Poppy went away presently, and the moment she was gone Daisy began tomake some hasty little preparations.

  "I'll take the Pink with me," she said to herself. "I'll empty all thethings out of my little work-basket, and my darling Pink can sleep init quite snugly, and she'll be great company to me, for I cannot helpfeeling very shaky, and I do start so when I see any one the leastlike Mr. Dove in the distance. I mustn't think about being frightenednow--this is the least I could do, and if I'm terrified all over Imust go through with it."

  Then Daisy wrote a tiny note--a little note on half a sheet ofpaper--which she tore out of her copy-book. It was blotted with tearsand almost illegible. This was what she said:--

  "Primrose, darling, I and the Pink, we have gone away for a littlebit. Your money is lost, Primrose, and I cannot look you in the faceuntil I get it back again. Don't be a bit frightened about me--I andthe Pink will come back when we have got the money.

  "Your loving little "DAISY."

  This note was left open on the table to greet Primrose when she camein, and then Daisy buttoned on her little jacket, and put on herstrongest pair of boots, and the neat little hat which Primrose hadtrimmed for her the week before, and popping the Pink into herwork-basket, she stole softly downstairs and out of the house withoutold Bridget, who was busily engaged in the back kitchen, hearing her.

  The poor little maid got into the street just when the shades ofevening were beginning to fall. She had the Pink in her basket, andfifteen shillings clasped tightly inside one of her gloves. Fifteenshillings paid for a third single to Rosebury, and she was going toRosebury--so far her plans were definite enough; beyond this broadfact, however, all was chaos.

  Daisy knew very little more about London than she had known ninemonths before, when first she and her sisters arrived in the greatcity. She had gone out much less than the other two, and she had nevergone alone. Whenever she had walked abroad she had gone with acompanion.

  Now her only companion was the Pink, and the poor little heart feltvery lonely, and the little feet trembled as they walked along thepavement.

  She had been so terrified about Poppy finding out what she reallywanted to do with the fifteen shillings that she had been afraid toask her any questions about Rosebury. She had not an idea from whatrailway station she was to go, and she feared, as she walked throughthe streets, that she might have to walk many miles.

  At first she walked very rapidly, for she was anxious to get out ofMr. Dove's neighborhood, and she also thought it just possible thatshe might meet Primrose or Jasmine returning home. Besides the fifteenshillings which were to pay for her ticket she had threepence of herown in her pocket. When she had walked about half an hour, and thoughtthat she had gone a long way, and felt quite sure that she could notbe very far from the railway station which led to Rosebury, the Pinkawoke, and twisting and turning in her narrow basket began to mewloudly.

  "Oh, poor Kitty Pink," said Daisy, "she must be wanting her supper,poor dear little kitty! I'm not at all hungry myself, but I think Iought to buy a penno'th of milk for my kitty. I'll just go into thatshop over there--I see that they sell bread and milk. Perhaps they'llgive me some bread and milk for kitty for a penny, and oh, perhapsthey will know if I am near the right railway station for Rosebury."

  Summoning up all her courage, for Daisy was naturally a timid child,she ventured into the shop, and having asked for some bread and milkfor her cat, which was given with a little stare of amusement by agood-natured looking woman, she put her important question in a veryfaltering voice.

  "Rosebury, my little dear?" said the shopwoman; "no, I never heard ofthe place. Is it anywhere near London, love?"

  "No," said Daisy; "it's miles and miles away from London. I know thecounty it's in--it's in Devonshire and a third single costs fifteenshillings, and I have got fifteen shillings in my glove. Now, perhaps,you'll know where it is."

  "In Devonshire?" repeated the woman. "And a third single costs fifteenshillings? Surely, miss, you are not going all that long way byyourself?"

  "Yes," said Daisy, in a dignified little tone. "I'm obliged to go.Thank you very much for Pussy's milk. How much am I to pay? Oh, apenny? Thank you. Good evening."

  The Pink was once more shut down into her basket, and Daisy hurriedout of the shop. The good-natured woman stared after her, and felthalf inclined to call her back; but, like many another, she reflectedthat it was no affair of hers. The child went on to the end of thelong street, and then stood at a corner where several omnibuses cameup. A conductor, seeing her wistful little face, jumped down from hisstand, and asked her if she wanted to go anywhere.

  "To Rosebury, in Devonshire," said poor little Daisy. "It's fifteenshillings a single third."

  The man smiled at the anxious little face.

  "You want to get to Devonshire, missy," he said. "Then I expectWaterloo's your line, and this here 'bus of mine goes there. Jump in,missy, and I'll put you down at the right place."

  "I've only got two pennies," said Daisy, "Will two pennies pay for adrive to Waterloo for me and kitty?"

  The man smiled, and said he thought he might manage to take her toWaterloo for that sum.