Page 18 of Valley of the Croen

two lovely faces pressed cheek to cheek, the two pair of eyesbored into my own, and four quick slim hands gestured about my chin. Adizzy enervation swam into me as though I were bleeding to death, asthough honey and whiskey were being poured down my throat, as though Ihad fallen suddenly onto a pink cloud of spun candy.

  Visions of terrific pleasure began to hum in my head, my knees graduallygave way beneath me, until I was on my knees before the two women. Myhands were unconsciously extended as if to fend them off, and each ofthem seized a hand, pulled me to the round bench at the back of thecontrol cabin. They stroked my cheeks, began to murmur their "magical"phrases in their mysterious mystic secret words, and my wits began tofloat into a very genuine paradise where their two faces, side by side,became flower and fruit and tree and earth itself.

  When I awoke from the dream into which they had sent me, Carna wasseated beside me, nodding sleepily, her head on her chest, and Wanandahad returned to the controls of the ship. As I looked at each of them, Ifound _a new something had been added_! I loved each of them equallywell!

  I sat up, stretching. Sometimes it is comforting to have problemsdecided for one. Now I did not have to go through any excruciating pangsof conscience or guilt or fight myself into a state of not wanting oneor the other of them. They had just adjusted me to the situationmentally, and I felt that everything was perfect in the best of allpossible marriages for me!

  "Well, I'm getting hungry!" I cried, apropos of nothing except that Idid feel pangs.

  My Zoorph did not even get up. She reached out one hand to where acovered tray sat on the bench beside her, and handed it to me. I tookoff the lid, and on it were broiled chops, steaming deliciously bakedbeans, some kind of soft brown bread--fruit, a sweet perfumed wine.

  "The master is hungry, Carna will provide!"

  If I get cross-eyed as Jake Barto, it will be from trying to see twowomen at once.

  Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that Nokomee became the prince's thirdwife. I wished her happiness. For me, two are enough!


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