A Double Recognition

  Utterly oblivious of his surroundings, of the friends who crowded in thecart at his side, Jack stood pressing forward against the bulwark ofgrass-stuffed sacks, his fingers clutching at the canvas, his attitudeand expression betokening the greatest excitement. He was pale to thelips, save that a bright, hectic spot burned in each cheek, while,strangest thing of all, tears coursed from his eyes and dribbled down onhis chin.

  "Come back!" he shouted. "Come back! We will not fire! Come back and actlike a man, if it be for the very last time."

  But he might have shouted his words to the winds, for all the effectthey may have had. Joe, the rascally leader of the brigands--for thatseemed to be his name, since Steve had so called him--paid no attentionto the calls. Crouched low in the saddle, wobbling dangerously from sideto side on account of his weakness, he struck his mount savagely withthe spur, and went tearing away after his comrades.

  "And nothin'll stop the varmint till we put hand on him, and then he'llbe up to tricks till the sheriff and his men has placed a rope about hisneck and has swung him," growled Steve. "Come, lad," he went on insoothing tones, laying a restraining hand on Jack's shoulder. "Seems tome that you, too, ha' had cause ter hate that thar varmint. Wall, Ithought as how I'd finished with him, same as he thought ter have donefer me, this many a year gone by. But I ain't sorry that the bulletdidn't kill him, for by what you've said ye're in want of Joe'sevidence. But don't count too much on it, Carrots. That 'ere man aer thecussedest, the wickedest, that ever lived in these parts, and that's thetrue thought of every man as has come ter really know him. Sit down.Let's have a smoke. Time enough ter git followin'. Tusker Joe aer hardhit, and reckon we'll take him."

  "Tusker Joe! Tusker Joe!" Jack searched his memory. At the back of amind, fully engaged with his own particular troubles, there loomed acertain recollection of that name. "Tusker Joe!"

  "Ah!" In a flash it all came back to him. "You called him that?" heasked, turning on Steve and facing him eagerly. "Tell me, was he ever aminer? Did he work in these parts some few years ago, and was henotorious for anything in particular?"

  "Jest get a grip of that 'ere pipe and pull at it," said Stevesoothingly, coolly filling Jack's pipe and placing it between his lips."Thar's the coal ter light it," he went on, stooping over the fire, andsnatching a glowing ember with his fingers. "Now, boys, thar's hossesround about, and bags of gold. Let's get things tidied up, then we'lltalk. Meanwhile me and Jack'll sit down. Me, because I'm wantin' alittle bandagin', and Tom here'll do it fer me; and Carrots, 'cos he'sshook up badly about some matter, and a man don't get the better of suchtroubles when he's all of a shake. We're jest agoin' ter have a dramapiece from the keg, and reckon, when you're finished clearin' thingsup, him and me'll be ready to talk, and fix what's to happen in thefuture."

  As cool as any icicle, the little scout calmly filled and lit his ownpipe, and then went for the small keg in which the party kept theirsupply of spirit. For, though abstemious himself, and conscious of thefact that Jack touched nothing of an alcoholic nature, Steve saw thatsomething was necessary at the moment to help to pull his young comradetogether. Jack, indeed, was far more agitated than he had ever been inhis whole life. Not even when first accused of that burglary, andweighed down with the desperate feeling of his own innocence andhelplessness, had he shown so much emotion. But it is often a fact thatwhile a man can face danger and difficulty, can endure hardship,wrongful accusation, and even unmerited imprisonment and punishment,with a certain amount of stoicism, yet, when relief suddenly comes insight, when there suddenly and unexpectedly appears upon the scene thatsomething for which he has longed--oh, so much and so continuously!--hisstoicism and fortitude evaporate, the revulsion of feeling overwhelmshim, and in a moment he is changed from a strong man, nobly supportinghis burdens, to a child, helplessly weak.

  So it was with our hero. A cloud seemed to have risen suddenly in frontof his eyes, a cloud which upset his vision, which turned him giddy, andmastered every fibre in his active body. He sat down trembling,obediently drank the contents of the pannikin which Steve offered him,and then mechanically sucked at his pipe. As for Steve, he doled out adram for himself, and, having drained the tin, lay down to rest andwatch his young friend. Meanwhile Tom and Abe collected five horses leftby the brigands, laid the bodies of those killed side by side, andinspected their own belongings.

  "It tots up handsome," exclaimed Abe at length, rejoining Steve andJack. "We started in with our own hosses and the animals. Now we've gotfive fresh mounts that'll fetch a nice sum; six revolvers that belongedter them varmint; and, as if that warn't enough, thar's two bags of realgold dust in thar amongst them bags stuffed with grass. Reckon they waslaid thar to open and show, in case you was too suspicious."

  Steve went off into a roar of laughter at the news, for he waswonderfully light-hearted now that his excitement had died down.

  "I never knew a band of rascals so taken in and knocked about," hecried. "And ter think as they've left us gold dust ter add to our own,instead of takin' ours! Wall, I did think ter ax that 'ere Ted ef it wasreal gold as he had in them bags, and ef he'd mind my squinting at it.But then, when I come to think it out, I seed that ter do that would beter raise suspicions. He'd get thinking that I wasn't satisfied with hisyarn. That would ha' made him more wideawake, instead of so cocksurethat all was panning out as he wished. Then, guess we shouldn't havemanaged ter get ter that cart, and----"

  "We should ha' been thar," said Tom grimly, pointing to the bodies laidreverently side by side.

  "And now we've got ter fix what ter do," cried Steve, becoming matter offact. "Thar's the gold to be thought of, thar's the chaps as has gonedown, and in course there's bound ter be an enquiry. And, last of all,thar's them as got away. Wall?"

  He turned to Abe, as if seeking an inspiration from him. The big, bonyscout, reddened with exposure to the sun, and looking the strong,courageous man he was, spoke out without hesitation. His life, like thatof his comrades, allowed of no hesitation. Decisions had to be come toon the spot, without delay; for often enough a life was concerned.

  "Huh! There ain't two ways about it," he exclaimed gruffly. "The nearestsettlement is jest three hours' ride from here, and sense ye're woundedye'll be the one ter sit right here and keep guard. Me and Tom andCarrots'll push on quick, and place the gold in the bank. We'll warn thesheriff, too, and by evenin' we'll be back along with yer, bringing atidy few of the boys that we'll pick up. It stands to reason that othershas suffered from these varmint wuss than we have, and when they hearthat the band has had a knock, they'll be out ter make an end of 'em.Wall, then, we'll get on their tracks by evenin', and ter-morrow nightthose of 'em as is wounded, and I've a notion that aer the case with allthat's left, will ha' been surrounded and took. That's whar you and Jackcomes in."

  There was common sense in the arrangement, and at once preparations fordeparture were made. Tom set to work to prepare breakfast, for none hadtouched food so far, and as soon as that was finished the three friendswould leave Steve behind and make for the settlements.

  "And afore yer go we've got ter discuss this other matter," said Steve,nursing his wounded arm, which Jack had bandaged for him. "Thar aer thisfeller Tusker Joe. Now, I don't want ter ax fer any confidences, butCarrots here ha' said enough ter let us know somethin' of what's been onhis mind. I've said afore now that thar was a man somewhars in Americaas would shoot me on sight, and fer whom I'd do the same ef I catchedhim. Wall, seems that that same man aer the one fer whom Jack ha' beensearching. That so?"

  He turned bluntly to our hero with his question.

  "You have hit the right nail on the head," he answered simply. "Thatman, Tusker Joe, has indeed had a great deal to do with my life. I willtell you all about it. But first let us have Steve's tale."

  It was an eager trio which bent towards the little scout to listen, andsorely was their patience tried as Steve filled his pipe nonchalantly,and, staring at the ground, took
ample time to refresh his memory.

  "Wall, you shall have it," he said, "and short and to the point. It's adozen years ago, maybe a little more, when I came over the mountains tertry my luck in the diggin's. And luck came my way right from thebeginnin'. I struck it rich, and seemed ter have a fortune in my hand,when a fever took me, and what with nussing, and sichlike, what I'dearned precious near went altogether. But thar was enough ter make asecond start, and soon I was peggin' a claim down in another gully thathad got a reputation fer richness. Thar was five hundred miners thar,and one of 'em was Tusker Joe. He'd come fresh that way, so he said,was lookin' fer a partner, and, havin' a bit of gold with him, was readyand willin' ter pay fer a share."

  "The same tale!" cried Jack, interrupting the little scout. "But goalong, Steve, I have heard the tale before. Tusker Joe practised thevery same method in another part. I can almost tell you what happened."

  "Then you can tell of the most ruffianly thing as ever a man did. Mates,if a man pals up with another, and they become partners, it don't say asthar won't be quarrels. Rows do occur. I've seen 'em, and seen shootin'follow. But partners don't murder one another. They don't go behind theback of a man whose hand they've shook friendly an hour before, and letoff a gun right at 'em. That are the work of an utter scoundrel."

  There was indignation in Steve's voice, and the words he uttered broughtsympathetic grunts of agreement from Tom and Abe.

  "Reckon a chap like that aer one of the worst men that's ter be found,"cried Abe. "This Tusker Joe, he war the man? Eh? He did the shootin'?"

  Steve nodded curtly.

  "We'd struck it rich. Leastwise, I had, fer he pretended ter be ill, anddidn't work. Thar was a store of gold dust that was worth the havin'.Wall, this here critter, all friendly as one would think, stepped downto our claim one evenin' when it war almost dark, and when all the otherminers had gone back to their shanties.

  "How's luck?" he asks, setting down.

  "Same as afore," I answered. "This here claim's rich. It'll pan outhandsome fer us, and then it'll sell when we're tired of it."

  "'Good,'" he says, "and then, all of a sudden, I knew nothing more."

  "Shot?" demanded Tom in a whisper.

  "From behind," answered Steve, flicking the ash from the bowl of hispipe. "See thar. That's where the bullet caught me."

  He turned his head and pointed to a long, white streak behind the rightear.

  "Enough ter kill a man," he proceeded, "but Steve aer a hard nut."

  The very thought made the little scout chuckle. "A hard nut," herepeated. "Tusker reckoned he'd wiped me out, but he hadn't, and, what'smore, he didn't have another chance, fer some miners happened ter bepassing. But he cleared from that 'ere camp with every ounce of dustwe'd gained, and with my bag of dollars into the bargain. Gentlemen,when a man gets treated like that he takes an oath, and when the timecomes round, as come it must, he 'lows as he has a sorter right tershoot on sight the ruffian what's left him fer dead. Ter kinder executehim. That aer the long and the short of the story."

  The pipe went to the mouth, the cheeks caved in a little as he sucked,and then a cloud of smoke emerged from the hunter's lips.

  "I aer acted up ter that oath," he said quietly. "Reckon no one canblame me."

  "Not the sheriff hisself," growled Abe. "Even ef this Tusker chap hadn'tbeen one of the band as attacked us, and ye'd hit up face ter face withhim in the settlements, yer had a right, accordin' ter minin' law, tershoot him down without warnin'. Steve, it aer clear that it war meantfer you ter get the best of this here Tusker. Reckon his chances ofgettin' off ain't worth a how of chips."

  "I will follow him till my horse drops, or until he shoots me."

  It was Jack who had spoken, and as his three comrades turned to look athim, they saw on the face of the young fellow who had worked so well andso cheerily with them such decision and determination that all but Stevewere astonished.

  "You ain't seen Carrots like that afore," explained Steve, "but I have.I mind the time when he treated me as ef I war a kid, and started inwith his orders. Jack aer got some better reason than I have ferfollowing Tusker. Out with it, lad."

  "Then listen." Briefly, bluntly, Jack told the tale of his own father'sdeath, how a man named Tusker Joe had entered into partnership with himat the mines, had picked a quarrel with him when gold dust inconsiderable quantity had been obtained, and, having shot him down in asaloon after the pretence of a quarrel, had decamped with all the gold.

  "Then you ha' got good reason fer following this here scoundrel of aTusker," cried Abe. "Reckon when a man's father aer shot down like that,the son has got ter have a say with his murderer. I ain't one asbelieves in revenge. Thar's One above"--the sunburned scout swept hishat from his head for a moment and paused--"thar's One above as sees tersech matters as that as a general rule. But ef a father's killed in coldblood, it aer plainly the duty of his son ter find the murderer andhand him over to justice. Jack, give us yer fist. I'm proud ter know asye've been a good son."

  Each in turn gripped his hand, for rough scouts such as these were couldand did appreciate fine qualities in other people. Already Jack'swillingness to work, his unfailing good temper and his common sense, hadwon their esteem, while the tale of his behaviour when Steve wasincapacitated had not failed to leave its impression on them. Believingthat he had come to California with one object in view, and that todiscover his father's murderer, they felt he was a man they couldhonour, though in years he had not reached man's estate. But Jackquickly undeceived them.

  "Stop!" he cried peremptorily. "You are mistaken. I did not come toCalifornia to discover my father's murderer. It was another man I wasthinking of. I came this way to escape the law; for, my friends, I am arunaway prisoner."

  In a few words he told them of the misfortune which had befallen him,how he had been put on his trial, and how, despairing of obtainingevidence which would acquit him, he had bolted from the prison, with theobject first of making himself secure from the officers of the law, and,when that was securely accomplished, with the firm determination ofhunting for that man who had come to the smithy in Hopeville, and forwhom he had forged that fatal key.

  "Gentlemen," he cried, "that is the man I have been searching for, withthe feeling all this while that some day or other I should drop acrosshim. It was to clear myself from the accusation wrongly put upon methat I came to California, and at last I have seen the man. Strangethough it may seem to you--almost unbelievable--yet it is the truthindeed. That ruffian who murdered my father is the identical man who, afew years later, induced me to forge a key, and for whose crime I wasplaced in the dock. I have double reason to follow and take him."

  "Thunder!" shouted Steve.

  "Ef that don't walk right away with the prize!" growled Abe, his teethclosing with a sharp click on the stem of his pipe.

  "And ye've got as good cause, better still, ter shoot the ruffian whennext yer set eyes on him," exclaimed Tom. "Jack, it aer clear as it aerfer you ter deal with this here Tusker Joe. Steve has a call, and he'salready had an innings. Reckon it aer fer him ter stand back a while andlet yer have a turn."

  "No. I would not harm a hair of his head," responded Jack solemnly."Listen here, mates. If I got to shooting this man, where, then, shouldI be able to obtain evidence of my own innocence? I should destroy itmyself, and with that evidence goes all hope of my ever clearing myself,or of my being able at any time to return to Hopeville and the State ofNew York."

  "Right! Right to a 'T'," cried Steve. "The lad aer dead on it when hesays that, and I'll tell yer. Ef we meets that man, or any of the othersyer hope ter bring back with yer from the settlements, then thar ain'tter be any shootin'. He's got ter be taken alive. And afore any sheriffkin hang him he aer got ter come out with a confession. Mates, in theseparts it's lynch law. Ef a man robs another way back in settled parts hegets imprisonment. Ef he does the same in Californy, amongst thediggin's, or away on the plains, he gets short shrift--trial out in theopen, jedgment by the sheriff, ef there
happens ter be one, and ef thardon't, then by his mates; and in the last case, ef he's declared guilty,he's shot out of hand or strung up ter a tree. That's what'll happen terTusker. But, first of all, he's got ter make that confession."

  "And the sooner we follow him and his mates the better," cried Abe."Let's git. So long, Steve! we'll be back aginst evenin'."

  They strapped their bags of gold on the horses, and, leading thecaptured animals, set off at a brisk trot, leaving Steve comfortablyseated before the fire. Some three hours later they reached the townshipfor which they had been aiming, and promptly proceeded to the bank,where the gold was carefully weighed out before their eyes, its valueappraised, and a receipt given for it. Then Abe led the way to thesheriff's residence.

  "We've come on business," he said in his blunt, direct fashion. "We comeup agin Tusker Joe and his band last night, and nigh dropped into amuss. They'd set a trap for us, and thought ter take us nicely. But theyhadn't ter do with miners only on this occasion. We're all hunters andscouts, leastwise with the exception of Jack here. We seed thar wassomething queer, and when they opened with their game we was ready, soit's Tusker and his men as fell inter the muss. Thar's five killed, andt'others is hurt I should say. Tusker's nigh killed."

  "Then you have broken up the band. Gee! That aer good," said thesheriff, who had been a miner before he attained to his presentposition. "That Tusker's been the terror of the camps fer the last threemonths. They'd heard of him before out in these parts, and, ef tales aertrue, he ought to ha' been had up fer murder. But once he reached thediggin's, whether he was wanted fer murder or not, he soon got wantedfer other crimes. He and his gang has held up a sight of gold convoys,and they have killed a goodish few men. Whar have they gone?"

  "That's a question thar ain't no answering, boss," said Abe promptly;"but we're game ter follow, and I'll tell yer why."

  Promptly he proceeded to tell the sheriff of Steve's acquaintance withTusker Joe, of the murder of Jack's father, and, finally, of theburglary which the rascal had committed, and for which our hero had verynearly suffered condemnation to a long term of imprisonment.

  "It aer clear that the man has ter be caught," added Abe, "and that ferthe sake of Jack here he has got ter be taken alive."

  "Jest hop in and take a cup of coffee, gentlemen," said the sheriff."The news you bring is the best I have had for many a long day, for thisTusker has been the terror of the roads. I'll go and see a few of myfriends, and I think I shall be able to persuade some of them to ridewith us."

  An hour later no fewer than fifteen men set off from the township withJack and his friends, the sheriff and Abe riding at their head. Thedelay in the departure had enabled Tom to find a buyer for the horses,so that, beyond Steve's injury, the little party was substantiallybetter off after their affray with the brigands than they were before.That evening, as the shades were lengthening, they rode up to thestranded cart, to discover Steve smoking his pipe placidly and warminghimself in front of the fire.

  "Not a soul has passed the camp all day," he reported, "so I set to terget on the tracks of them 'ere fellers. Ef it's the same to you all,gentlemen, we'll have a feed and then push on. The moon'll be up bynine, and thar ain't any reason why we shouldn't make the most of thelight. Tusker won't be expecting such haste, most like, and so thar'llbe a better chance of taking him."

  Accordingly the party slipped from their saddles, slackened theirgirths, and, having watered the horses, sat down to a substantial meal.Two hours later they mounted again, and, led by Steve, who carried hisinjured arm in a sling, they trotted beneath the rays of the moon downthe straggling road, and, some three miles along it, turned on to thegrass border, and struck across towards the mountains which cut acrossthe skyline.

  "Somewhars up thar you'll find Tusker Joe, the murderer, and his mates,"said Steve solemnly, pointing to the mountains.