Page 15 of Every Storm



  "He'll have to fall into her lap too."

  "Now I think we've had enough of that, girls," Leonard said from behind the wheel. "Dean would not approve of you letting boys sit on your lap."

  Arlene and Max, a little sleepy and very content, found this highly amusing. They laughed the rest of the way to the Andrews', and Cora wondered if they would sleep at all this night.


  "Where's Lorri?" Dean asked of Ruth long after the service ended. Ruth had thought she was already in the car, so she began to look around. She looked back in the sanctuary and around the foyer until she saw Max headed their way from the parking lot.

  "Mr. Andrews is talking to Lorri," she informed them, "She said she would be along shortly."

  It was on the tip of Ruth's tongue to ask if Lorri looked upset, but she told herself to be patient. It also looked as though it was going to rain, but Ruth kept her mouth shut on that issue as well.

  "Is she going to come back in here?" Dean asked. "Or should we wait for her in the car?"

  "Well, Mrs. Andrews and Arlene are already sitting in their car, so I guess we could do that."

  Ruth decided that it was an odd conversation. She didn't mind Lorri talking with Leonard. In fact, she was pleased. He had such a way of coaxing words from anyone he met, but the suddenness and privacy alarmed her a little.

  "Here she comes," Max said before they could even reach their vehicle.



  They looked up to see Lorri walking swiftly toward them. She was just the way they remembered her now. Home for almost six months, she looked and acted like the Lorri of old.

  "Is everything all right?" Dean asked, having been curious as well.

  "Everything is great, but I have something I need to discuss with you."

  "With Leonard too?"

  "No, I can call him when it's all settled."

  On this cryptic note, they climbed into the car, and Lorri waited only that long to begin.

  "Mr. Andrews says that Madrone Elementary School needs an aide to finish the year. The first-and second-grade teachers are both expecting, and the school board approved one helper for both rooms. Mr. Andrews has spoken to the principal there and told him he might have someone for the job. Then he asked me."

  Max screamed and threw her arms around her sister.

  "Oh, Lorri!" Ruth said, turning in the front seat to see her. "This is just what you asked the women at Bible study to pray about. I'm so excited for you."

  "It's only until June," Lorri continued, her voice beginning to fill with excitement. "But maybe that will lead to a permanent position of some kind. What do you think, Grandpa?"

  "It sounds perfect. When would you start?"

  "Well, if I let him know today, Mr. Andrews would call Madrone's principal in the morning and tell him I'd like an interview. If he likes me, Til have the job."

  "He'll like you," her grandfather said with a confidence that made the rest of the family smile.


  "Nervous?" Max questioned her sister over the breakfast table.

  "Terribly. I can't even eat."

  "You're going to do fine," Max reassured her. "The children will love you."

  "But will the teachers?" Lorri fretted. "I wish I could have met them."

  "If they're expecting and someone is there to help, they'll love you," Ruth said from the kitchen, her voice dry.

  Max laughed, but Lorri didn't even smile. She played with the handle of her coffee cup, her oatmeal getting cold in front of her.

  "Look at it this way, Raine; it's Wednesday. Even if you're miserable, you'll only have three days this week."

  Lorri's shoulders began to shake. "Your logic is amazing. What about the remainder of the year?"

  "You don't worry about that right now. Just worry about this week."

  "Don't worryat all,"their mother put in pointedly, placing lunches on the table next to her daughters.

  Within 15 minutes they were both out the door. Ruth stood at the window with Buddy and Muffin, reminding herself that the order not to worry applied to herself as well.

  "Okay, Edith, is this a capital /orT?"Lorri asked the little girl next to her.

  "It's a i"

  "In that case, why don't you make his hat a little longer?" Lorri crossed the T with her fingernail. "Right now he looks like an I."

  The little girl smiled up at her as if her dream had come true, and Lorri gently rubbed her back. Lorri glanced up to the front



  and found Mrs. Beach smiling at her. Still knowing nothing but relief, she smiled right back.

  Mrs. Beach taught first grade. She was five months pregnant, her ankles swollen and uncomfortable. Mrs. Carter was the second-grade teacher. She was six months along in her pregnancy, and had a little more energy than Mrs. Beach. Both women were kindhearted, competent teachers, and very appreciative of Lorri's quiet presence and efforts.

  Lorri was there to offer relief. She did the physical jobs. She took recess and lunchroom duties, found missing hats and umbrellas, stood with the children while waiting for parents to arrive, and at the end of the day, picked up the rooms and did the final checks on windows and locks.

  Most days Lorri spent mornings in the second-grade room and afternoons with Mrs. Beach and her class. She had small breaks throughout the day, especially when the teachers read to the class.

  For the most part the children were well behaved, but on occasion, Lorri would escort someone to a special chair at the front of the second-grade room. It was a chair of shame because everyone could see who was in trouble, and most children didn't want to sit that close to the teacher when the reason was not positive.

  For three weeks, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 P.M., Lorri had basically been run off her feet. But she was enjoying it. The children were delightful, and it felt good to have a schedule. She missed the long talks with her mother, long walks with Buddy, and finding new recipes to try, but she made up for those on the weekends as best as she could.

  "Miss Archer?" questioned the little girl who was finally done with her lesson.

  "Yes, Edith?"


  "This is ready to check."

  Lorri thanked her and took the paper, adding it to the pile she would check during story time. A swift look at the clock told her that was just 15 minutes away.

  Edith went back to her seat, and Lorri felt a moment of relief. She signaled to Mrs. Beach, who acknowledged her with a nod. Lorri slipped from the room and tried not to run. She suddenly realized she'd needed to use the bathroom for the last two hours.

  Max and Arlene saw Johnny coming toward them, but never in a lifetime did they believe he would bypass the table full of his male friends and join them at their table in the lunchroom. They were wrong. He sat down at the table next to Max and looked across at Arlene.

  "Do you realize that commencement is in three months?" he said.

  "I think so," Arlene said, trying to catch up. "Is there a problem?"

  "Yes, there's a problem. All this time and I still haven't convinced a certain someone to go out with me."

  Max's hand came up to cover her smile, but Johnny didn't look at her.

  "Well," Arlene did her best to sound compassionate, "she hasn't given you much encouragement."

  "Do you think she might feel a little sorry for me?"

  "Not a chance," Arlene stated flatly, and Johnny finally turned to Max. She was eating the cookies from her lunch, her eyes brimming with amusement.



  "Those cookies look good."

  "Here, have one," Max offered.


  Johnny watched her while he ate, wishing with all his heart that she wasn't so sweet and pretty. Watching him right back, Max knew what was corning.

  "Come on, Maxine," Johnny said, using his most cajoling tone. "One date."

  "And what will one date accom

  "You'll see how charming I am and fall for me."

  "There's no end to your modesty, is there?"

  Johnny put his arms out wide and asked, "What's there to be modest about?"

  The girls had had enough. Both told him he was pitiful as they rose from the table to leave. They were laughing when they said this, so Johnny knew he was forgiven, but it still didn't work: no date with Maxine Archer.

  "Ruth," Betty Higgins called, "why don't you start our prayer time with an update on Lorri. How is she liking the job?"

  "Oh, thank you for asking. She's enjoying it so much. She is a little tired, but she comes home with a new story each night, and it sounds like the children and other staff members love her."

  "How is it for you, Ruth?" Betty asked. "Are things pretty lonely at home?"

  "A little, yes, but it's such an amazing blessing to have Lorri back in California after all these years; I just enjoy her every chance I get."


  The time for sharing prayer requests and then praying usually lasted for 30 minutes. Routine called for the women to then start on their current study book or topic. If many women had prayer requests, they simply spent the whole time talking about those things and then praying together.

  Today was just such a day. The lives of many women had been affected by the war. They still grieved and ached with the loss of loved ones. Ruth didn't share from her own heart, but she certainly understood the helplessness and feeling of loss. Indeed, Josie was often on her mind.

  No small amount of tears were shed this day, and Ruth, when it was finally time to go home, found that she had a headache. She debated how to handle it: take Buddy for a long, leisurely walk, or lie down and sleep for a time.

  Sleep won out. Buddy didn't look ready to leave the yard, and Ruth found she had no energy to spare. She lay down just before lunch and didn't wake for two solid hours.


  Lieutenant Donovan Riggs continued his walk down the school corridor, certain he was seeing things. He had been in something of a hurry, but now his pace slowed almost to a crawl. His eyes were centered on one person, and he needed time to think.

  It was she, Miss Lorraine Archer, looking as he'd never seen her. She was some 20 yards in front of him, directing children to stand still as they waited for their parents. It took some time for her to turn in his direction, but when she did, Rigg couldn't help thinking what 20 well-placed pounds could do to a woman's figure.

  It had been, an especially long day. While Lorri was not frustrated, she was more than a little tired. The children were moving off swiftly, but two little girls remained at her feet: Helen Peterson and a first-grader named Violet.

  Lorri didn't know what made her look in the other direction, but her heart nearly stopped in her chest when she did. Coming


  very slowly toward the group, and in uniform, was the lieutenant. The girls didn't notice him, but Lorri made some swift deductions.

  "Violet," she asked softly, "what's your last name?"

  "Riggs," the little girl answered absently, intent on a spot on the pavement.

  Lorri asked the question just in time. A moment later, Violet spotted the lieutenant and ran to him. Lorri watched as Rigg swung her up into his arms and kissed her cheek.

  "Goodbye, Miss Archer," Helen said just then, and Lorri regained her composure long enough to turn and send her off with a wave. She turned back, only to find the lieutenant had come a little closer, Violet still in his arms.

  "Your daughter?" Lorri asked.

  "My niece."

  An "oh" shaped Lorri's mouth, but no sound followed.

  "How are you, Miss Archer?" Rigg asked, his eyes watchful.

  "I'm very well, Lieutenant. How are you?"


  "Did you all come home safely?" Lorri asked, suddenly remembering the men. "Is everyone all right?"

  "Yes, we did arrive home safely. It's kind of you to ask."

  Even as Rigg answered, he wondered whether he should tell her that Ellis had been diagnosed with cancer and Lionel's wife wanted a divorce, but he kept the thoughts to himself.

  "I'm glad. I've thought about all of you many times."

  "We thought about you too," Rigg admitted, barely able to take his eyes from her. She was beautiful. Nothing about her before gave a hint concerning her normal appearance. His men would have fallen apart had she come aboard looking like this.

  "Uncle Donovan?" Violet interrupted his thoughts. "Are we going home?"



  "Yes," he told her, having almost forgotten his brother's oldest child. "We'll go right now."

  Lorri had Caught the stare and understood what he was thinking. Her smile was a little knowing when she bid the lieutenant goodbye, and his amused grin told her he knew he'd been found out.

  "Goodbye, Violet," Lorri said. "I'll see you Monday."

  "Goodbye, Miss Archer."

  "Goodbye," Rigg said to Lorri, his gaze catching and holding hers for a moment.

  Lorri could only move her hand in a small wave. She hadn't remembered much about him, not the color of those green eyes, certainly, and after looking into them, she'd had nothing to say.

  Long after Lorri should have collected her things and gone home for the weekend, she was still moving slowly through the motions, checking the classroom and making sure all was in order.

  She made the walk home in the same way: not the least bit rushed, as if she had all the time in the world. She didn't hurry until she was in sight of the house. Then it was suddenly very important to tell her mother who she'd seen.

  "Did you know he was stationed here, Grandpa?"

  "No, honey, .but it's an awfully big base."

  "What did he say?" Max wanted to know.

  "Not too much. TheEvery Stormand her men came back safely, and he was at school to pick up his niece."

  "Did he think you looked different?" Dean asked, hiding a smile.



  Lorri, on the other hand, could not hide hers. An almost dreamy, satisfied smile stretched her lovely mouth until the whole family witnessed it.

  Ruth and Max looked at each other and then to Dean, but he was smiling at Lorri.

  "I think," Ruth began, sounding calmer than she felt, "that I want you to tell me every detail."

  "All right," Lorri agreed without hesitation, explaining that he was there to pick up his niece, and that they spoke for a few moments.

  Ruth didn't press her, but the moment she got her father-in-law alone, she didn't spare him.

  "Dean Archer, I wish to know exactly who this young man is who makes my levelheaded daughter smile like a smitten teenager."

  Dean couldn't help laughing a little. "I noticed that too."

  "But you're not concerned?"

  "Lieutenant Riggs is a fine young officer. I did a little checking on him after the fact and learned that our Lorri couldn't do much better."

  Ruth's mouth opened, but Dean put his hand up.

  "I wasn't matchmaking, Ruth, I just wanted to know who this man was. I was very impressed when I debriefed him at Seaford and wanted to know more."

  "And what did you learn?"

  "He finished OCS at the top of his class. He has a college education. He left a full-time job after Pearl Harbor to enlist He's close to his family, some of whom live here and others who live in northern California. And his faith in Jesus Christ is very real."

  Ruth took a big breath. "I've never seen Lorri look like that."

  "You're too used to it from the old Max."



  "I guess so. So what do we do now?" "Not a thing," Dean told her, a bit sternly. "If Lieutenant Riggs wants to get to know our Lord, he knows what he has to do."

  "So what did he look like?" Max asked her sister when they were alone that night.

  Lorri bit her lip.

  "Tell me, Raine."

  "He's dreamy, Max,"
Lorri admitted, her voice almost at a whisper. "Dark hair, green eyes, and tan. I couldn't believe it."

  "He didn't look like that before?"

  "He might have, but I was pretty weak."

  "It was his looks," Max said outrageously. "They turned your knees to water."

  The two of them giggled, way too pleased with themselves.

  "Seriously, Raine, do you think you'll see him again?"

  Lorri shrugged. "He didn't say why he was picking up his niece. So I don't know."

  "Do you hope you see him again?" Max asked, watching her sister's every facial feature.

  Chewing pensively on her lip, Lorri met Max's inquiring gaze.

  "Yes." She nodded a little. "I do."

  "A rather amazing thing happened today," Rigg told his brother and sister-in-law that evening. It was after dinner, and the kids were in bed.


  "What was it?" Jim Riggs questioned him.

  "When I picked Vi up, I saw the woman we rescued off that island."

  Dorothy, Jim's wife, had been bent over some mending, but her head came up in a hurry.

  "She was at the school?" Dorothy asked.

  "Yes. I asked Vi about it on the way home, and she said she's the helper in the first-and second-grade rooms."

  "Miss Archer?"

  "You know her?" Rigg asked.

  "I've met her several times, usually when she's helping the children with rides at the end of the day. She's extremely sweet."

  "I think you might be right."

  Something in his brother's voice, or rather the lack of expression, caused Jim to look at him and then his wife. Jim didn't say anything, but Dorothy wasn't above a little teasing.

  "Am I all wet, Donovan, or did she look a little different when you found her?"

  It was said without laughter, but Rigg knew she was having him on. He settled a little more comfortably in his chair and smiled at her.

  "She looked very different," he told her, his greeii eyes dancing.

  "Do tell," Dorothy coaxed, leaning forward a little.

  "Let's just put it this way: If she'd looked then like she looked today, I'd have had a riot on my hands."

  Dorothy loved this. She started to laugh out loud until her husband warned her that she was going to wake William, their baby.

  Rigg didn't stay much longer, telling them he needed to get back to the base, but in truth he wasn't in much of a hurry to leave.