"Within the house at least," remarked Poppy Jenkins, "it ain't what wedreamt of."

  She was standing the next morning in the room where the three sistershad slept--it was early, only five o'clock in the morning, but thiswas Poppy's London hour for rising. Jasmine was sitting up in bed andregarding her earnestly, Primrose was also awake, but Daisy slept likea cherub.

  "It ain't what we dreamt of," continued Poppy--"it's work, and it'sdirt, and it's dust, and it's smuts. Oh, my word! the smuts is enoughto turn one crazy. Nothing is white here, as you calls white in thecountry--speckled is more the word. No, no. Penelope Mansion is,taking it all in all, a biting disappointment."

  "Well Poppy, Penelope Mansion is not the whole of London," saidJasmine, in a rather quavering, but would-be wise voice.

  "Yes, but it's the London I has got to do with," answered PoppyJenkins--"and oh! the worst of all is, that aunt won't have me calledby my home name--she speaks of it most bitter as a 'weed.' She sayspoppies are what are meant in the Scripter by the tares. Don't itsound real awful?--I trembled all over when she told me that. So SarahI am here, and Sarah Ann, and Sarah Jane, and Sarah Mary the ladiescalls me. When they're in a very good humor I'm Sarah Mary, and whenthey're a bit put out it's Sarah Jane they calls for, and now and thenI'm Sarah Ann--then I know I'm in for a scolding. Oh yes, MissPrimrose, London is not what we thought it."

  "Never mind," said Primrose sweetly; "you'll always be Poppy to us,dear, and I know the tares were not poppies, so don't you fret--thepoppy is a sweet flower, and Poppy is a sweet name for a girl. Why wefour are all called after flowers, and we must just be very friendly,and very brave and loving and sweet in this London, and then, perhaps,it won't disappoint us."

  "You're real kind, Miss Primrose," said Poppy. "Yes, it's a great easeto me to know as you three are in the house. I won't be solonesome-like now, and I won't be dreaming that I'm a tare. It's awfulto think of yourself as a tare, but I know now that aunt made amistake. Oh, ain't Miss Daisy beautiful in her sleep? Now look here,you're all tired, and I'll bring you up your breakfasts in bed. Youshall have some of mother's fresh eggs and real country butter. I'llrun downstairs, and bring you up some breakfast the very first thing."

  The girls spent that morning in their room. They unpacked a few oftheir things, and put their mother's picture on the mantel-piece, andPrimrose opened Mr. Danesfield's letter. It contained an enclosurewithin and on this enclosure was written, in a funny little printinghand, "When you want me, use me; don't return me, and never abuse me."

  Primrose's face grew rather red. She read the funny little motto twoor three times, then put the enclosure unopened into her trunk.

  "I think," she said, looking at Jasmine, "that we will not send thisback. I had a queer dream last night. It seemed to me that mother cameto me and said, 'Are you not foolish to cast away all your kindfriends? Try to remember that true independence is not too proud tolean on others. Primrose, for my sake do not be over proud.' Mr.Danesfield was always a friend of mother's," continued Primrose, "so Iwill keep his letter until we want it, and will write him a littlenote to thank him for it."

  Then the girls sat down by the open window and looked out into thestreet. It was a very dull street, and the day was warm and murky,with no sun shining.

  "This afternoon we will go out," said Primrose. "I shall speak aboutit at lunch, and ask Mrs. Flint to allow us to take Poppy with us. Iam so sorry Poppy feels dull. Now, girls, we must just make up ourminds not to do that--we must keep up brave hearts, and not sigh andlook dismal; that would never do. We have elected our own course, andif we are not courageous we shall be beaten. I for one am determinednot to be beaten."

  "I've always heard," said Jasmine, "that to sigh was very weakening.What I propose is this--that we give each other a fine whenever we areheard sighing, and another much more severe fine if we grumble, andthe worst fine of all if we cry. Now, what shall the fines be?"

  After a little consideration the girls decided that the fines might aswell lead in the direction of their education. Accordingly they markedout for themselves some of the most ponderous passages in "ParadiseLost" to learn by heart, and as a severe punishment they selectedlittle bits of a very incomprehensible book, called Butler's"Analogy." When they had carefully made these selections a ratherfeeble bell was heard to tinkle in the mansion, and they wentdownstairs to lunch.

  "I hope you are comfortably unpacked now, young ladies?" inquired Mrs.Flint.

  "And I trust you have recovered from the fatigues of your longjourney?" questioned Mrs. Dredge. "It is a weary way fromDevonshire--a long and weary way."

  "You speak of it as though it were a kind of disappointment to comefrom Devonshire to London," remarked Miss Slowcum, "whereas London is_the_ place for aspiring souls."

  "Oh, I'm so delighted to hear you say that!" said Jasmine--"Poppy--Imean Sarah--spoke quite dismally this morning, but I knew she must bewrong."

  "The young country servant," responded Miss Slowcum, "Sarah Jane, Ithink her name is--oh, well, her judgment need scarcely be dependedon. Yes, London is the place of places. I have lived here for years,and I ought to know."

  "We quite believe you," said Jasmine--"don't we, Primrose?--we havecome up here because we quite feel with you; we are going out afterlunch to see the beauties of the city."

  "May I ask, young ladies, if this is your first visit to themetropolis?" suddenly inquired Mrs. Mortlock.

  Primrose answered her "Yes; we have never been here before."

  "Then, Mrs. Flint, I put it to you, is it safe to allow these youngunfledged birds out into this vast and bewildering place? ought notsome one to chaperon them?"

  "We thought of asking for Poppy," answered Jasmine.

  Here Mrs. Flint frowned at her.

  "Allow me to make one request, Miss Jasmine Mainwaring; the youngperson you speak of is not known here by a name which signifies a tareor a weed. Yes, I shall be pleased to allow Sarah to go out with youthis afternoon for a short time, but she knows as little of London asyou do. I cannot go myself, as Friday is a busy afternoon. I can,however, give you a map, and if you all keep close together and don'twander too far, and are careful only to inquire of policemen yourdestination you may get back safely. Don't forget, tea at six."

  Here Miss Slowcum, turning her eyes slowly, looked carefully all overthe three girls.

  "I am most particular," she said; "I never wander abroad withoutcarefully choosing my company, but on the whole I feel satisfied akindred spirit to my own lurks in your eyes, Miss Jasmine. Permit me,young ladies, to escort you forth this afternoon."

  This offer was accepted very gladly, although Jasmine had quickly toremember her fine, or she would have given a very deep sigh when MissSlowcum pointed a comparison between them. In the delight, however, ofgoing into real London all these minor considerations and discomfortswere forgotten.