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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Some missing punctuation has been inserted without comment in caseswhere spacing of the type indicates that a position was left for themarks but they did not make it to the printed page in the source copy.Many question marks appear to be missing from Carl's dialogue.

  Retained some inconsistent hyphenation (e.g. bellboy vs. bell-boy).

  Retained some questionable spellings in dialect.

  Bold is represented by =equal signs=, italics by _underscores_.

  Page 1, changed "abrutly" to "abruptly" ("died abruptly").

  Page 2, changed "blindfolded" to "blindfold" in "blindfold him, andplace him."

  Page 3, changed ? to ! after "had a scrap!"

  Page 4, changed "hs" to "his" in "envelope from his pocket."

  Page 8, added missing "a" to "name to a boy."

  Page 10, removed extra "i" from "findt" in "ven ve do findt dem."

  Page 11, added missing period after "if you want to talk."

  Page 12, changed "the" to "they" in "they could not waste much time."

  Page 15, changed . to ? after "was to receive?"

  Page 16, removed extra space before period in "they left the garage."

  Page 17, changed "then" to "than" in "than take part." Removed spacebefore period in "attention to anything else."

  Page 20, changed "carred" to "carried" in "carried their alarm."Removed duplicate "of" from "things of which."

  Page 21, changed double quotes to single quotes around "Thousand andOne Nights."

  Page 22, changed "immeditaely" to "immediately" in "immediately tojail."

  Page 24, changed "hopelssly" to "hopelessly" in "standing hopelesslyby."

  Page 25, changed "tremedously" to "tremendously" in "racingtremendously."

  Page 28, changed "You" to "Your" in "Your desire does you credit."

  Page 29, changed "rung" to "hung" in "hung limp and blackened."

  "LATEST ISSUES" ad, changed "detetective" to "detective."

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Stanley R. Matthews's Novels