Miss Ellsworthy thought Primrose both tiresome and obtuse, but hereshe was mistaken.

  Miss Martineau's solemn looks, Mr. Danesfield's emphatic injunctionsto make the most of their visit to Shortlands, and, above all, theexpression of deep distress on Mrs. Ellsworthy's charming face whenshe spoke of their poverty, were by no means thrown away on her.

  She felt very grave as the three sisters were driven home in theEllsworthys' luxurious carriage. She scarcely joined at all inJasmine's chatter, nor did she notice Daisy's raptures over a tinywhite pup--Mrs. Ellsworthy's parting gift.

  On their arrival at home the Pink greeted this unlooked-for additionto the family with a furious assault; and Jasmine, Daisy, and Hannahwere all intensely excited over the task of dividing the combatants;but Primrose felt but small interest, and owned that she had a slightheadache.

  Nevertheless, when the younger girls retired to bed she sat up, and,taking out an account-book, began an impossible task. Even all theresources of this young and vigorous brain could not make thirtypounds cover a year's expenses. Again and again Primrose tried. Therent of the cottage was twelve pounds a year. She pronounced thisextravagant, and wondered if they could possibly get a cheaperdwelling.

  Then there were Hannah's wages. Well, of course, they could do withoutHannah--it would be very painful to part with her, but anything wouldbe better than the humiliating conclusion that Mrs. Ellsworthy andMiss Martineau considered them too poor to live. Then, of course, theycould do without meat--what did healthy girls want with meat?Only--and here Primrose sighed deeply--Daisy was not _very_ strong.Eggs were cheap enough in Rosebury, and so was butter, and they couldbake their own bread; and as to clothes, they would not want any morefor a long time. Here Primrose again felt herself pulled up short, forJasmine's walking-shoes were nearly worn through.

  She went to bed at last, feeling very depressed and anxious. Thirtypounds was really a much smaller sum of money than she had given itcredit for being. Try as she might, it would not stretch itself overthe expenses of even the humblest establishment of three. She was muchcomforted, however, by the reflection that there remained a large sumto their credit in the bank. Primrose found her faith shaken in thecapacities of an income of thirty pounds a year; but a sum total oftwo hundred pounds she still believed to be almost inexhaustible. Sheresolved to go and consult Mr. Danesfield on the morrow.

  Mr. Danesfield was generally to be found in his private room at thebank by ten o'clock in the morning. Very soon after that hour on thefollowing day a clerk came to say that one of the young ladies fromWoodbine Cottage wanted to see him. "The eldest young lady, and shesays her business is very pressing," continued the man.

  The bank at Rosebury was only a branch office of a large establishmentin the nearest town. It happened that that morning Mr. Danesfield wasparticularly busy, and anxious to get away to the large bank at anearly hour. For more reasons than one, therefore he felt annoyed atPrimrose's visit.

  "Poor child," he said to himself, "I have certainly nothing very goodto tell her; and I have undoubtedly no time to waste over her thismorning."

  Aloud, however, he said to his clerk--

  "Ask Miss Mainwaring to step this way--and, Dawson, order my trap tobe at the door in ten minutes."

  "I won't keep you very long, Mr. Danesfield," began Primrose, in aquick and rather nervous manner for her.

  Mr. Danesfield was always the soul of politeness, however irritable hemight feel.

  "Sit down, my dear young lady," he said; "I am delighted to see you,and I can give you exactly five minutes."

  "I want to ask you two questions," began Primrose. "The questions areshort. They are about money; and you understand all about that."

  "Not all, my dear girl--money is far too great a theme to be whollycomprehended by one single individual."

  Primrose tapped her foot impatiently--then, after a brief pause, sheraised her clear brown eyes, and looked full at the banker.

  "How much money have we in the bank, Mr. Danesfield?"

  "My dear child, not much--very little, scarcely anything. 'Pon myword, I am sorry for you, but your entire capital does not amount toquite two hundred pounds."

  Primrose received this information calmly.

  "Thank you," she said--"I just wanted to know from yourself. Now, Ihave one other question to ask you, and then I will go. My sisters andI have thirty pounds a year to live on. By drawing a little on ourcapital, say, taking ten or fifteen pounds a year from it, can welive, Mr. Danesfield?"

  Mr. Danesfield rose from his seat, and coming over to Primrose, laidhis hand on her shoulder--

  "Live! my poor, dear child; you and your sisters would starve. No,Miss Mainwaring, there is nothing for you three girls to do but toturn to and earn your living. Your friends, I doubt not, will help,and you must take their help. I shall be delighted to give advice.Now, my dear child, my trap is at the door, and I must go. Goodmorning--good morning."