Page 11 of Reginald Bones 2

  “Fuck me,” Bones grit, risking his pride to get her wrath.

  She locked her green eyes on his and took hold of his hips. Then she pumped the cock faster, deeper, harder.

  Talk to her, Bones.

  “Christ,” he gasped, watching her tits bounce. “Is your pussy wet, Sin?”

  She gasped, sliding her finger inside herself while pumping her hips. “Yes, I’m wet.”

  “Taste yourself for me, Sin.”

  She obeyed, licking her finger with desperate moans while eyeing him with a hunger he wasn’t used to having aimed at him. She suddenly fell on him, covering his mouth with hers, thrusting her tongue. She was kissing him with the taste of her pussy on her lips while she fucked him like that, undid him.

  Tell her to hold your cock, Bones.

  “Hold my cock, Sin. Make me come.”

  “Bones,” she gasped in his mouth, stroking his cock while kissing him.

  “I need to fucking touch you so bad,” he whispered. “Don’t stop. Fuck me harder, Sin. Don’t stop.”

  She needed to fuck him too. Straddling his waist, she slammed herself down on his cock.

  “Yes,” he gushed. “Fuck me, Sin.”

  She rode him while reaching behind her for the dildo. Bones bucked his hips until she screamed with each bounce on his cock. Holding that dildo deep inside him, she rubbed her clit, her head falling back.

  Make her kiss you Bones.

  “Kiss me, Sin,” he whispered.

  She flung herself down, obeying with hunger while still making his cock hit bottom. “Bones,” she gasped. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  “Come Sin. God, fucking come all over my cock.”

  He fought to kiss her while she broke on him. The feel of her orgasm on his cock while she called his name sent him to a place he’d never been.

  Even the aftermath was different. He couldn’t name how, but he just knew it was.

  You did it, Bonesy. You made love to a woman. I knew you could. You’re a good man, Bones and I’ll always love you. Don’t ever forget that.

  Bones had worried about saying all those things. Normally, Bones would never, not like that. So you’re not mad at me? Bones waited in the silence. Reggie? You’re not mad, right?

  The silence sent panic bolting through Bones. “Reggie!”


  Winter climbed off. “What’s wrong?” she gasped. “Reginald? Reginald! Where’s Reginald!”

  “Reggiiiiiiiiiiiie!” Bones roared. “Untie me, untie me! Reggie, where are you! Reggie! Fucking answer me!”

  Winter could only stare at Bones from next to the bed. Every time he screamed to untie him, she wrung her hands in fear. What was happening? Where was Reginald? Oh God. She put a hand over her mouth. Had she killed him? By doing that with Bones?

  “Untie me!” he screamed at her, making her jump back with a sob.

  She hurried to find the key, confused. She finally went to the lock and undid it then removed the handcuffs. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” was all she could say as she worked to undo his legs. She finally scurried to the corner, wanting to disappear while he paced naked, his breaths ragged, wild, and terrifying.

  He suddenly stopped in his tracks and slowly turned and a squinted gaze on her till she couldn’t breathe. “You did this.”

  She struggled to process thoughts. “Reginald?” she called as he stormed to her and grabbed her shoulders.

  “You did this!”

  “Reginald!” she screamed, clenching her eyes tight. “Reginald!”

  “You whore!” He dragged her to the bed and pushed her on it, wrestling her arms behind her back. She screamed into the covers as cold metal tightened around her wrists.

  He flipped her onto her back and leaned in her face. “I should’ve never let you into his life. Never!” he roared. The impact of his rage hurt worse than any fist she’d ever suffered. But more than that, he was right.

  She let her sobs go, wailed them, screamed them. Over and over she screamed for Reginald but he never came. She screamed for Sebastian when she was sure she was dying. But she didn’t die and nobody came. When she had no voice left, she called for the devil to take her. She called for Bones until exhaustion claimed her.


  Winter woke in darkness, her bladder screaming. She sat up and looked around, realizing she was free. He’d untied her. She fought her way out of the bed and made her way to the bathroom in the dark. Where was Bones? What time was it? She flipped the light on and scooted with cross legs to the toilet, barely sitting in time.

  As she relieved herself, the memory of loss hit, stealing her breath. A surge of tears came. Reginald. Poor Reginald. And Bones where was he? She needed to explain why she did it. She needed him to understand she never meant to hurt them.

  She went to the room and dug through their drawers for clothes. She layered on a pair of thermal underwear then found some overalls. She grabbed a pair of gloves and a black wool cap. At the door, she found a spare coat and pulled it on only to smell Reginald and Bones all over it. A sob choked out of her and she stood there, holding her chest, feeling like everything in it was shattered.

  She went to the kitchen and opened the utensil drawer, pulling out several steak knives. She found a sturdy looking one and searched the overalls for the best pocket, finally sliding it in the side one on the pant leg. Just in case she’d need to cut a fucker. She was damn ready to do the cutting for a change.

  She hurried to the front door and opened it. She needed to find him. Find Bones and explain everything before she left this town. This world, if she was lucky.


  Bones sat in his truck overlooking the lake he and Reginald liked to fish at, going over his options. Giving up was not one of them. Reggie would come back. He just needed him to see that Bones still needed him. But first he needed to figure out why he left.

  Bones replayed Reggie’s last words for the hundredth time. Why did he think him ‘making love to a woman’ had meant shit? It wasn’t even making love, not to Bones. It was fucking. So what? He fucked a woman. It’s not like he’d ever have done it had it not been for Reginald.

  “You little shit,” he said out loud. “You make me do all that and then you fucking leave? I don’t know what you think you’re doing little brother but you’re wrong to do it. And if this is some kind of trick to get me to like your girlfriend it worked in exact reverse. This is her fault. And yours. This isn’t my problem. And she is damn sure not my problem, so don’t think you can take a vacation and leave me to tidy this shit up. Hell no,” he shook his head. “She’s not staying at our house, or in our life. She’s gone until you come back, that’s what she is. And no, that’s not an ultimatum. That’s just reality because I can’t be around her. Especially not now. So you were wrong to think you’re all done here, you were wrong to think…” Bones throat closed when the pain stole his breath for several seconds. “You were wrong to think I still don’t need you.” The words brought a burning agony, and he banged the steering wheel over and over. “You were wrong!” he yelled. “And you need to fucking come back, Reggie! Do you hear me? I know you can hear me! Come back!”

  Bones held on to the steering wheel as the silence suffocated him. “Come back,” he strained. “I’m begging you. I’m on my knees fucking begging you, is that what you want? I’ll do whatever you need, whatever you want. Come back.”


  Winter managed to sneak into the Professor’s house after walking the whole way there. It was only a couple miles from the graveyard. Dumbass still kept the key in the same place. She always did think he was stupid for a professor. He lacked plain old common sense.

  She crept through the darkness, trying to remember all the places she’d hidden stashes. The Professor had a gambling problem and made her hide the money from him so he didn’t spend it. Well, that just got her beat coming and going. He’d beat her for not telling him where it was when he asked, and again for telling him after he beat i
t out of her.

  That wasn’t a life you could win or work through. It was just a pit, a hell you died in. But she escaped it. A stab of pain stole her breath at remembering Reginald. Who would’ve thought there could be a worse hell?

  Winter went to the first bathroom next to her old room. Pulling the baseboard loose in the corner, she felt around then gasped in relief at feeling paper bills. She hoped they were big bills. She wouldn’t turn on any lights, just in case. The Professor was probably at his favorite hangout getting his dick sucked by the fresh prospects. New students at the university needing to fuck for good grades or a status quo and all that went with it.

  She couldn’t believe she’d ever lived this life. Let that nasty piece of filthy shit touch her. She pulled the baseboard off in her old bedroom and again gasped in joy. More bills, smart girl. She allowed herself a tiny bit of pride as she stuffed her overall pockets with the pathetic whore’s stash.

  She’d better hurry. Her luck he’d come back and catch her. That was just how her luck ran. In crazy, nonsense circles. She remembered his precious booze cabinet and tiptoed to his stuffy library where he conducted most of his student professor negotiations. She opened the cabinet and stuffed two pints into her pockets and made her way out the back door this time, making sure to lock it all back up.

  The first street lamp she came to, she dug out her cash, counting it. A hundred and fifty dollars, thank you God. She stuffed it all back in and opened one of the bottles of alcohol. It had to be below freezing, the cold bit into her bones even with all her clothes on. She took a single swig, sputtering and gasping on the burning liquid. Vodka. Her least favorite. The heat of the firewater had already made its way into her muscles and warmed them as good as any heater might. She’d need it tonight.

  She walked aimlessly, drinking the remainder of the liquor as she went. Fate or stupidity, she wasn’t sure which led her to The Professor’s lair of sick lust. Maybe it was her need to meet up with her end. That would certainly be the place to do it.

  “That would certainly. Be. The. Place. Indeed,” she muttered, yanking open the door. She was ready to meet her end, but she wanted to take a piece of these motherfuckers with her.

  She remembered her other bottle of whatever she had and dug it out of her pocket. Opening it up, she looked around the dimly lit room, her nose wrinkling at the smells of her past. Her hell. She put the bottle to her mouth and drank without stopping, letting the fire light her up for the main event. She held the empty container up before her, squinting. “Well hellooooo Mr. Jim Beam you hot devil. Come on baby light my fire,” she sang, scooting along. “Come on set my night on… fie-yuuuuuuuuh yeah, yeah, yeah!”

  She looked around at all the people chatting it up with their intelligent music playing. The sophisticates. “Bunch of dog-ass-idiots,” she said, pushing her way through. How many times she wished to tell these fuckers what she really thought of their snooty selves looking down at her. The Professor’s lowly whore dog. The bread winner for the higher paid skinny bitches. She sucked dirty cock just to clothe them in name brands, paid for their highs and drug habits with her gutter-cash. Some women in her world were drug mules. Winter had been the dirty cock mule. She managed all the town’s dirty dicks done dirt cheap.

  “Scuse me, ‘scuse me,” she said, pushing the people away from the bar so she could climb up. She needed a stage. So they could all hear the gospel she was about to preach.

  “Get her down,” somebody yelled.

  “I’ll cut you!” she threatened, jabbing the knife out and around. “I got something to say.”

  She finally stood up on the bar and used her knife as a microphone. “Hear ye, hear ye all you dumb motherfuckers!”

  “Booooo, get out of here you fat-ass.”

  “No, let her give her speech,” somebody called, laughing.

  “I just wanna tell you all something,” she yelled. “Gonna just take a second. I don’t wanna… burden your soggy brains.”

  “That’s the Professor’s skank,” somebody muttered. “Get her off the bar!”

  They yanked on her leg and the room spun. Her back slammed a hard surface, knocking the wind out of her. “Get off me!” she screamed as they wrestled the knife from her hand and dragged her down to the floor.

  The kicks started and Winter curled up, trying to protect her face. She lost track of how much and how long they kicked her. She just prayed they’d kill her. She was still praying when they left her on the cold ground outside. Not dead. “Pussies,” she groaned, spitting the blood from her mouth as she made her way to her knees.

  She stumbled forward, nearly ramming her head into a vehicle. Grabbing hold of the icy metal, she pulled herself upright, gasping from the effort. Leaning on the car, she looked around the parking lot for the way out. Shit. She closed her eyes and recalled a boot slamming into the side of her face, making her wince. That explained why her eye was swollen shut. She spit again and slid her tongue over her teeth, checking they were all there. The edge of her tooth encountered a gash on her tongue and she groaned in pain.

  She used the vehicles like handicap rails as she made her way out of the parking lot. Good thing she was drunk and didn’t feel half of everything. But tomorrow… Don’t think about it.

  She crossed the ditch and crawled her way onto the road, stumbling onward. She tried to remember where she was or where she was going but it was hard enough keeping track of up and down. She walked on and on, only because her legs seemed to know to do that. They didn’t need her to tell them where to go and she really didn’t care. She just walked. And then her legs decided the ditch on her right would make the perfect spot to tumble into.


  Bones decided to take the long way home. He didn’t want to go back. He didn’t want to have to deal with her. He didn’t want to have to see her, ever. He’d untied her in hopes she’d have the common sense to leave and not come back. But knowing her, she’d be there like a dumbass, planning what to fuck up next. He hated her.

  He jerked his head right and slammed the brakes. Throwing the truck in reverse he backed up and stared in the ditch. The hell?

  He pulled off the road and put the truck in park, leaving it running as he navigated the steep bank. At seeing blond hair, panic hit him and he hurried the rest of the way down. He flipped the person over, holding his breath. “Fucking shit,” he gasped, touching the pulse at her neck with trembling fingers. She better not be fucking dead. “Christ,” he gushed when he felt a pulse.

  He scooped her up in his arms and brought her to the truck. Using his knee to hold her up, he opened the door and sat her on the seat while using the seatbelt to help keep her upright. He lifted her head and fury bit his muscles at seeing how fucked up she was. He slammed the door shut and hurried to the driver side and got in. Back on the road, he blasted the heat, turning the truck in the opposite direction.

  He reached over and grabbed her hand. Block of ice. How long was she out there? What the fuck happened?

  She suddenly moaned a little. “Hot,” she muttered, waving her hand.

  He shut the heat down and glanced from her to the road. She suddenly looked toward him and the sight of her lopsided face made him sick. “Reginald?” she wondered, sounding confused. “That you?” she whispered.

  “It’s Bones,” he said, eyeing his mirrors.

  “Booooooones,” she said, nodding. “I was actually needing to talk to you. I need… to explain some stuff.”

  God, she was stinking drunk, he realized. “Not now.”

  “No, no, right now. Before something else happens and I don’t get a chance,” she barely managed.

  “Wait till you’re not drunk.” And can talk through your lips. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “Drunk,” she muttered. “I’m not drunk. But listen. Listen, listen,” she mumbled. “I had a plan to help you. And it went wrong.”

  No fucking shit.

  “An’ I’m sorry, I never… ever…ever, meant to h
urt you or Reginald.” She shook her head roughly. “Did you know?” she asked, leaning and looking right at him. “That… you have a split personality? Did you know?” she wondered, curious before nodding real big. “Yep. You do. An’… I was gonna find out who was the real owner of your body is. And then figger out how to…” she tried to do something with her hands, looking like a mental patient. “Join you up. Connect. Buuuuut, then,” she gushed dramatically. “I got to know you both and I… oh my God, it was so confuuuuuuusing! So then you know what? Listen, wait, wait,” she said like he was trying to interrupt. “Then Reggie, takes off!” Snickers escaped through her nose till she was dying laughing. “Here I am, I’m cryyyyyyyyyying over this… personality,” she howled through breaths. “Like crying over Santa Clause… not being real!”

  He held his jaw tight while she rocked and fought to breathe through hysterical laughter.

  She reached over and grabbed his arm and he jerked it away. “Are you real? You feel real. Thank God,” she gasped, catching her breath. “I was… I was really thinking maybe I made both of you up.”

  She suddenly busted out in long wailing sobs then.

  Christ! “The fuck’s wrong with you?”

  “Reggie…” she managed. “He just wanted to live a normal life Bones. That’s all.”

  “Why do you think I let him meet you?”

  She was down to sniffles as she nodded. “Oh Bones,” she whispered. “I think I was a bad choice, Bones.”

  “Damn right you were. But he was blinded by you.”

  Instead of taking offense like he wanted, she agreed with nods. “He really was. I never met somebody so sweet and blind.”

  “Is. He is sweet, he’s not dead.”

  “He’s not?” she asked, sounding confused. “Where is he?”

  “Do I look like I know? I have to find him and get him back.”

  “How?” she wondered, hopeful.

  “The same way I got him here the first time.”

  He felt her staring at him. “Well… you think maybe… I can help?”