Page 10 of Valley of the Croen

upon our race of revolting and unnecessary form changes. Yourwhole science is a degeneration of wisdom into evil, tampering with lifeitself. You are horrors, and you do not know it."

  I could hear her steps as she turned and left, tapping angrily upon thefloor. After her I could hear the shuffling, heavier tread of herretinue. As the flood of vibration ceased, I began to curse aloud forthe undiplomatic truths I had been forced to utter. In seconds my armswere free, and I was led out, a tall grim-faced guard on each side, witha firm grip on my arms. I wondered what was happening to the lovelyZoorph, but I did not get a chance to look. I was thrown into a cell,and the heavy wooden door shut. The thud of a bar dropped in placepunctuated the evening's experience with a glum finality.

  * * *

  I lay for hours with my mind in a whirl from the effects of the truthray. Jivros, or insect-priests, moved phantom-like before my sleeplesseyes, watching from the dark and waiting. Gradually my thinking becamemore normal, and I began a systematic analysis and summing up of what Ihad learned of these people. There were but a few members of the rulinggroups, and it was evident the rule was split between the Jivro caste ofthe insect men and some normal-appearing groups who had divided thepower with them in the past. Under these were the Schrees, and underthese the malformed working caste or castes. The Schrees had contactwith some space-state, the Zervs were outcasts of the ruler caste whohad been driven from that space-state--perhaps more than oneplanet--sometime in the past and had hid out upon earth until recentlylocated by the power that ruled on their home planets. Now they werefugitive and nearly powerless, and I knew the Zervs were few in numberfrom my own observation. There were perhaps a hundred, perhaps twohundred. They had contact with some of the Jivros with whom they werefamiliar, but the appearance of Jake and Noldi and Polter among theworkmen in the city told me that these Jivros could be traitors to them,could be giving new allegiance to the conquerors of the Zervs. My mindcentered on two facts. The Jivro caste were the real source of the evilin these people. It was their unnatural attitude toward human life whichhad made this race the horror it was, and they were still exercisingthat evil influence.

  Morning came through a high barred window, and after a while food came,slid beneath the door. I did not see the bearer of the food, though Icalled out in curiosity. He did not answer, only shuffled wearily away.

  The morning crawled past, the sun mounted until I could see the goldenorb near zenith. Then came what I dreaded, the tread of a number offeet. The bar was lifted; I saw four armed guards and a waitingwhite-robed Jivro, his protruding pupiless eyes moving as he ran hisgaze over my figure. I could not help shrinking from the horror of hisexamination, brief though it was, for I realized he might be decidingjust what freak of nature he could make out of me.

  I was marched out, down the corridor, up a long ramp, a turn, along twoother corridors, up another ramp. The tour ended before a wide metaldoor, the guards spaced themselves at each side, the door was opened bythe agile, hopping Jivro. I went in ahead of it.

  There were but four beings in the room, and I stood before the long,foot-high table behind which the four reclined upon cushioned couches.

  They were four divergent creatures. One was the queen, whose name I hadyet to hear spoken. One was a very old Jivro, his skin ash-white andcovered with a repulsive scale, like leprosy. The third was amournful-eyed Schree, clad in an ornamented smock-like garment, fromwhich his thin limbs thrust grotesquely. The fourth was a handsome,long-necked male who resembled the queen. He lounged negligently somedistance from the three, as if in attendance upon her. I deduced he washer paramour, husband or close relative, perhaps a brother.

  I stood eyeing them silently, waiting. I gathered the three heads of thegovernment were here, and the extra one represented the balance of powerin the hands of the queen. His negligent lack of interest seemed to meto be an evident giving of his voice to the queen, if he was a part ofthis gathering.

  The queen's voice had lost its sleepy, mocking tones, was sharp,incisive:

  "You present a problem new to us, earthman. Sooner or later, if wedecide to remain upon this planet permanently, we will have to meet andconquer, or meet and engage in commerce with the other members of yourrace. You are the first educated member of your race who has fallen intoour hands. We must study your people, and we would like your willingcooperation. Will you give it willingly? Or must we put you to death?Which would perhaps symbolize, even indicate directly, our futureattitude toward your races."

  "I am quite willing," I said, before I had a chance to bungle it worse,"quite willing to exchange information on your people for the same aboutmy own. However, I doubt that your people will find this planetcongenial to an invader who ignores the natives as you have done."

  "We did not come here to colonize, earthman. We came in pursuit ofrenegades from our law, fugitives who fled when their plots wereuncovered. But we are considering the possibility of a permanent colonyhere, and you could help us...."

  For an instant her eyes dwelt upon mine with a peculiar warningexpression, as evident as a wink, and the expression was evanescent as abreath. I caught on, and made my face agreeable and subservient.Immediately her own reassumed a harsh, proud set, her voice became evenmore incisive and cold.

  My eyes drifted casually to the blank, cold stare of the old Jivro, tothe mournful liquid eyes of the Schree, on to the apparentlydisinterested gaze of the queen's friend. The only ominous feeling I gotwas from the eyes of the aged insect-man, and my deduction that theywere the source of the evils of these people was strengthened. Thechills ran down my back, and something within me thrilled as Iunderstood that this queen was playing a part to please the Jivros, thather interests were actually divergent. Her voice was saying:

  "You could help us greatly by explaining your life to us, who are sodifferent; make it possible that in the future trade and culturalintercourse might spring up between the two alien ways of life. Therewill be no peace without understanding, you realize!"

  "I quite agree with your views, and will help you in any way that Ican," I said loudly, for the old Jivro seemed to be hearing withdifficulty. He leaned back at my words, seemed to relax as if pleased.

  The queen turned to her companion, smiled and said:

  "Genner, you will see that he is taken care of as a guest, and endeavorto learn what you can from him. I will hold you responsible for thesuccess of this experiment."

  "Very well," Genner murmured, "but it seems to me, Wananda Highest, thatwe can never allow the wall of secrecy between ourselves and the peopleof this planet to be breached. To consider doing otherwise ..." for aninstant his eye hesitated upon hers, then he went on, "... could hardlybe logical, but of course, there is much we could learn from them, andthey from us. That, I see, as the only purpose of this exception."

  Just then a great hullabaloo broke out in the corridors outside, thedoor burst open, and into the room three captives were borne,half-carried, half-pushed. I stood back out of the way, and the threewere prodded into a row in front of the low table. Among them Irecognized with a start my erstwhile guard, Holaf, of the Zervs.

  Wananda leaned forward, her eyes glittering with sudden triumph, hervoice thrilling with a cruel mocking note.

  "More of the skulking Zervs fail to avoid our warriors! Where did youfind them, Officer?"

  "They were attempting to release the captive Croen female in the crystalprison of the cave of the Golden statue, your highness. Our spies amongthe Zervs informed us of the attempt."

  Wananda's eyes blazed at Holaf. Her voice became more shrill withsomething almost like fear. The three men shrank back visibly from herfury.

  "So it is not enough you plot treason, you must also turn against yourGods? You know the Croen powers, you know what she would do to us all,you included. But so that you can overcome the Schrees, nothing else toyou is sacred, nothing too vile for you to do. Away with them, let thembecome the least among the mindless men."

  The tall Schree warriors, their long faces
expressionless, started tohustle the three captives toward the door again. Holaf wrenched free,turned, his face contorted with hatred.

  "You have hounded us until we are but few, Wananda the Faithless, butyou will never conquer us. We still have your doom in our hands, and itwill find you out. Death to you, woman without mercy, creature withoutsoul! These sacred Jivros plot your downfall, and your people pray thatthey will succeed. The ancient Jivro rule would be better than thejustice you administer, you snake in a woman's flesh!"

  The Schree holding Holaf's arms let go, tugged a weapon from his belt,struck Holaf over the head with it. He slumped unconscious, with bloodrunning over his face from the blow. The three were taken out, andWananda leaned back. Seeing my intent face, she waved a hand to hercompanion, Genner, who rose to his feet and motioning to me, preceded mefrom the room by another door than that which I had entered. I followedhim.

  Apparently I was on my honor, for no guard followed, and Genner bore noweapons I could see but a little jeweled dagger in his belt.

  As he walked a step ahead of me, I asked:

  "Who is this Croen that Holaf spoke of, in the crystal column. I sawher, wondered at her, in the room of the golden goddess. Why do theythink she could be released?"

  "The Croen are a powerful race of wizards, Carlin Keele. They live faroff from our home planets in space, and they have a code of conduct thatmakes them monitors, doctors, interferers in all matters of other races'business. If she were released, she would at once attempt to overthrowour power, to set up a state after the Croen pattern. It is their way.They consider themselves as superior to all others, and they do have aknowledge of nature which they use to impose their will upon allpeoples. They are worshipped as Gods by many primitive people, and soconsider themselves above all laws but their own. She was captured manyyears ago in an attempt to overthrow the rule of Wananda upon a smallsatellite planet. Wananda did not kill her, but placed her in suspendedanimation within the protective crystal plastic. Our queen intends torevive her and study her mind for her wisdom, but we have not had timebecause of the press of events. Soon, now, she will become a tool in ourhands to build greater the eminence of Wananda."

  "Peculiar looking creature, yet attractive," I murmured.

  "The Croens are physically beautiful, but they are warlike and cruel,they do not desire peace and the way of life of the Schrees and Jivrosis an irritant to them. They hate and despise us, and we return them thefavor."

  I did not reply, but my heart seemed to throb in sympathy with the Zervattempt to free the beautiful creature from her living tomb.

  "Could she turn the tables for the Zervs if they had succeeded?"

  "I really don't know," answered Genner, opening a door and motioning meinto the apartment. "These are my quarters. There is plenty of room, theplace is usually empty of all but slaves. I seldom sleep here myself,preferring more congenial and less lonesome sleeping accommodations. Ithink you will find it comfortable. I will see you at the evening mealtime."

  As I walked in, the door closed and I heard the lock click. I was a"guest" with reservations.

  Curiously I examined the place, the unreadable books kept in nichesbehind transparent sections of the wall, the strange furnishings, atonce exotic and comfortless to me. The books I could not get at, findingno way to open the transparent panels which seemed an integral part ofthe wall. I could not feel comfortable in the seats and lounges, as theywere very low, requiring an oriental squat at which I am not adept. Icompromised by stretching out along a hard couch raised some six inchesabove the floor. There were no gadgets to tinker with, the place was tome barren of necessary appurtenances ... strange people, indeed.

  As I was dozing off, the lock clicked in the door, and I sat up,startled to see Wananda glide in and close the door quickly behind her.She was alone, and there was something furtive about her.

  "Welcome to my abode, beautiful one."

  The woman smiled, an almost human smile; reserved, yet with anunexpected warmth. I waited with intense curiosity for her explanationof her visit.

  "I come to you for aid, for I can talk to none of my own. I am introuble which perhaps no one but you could remedy. Will you give me yourhonor, will you do what I ask without question, will you be my friend?"

  I was taken aback that this apparently powerful personage should beseeking aid of me, a prisoner. I answered:

  "I see no reason why you should not trust me, as I know no one here tobetray you to. But are you not the supreme power here? Why should youwant my aid?"

  "Because you do not understand my position does not mean that I am notin trouble. These Jivros are difficult allies for one with blood in herveins. I was raised to be a ruler. The Jivro priests were my tutors andmy administrators before I came of age. It is only reluctantly they havefollowed the orders from the rulers of our home planets to obey me. Theyintend to slay me, and report my death as an accident. I live in fear,and I have long awaited their treachery. There is but one hope for meand that is Cyane, the Superior One whom I saved only by enclosing herin that living coffin. That is what I ask of you--to succeed where theZervs have failed, and to release her and guide her in flight from here.She can lead your people, save them from these monstrous Jivros who havemade of my race the things which you see. I would save your people aswell as myself. Will you try to release her?"

  I leaned back against the cushions, crossed my legs, took out my pipe.This was not exactly a surprise, but I had not realized the rift betweenher and the peculiar insect-men was such as to cause her to fear for herlife.

  "How does one release a person from such a death?" I asked. "In mypeople's understanding of life, death comes with the stopping of thebreath."

  "She can be released by an injection of a stimulant which I can obtainfor you. She is not dead, but in a condition very near to death, like aspider stung by a wasp. If she were free, she would soon scour yourearth clean of the Jivros. Our race needs her even more than your own,yet I must pretend to be her enemy. I must pretend to be yourseductress, and worm from you the knowledge which the Jivros will use toconquer and enslave your planet and your people. I must play this part,unnatural to me, of a cruel and heartless ruler, or they will have mekilled by some subtle poison which they will call illness. You see, theJivros are our doctors. Much of the wisdom of our race is in theirhands. They are our priests and our administrators. They leave to usonly useless occupations which will not allow us to be dangerous. Forcenturies they have been taking over every vital function of our life. Iam allowed to live only so long as I am a willing tool, and foolishenough to wreak their evil will upon my people. It is a part I cannotcontinue to play. Every instinct of my being shrinks from what I amforced to order done daily, from what I am forced to allow them to do tohuman beings."

  This was a different kettle of fish than I had expected. This slender,lovely creature, with her hands wrung together in pain and sorrow forher brutally maltreated people, this tear-streaked lovely face contortedwith an agony which she had not spoken of to anyone else--this actresssupreme, who for all her life had pretended to approve of the alienJivro's sabotage of her own racial stock--was a heart-rending picture,and her own face told me with its extreme tension that what she said wasa fact. But perhaps this alien from space _could_ act that well? Ipreferred to believe her.

  "I don't see how you expect me to get a chance to release Cyane of hercrystal coffin? I will have no opportunity."

  "I will _make_ an opportunity. I am not yet alone or helpless, much asthe insects would like me to be. This is my only power, that I am thesame blood as the people, and not a Jivro. They know that, andconstantly try to destroy this strength of mine by making me commitcruelties which I cannot always avoid for fear of such of them as theold Jivro whom you met at the council. So long as I retain his favor, Ilive. When he raises his finger in the death signal, my days will be fewthereafter."

  "I think I understand your position. I have heard of puppet rulersbefore--woman whom I am delighted to learn has a human heart
after all.I am wholly with you, and want you to feel that you can trust me to thehilt."

  She smiled and dried her eyes. After a moment she leaned forward, andthe glory of her beauty, the near nudity of her utterly graceful bodystruck at me as she fixed my eyes with her own, her face now intent withwill to make me completely understand quickly what she knew must be veryobscure to me.

  "The Jivros fear the power of Cyane, the Croen captive, as they feardeath! The Croens have fought to destroy their power for centuries, onmany planets in our area of space. Cyane is one of their greatest. Sheis a scientist of vast wisdom, and one who has developed a technique ofincreasing the vitality of life within herself, as well as in anyone shechooses to favor. You could well win from her such gifts, if you shouldrelease her. It is one reason I wish to release her, in order to winfrom her that secret of long life which she holds. The Croens aremasters of warfare and she would be able, with only a little help, todevelop an attack which they could not withstand."

  "If they are so powerful, how is it they have not defeated the Jivros?"

  "The Jivros are a very ancient, very widespread race. The Croens cameinto our space-area recently, as time goes, only three centuries by yourtime. They were lost. There were only a few hundred in a great ship, andthey settled upon a small uninhabited and airless satellite of our homeplanet, were there for many years before they were discovered. When theJivros attacked them to destroy them, they found in spite of theirinnumerable ships and countless warriors they could not harm them. Buttheir attacks angered the superior ones, and they began a campaign ofextermination against the insect men's empire. Since the Croen werefew, they began to recruit from among the Zervs and other groups whowere subservient to the Schrees.
Lee Tarbell's Novels