Page 30 of Bold Conquest

  Lillyth laughed. "I've thought about that too, but I do not think it is because of similar tastes. I honestly believe it is man's nature to covet the thing his brother or his friend has, and they will not rest until they get it." Her midsection went rigid once again and she gasped for air until it passed.

  "Lillyth, my conscience will trouble me sorely when we try to pass this child off as Robert's."

  "My dear, we are not going back to Berkhamstead. I am going home to Godstone. Even if he does not want me, I know Guy will want his child, and I also want the child brought up at Godstone and to know its father. My child will be a bastard, but after all the king is a bastard and he overcame the handicap. When this is over and I am strong enough to travel, you must decide whether you wish to remain here in France or go back to England. You may come to Godstone with me, or return to Berkhamstead; the choice is yours."

  "I will think on it," Bette promised. "Why don't you lie down for a while now, try to save your strength for when hard labor starts."

  "I feel suffocated. Let's walk out upon the gatehouse walls. I know the wind is strong enough to knock me over out there, but if we cling together we can get some fresh air, then I promise I will lie down for a while."

  Lillyth lay in agony. Her pains were coming hard and fast now. She had been in labor for fourteen hours and she was very weak. The baby was the wrong way around and Bette was worried to distraction. "Lillyth, if only I had some help. The child must be turned," she cried frantically.

  "Go quickly to the abbey and get Father Sebastian. He will help us, Bette," gasped Lillyth.

  "I dare not leave you, child," cried Bette.

  "Please, you must! I will hang on here. It will only take a few minutes, please?"

  Bette rushed from the bedchamber and as if this was the cue the baby had been waiting for, it started to come immediately. Lillyth gave one convulsive scream, and miraculously the child was born. The cord was wound around the baby's neck. Frantically Lillyth lifted the child onto her abdomen and gently unwound it. The baby was breathing normally for a few moments, then its breath became very shallow, and Lillyth fancied it had a bluish tinge to its skin. She did not know what to do, but quickly she took the cord between her fingers and gently began to massage and pump it. The child's breathing returned to normal and once again it became a healthy pink color.

  Bette hurried in with Father Sebastian and went into action immediately. Lillyth's relief was so great she fell into a swoon. When she regained consciousness, the child was safely swaddled and tucked in beside her.

  "It's a boy!" Bette said excitedly.

  "Yes I know, isn't he beautiful?"

  She put the baby to her breast and was overcome with a great enveloping maternal love, the like of which she had never experienced before. Then she slept the clock around.

  "My little Norman," she crooned lovingly. "That is what I shall call him, Normand de Montgomery! The most beautiful name in the world."

  Within a few days Lillyth was able to get up and care for the baby. She was so happy that she soon regained her strength and counted the days until she was sufficiently recovered to make the journey home. Bette decided that she would return to Godstone with Lillyth for the present, and Father Sebastian felt it his duty to escort the women to England.

  Finally, in desperation, Guy sold his property for much less than it was worth. At last he was free to go to Mortain and find Lillyth. When he found no trace of her, he was disappointed and dejected. He was also faced with the dilemma of twenty odd people waiting for him to transport them to England. He was willing to search from one end of Normandy to the other if necessary, but his obligations were such that he could not take off without making alternate arrangements for everyone.

  It was now March, and he finally managed to persuade the new owner to delay moving in until April to give him the extra time he needed. Robert had many castles and strongholds throughout Normandy, and Guy set out immediately on his search.

  When at last they departed Mont St. Michel, Lillyth did not even glance backward. She had never been so ready to leave anywhere in her whole life. She felt triumphant, as if she were riding out with full honors of war, trumpets sounding and banners raised.

  There had been some terrible storms at sea in the early part of March, but mercifully when they set sail in April they had a calm, uneventful crossing and Lillyth almost knelt and kissed the soil of England when once again she set her foot upon it. It was with slight trepidation that she returned to Godstone. She was determined to swallow her pride and accept whatever place was offered her.

  Her homecoming was so joyful that she was overwhelmed with tears. When she discovered that Guy had gone to France to find her, her heart soared. Alison forbade any to tell her that she was Guy's legal wife, rightly knowing he would wish to tell her himself. Andre and Nicholas made such a fuss over the new little Montgomery that she had to rescue him continually from their attentions. The child looked exactly like the three Montgomery brothers, and there could be no denial of his parentage.

  Life had gone forward at Godstone in her absence. Emma and Esmé had their child. Edyth and Andre, now married, were expecting a baby of their own, and Rose was betrothed to Nicholas.

  Lillyth was pleased when she learned that Aedward had finally married Edwina despite her peasant ancestry, and Adela and Hugh were by now an old married couple.

  Guy was weary of his futile search, and April was fast drawing to a close. He asked the same questions over and over again, but to no avail. When he saw a couple of white-robed Benedictine monks helping the poor one morning, it came to him suddenly that Lillyth was at Mont St. Michel. That was what Morag's words had meant! It was so close to Mortain he could have kicked himself for overlooking it. Without a moment's delay he set out for the coast. He waited for no guide to direct him across the sands to the lonely island but urged his horse across before the tide was fully out. On the vast stretch of sandbanks he experienced a moment of panic when the water seemed to be getting deeper. Could he have miscalculated in his desperate haste, and was the tide actually coming in? It was with heartfelt relief that he saw the mist clear ahead so that he could see the sand stretched out in front of him. A monk met him at the gateway and tried to answer his demands for his wife.

  "There were two ladies here, staying in the castle, but they departed for England just last week. Father Sebastian was with them. That is all I can tell you, my son."

  He rode to the mainland furiously before the tide could sweep in again and headed back for his daughters and the people who had been waiting so patiently. He was elated at the thought that Lillyth was returning to England, but fear that she would return to Robert gripped his heart. He swore he would find her and make her return to Godstone whether she would or no.

  Chapter 28

  It was a fine May morning when the cavalcade arrived at Godstone. Lillyth had heard the horses and wagons approaching, and she ran out joyfully to meet them. He was home at last! She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of him. Now he was leading two little girls and an attractive young woman. Her heart was in her mouth as she dreaded the moment of coming face to face with his wife. He dismissed the young woman with a curt, "Thank you, mademoiselle," and Lillyth's heart leapt with joy.

  He planted his feet firmly on the ground before her and said, "Splendor of God, Lillyth, you have led me a fine chase!"

  She was bereft of speech as she sank down before him in a demure curtsey. He raised her up and a current like lightning went through her at his touch. "May I present my daughters, Margarita and Angelique?"

  The two solemn little girls came forward, but before they could dip the knee she swept them to her in a motherly embrace and kissed them both. "Welcome to Godstone, my darlings, welcome home!" she cried.

  In the hall, Guy was surrounded by his brothers and Rolf, all laughing and talking at once.

  Andre began, "Guy, wait until you see ..." but Lillyth quickly put her finger to her lips in a warning gesture and h
e finished lamely, "Wait until you see how the building has progressed."

  "I'll come at once," he said good-naturedly, "but first all our people must be found quarters, they are tired after their long journey."

  Lillyth spoke up quickly, "I will look after the children, go with your brothers and see to all your people, I know they are anxious to talk to you. We will have a homecoming feast prepared, my lord. Welcome home."

  His eyes followed her hungrily as she took a hand of each child and led them upstairs to the bedchambers. She directed Guy's luggage to be placed in their old bedchamber, fed her son and put him to sleep in her mother's chamber. The children's nurse, along with Bette, helped her bathe the little girls and she gave them a small meal to tide them over to dinnertime.

  She put on an underdress and tunic of pale green that had been Guy's favorite. The hall was merry tonight. Guy sat beside Lillyth and his eyes never left her. There was a tension between them that grew stronger as the hour advanced. Neither of them had much appetite for food, and although many of their favorite dishes had been prepared, they both toyed with the meat

  Finally Guy spoke, "Robert ..."

  Lillyth opened her eyes wide and looked directly into his. "Treated me as a father would treat his daughter," she said firmly.

  The pain left his eyes and Lillyth knew the lie had been worth all the courage it had taken to utter it.

  His eyes danced. "I have something to tell you, chérie."

  "I have something to show you, my lord." She laughed prettily in anticipation.

  He longed for the moment when he would tell her she was his wife. He wanted to see the happiness come into her face as he uttered the words.

  She longed for the moment when she could put their son in his arms.

  He waited for some indication from her that she would be willing to share his bed, greatly fearing further rejection. Her hand brushed his and immediately he was aroused.

  She sat with her eyes demurely lowered, a light flush upon her cheeks, but he knew instinctively that she was aware of his physical condition and was enjoying his discomfort.

  Finally she took pity on him and said, "Come, the hour grows late. I will escort you to your chamber and you can tell me what you have been bursting to tell me all day."

  "You are a shocking tease, madame."

  When the door was closed, he took her fiercely into his arms. His mouth bruised hers as his kisses grew to fever pitch and his hands sought to remove her garments.

  "Tell me," she murmured, staying his hands as best she could.

  Guy had starved for her so long, he was beyond words at this moment. He was driven to reclaim her body and soul, to put his brand upon her and mark her as his, both in her eyes and in the eyes of the world.

  Soon, she too was beyond words, beyond even coherent thought. Suddenly her need was as great as his. While they had sat together, touching yet not touching, she had become swollen and slippery with need.

  When he had her naked, she groaned in protest that it took longer to denude his powerful body. Until she again felt his strong hands upon her, she had forgotten that sometimes he made love savagely, like a storm, until she almost shrieked with pleasure. His lust threatened to consume them and as he fell upon her and possessed her totally, she gave herself up to the whirlwind, yielding all, wishing she could lie beneath him forever while he took her again and again and again. Once he had brought them to their first cataclysmic release, they would have the rest of the night to make slow, sweet, tender love.

  It was a long time before she drifted back to consciousness; finally, they had banked the raging fires of their desire long enough to share their secrets with each other. As he let a handful of her glorious hair drift through his fingers to spill across his chest, he said, "Sweetheart, my wife died before we were married. Our wedding ceremony was a valid one; you are my wife in very truth."

  "Oh, my love," she sobbed, tears like stars filling her eyes. 'Wait there just one moment, I have something to show you."

  Reluctantly he let her go, but when she returned with his son, he went on his knees before her and kissed the hem of her gown. He took his child in his arms and thought his heart would burst from pure happiness. The baby cried lustily, and Lillyth sat on the bed and gave him her breast.

  Guy watched in fascination. "Another Norman come to conquer your heart and tear down your defenses."

  She smiled mistily as she put the baby back to sleep and returned quickly to the arms of her husband.

  He kissed her deeply and breathed, "Ah, Lil, I love you more than life!"

  I have conquered him at last, she thought, but as his hands possessed her body wildly, she thought, But thank God I will never tame him.

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed BOLD CONQUEST. You can see all of my books on my website:

  Here is an excerpt from my ebook WILD HEARTS, about Scottish Border Lord, Paris Cockburn.

  By the time Paris went up to bed, Tabrizia had had plenty of time to herself to rest and regain her composure. She'd had time to eat and bathe, and had even washed her hair, and now sat before the fire for its final stage of drying.

  Paris undressed and stretched out his great length, grateful to be in his own bed again. He didn't bait her tonight. It was enough to just watch her. She pleasured all his senses. Watching her graceful movements and listening to her hum were by far the safest senses to indulge. Once she was close enough for her scent to fill his nostrils, his mind reeled. When he touched her body, his blood coursed through his veins like rich red wine, making him drunk with desire, and when he tasted her-- my God, it drove him to madness.

  As her arms stretched high to brush her tresses, the firelight silhouetted the beauty of her body through the silken gown and lit her hair like a waterfall of liquid fire that flowed to her waist. His breath caught in his throat as she laid aside the brush and approached the bed. Her heavy lashes brushed her cheeks as she turned back the covers and gently slid under them. Tiny tendrils of curls escaped the heavy, silken mass. He wanted to crush her to him, and feel her tremble in his arms.



  Virginia Henley, Bold Conquest



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