Page 6 of Captured

He found it hard to believe that he had not found her beautiful when she had first arrived. Yes, she had been dirty, bedraggled, defiant, frightened, smelly, and far too thin, but her spirit had still been there. Her splendid inner glow had always resided within her, it had always been present, and it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever encountered. He had just been too shocked by the sight of her to have noticed it. He could not help but see it now, just as he could not help but see her pain and yearning.

  “Would you like to go for a walk in the gardens?”

  Hope sprang forth in her eyes, her mouth parted as joy radiated from her. It was such a small thing that he offered her, and yet she reacted as if he had just handed her the world. “Can I?” she asked eagerly.

  He nodded, his gaze darting to the brightly colored world beneath the window. It had been so long since he had enjoyed a walk in the gardens himself, he found that he was actually looking forward to it. “Yes, I will take you.”

  She jumped to her feet, her full mouth curved into a bright smile that stunned him. She rarely smiled, and it was never such a full blown exquisite one as this. “That would be wonderful.”

  He nodded, trying to gather his scattered thoughts as she continued to beam radiantly at him. “Come along then.”

  Keegan rose to his feet, yawning softly as he roused from his nap. Braith rested his hand upon the wolf’s head, lightly rubbing his fur. Arianna was fairly skipping as she hurried forward. She would not remain so happy for long, of that he was certain; unfortunately it could not be prevented.

  “Arianna, you must wear this.”

  Her head tilted to the side, her eyebrows drew questioningly together as he lifted the thin gold rope before her. It hung between them, dangling to the ground in a four foot long pool of gold. She frowned at it, unable to understand what it was that he held before her. “All blood slaves must wear them in public,” he explained, hating the words even as he uttered them.

  “I don’t understand, what is it?”

  He really didn’t want to do this to her, truly didn’t want to bind such a free spirit. But it was the rules and the rules must be obeyed, especially between them. There were already whispers and rumors about the two of them drifting through the palace. Whispers about the first blood slave he had ever kept, whispers about what went on between them, and why he had decided to take her of all people. They were whispers that he did not intend to answer, but he couldn’t allow them to grow even more by letting her out without the chain. He could not allow her to walk freely in public, the whispers would only grow. The speculation would strengthen. Any feeling, any hint of caring between a master and their blood slave was strictly forbidden. Hell, any hint of caring between a vampire and a human was strictly forbidden. If they even slightly suspected that he might be developing feelings for Arianna they would take her from him, and they would kill her.

  That was something that he could not allow to happen. He may not care for her, or have feelings for her, but he also didn’t want to see her destroyed in the brutal way that they would do it. It was not fair to her, and he was unwilling to let the light she brought into his life go. Not yet anyway, not until he knew what it all meant.

  “It’s a leash, to keep you bound to me.”

  Her eyebrows drew sharply together; she gave a small, confused shake of her head. “I don’t understand, leashes are for…” Her gaze darted to Keegan; understanding widened her eyes before narrowing them sharply. Even Keegan did not wear a leash. “I see,” she grated.

  “If you are to go out in public you must wear this, it is a custom.” Her jaw was clenched tight, her chin tilted defiantly as her hands fisted at her sides. Though she radiated anger, beneath it all he could sense her hurt, her feeling of betrayal. Anger washed out of her, frustration burned from her. Slowly, she turned toward the window, her shoulders slumped. He hated the crushing sense of defeat that washed out of her, but it could not be helped. Even if she couldn’t see it now, this was what was best for her. For both of them.

  “Ok,” she said softly, her voice hitching slightly as her need to be outside outweighed her pride. “Ok. I will wear it.”

  He wasn’t going to remind her that she didn’t have a choice, she looked beaten enough at the moment. She came slowly forward, eyeing the gold chain as if it were a poisonous snake that she wanted no part of. They were meant to be worn around the neck, or the wrist, depending on what the owner preferred, but looking at her now he knew he could not add to her degradation by placing it around her neck. He took hold of her hand, slipping it around her wrist and tightening it gently. He was the only one that could remove it now that he had placed it upon her. He was the one that owned her and controlled her; everyone would know that she belonged to him. He wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that, he didn’t like owning her. He did, however, like the fact that everyone would know that she belonged to him, that they could not touch her. Ever.

  She lifted her head slowly, swallowing heavily as she met his gaze, her chin tilted higher. She may be humiliated, and at his mercy, but she was not going to allow herself to be beat down. For the first time he admitted to himself that he actually admired this wisp of a human before him. He had never thought much of their race, (they were beneath him after all) never even given them a moment’s thought, except for when it came to food and pleasure. But this girl made him question his opinions of the human race, made him wonder if perhaps they were worth a little more. Or at the very least, maybe she was.

  He held her hand for a moment longer, disliking the feel of the chain against her skin. For a second he almost pulled it off of her, but the consequences of such an action would be dire to them both. “Ok then,” he said softly.

  He held the chain lightly in his hand as he grabbed hold of his cane by the door. Arianna followed him out the door, trailing slowly behind as she gazed around the hallway with the same awe she had shown upon first entering the palace. He took her down the backstairs this time, unwilling to take the risk of running into his relatives. Two of his bodyguards trailed behind them, their surprise evident at seeing Arianna emerge again, looking far different than when she had gone in.

  He led her down another hallway before reaching the doors that led out to the gardens. Keegan stopped at the doors before Braith did, brushing briefly against his master’s legs before sitting down. Braith rubbed his head lightly again, thanking his friend for continuing to aid him, even if he did not need it at the moment. A fact that Braith was almost certain the wolf was aware of, just as he was aware of his master’s desire to keep it hidden. “Leave us,” he ordered the two men trailing behind them.

  The men stepped back in the hallway as Braith reached forward to push the doors open. Keegan sprang forth, eager to be outside again. Arianna moved slowly through the door, her eyes widening as she gazed over the gardens they had stepped into. Her eyes darted wildly around, her mouth parted slightly as a small gasp of delight escaped her. “It’s even more beautiful down here,” she breathed.

  Braith glanced over the gardens. He had once found them mildly attractive, but it had been a long time since those days, and he found that he enjoyed them far more through her eyes. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” she whispered, moving slowly down the colorful rows of flowers, hedges, and statues.

  “You do not have flowers in the woods?” he inquired, hoping to draw her into a conversation about her home as she rarely said anything about it, and seemed almost fearful whenever it was mentioned.

  “Oh, of course we have flowers,” she replied lightly, her face aglow with the wonder suffusing her. “But nothing like these.” Her hands trailed over the yellow roses, she bent low, inhaling deeply. “Beautiful.”

  “They’re roses.”

  “Roses,” she repeated, running her fingers lightly over the petals. “I love them.”

  He folded his arms over his chest as he watched her move slowly toward the lilacs. She was fascinating, captivating, and utterly unique in this colorful world o
f flowers, statues, and beauty. She inhaled the lilacs deeply, making a face as she took a swift step back, shook her head and wiped her nose.

  “Lilac’s,” he said softly.

  “Hmm.” She wrinkled her nose as she moved away from them, apparently not at all pleased by their odor. He named each flower that she stopped at as they moved slowly through the garden. Though she had not liked the lilac, it did not stop her from pausing to sniff every other flower they passed. Most of them passed her inspection, some did not.

  She froze when they reached the center of the gardens, her eyes widening as another gasp of pleasure escaped her. “Oh,” she breathed, her hands flying to her mouth in delight. “Oh, it’s wonderful.”

  Braith studied the large, ornate fountain. It had been a long time since he had seen it, but he had never fully appreciated the beauty of the delicate sculpture. Water flowed forth, changing colors in the sunlight beating down upon the man and woman staring longingly at each other, but never touching.

  Arianna moved slowly forth, her steps hesitant as she approached the fountain. It was as if she was afraid that it would disappear, that it was not real, but her fingers brushed against the basin. He was not surprised to see the tears blooming in her eyes, he realized now that it happened whenever she was struck with awe by something. It happened every once in awhile when they would be reading together, and the story moved her. He didn’t think she was even aware of the tears most of the time.

  Her eyes widened, a beautiful smile lit her face as she peered into the water of the fountain, a small laugh escaping her as she caught sight of the fish within. It was the first time he had heard her laugh, and he had to admit that it was a beautiful, refreshing sound. One that he found he enjoyed very much.

  She sat on the edge of the fountain, holding her hair back as she watched the fish, her fingers trailing just above the water as she traced their movements. He moved closer to her, placing the edge of the leash on the fountain beside her. He did not think she would try to escape now, but even if she did, she would not be able to get far with the chain on her wrist. The chain was designed for him and him alone, it knew where it belonged and he would always be able to find it. No matter how far she got.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  He peered into the clear water, momentarily admiring the brilliant colors of the dozens of fish within before turning his attention back to her. He found her much more interesting to watch. She sat back, smiling brightly at him as she released her hair. It fell about her in dark red waves that glimmered in the light flowing through the fruit trees surrounding them. She rose slowly, walking around the fountain.

  Keegan lifted his head from his paws, his ears perking slightly as he watched her move. She stopped suddenly, tilting her head back and closing her eyes as she absorbed the rays of the sun. To Braith’s utter surprise, and delight, she threw her arms out and began to laugh as she twirled happily around.


  Aria stood uncertainly within the door, hesitant as to whether she should enter the sitting room or not. The prince was within, talking softly with another man, their heads bent close together. She knew that she should probably retreat to her room, stay away until this stranger left, but she was curious about the man, and truth be told, she wanted some company, and the prince was the only company she had.

  Plus, she rather enjoyed his company, or at least it had been fairly pleasant today.

  However, she didn’t feel like now was the right time. She took a step back, intending to retreat into the shadows when Keegan rose to his feet, drawing the men’s attention to her. The prince rose instantly, his hand seized hold of his cane as he turned toward her. The other man remained seated for a moment, shock evident on his features. Then, he rose slowly also.

  “I’m sorry,” Arianna said softly, knowing that she should retreat. No matter how well the prince treated her, she was a blood slave, she should know her place. And her place was not to interrupt him when he was in the middle of what had appeared to be a very important conversation. The prince seemed to realize this as his mouth was compressed tight, and his knuckles were turning white on his cane. “I didn’t mean too… I’m sorry.”

  She stammered the apology out, taking a few steps back; needing to retreat before her presence here was questioned. Instinctively, she knew that she had done something wrong, that her safe position within this household had just been shaken. “Wait.” It was not the prince that had spoken, but she froze anyway, her heart leaping wildly as the strange vampire studied her intently. She wanted to look to the prince for help, for some sign of reassurance, but she didn’t dare let this stranger think that she may trust, or even like, the prince. No, she knew that now was the time to be docile, weary, and beaten. “Come here,” the stranger commanded.

  The prince bristled slightly; he took a step forward, placing his cane before him as he folded his hands upon the handle. Arianna hesitated, frightened by the situation she had placed herself in, but knowing that she could not refuse. Her owner may be a prince, but under blood slave rules she was not allowed to disobey any vampire, unless they asked things of her that only her owner was allowed to take. Such as her blood or her body, and neither of those things were being asked for now.

  Swallowing heavily, she folded her hands before her and began to move slowly forward. Though she was often defiant, confident and fearless with the prince those three things had no place here. She stopped feet away from them, keeping her eyes downcast, knowing not to look this stranger in the eye.

  The stranger approached her, circling her much like she had seen the packs of wild dogs in the woods circle their prey before attacking. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, praying for strength and patience to help her get through this awful, humiliating, experience. She needed to hold her tongue, needed to remain demure if she was to remain safe. She chanced a glance at the prince, but he remained unmoving, leaning back on his heels as he watched the two of them intently. Though he appeared casual, she could see the tension in his shoulders, the tautness of his hard muscles. She didn’t know what was really going on here, but she sensed that it was more than met the eye.

  “Not bad brother, not bad.” Aria’s eyes widened, she couldn’t stop her head from snapping up as the stranger stopped before her. His hair was the same dark color as the prince’s, his features similar, though his nose was slightly larger and sharper, and his lips were thinner. His eyes, unhindered by dark shades, were a deep forest green, and surprisingly beautiful. He was shorter than the prince, but his shoulders were broader as he stepped imposingly closer to her. Aria had no choice but to take a step back as he used his height and size to intimidate her. His eyes gleamed with amusement as he stepped closer to her, causing her to retreat another step.

  Anger spurted through her, but she swiftly buried it. It did not matter how much she wished to stand up to this imposing, overbearing, pitiless creature, to do so would only cause problems. Especially since, if his looks and words were any indication, he seemed to be a prince in his own right. Aria had heard rumors that there were four brothers, and two sisters. But she had also heard that there were three brothers and no sisters. Or even five brothers and three sisters. The rumors about the royal family had always swirled rapidly, with none of the villages knowing anything for certain, and the rebel outlets knowing even less. Aria supposed that was the way the royal family liked it, where no one knew anything about them for certain, and they could not be completely pinned down.

  She wondered which of the brothers was older, which of them would one day rule the kingdom. But she supposed in her situation it didn’t make much of a difference. She was at the mercy of them both.

  The prince remained silent, his indifference causing a small pain in her chest.

  Had she simply imagined the growing bond between them? Had she simply just wanted to believe that perhaps he may actually be starting to like her, and that was why he had taken her for a walk today, that was why he had been teaching her to read?
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  Of course she had, she realized, anger at herself springing forth as she forced her head back down. Of course he cared nothing for her, she was nothing here, she never had been, and she never would be. She had known all along that he was only toying with her, stringing her along, just to make it hurt more in the end, and though he probably was not done with his game she was most certainly done playing it.

  Her fingers clenched, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, trying hard to keep control of her anger. She was not angry at them, she was not even angry at this whole awful situation, but she was infuriated with herself. She had been a fool to let her guard down, a fool to think she was anything more than a backwoods disposable girl to them. Except, she was more than that.

  Her father was a leader, a ruler in his own right. In her world, she was an outstanding hunter, and a fierce warrior. She did not have Daniel’s knack for making strategies and creating plans, nor did she have William’s charismatic ability to rouse people to battle, but she was quick and she was strong, and she was adept at using many weapons. She was also good with animals; she tended to the ones that they kept within the caves, nursing and healing them when necessary. She was talented at capturing, and breaking the animals they needed to aid them such as horses, bulls, cows, sheep, and goats. Yes, she may be a nothing in this world, but in her world she had many different talents and abilities that were looked upon highly. In her own world, she was something, and she was admired and loved and respected.

  And she missed it fiercely. Heat colored her face; longing sprang forth as she ducked her head from this stranger’s cruel perusal of her. She wanted so badly to be free of this room, wanted so badly to be home, wanted so badly to take back the last five minutes. She wished she had never come out here, wished that she had been able to slip away before either one of them had noticed her. But this was better, she decided. It was much better this way.

  She had been spending the last couple of weeks in a kind of suspended dream. She had been trying to deny reality, but now it was staring her in the face and it was just as hard, and just as cruel as it always had been. She had known food, beauty, and cleanliness here but that was little compared to respect, admiration, and the unconditional love of her family. And she wanted that back so very badly right now.