Everyone is around me for one reason. I don't know any of them, but it seems like I do somehow. Although I am curious as to why we are here, it seems like we all gathered for one purpose, but I don't know exactly what.
"I don't know about this," I say. I really don't know, because I don't know what's going on. Maybe the glowing thing on the ground is important.
"Ha ha ha! Fear me!" Who said that? I don't recognize the voice.
I look around to see if I can make sense of the situation. The person holding - what is that, a black sword? - says "The Medallion! Get it!" He seems familiar – have I met him before?
Another person is crawling on the ground, just barely able to move. "Can't.... reach.... don't..... give.... up." he says, reaching for the glowing thing. Is that the medallion?
"Here goes nothing." I look in that direction, seeing another person surrounded by a flame of.....light? Whoa – that's pretty cool, but it looks dangerous.
A large powerful being has some kind of dark flame around him. I can't make out any details, but I'm guessing he's the bad guy. I guess we all are trying to stop him from....something.
The person with the sword is dashing forward towards the dark flame guy. My heart aches, I don't know why. Somehow, I know that he is going to get hurt, and it pains me to see him hurdling towards danger.
He screams "YAHHHHH......." I feel like my heart is going to break into two, or three, or a million pieces. I don't know why I feel for him, but it is tearing me up inside to see him in danger. I reach out towards him, hoping that either I can stop him from hurting himself, or at least letting me help in his attack. "NOOOOOO......"
Shocking herself from a deep slumber, Chisai pulls her head up from her desk. "...OOOHHH!" her hand is extended out in front of her, trying to reach for something that isn't there.
The whole class of 27 students turns to her direction, including the instructor at the front. The math equation written on the board is only half-written, as the loud outburst in the classroom pulled his attention away from writing the rest.
The instructor breaks the silence. "Konami-san, do you have something you would like to add this equation?" he asks sarcastically.
Chisai blinks multiple times and looks around frantically, trying to get her bearings. "Um, huh? What?" Realizing that she was in a classroom, sleeping was not the best option. "Nevermind, I was just....nevermind." she says as her embarrassment grows. She tries to slump down into her chair, hoping to hide her embarrassment from the others.
The class refocuses their attention to the instructor, who finishes writing his equation. Turing to the class, many hands raise up to provide an answer. The instructor points to one of the students while holding a dry-erase marker. "Nishimura-san."
Nakafumi Nishimura stands up, holding her hands against her school uniform skirt, and proceeds to announce the answer. "x equals seven divided by pi squared."
"Correct," the instructor responds, then turns back to the board to continue writing equations.
Nakafumi grabs her skirt and forces it forwards as she sits down. She turns to her right and faces Chisai, giving Chisai a thumbs up, expecting to cheer her up.
A small smile appears on Chisai's face as she reaches into her desk and pulls out a large book. Opening it to a random page, she stands it on her desk, hoping to block her face from displaying the residual embarrassment from the awkward event moments ago.