The next afternoon, to the surprise of both Primrose and Daisy, Noelarrived. Daisy greeted her Prince with rapture, but refused to hearany particulars of Dove's trial.

  "I want to forget him," she said. "You say he is in the dungeon now. Idon't want to think of it. If I think of it long I shall begin to beso sorry for him."

  "We will talk of something better and pleasanter," said Noel. "Howsoon are you coming back to your Palace Beautiful, little Princess?"

  Daisy looked anxiously across the room at Primrose. Primrose wasbending over some needlework, and a ray of sunlight was shining on herfair head. She did not raise her eyes or respond in any way to thelittle sister's glance.

  "We did think of coming back to Miss Egerton's in the autumn," saidDaisy, "but last night Primrose--May I tell, Primrose?"

  Primrose put down her work suddenly and came up to where Noel andDaisy were sitting.

  "It is just this," she said; "Daisy did not know she had such a proudand obstinate sister. We had made our plans for the autumn--at leastwe simply intended to struggle on, and hope and watch for brighterdays--but yesterday I had a letter from Miss Egerton, and some of itscontents troubled me a good deal. Daisy saw that I was unhappy, and Itold her what Miss Egerton wanted. I thought the dear little one wouldobject, but she only said, 'Oh, let us be brave, Primrose; our PalaceBeautiful will be all the brighter if we really earn it.' Then sheadded, 'I am beginning to wish to earn a little money myself, for Iwant to give a very kind person back what he gave me.'"

  Noel gave Daisy's thin little hand a squeeze. Primrose looked at thetwo, and stopped speaking. After a moment's pause she said suddenly--

  "I don't like the plan; I never can like it. Mrs. Ellsworthy is allthat is kind, but she is no relation of ours. She lived in the sameplace with us for years, and she never even called on our mother. Oh,I don't blame her; she naturally thought that people who lived in anhumble little cottage at Rosebury were not ladies, but you see we areladies, and we cannot help feeling sore. I may agree to the plan--Imay be forced to agree to it for Jasmine's and Daisy's sakes--but Ican never, never like it."

  Here Primrose went out of the room.

  "She was crying for a long time last night," whispered Daisy; "ithurts her dreadfully to take Mrs. Ellsworthy's money. I don't supposeI mind it so much, because I was coming to Mrs. Ellsworthy to ask herfor some money. I did not find her, and I was miserable until youfound me and helped me, Prince. Then I love Mrs. Ellsworthy, and sodoes Jasmine."

  "That is it, Eyebright," answered Noel; "we do not mind receivingkindnesses and favors from those we love. Yes, I am very sorry forPrimrose; I wish matters could be differently arranged for her."

  While Noel was speaking Hannah came into the room with a cup ofbeef-tea for the little invalid.

  "You have done her a sight of good already, sir," she said, peeringwith her short-sighted eyes into the young man's face. "I don't knowwhat we'd have done for her if you hadn't come that day, and talked toher, and got her to tell you what that most villainous person inLondon was after."

  "Oh, don't, Hannah," said Daisy, "he's in a dungeon now--poor, poorMr. Dove; I must not think about him if I mean to get well."

  Here Daisy shivered, and added under her breath, with her little paleface working--

  "I did promise it very faithfully that I would never tell about thesweetmeats."

  "He was a bad man, Daisy, and he richly deserves his punishment," saidNoel, in an almost stern voice, for he wished to check any unhealthysentimentality on the part of the delicate child. "You must think ofwhat you and your sisters have suffered, and be glad he has beenprevented doing any more mischief."

  "Drink up your beef-tea, missy," said Hannah. "Please, Mr. Noel, sir,will you hold the cup for little miss? Oh, my heart alive, what--whatis that?"

  "I don't see anything," said Noel, "what has frightened you, Hannah?"

  But Hannah had grown white, and looked very queer, and a moment aftershe hurried out of the room.

  "I never knew your servant was nervous," said Noel to Daisy.

  "Nervous?" she repeated, laughing merrily. "Is it Hannah? why shealways says she hasn't a nerve in her whole body. She's sometimesalmost cross with me for being nervous, Mr. Prince."

  Noel stayed some little time longer with the sisters, and thenreturned to Rosebury in time to catch the evening train to London.When he got there he went straight to Mrs. Ellsworthy's house. Thatlittle lady was anxiously expecting him, and plied him with manyquestions on the spot.

  "How is she taking it, Arthur?" she asked. "I have been forming andmaturing my plans, and I now think a resident governess at Shortlandswould be the nicest arrangement for the girls. They cannot be parted,that is very evident, and as Primrose must be more than eighteen shewould not care to go to school. Yes, a resident governess seems theplan of plans. I would take them up to London early in the spring, andgive them the advantage of the very best masters."

  "Primrose seems very unhappy about it," replied Noel. "She may in theend consent to some scheme for perfecting her education, but I'm quitesure she will not go, nor allow her sisters to go to Shortlands tolive a life of simple luxury. I am sorry for you, Mrs. Ellsworthy, butI know Primrose will never consent to that."

  "I don't think you are sorry for me, Arthur," answered the prettylittle lady. "In your heart of hearts you quite agree with thatnaughty, bad Primrose. You had rather the girls lived in their attic,and encountered another dreadful Mr. Dove, and fell into the hands ofanother designing publisher, than have them safe and happy atShortlands. Oh, it is a plot between you all to deprive me of my greatpleasure. Oh, why will girls, and young men, too, be so perverse?"

  Noel smiled.

  "I am sorry for both you and Primrose," he said. "I am convinced shewill never agree to your present scheme, although she may allow you tohelp her to perfect her education."