Page 25 of A Soldier's Son


  On the following Sunday evening Carol started at the usual time for Mr.Higgs' cottage, carrying with him the little, much-valued book and withit the current _Quarterly_ which Miss Desmond had also sent him. Hissurprise was great, on arriving at the cottage, to find Mrs. Burton andEloise there. They knew the prohibition was removed, and Carol was freeto read and study _Science and Health_.

  "We thought you would come, Carol," Eloise exclaimed. "We wanted tohear you read the Lesson-Sermon. It will be quite a little service,won't it?"

  "Yes, dear Carol; we thought we should like to join you this evening,"Mrs. Burton said. "We are only the 'two or three gathered together,'but we are all of one mind. So it will be a little service, as Eloisesays."

  Presently Mr. Higgs' daughter and his little grand-daughter came in.

  It was arranged for Mrs. Burton to read the Bible verses, and for Carolto read the quotations from _Science and Health_. At the close of theLesson-Sermon Carol and Eloise sang together, from the Christian ScienceHymnal, the hymn which both knew and loved,--

  "Shepherd, show me how to go."

  The beauty of the words, and the young voices blending in perfectharmony, brought tears of emotion to the old man's eyes.

  "Aye, ma'am," he said to Mrs. Burton afterwards, "who but the Shepherdhimself, is leading us into those green pastures where the fetters thatbound us are loosed? There's a many things I can't pretend tounderstand, and the old beliefs grip hard, but I just hold on, and knowit must be the Truth which the Master promised should make us free.It's the tree that is known by its fruits. I'm sorry Rector's so set upagainst it. But there, it was the priests and scribes who persecutedthe Master himself. Seems to me it would not be the Truth if the worldreceived it gladly."

  "I believe you are right in thinking that, Mr. Higgs. In whateverperiod of the world's history Truth has been recognized, anddemonstrated, its adherents were always persecuted and stoned. Jesusreminded his persecutors that they stoned the prophets which were beforehim."

  "Yes, ma'am, I know it is the glorious Truth which has loosed myrheumatiz, and made me free, and I am just ashamed to confess to you andMaster Carol that just lately thoughts I can't get rid of cometormenting me. In this way: I go sometimes to church, but I feel nopleasure in the service. It has lost its hold o' me. Then I think o'Father and Mother, o' blessed memory. They lived and died with nothought o' beyond what the Rector could give them. It sort o' troublesme to think I am going away from what they trusted to. The Rector thenwas an old man. Why, ma'am, if ever a saint o' God walked this earth,he was one. If he passed down the village street, you'd see all thechildren run to him, clustering round him. When he looked at you, itdidn't seem to need any words: it was just as if he said, 'God blessyou.' His smile was a blessing. So I just ask myself, Why wasn't thesick healed when he prayed for them, if it was right and God's will forthem to be healed? Surely, he was a servant of God."

  "I propounded a similar question, Mr. Higgs, to the lady I have beenstaying with in Devonshire, Carol's cousin, Miss Desmond. It has been mygreat privilege to know many saintly characters, whose lives testifiedto their faith. My own mother was such a one. Yet, for many years, shewas a great sufferer. I asked Miss Desmond why such loving faith in Godand Jesus the Christ, had not always brought physical healing. What wecall the orthodox church, also Non-conformity, has nurtured souls forheaven. We cannot, therefore, condemn its teaching. Miss Desmond said itis not for us to judge or to criticise either individuals or otherchurches. We all, individually and collectively, can only grasp thetruth as far as we apprehend it, and we must not harbor a troubledthought that in becoming Christian Scientists we are leaving any churchto which we once belonged. We are simply moving forward--steppingupward to a higher platform. It is the law of progression. A child atschool does not regret being moved to a higher class. Neither have weanything to regret, even if we entirely sever our connection with thechurch of our childhood. Even now, for the most advanced ChristianScientists there is yet a higher platform to be reached, since Mrs. Eddysays, in _Science and Health_, 'All of Truth is not understood.' All wehave to do at the present is to live up to--to demonstrate, the highestthat we know. You in your walk of life, I in mine; and these dearchildren, who, spiritually, have touched the hem of Christ's garment andhave been healed, in theirs."

  "Thank you, ma'am, I'll try to think of it, as you've kindly explainedit. There's another old belief I can't see clearly to get rid o' yet,though Master Carol tried to make me see it's wrong, and that is 'Thywill be done,' on the tombstones in the churchyard. I can see that sinand disease can never be God's will; but death may sometimes be a sorto' messenger from God to call us home."

  Mrs. Burton smiled.

  "Yes; many poets have eulogized death as a 'bright messenger.' But inthe light of Christian Science we know it cannot be: evil can neverunder _any_ circumstance change into good--an enemy--the lastenemy--into a friend. Think for one moment how Jesus taught us to pray'Thy will be done on earth _as it is in heaven_.' Then ask yourself: Isdeath God's will in heaven? If not, then it cannot be on earth. Iquite see now why many petitions have failed to bring an answer. Thepleading lips have besought God to reverse 'His decree,' the decree thatnever was His. We learned that, Eloise, darling, did we not, inDevonshire?"

  "Yes, Mother; and when we quite understood why my lameness was neverGod's will for me, I lost it."

  "So the world, Mr. Higgs, must change its old belief, and realize thatdeath is an enemy which inevitably will one day be destroyed. In God'sspiritual Kingdom, sin, disease, and death find no place. Now I thinkwe must all bid you good-night, or it will be dark before Carol reachesthe Manor. The evenings draw in so quickly, now. We will walk part ofthe way with you, Carol," Mrs. Burton said as they left the cottage.They had not gone very far when they met Mrs. Mandeville.

  "Auntie," Carol exclaimed joyfully, "were you coming to meet me?"

  "Yes, dear. I found you had not returned. As I did not quite like yourcoming alone through the park, I came to meet you."

  After a little conversation with Mrs. Burton and Eloise, Mrs. Mandevilleand Carol walked home together, Carol clinging affectionately to hisaunt's arm.

  "It is nice to have you to walk home with me, Auntie; but I wish youwould never have a thought of fear for me."

  "I'll try not to another time, darling. As I walked along I rememberedsomething, Carol. Since that day when you came to my room I have neverhad one of my old headaches. They used to be so painfully frequent. Didyou charm them away?"

  "No, Auntie; but I knew you had not learned how to 'stand porter at thedoor of thought.' So I just stood there for you; and error cannot creepback when the sword of Truth is raised against it."

  Mrs. Mandeville's only answer was to stoop and kiss the boy's upturnedface. The words, so simple, grave, and sweet, had gone straight to herheart.


  The calendar of months named December, and before it, excited, expectantlittle people stood daily, counting first the weeks, then the days tothat one day of all the year which the children love best.

  Carol had to listen again and again to all the wonderful and mysteriousthings which always happened at the Manor on Christmas Eve and ChristmasDay. Price lists and illustrated catalogues were the only books inrequisition after lessons were over. The elder children wondered howthey could have bought their Christmas presents if there were no parcelpost. Carol was especially the helper and confederate of the threelittle girls in the nursery. He assisted them in choosing their"surprises," wrote the letters, and enclosed the postal orders; andcertainly, from the marvellous list of things they were able topurchase, their little accumulated heap of pennies must, in some magicway, have changed into sovereigns in his hands. The joyful excitementof the three little girls, when the parcels arrived, gave Carol thegreatest pleasure he had ever known. Only Nurse was allowed to bepresent when the par
cels were opened, and she promised to lock themsecurely away where no one could catch a glimpse until they were broughtout on Christmas eve.

  It wanted only one week to Christmas day, when Rosebud came to theschool-room one morning, saying: "Mover wants 'ou, Tarol."

  Carol went at once to his aunt's room. She was sitting with an openletter in her hand, a rather graver than usual expression on her face."Carol, dear," she said, "for some little time I have been thinking Iought to let you go home for Christmas. It seems to me it is what yourdear father would wish; but I could not let you take the long journeyalone and there seemed no other way until this morning. I have justreceived a letter from a dear old friend in which she mentions that shewill be travelling to Exeter in two days' time. So I could take you toLondon to meet her there, and you could travel with her to Exeter, whereMiss Desmond might meet you. I do not like to part with you, even for amonth or six weeks, my 'little porter at the door of thought.'"

  "Auntie, it won't make any difference if I am here, or in Devonshire. Ican still bar the door to error."

  "Yes, dear; I believe you can. It is really not that only. I amthinking we shall all miss you so. You seem to be everyone'sconfederate for their Christmas surprises. Would you rather go, or stay,dear?"

  "I should be happy to stay here, or happy to go home for Christmas,Auntie."

  "Yes; I think you would, dear. So we must consider other people. MissDesmond, I know, would rejoice to have you, and it seems the right ofboth tenants and servants to have the 'little master' amongst them atChristmas. So I have decided it will be right to let you go."

  But when this decision was made known in the school-room and nurserythere were great lamentations. No one had given a thought to thepossibility of Carol not being with them for the Christmas festivities;and Mrs. Mandeville was besought again and again not to let Carol gohome before Christmas.

  But, having well considered the matter, she was firm. A telegram was atonce despatched to Miss Desmond apprising her of the arrangement. Theanswer that quickly came satisfied Mrs. Mandeville that she had been ledto make a right decision. Brief but expressive was Miss Desmond's wire:"Great rejoicings on receipt of news. Will gladly meet Carol atExeter."

  There was yet another little person to whom the news was not joyful.Eloise's lips quivered and her blue eyes filled with tears when sheheard. Carol was so much to her, and she to him. She thought of him asa brother; and a sister of his own name could not have been moretenderly loved by the boy. The bond between them was closer and dearerthan that of human relationship.

  "It will be only just at first, Eloise, that we shall seem to be farapart. Then you will be able to realize there is no distance in Mind.At first, when I came here, I seemed to be so far away from CousinAlicia; but I never feel that now. I just know her thought is with me,and thought is the only real. It will be lovely to hear her voiceagain, and to feel my hand clasped in hers, but still that won't makeher very own self nearer to me."

  "I do not quite understand--yet, Carol," Eloise answered a little sadly.Then she had some news to give him. Early in the New Year the Burtonswere going to live in London. True to his promise, Dr. Burton wasgiving up his medical practice, and was going to join that little bandof men and women whose lives are consecrated to the work of destroyingthe many manifestations of sin and disease, in the way the Mastertaught.

  "And, when you come back to the Manor, Carol, we shall not be here."

  Eloise in one sentence regretfully summed up the situation.

  "I shall miss you, dear Eloise. But you will write to me, and I shallwrite very often to you, and when I go home in the summer, perhaps Mrs.Burton will let you come, too. Then Cousin Alicia will be happy to haveboth her children in Science with her."

  "That will be lovely, Carol! I am sure Mother will like me to visitMiss Desmond again. It seems a long time to look forward to, but timereally passes very quickly. Sometimes the days are not long enough forall I want to do. I am to go to school when we live in London. All thebeautiful things I have longed for are coming to me. Carol, I do wishevery little girl and every little boy knew how to ask Divine Love forwhat they want. When I am older that is the work I want to do,--toteach other children as Miss Desmond taught me."

  "And I, too, Eloise. Love is so near, but we didn't know it till welearned it in Science, did we?"

  "No, Carol; I didn't know it, when I used to sit all day in my littlewheel-chair, longing to walk like other children. It was like living ina dark room until some one came and opened the shutters to let thesunlight in. The sunlight was there all the time, but I did not know it.I was God's perfect child all the time, but I believed I was lame, untilMiss Desmond taught me the Truth."

  "When I go to bed, Eloise, thoughts come to me. I tell them to Auntiesometimes, but not to any one else. Shall I tell you what I wasthinking last night?"

  "Please, Carol, I should like to know."

  "I began first by thinking if any one asked me, where is heaven, Ishould answer: Heaven is where God is. Then I remembered, God is_everywhere_. There is no place where God is not. Then I knew thateverywhere must be heaven, and we have only to open our eyes, and justas much as we can see of good--God--just that far we shall have enteredheaven. So it won't matter, Eloise, if you are in London, and I am inDevonshire, if we are both looking steadfastly all the time to see onlygood around us, we shall both be entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Thereis only one gate--a golden gate--into that Kingdom, and 'Christ indivine Science shows us the way.'"


  The little country station seemed to be quite full of people when thetrain that was to carry Mrs. Mandeville and Carol to London drew up atthe platform. The hour they were to leave had become known in thevillage, and, besides all his cousins, their nurses and Miss Markham,Mr. Higgs, his daughter and grand-daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Burton, andEloise were there. At the last moment the Rector hurriedly stalked in.

  "Almost too late, dear Raymond," Mrs. Mandeville said as he greetedthem.

  "So, Carol, I learn you have succeeded in planting Christian Science inthis village."

  The boy looked up with his quiet, fearless eyes.

  "Not I, Uncle Raymond!"

  "Who then?"

  The boy's head was bowed as he reverently answered: "Christ. I amhappy, Uncle Raymond, if I have been a little channel for Truth. I coulddo nothing myself."

  Carol met the grave look on the Rector's face with his bright smile.

  "You _are_ glad, are you not, Uncle Raymond, that Mr. Higgs and hislittle grand-daughter, and dear Eloise--I, too--have found the Christ,and have been healed?"

  The engine gave a shrill whistle. Mrs. Mandeville drew the boy fartherinto the carriage; a porter closed the door as the train began to move;the question was unanswered. Mr. Higgs waved his hat, saying fervently,"God bless 'ee, Master Carol; and bring you back to us soon."

  Eloise ran along the platform, holding Rosebud by the hand, waftingkisses to be carried to Miss Desmond. When the train was out of sightand she returned to join the others, she saw the Rector was watching herwith the kindly smile his face used to wear in the days when she was notable to run about. Clingingly clasping his arm, looking up to him inher winning way, and remembering the question which to Carol had beenunanswered, she said: "You _are_ glad, are you not, Rector, that I canrun about, and that I have been taught the Truth that makes us free?"

  "Yes, little girl, I am very glad. Perhaps I have been mistaken in myjudgment. Tell me, Eloise, what is this Truth of which you speak?"

  Eloise hesitated a moment; then, looking up beyond the Rector into thebroad blue heavens, she said: "It is just _knowing_ that God is _All_,and there is nothing beside. All the _real_ God made; whatever He didnot make is shadow. When I quite understood that God could not make animperfect thing--that He never, never made a lame little girl--theshadow disappeared, and I could walk."

  The Rector turned to Mr. Higgs who was standing near. "I
s that what mynephew has been teaching you, Higgs?"

  "Yes, sir; but I've been slower to grasp it. Seems to me the Truth isvery simple, but we need the childlike mind to take it in."

  "Maybe you are right, Higgs--maybe you are right. 'Whosoever shall notreceive the kingdom of God as a little child ... shall not entertherein.' The Master's words."

  Thoughtfully, with bent head and downcast eyes, meditating deeply, theRector walked back to the Rectory. Words very familiar came to him witha different meaning: "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall makeyou free;" and with the words came a desire that was prayer: "Lord,teach me this Truth. Grant me the childlike mind."


  "Carol, I have been thinking of something," Mrs. Mandeville said, as thetrain bore them along.

  "Should you like to know of what I have been thinking?"

  "Please, dear Auntie; I should very much like to know."

  "Well, dear, I have been thinking if it should occur to the young Masterof Willmar Court to send Rosebud and me an invitation whilst he is athome, we should accept it."

  "Oh, Auntie, what a lovely thought! To have you and Rosebud, and CousinAlicia, all together!"

  "I want Miss Desmond, Carol, to teach me some of the things she hastaught you."

  There was a long silence. The boy's heart was too full for words. Thenhe said: "Auntie, I know now how the little bird felt when the Kingopened the cage door, and he sang and sang for joy. My heart is singingto _my_ King. I wonder if--perhaps--He will say, some missing note hascome into Carol's song."

  "Indeed, my darling, I think so."

  He nestled closely beside her. Looking down she saw on his face thereflection of a great joy--a great peace; and she knew that he had justcrept into Love's arms.

  "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide underthe shadow of the Almighty.... He shall cover thee with His feathers,and under His wings shalt thou trust. His Truth shall be thy shield andbuckler."

  PSALM 91.

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Maude Mary Butler's Novels