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  At one time Race Cargill had been the best Terran Intelligence agent onthe complex and mysterious planet of Wolf. He had repeatedly imperiledhis life amongst the half-human and non-human creatures of the sullenworld. And he had repeatedly accomplished the fantastic missions untilhis name was emblazoned with glory.

  But that had all seemingly ended. For six long years he'd sat behind aboring desk inside the fenced-in Terran Headquarters, cut off there eversince he and a rival had scarred and ripped each other in blood-feud.

  But when THE DOOR THROUGH SPACE swung suddenly open, the feud was onagain--and with it a plot designed to check and destroy the TerranEmpire.

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  p. 024--typo fixed: changed 'scared' into 'scarred'p. 029--typo fixed: changed 'shiftcloak' into 'shirtcloak'p. 030--typo fixed: changed 'dozen' into 'dozens'p. 035--typo fixed: changed 'Kryal' into 'Kyral'p. 045--typo fixed: changed 'miscroscope' into 'microscope'p. 052--typo fixed: changed 'known' into 'know'p. 076--typo fixed: changed 'even' into 'ever'p. 078--removed an extra 'what'p. 088--spelling normalized: changed 'shirt cloak' into 'shirtcloak'p. 092--typo fixed: changed 'telling' into 'told'p. 100--typo fixed: changed 'her' into 'my'p. 101--typo fixed: changed 'thousand' into 'thousands'p. 105--typo fixed: changed 'harsly' into 'harshly'p. 108--typo fixed: changed 'has' into 'had'p. 108--typo fixed: changed 'her' into 'his'p. 109--removed an extra quote in front of 'I was afraid'p. 111--typo fixed: changed 'stetched' into 'stretched'

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