Page 21 of Bold Conquest

  He stopped his horse and put her to the ground. Then he rode off and left her alone. At first she couldn't believe that he would do such a thing and she stood and waited for him to return. He did not return. Reluctantly, she began to walk. With every step her resentment against Guy melted, and anger built against herself. What a fool she was to deny him, for he was her heart's desire. She loved him, and when his face was dark and arrogant, that was when she almost worshiped him. She had goaded him in the hope that he would take her in his arms and crush her resistance. After the horror of the fate that was her first husband, she was mad to anger and cruelly deny this beautiful man who was her love, her life!

  She trudged on, weary and cold, fearful lest he had finally turned from her in disgust. She walked what seemed forty miles, which in reality was closer to four miles, and when she almost sank down with numbed limbs, she saw him coming for her. She gave a glad cry and ran forward with her arms upheld appealingly. In an instant he was beside her, holding her, lifting her before him.

  "My love, honey sweet. Let me warm you. Come inside my mantle. There, sweeting— I have been so cruel to you."

  She slid her arms around his strong body and buried her face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry for everything I said, my lord. Please forgive me?" she begged.

  "Only promise we'll be wed soon, for in truth, my heart, I cannot wait longer."

  "Whenever you will," she promised, all submission.

  His arms tightened about her and he bent his head for a swift, fiery kiss:

  "You will lie with me tonight? You won't deny me?" he asked ardently.

  She was silent for a moment, then said very low, "It is my desire to come to you on my wedding night, not before. Indulge me in this, my lord, if you love me?" she begged sweetly.

  How could he deny her? He groaned, "Oh, Lillyth, you know not how cruel your request is, but so be it. I have waited this long. We will be wed in two days’ time, and if that is not long enough for you, I am sorry, but my mind is set and I will not be swayed."

  She smiled her secret smile and thought, It will seem an eternity for me also, does he but know it.

  Guy de Montgomery decided to exploit this wedding to the best possible advantage. The actual ceremony itself, which would be totally invalid, would be as private as possible. They would take only Rolf and Alison to the church with them, but afterward he wanted all the knights and ladies to make a large wedding procession and ride slowly past every hut in the village with Lillyth and him. He wanted everyone down to the peasants' children to see the bride and rejoice in the wedding celebrations. The Saxons would see that their lady had accepted the Norman as her lord, and they could do the same without any guilt or resentment. They would invite everyone to come to the hall and feed themselves from tables heavily laden with food. Stag, deer, rabbits and boar from the recent hunt were plentiful and would be supplemented with sheep and perhaps an ox. He wanted the wedding party to ride over to Oxstead and Sevenoaks so the people there would not feel left out of things. All would wear their best clothes, and the celebration would help to make up for a dull Christmas and New Year's. He did not want the feasting to deteriorate into a drunken brawl but genuinely wanted everyone to be happy and share the joy that he felt.

  The household was busy from dawn to dusk with preparations, and everyone seemed in an especially good humor. If Guy happened upon Lillyth, he would caress her cheek with a loving gesture and whisper words of love to her. "I will give you slow, shuddering kisses," he would say, or "Do you smile so dreamily, so seductively, because you are filled with love for me?"

  She awoke slowly and remembered this was her wedding day, January 20, 1067. She knew she was wanton to marry again so quickly, but she was filled with happiness. Only three months since that other wedding. She put the cloudy thought away from her before it spoiled one moment of this perfect day. She moved slowly, as if in a dream, and, with the help of Rose and Edyth, she dressed in her wedding finery.

  She did not wear white, but had chosen a cream-colored velvet trimmed with marten, and her hair was done in elaborate twirls with ribbon and sequin-covered flowers threaded through the loops. They draped her fur cloak about her shoulders and handed her the matching fur muff; she stepped from the hall with her mother, into the pale January sunshine.

  This is the end of my winter, she thought, as they made their way to the church. Inside, the priest stood waiting with Guy and Rolf at the altar. Guy wore wine-colored velvet, and her breath caught at the sight of him, so handsome was he.

  The air was filled with the spicy scent of incense, mixed with the smell of melted candle wax. Guy's warm hand encompassed hers, and when she made her responses, her breath left traces of misty, white vapor upon the cold air. She was surprised when he put a golden wedding ring upon her finger and murmured, "I have had it for weeks." He bent and took her mouth tenderly, released her, then hugged her to him again. Hands clasped, Lillyth and Guy slipped from the church and ran back to the courtyard. With every step she took, she thought over and over, Lillyth de Montgomery!

  A throng of laughing men and women, all mounted, awaited them. Even André had decided that the pain in his leg would not prevent him from riding out with the party. They had decorated her horse's bridle and stirrups with tiny bells, and as Guy lifted her into the saddle and tucked her fur about her, they tinkled merrily.

  She was so radiantly happy, it infectiously spread to the whole party and then to the people of Godstone, who came out of their homes to watch the procession go by. Every child that Guy passed was given a coin from his pocket, and all were given their invitation to go up to the hall for the banquet.

  "We are on our way to Oxstead, so do not wait for us," he bade them.

  When the cavalcade reached Oxstead they did the same thing, and they all went into the hall to break their fast. The cooks had been extremely busy and most of the guests did justice to the food. However, Lillyth took only a small portion of omelet and followed it with freshly baked bread and honey.

  "Don't you think she is sweet enough?" asked Nick.

  "I do indeed," laughed Guy.

  "Maybe you should have some, it will sweeten your disposition," laughed Nick.

  "Me? Why, I have been an angel for the past three days," said Guy, amused.

  "Well, one of you is angelic, but I do not think it is you, brother," laughed Nick.

  Aedward sat at the end of the hall and Lillyth turned to Guy impulsively. "You don't mind if Aedward comes to the dinner tonight at Godstone, do you?"

  He searched her face for a moment, then answered, "I don't mind, but do you think you are being kind? If he is still in love with you, it would be like licking your lips over the poor bastard."

  "I have heard a rumor that he has found consolation. Do you not see the pretty little blond by his side?"

  "Mmm, how did I miss such a delectable armful?" teased Guy.

  "That was an unhusbandly remark, my lord, but I will forgive you for it," she smiled, "if you give Aedward your personal invitation."

  Rolf looked at Alison and said, "Shall we follow their lead and be married next week?"

  "I thought you would never ask," she answered gaily. "Lillyth, come and kiss your new father."

  "Oh, Mother, that is wonderful!" exclaimed Lillyth.

  "Congratulations, Rolf," said Guy "I hope yours will be the first of many."

  The wedding party made its way back to Godstone by way of Sevenoaks, and when they arrived the hall was overflowing with the villagers. They were so merry from the food and ale and the happy atmosphere of the celebrations that they began to dance. Guy danced with nearly every village woman, no matter what her age or size, and he encouraged Lillyth to dance with the men. It was nearly three in the afternoon before the last stragglers departed and the ladies of the wedding party made their way upstairs to rest and refurbish their appearance before the formal wedding banquet.

  There were many hands willing to ready the large bedchamber. The new linen sheets and pillows
had been embroidered with Guy and Lillyth's initials, intertwined. Two of the precious goblets Robert had given her were set out with a flagon of fine French wine, and scented candles were placed about the room. All Lillyth's clothes were brought to Guy's chamber and placed in large coffers with lavender sachets. Her toilet articles and silver hairbrushes, which Guy had never confiscated, were polished and laid out for her. A white silk nightrail and a voluminous white woolen robe were laid across the bed. Logs were laid ready to be lighted before they retired. Lillyth bathed her hands and face with rosewater before she went down, and her hair was rebrushed.

  As she descended the stairs, he was awaiting her at the bottom. She took a deep breath. How handsome he is, she thought, seeing his eyes crinkled with good humor. He took both her hands in his and brought them one at a time to his lips. "You look radiant. I'm the luckiest man alive."

  "Will you always love me?" she asked.

  "More, I will cherish you," he vowed.

  The dishes had been prepared lovingly and lavishly. Steaming breast of partridge with sweet almond sauce, roast venison surrounded by spiced crab apples, pickled ox tongues and huge cauldrons of ale with roasted apples floating in raw sugar and ginger filled the tables. One large platter contained a boar's head stuffed with roasted chestnuts. There were no dogs underfoot since Guy had given orders long ago that they be kept at the kennel with a fewterer to see to them.

  While they ate, a minstrel sang a song newly composed for Lillyth and Guy, and afterward they played games and danced. Guy couldn't get near Lillyth because all the young knights, with his brothers as ringleaders, claimed their privilege of a kiss and a dance with the bride. When she was returned to his side he bent close and asked, "Are you weary, love?"

  "Oh no, I am enjoying myself, but we can leave whenever you wish." She blushed.

  "Nay, love, it is for you to say. This is your day." He touched her cheek with the familiar loving gesture. "When you have had enough, just say some common phrase such as `No more wine for me, thank you,' and I will take you upstairs."

  In a few moments an esquire came by with his wine flagon and Lillyth said quickly; "No more wine for me, thank you," then immediately looked up into Guy's laughing eyes and said, "You tricked me. You saw him approaching."

  He hugged her to him, and the assembly banged their dagger hilts on the tables and shouted for him to kiss the bride. He did so, lightly, but a flame shot up between them and Guy's eyes kindled with desire. They needed no words, but rose together in mutual agreement and made their way through the guests. Many followed, and they did not have the heart to forbid them. Guy was borne aloft on the shoulders of two knights, and the girls ran ahead giggling and laughing. The men dropped Guy onto the bed and the girls ushered Lillyth to the opposite side, and from then on the jests became a trifle lewd and most suggestive. Laughing heartily, Guy appealed to Rolf, and within a few minutes he and Alison had herded them all from the bridal chamber.

  The fire had been lighted and the candles flickered shadowed patterns on the walls. Lillyth found snowdrops on her pillow, and she looked a question at him.

  "I saw them growing in a sheltered spot beside the church this morning. Winter is almost past."

  She was suddenly shy, and Guy went to busy himself with the fire and to pour them wine. Lillyth undressed in the shadows, and as she stood hesitant in her silk nightrail, he turned toward her and said, "Come and be warm, love."

  He pulled her into his lap tenderly, the wine now forgotten. His mouth was close against her neck, and when he lifted his head and looked at her, she traced his lips with her fingers. She smiled. "Your mouth is blunt at the corners."

  "Whenever I lift your hair just so, there is a little tendril that curls upon your neck." He kissed the spot. He wanted to prolong the sweetness and magic of the moment and make it last. The act of domination and submission was coming, but he wanted to temper his mastery with the subtle art of courtship.

  Her body was soft and warm beneath the thin material as he caressed her with loving hands, murmuring words of endearment against her hair, and his lips touched her temples and eyelids and finally her mouth. She kissed him back with a tender longing, her hands slipping behind his neck. He carried her to bed and undressed quickly, then quenched the candles. Naked now, he rolled against her. His arms went about her and pulled off her nightrail, and her skin felt like satin beneath his hands as he caressed her back and stroked her legs. Pleasure built and receded as he kissed her breasts and nipples and felt them respond and bud. Every nerve was kindled by his arousing hands and lips. She felt his hard-muscled legs against hers, and her hands caressed the great slabs of muscle in his back. When he moved over her, she arched pleasurably against his hardened manhood. Her body opened to him, and at the shock of his entrance closed on him tightly. Kissing her mouth the whole time, he made agonizingly slow love to her and did not allow himself the final joy of fulfillment until she had reached her peak, and her last shudder of ecstasy had stilled.

  Once more he was beside her, holding her tenderly.

  "The act of love," he mused. "It is rarely that— an act of love, but it was tonight between us two. I love you so very much, my beautiful one. Always remember that, promise me?"

  "How could I ever doubt it?" she asked softly, tracing her finger over his heavy eyebrows and along the strong line of his jaw.

  Her mind was like quicksilver, reliving the events since the day she had first met this man to whom she was now bound forever. Part of her felt guilty that she had fallen in love with a man who should be her enemy. These Norman conquerors had invaded her country and were sweeping away the old order and establishing a new one. She did not know if it was good or bad, right or wrong for England; she only knew that for her it had been very right. She offered up a prayer of thanks that the Norman who had come to conquer Godstone had been Guy de Montgomery. He was indeed a chivalrous and honorable knight who had rescued her from the dragon as surely as any prince in a fairytale. Here in his bed, in his arms, it all felt so right. Was it because they were under love's magic spell or was it preordained, written in the stars, their Fate inevitable?

  Guy's thoughts ran a different course. In this life you made your own Fate. When you wanted something, you set about getting it. His mind and his heart were in agreement that he had made the right decision to follow William from Normandy to claim this country for its rightful king. He saw with clear vision just how great this England could become under its new rulers. For the most part the Norman influence was a positive one. They were clever builders, just lawmakers, strong warriors who would defend this new land they had claimed so it would never be conquered again.

  They would take the best from the Saxon's way of life, blend it with the best from Normandy and produce a new race of Englishmen. He knew a fierce desire to breed sons upon this lovely creature who had come to him like a prize from heaven. His arms tightened around her possessively "Lillyth, my little love."

  Her cheek, pressed against him, felt his heartbeat accelerate. She raised up to fill her eyes once more with his dark beauty, just to be sure she was not dreaming. With a groan he lifted her hair and let its silken torrent bathe his chest. He lifted her onto his body with fierce impatience to be one flesh again. His kiss was so demanding, it stunned her in its intensity. In the last hour he had loved her with a gentleness that had been poignant; now his desire for her raged almost out of control, as if he were making love to her for the first time, or the last.

  His savage strength frightened her a little, but she was determined to meet his need. If he wanted everything from her, she would give it; more, she would welcome it. She opened her thighs and slipped over him like a glove.

  His hands captured and cupped her bottom frantically in his need to bury himself in her loveliness. Earlier, she had seemed so fragile, so helpless, but now she seemed the mate he had always sought. He was consumed by a virile desire to overpower her, to brand her as his woman and his alone. His mouth possessed hers in his despera
te urgency.

  Desire coiled in her loins and struck with the piercing force of a serpent. The last barriers between them crumbled and they went over the edge of the precipice together, tumbling into love everlasting. Mated for life. As his hot seed flooded into her, each of them longed to give the other a child.

  "Sleep now," he murmured.

  "I cannot sleep, it is all so new and strange, and wonderful!'

  He smiled in the darkness and knew she would be asleep in minutes. He drew her closer in a more comfortable position and offered a silent prayer of thanks that his life finally was set on a course that was satisfying to his soul.

  She awoke slowly and stretched luxuriously in the great bed. Turning toward her husband, she found him propped on one elbow, looking down on her. "You have been watching me!" she accused. "I must look terrible."

  "The most beautiful sight I have ever seen," he assured her.

  She snuggled down under the furs. "The room is cold."

  "I'll see if I can rekindle the fire, but be warned, I am coming back to bed."

  She giggled as he threw off the covers and swung his legs from the bed. She watched him shyly at first, and then became fascinated at the lithe movements of his naked body. Surely it was the most beautiful body in the whole world. Wide shoulders sloped to the well-muscled back and then on to narrow hips. His belly was flat, his strong legs were long, and between them ...!

  When the fire blazed warmly, he came back and jumped in beside her. He dived for her beneath the covers. "I saw you watching me," he teased her. "Now it is my turn. I want to see you all over."

  "No, no," she cried, clinging to the sheets.

  "Come on, walk about for me, so I can see you in all your loveliness," he coaxed.

  "Oh, Guy, please do not ask me to, not yet. I feel too shy," she pleaded.