Page 3 of Captured

  “I have made it clear I want no one touching her.” The dangerous words, growled from the doorway of the dark room, caused the hair on Aria’s neck to stand up. Her gaze traveled slowly toward the prince. He had returned to the open door and was leaning against the frame, but the tension in his body belied his casual posture. “If I have to tell you again, I will kill you.”

  Aria’s mouth dropped, her heart flipped wildly, she could feel the hard beat of her pulse fluttering rapidly in her neck. She didn’t know what to make of this whole, awful, bizarre situation. The man’s eyes widened slightly, but it was the only sign of emotion he showed as he stepped swiftly away from her.

  “Come inside.”

  Aria glanced wildly around the hall. The prince had told the man not to touch her again, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t come after her, and she had a feeling that if the prince had to chase her down the hall it would not end well. She swallowed rapidly, trying to gather her swiftly diminishing courage as she stepped slowly toward the darkened room.

  The prince stepped away, blending within the shadows again, disappearing into the darkness for only a brief moment before light flooded forth. Aria was unable to suppress the gasp of wonder and astonishment that filled her. Without thinking, she moved slowly forward, drawn by the beauty and splendor of the room. She stepped into the lavish room, taking in the artwork, the hand carved furniture, the wonderful color and light that seemed to be reflected everywhere.

  Tears sprang unwillingly to her eyes as she moved slowly forward, looking everywhere at once, and unable to take it all in. Large bay windows faced out on the most beautiful gardens she had ever seen, flowers bloomed and spilled everywhere, flowing forth in a wave of color that was staggering.

  The paintings within the room were all landscapes, beautiful mountains and rivers with animals and sunsets that were so realistic that she almost believed they were real. Beautiful lamps and colorful and clear vases were spread throughout the room. The three sofas within the room looked cozy and inviting.

  Aria took a few more steps forward, unable to close her mouth as she took it all in, trying to absorb as much of the beauty as she could. She was staggered, overwhelmed, enthralled by the splendor surrounding her. For a moment she didn’t know fear, or hunger, or filth. For a moment she knew only beauty and peace, and a sensation so profound that she could hardly breathe through the wonder of it all.

  The soft click of the door drew her attention back to the prince, and the harsh reality of her life now. She may be surrounded by beautiful things, but she was also encircled by the vilest creatures that roamed the earth. And one of the leaders of them was watching her intently, his eyebrows drawn sharply together, and his mouth pinched in a hard, tight line.

  Aria blinked at him in surprise, only then realizing that there were tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them hastily away; she didn’t want him to think that she was crying because she was afraid. It was the last thing that she ever wanted him to think. Straightening her shoulders, she defiantly met his gaze. He turned away from her, looking slowly around the room. His forehead was furrowed in consternation. Aria frowned at him, unable to understand the strange expression on his face, or what had caused it.

  A soft knock on the door drew both of their attention to it. The prince opened it, stepping back as three women slipped silently into the room. Aria bristled, her nostrils flaring as she took in the women. They were all human, and she hated them even more for it.

  These were the people that had abandoned their own kind; that had given themselves over to the vampires in exchange for not having to fight, or hide, or fear. These were the people that had turned against their own kind, and that would still rat them out in a heartbeat. Most were amongst the servant’s class of the vampires, but a few had risen to higher and more valuable positions on the deaths that stained their souls. Aria glared at the women, her hands fisting and un-fisting as she fought the urge to punch them. It was one such of these people that had caused her mother’s death. They had infiltrated the camp, garnered trust, and turned them all over. Her mother had been murdered during the resulting raid.

  Aria clenched her jaw, trying hard not to launch at one of these women as they pulled the door closed behind them. “You sent for us milord,” the tall blond said softly, her eyes fluttering just a little too much for Aria’s liking at the prince.

  He nodded toward Aria. “I want her cleaned up.”

  Aria bristled, her eyes narrowed as she turned her animosity on the prince. She was not a dog for Christ sake; she was perfectly capable of bathing and cleaning herself. She most certainly did not need the help of these “women.” The women’s eyes slid toward her, widening slightly as they fully noticed her presence amongst them. The blond eyed her with open disgust, the redhead seemed completely indifferent, but it was the pity in the small brunette’s eyes that truly angered and riled Aria. She did not need anyone’s pity, and she didn’t want it.

  She turned away from them, unable to look at them any longer. They repulsed her even more than she repulsed them. “Of course,” the blond purred.

  “I will have clothes sent up for her. You know where the bathroom is.”

  Aria started, jumping back and tearing her arm away as someone touched her elbow. “Don’t touch me!” she snarled, feeling no remorse as the redhead shrank fearfully away from her.

  The three women eyed her wearily, apparently trying to decide if she would be a danger to them, something that might actually be a possibility. “You will allow them to clean you,” the prince ordered.

  “I can clean myself!” she snapped back.

  The women gasped, shrinking farther away from her as she deliberately, and loudly, defied their leader. A fact that could result in her instant death. She didn’t care though, she was angry, she was frightened, and she was tired of being treated like something worse than an animal. She was completely trapped and at the mercy of the man standing across from her, staring at her as if she were something that he had never seen before. She supposed that he was not used to being defied, and she also supposed that such defiance often resulted in severe consequences, but she didn’t care anymore. Just an hour ago she had been wishing for death, now she found that she might truly be on the verge of it.

  The prince took a step toward her, using his massive size to try and intimidate her. Aria clenched her jaw, she tilted her chin defiantly up as she glared at those thick glasses. She hated the fact that he was wearing them, she wanted to look him in the eyes, wanted to see what they looked like when she told him to screw off. He stepped closer to her, giving her no choice but to retreat if she did not want to be touched by him. And she most certainly did not want him touching her.

  She retreated again as he pushed closer, nearly bending over top of her as he closed in on her. “Stop it!” Aria hated herself for crying out in protest, for letting him see just how much he did rattle her, but she could not stop the words as he backed her into a wall.

  His hands slammed into the wall on either side of her head, causing her to jump in surprise. Her heart leapt and lurched wildly as for the first time she truly began to fear this creature. Until now she had not known what to make of him, or what he wanted with her. But one thing she now knew was that he did not take well to being defied, and she was a little afraid that he might just rip her heart out. Something she knew he could do without hesitation, without reservation, and before she could even blink.

  “You will either allow them to do this, or I will do it.”

  Aria’s eyes widened; she swallowed heavily at the terrifying thought of what he was saying to her. She had no doubt that he would drag her into the bathroom, strip her, and dump her into a tub of water. Unfortunately she did not respond to him as quickly as he apparently would have liked. He grabbed hold of her arm, practically dragging her from the room. Aria hurried to keep up with him, stumbling behind him as he pulled her rapidly forward.

  He led her through another door; she caught a brief glimpse
of books, a desk, and leather chairs before she was pulled into yet another room. This one left her stunned and gaping. There was some strange, rather large round white thing in the middle of the room. It was gleaming, bright in the lights reflecting off of it. There were golden handles and some sort of spigot coming from it.

  He released her abruptly before striding across the room. He spun the handles, causing water to burst free. Aria gasped; her hand flew to her mouth as she stared at the thing in amazed wonder. What kind of wonderful, strange contraption was this?

  The prince turned toward her, confusion marring his brow as he studied her. “Oh,” Aria breathed as steam began to rise from the water, alerting her to the miraculous fact that the water was hot. She had never seen this thing before, but she felt that she was going to thoroughly enjoy it as most of her baths were always cold. It was rare to have time to boil water to fill the wooden tub they had hidden within the caves. Most of the time she did not bother because of the time and effort it took, but every once in awhile she would treat herself to a warm bath.

  The prince was studying her, the perplexity on his face more than a little disconcerting. She could not meet his gaze as an unexpected wave of shame washed through her. He was studying her like that because he knew that she had so very little, and knew so very little of the world outside of caves and woods and streams, hunting and death that made up her life. And now, he fully realized this, and pitied her for it.

  Yet, as she looked back at him she did not see pity on his face. Instead, she saw an understanding that left her rattled and unsure. She could not grasp this strange creature in front of her, but it seemed that they were even as he did not seem to understand her either. “Allow them to do this,” he said gruffly.

  Aria swallowed heavily, unable to find words for him. She simply nodded mutely before he left the room.


  Aria shifted uncomfortably as she tugged at the collar of the sweater she wore. It was the softest material she had ever experienced, it felt wonderful against her skin, but she could not get used to it. Her clothes were always rough, ragged, and nowhere near as warm as this gentle cloth. She tugged at the scooped collar again, unnerved and frightened by how much of her skin it exposed. Even in the summer she wore long sleeves and collars to avoid bug bites, scratches, and other hazards amongst the woods, and within the caves.

  But the sweater was not as bad as the skirt they had put her in. It fell to just above her knees in gentle black waves that swayed and flowed as she walked. She could not get used to the feel of it, or to having her legs exposed like this. She even slept fully clothed, just in case there was a raid; she always needed to be quick on her feet and moving swiftly. Wearing this though, she would not be able to move fast, and would almost surely be caught as the sweater was a bright red homing beacon to her location. They had scrubbed her clean, had even removed the hair from her legs with a razor, but they could not take away the bruises and scratches that marred her skin. She looked ridiculous in the skirt, with her battered lower limbs and knobby knees, but it was the clothes that had been brought to her.

  The women fluttered around her, brushing her hair out as they talked softly. They had not said another word to her, nor had she spoken to them for the past few hours. They exchanged gossip, talked of men they liked, and spoke in whispered reverence of the prince. From all of their excited chatter, Aria learned that the blond fancied herself amongst one of the prince’s favorites and often spent time with him here, in his apartment.

  Aria tried not to think about the discomfort and confusion that revelation caused her. She should be relieved the prince had other women to keep his attention; maybe he would simply just want blood from her, and nothing more. The thought was repulsive enough, but until she could escape, she felt that she might be able to bear it. Aria winced; flinching away as the blond, Lauren, brushed her hair just a little too roughly nearly tearing it out at the roots. Aria glowered at her, but the woman hardly noticed as she continued her assault on Aria’s hair.

  “When was the last time you brushed this mess?” Lauren muttered.

  Aria clenched her jaw and her hands, refusing to answer the vapid woman. The brunette, Maggie, gave Aria a sympathetic glance as she finished applying some kind of strange color to Aria’s nails. She stared at them in confusion, not understanding why anyone would want to do that to their nails, but apparently it was popular as all three of the girls had it on. Julia, the redhead, brought forth a pair of shoes that Aria was certain had been designed to kill her. Who walked on such a long and pointy shoe anyway? Whose ankles could take those things?

  Aria remained unmoving as they applied their final touches and stepped back to examine her more closely. Aria’s gaze slid away from them, hating the sight of the bite marks that marred their necks and inner wrists. It was apparent that they willingly, and apparently from the way they were talking, eagerly gave their blood away. She wondered if it was just the prince that they gave it to as they appeared very much at ease in his place, and seemed to know where everything was located, or if they gave it away to any vampire that asked.

  “Why do you think he choose her?” Julia inquired, tilting her head to study Aria more intently.

  “I don’t know; she’s most certainly not anything to look at. The prince must have decided that it would be good to have a blood slave available to him whenever he was hungry,” Lauren replied. “Though we’re always available.”

  Julia giggled, her eyes sparkling brightly as she covered her mouth with her hand. “Yes, we are.”

  Aria managed to keep her face impassive, she wanted to smack the insipid women, but she forced herself not to react to any of their vindictive words. Though Aria felt that she was no competition for the voluptuous women, it was more than apparent that Lauren felt threatened by her for some reason. Aria was not going to reassure her that she did not have to fear Aria’s competition; she wanted nothing to do with this place.

  “Bony little thing,” Lauren muttered.

  Aria rolled her eyes, biting back her sharp retort. Julia knelt before her, thrusting the tortuous shoes onto Aria’s feet. She winced as her foot was twisted and crammed into the awful, painful things. When Julia was done, she grasped hold of Aria’s arms and pulled her to her feet. Aria cringed, hating the uncomfortable things strapped to her. She stood, wobbling and uncertain, and trying hard not to grimace in pain.

  “You will get used to them,” Maggie said softly, patting her arm reassuringly. Julia and Lauren rolled their eyes, but decided to keep their snarky comments to themselves this time. “The prince is waiting.”

  Aria moved forward, trying to get used to the new shoes, but barely able to move in them as she crept forward at an annoyingly slow pace. There would be no fleeing in these awful contraptions, and she found herself cursing whoever the idiot was that had invented them. Maggie took pity on her and grasped hold of her arm, helping her along. Aria did not jerk away from the girl this time, mainly because she needed the help, but also because no matter how much she did not agree with Maggie’s choices, she found she almost tolerated her.

  She was led back into the main entrance room. The prince was lying on the sofa, his arm tossed over his eyes, and one leg planted firmly on the floor. The wolf lay on the floor before him; the animal lifted its head to watch as they entered the room. The prince must have sensed them, or heard them, as he dropped his arm and sat up. He was still wearing his glasses, but Aria knew instantly when his eyes landed upon her.

  Her heart flipped in her chest, a strange sensation trickled through her as he stared silently at her. “Leave us.”

  The three girls nodded briskly before slipping quietly from the room. Aria stood uncertainly, her hands folded before her, frightened by what was going to happen next. They were all alone in this room, and she was at his complete and utter mercy. “Much better,” he said softly. Aria swallowed heavily, biting on her bottom lip as she met his gaze again. “Come here.” She froze, her eyes widening and her
heart hammering wildly in her chest. She did not want to get any closer to him, she was terrified of him, and the strange way that he made her feel so frightened, and yet so nervous and strangely excited. “I won’t hurt you.”

  She didn’t know if she should believe him or not, but she felt that she could. She stood uncertainly for a moment more before attempting to totter forward on the death traps now strapped to her feet. A small cry escaped as her ankle twisted out, her legs buckled beneath her. He was beside her instantly, catching hold of her before she could hit the ground.

  Aria’s eyes widened, she stared up at him in shocked wonder as he lifted her slowly. She began to shake, unable to understand this strange creature before her. Vampires were monsters, they destroyed humans, used them and abused them before tossing them away, but this creature was an enigma that she could not even begin to understand. One moment he was overbearing, intimidating, and threatening. The next he was like this, almost kind and gentle as he held her gingerly in his grasp.

  Was this part of his game? Did he want to try and gain her trust before tormenting, torturing, and destroying her? That explanation seemed far more likely than the one that suggested that this creature, one of the leaders of the monsters, might actually be kind.

  “I don’t think those shoes are for you.”

  Aria blinked at him, her mouth parted slightly as he settled her onto the sofa he had abandoned. “Most definitely not,” she agreed.

  Aria watched in stunned disbelief as he knelt before her. Her breath froze in her chest; her heart lumbered heavily in her chest as the prince of the vampires very slowly, and gently, slipped the awful things from her feet. His hands were soft upon her; his touch caused an odd thrill to race up her spine. She found herself wanting to trust him, wanting to like him even.

  And she knew that was a very dangerous thing to do.
