hall, his eyes quickly scanned the assembled company for one pretty face. He spotted Adela and slipped in beside her. When Emma saw them smile intimately into each other's eyes, a sharp pain stabbed her in the heart. Ah, God, where were Esmé's adoring glances being bestowed this night?

  Eagerly, she watched the entrance for his arrival, but toward the end of the meal it became apparent to Emma that he was not going to put in an appearance. Adela was not unaware of her friend's plight. Although Emma had not confided in her, she had guessed that Emma was with child, and Esmé was conspicuous by his absence!

  Adela wondered if she should discuss it with Lady Alison, but she was almost sure Lady Alison was aware of Emma's condition and had done nothing. Adela decided to tell Lillyth, who had such influence with Monsieur Montgomery. Perhaps pressure could be brought upon Esmé to make him accept responsibility. She looked across at Lillyth, who had her back toward Guy in a most insulting manner and was giving all smiling, gracious attention to her guest. Oh dear, what is going wrong there? wondered Adela. I had better wait until all these people have departed. At the moment it looks like Lillyth is biting off more than she can chew.

  The Mortain musicians played throughout the meal and afterward French troubadours with viols and harps entertained. They heard the Song of William and then a young man with poetic dark eyes bowed before Lillyth and asked if she would like to hear her favorite. She hesitated a moment before all these Normans and then deliberately asked if he knew Beowulf. He sang it so beautifully that none was offended at the heroic exploits of the Anglo-Saxon.

  Robert smiled at her and said low, "I find much to admire in your England, Lillyth."

  "I admire some things that are French, though not all," she said, glancing at Guy.

  The dancing began and Robert first danced with his wife and then with Lillyth. Guy watched them, his face marble-like in its set expression. Lillyth slipped away to bed, as she knew she would not be able to bear it if Guy danced with Simonette, or any other woman for that matter. She withdrew before she was humiliated. Guy was in a dangerous mood and she knew he was capable of anything.

  It had only just become light when Lillyth made her way to the stables, therefore she was most surprised to find Robert there before her, personally seeing to the saddling of their horses. They rode out a while until finally Robert said, "'Let us walk a little."

  They dismounted, and taking the reins in their hands, they walked slowly over the snow-covered ground. He stopped and took her hand in his. "Lillyth, you could very easily steal my heart. Is that what you are trying to do?" he asked.

  She blushed lightly and stammered, "No, my lord."

  "Would you consider coming to Berkhamstead? I cannot offer you marriage, but I can offer you my protection, and anything you desire that
is within my power to give shall be yours."

  "My lord, you both flatter and honor me, but indeed, I cannot accept," she said quietly.

  He took a ring from his little finger and placed it on her hand. She shook her head. "It is too costly."

  "It is not a gift. I shall merely lend it to you, but should he ever hurt you, Lillyth, bring it back to me." He raised her hand to his lips, and his shrewd, kindly eyes told her that he understood all.

  It was still quite early when they returned, and Lillyth hoped she could get back without being observed. Guy was in the stables, however, ostensibly readying for the hunt, but Lillyth knew he had been waiting for her. Like a queen she swept past him without a glance, and went on up to the hall. Guy and Robert looked at each other silently, but their eyes told each other everything that needed to be said about the woman who had just left their presence. Guy's penetrating look conveyed the message that if Robert pursued things further, there would be a showdown, and Robert's cool, glance told Guy that he would leave be, for now, but if opportunity arose in the future, he would not hesitate to take advantage. They decided on a truce for the nonce, and all the men at Godstone hunted that day. They came back with such an abundance of deer and game that they wondered how it would ever be eaten.