Page 19 of Angels Flight


  ‘Each one had taken one of those Thigh-Master things. You know, that ridiculous exercise contraption that some television star from the eighties sold late at night on TV.’

  Bosch shook his head at the inanity of her image.

  ‘They saw it on TV and so they thought it was valuable,’ he said. ‘Like Howard Elias.’

  She didn’t respond and he realized he had been out of line, even if he believed there was something valid in what he had said.

  ‘Sorry ...’

  They drove in silence for a few minutes before Bosch spoke again.

  ‘You know what my image is of ninety-two?’


  ‘I was assigned to Hollywood Boulevard. And, as you know, we weren’t really supposed to do anything unless we saw people in danger of physical harm. Essentially, this meant that if the looters were orderly about it, we basically weren’t going to stop them. It made no—anyway, I was on the Boulevard and I remember a lot of weird things. The Scientologists surrounding their buildings, standing practically shoulder to shoulder and carrying broomsticks, ready to make a stand if needed. The guy who ran the Army surplus store near Highland was in full combat infantry dress and carrying a sniper rifle over his shoulder. He was marching back and forth in front of his store like he was at the gate at Benning ... People get crazy, the good and the bad. It’s day of the locusts.’

  ‘Well, aren’t you the well-read detective, Detective Bosch.’

  ‘Not really. I once lived with a woman who taught junior lit at Grant High in the Valley. It was one of the books she taught. I read it then. Anyway, the image that sticks with me from ninety-two is Frederick’s of Hollywood.’

  ‘The lingerie place?’

  Bosch nodded.

  ‘I pulled up there and the place was swarming. Multiracial, multiage, people who had just lost it. They cleaned that place out in about fifteen minutes. I mean, everything. When they were done I walked in there and there was nothing left. They even stole the manikins. Absolutely nothing but the hangers left on the floor and the chrome display racks ... and the thing is, all it had been was underwear. Four cops get off for beating the shit out of Rodney King on video and people respond by going nuts and stealing underwear. It was so surreal that that’s what comes into my head when people bring up the riots. I remember walking around in that empty store.’

  ‘It didn’t matter what they took. They were acting out frustrations. It’s like the Thigh-Masters. That father and son didn’t care what they took. The important thing was that they took something, that in some way they made a statement. They had no use for those things but by taking them they were showing The Man. That’s the lesson the father taught his son.’

  ‘It still doesn’t make — ’

  Bosch’s phone rang and he opened it. It was Eleanor.

  ‘You winning?’ he asked.

  He said it with a happy inflection and then immediately realized he had said it in such a way so that his passenger might not surmise what was really going on with his marriage. At once he felt embarrassed and guilty that he would even let what Entrenkin thought or interpreted enter into his relationship with Eleanor.

  ‘Not yet. I just got here.’

  ‘Eleanor, I want you to go home.’

  ‘Harry, we’re not going to talk about this now. I — ’

  ‘No, I’m not talking about all of that. I think the city ... have you watched the news?’

  ‘No. I’ve been coming here.’

  ‘Well, it doesn’t look good. The media’s lighting the match, Eleanor. And if something happens and the city goes, you’re not in a good place to be.’

  Bosch took a furtive glance at Entrenkin. He knew he was acting out white paranoia in front of her. Hollywood Park was in Inglewood, a primarily black community. He wanted Eleanor back at their home in the hills where it was safe.

  ‘Harry, I think you’re being paranoid. I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Eleanor, why take the — ’

  ‘Harry, I have to go. They’re holding my chair. I’ll call you later.’

  She hung up then and Bosch said good-bye to a dead line. He dropped the phone onto his lap.

  ‘For what it’s worth,’ Entrenkin said, ‘I think you’re being paranoid.’

  ‘That’s what she said.’

  ‘I’ll tell you right now there are as many blacks as whites, maybe even more, who don’t want to see it happen again. Give them the benefit of the doubt, Detective.’

  ‘I guess I don’t have a choice.’

  The Hollywood Station seemed deserted when Bosch and Entrenkin arrived. There were no patrol cars in the rear lot and when they came through the back door the rear hallway, usually abuzz with activity, was empty. Bosch stuck his head through the open door of the watch office and saw a lone sergeant at a desk. A television mounted on the wall was on. There were no flames on the screen. It showed a news anchor in a studio. The graphic hanging over his shoulder was a photo of Howard Elias. The volume was too low for Bosch to hear what was being said.

  ‘How we doing?’ Bosch said to the sergeant.

  ‘Hanging in. For now.’

  Bosch knocked twice on the door and headed down the hallway to the detective bureau, Entrenkin following. Rider and Edgar were already there. They had rolled the television out of the lieutenant’s office and were watching the same news report. They saw Bosch and Entrenkin and the surprise registered on their faces.

  Bosch introduced Entrenkin to Edgar, who had not been in Elias’s office that morning. He then asked what the latest news was.

  ‘The city’s holding tight, it looks like,’ Edgar said.

  ‘Couple fires and that’s it. Meantime, they’re pretty much making Elias into Saint Howard. Not much said about what an opportunistic asshole he was.’

  Bosch glanced at Entrenkin. She showed nothing.

  ‘Well, let’s turn it off,’ he said. ‘We have to talk.’

  Bosch brought his partners up to date and showed them the three anonymous notes that had been mailed to Elias. He explained Entrenkin’s presence and said he wanted to try to get Harris’s cooperation and at the same time eliminate him as a potential suspect in the killings.

  ‘Do we even know where Harris is?’ Edgar asked. ‘He hasn’t shown up on TV that I’ve seen. Maybe he doesn’t even know about Elias.’

  ‘Well, we’ll find out. His current address and phone number were in Elias’s files. Looks like Elias was putting him up, probably trying to keep him out of trouble before the trial. He’s close by — if he’s home.’

  Bosch got out his notebook and got the phone number. He went to his desk and called it. A man answered.

  ‘Can I speak to Harry?’ Bosch said good-naturedly.

  ‘No Harry here, man.’

  The phone was hung up.

  ‘Well, somebody’s home,’ Bosch said to the others. ‘Let’s go.’

  They drove in one car. Harris currently lived in an apartment on Beverly Boulevard near the CBS complex. Elias had put him into a large complex that wasn’t luxurious but was more than nice. And downtown was a straight shot down Beverly.

  There was a security door but Harris’s name was not on the list of occupants next to the door phone. Bosch had the apartment number but this did not mean anything. The phone codes following occupants’ names did not correspond with apartment numbers for security reasons. Bosch called the code number for the building’s manager but got no answer.

  ‘Look at this,’ Rider said.

  She pointed to a listing for E. Howard. Bosch shook his shoulders as if to say it was worth a try and punched in the number. A male voice answered and Bosch thought it was the same voice that had answered his earlier call from the station.

  ‘Michael Harris?’

  ‘Who is it?’

  ‘LAPD. We need to ask you some questions. I — ’

  ‘No fucking way. Not without my lawyer here, you don’t.’

  He hung up. Bosch immediat
ely called back.

  ‘What the fuck you want?’

  ‘In case you don’t know it yet, your lawyer is dead. That’s why we are here. Now, listen and don’t hang up. I have Inspector General Carla Entrenkin here with me. You know who she is? She’s going to make sure you are treated well. We just need to — ’

  ‘She the watchdog lady, ’sposed to tell when the LAPD is runnin’ roughshod?’

  ‘That’s her. Hold on.’

  Bosch stepped to the side and handed the phone to Entrenkin.

  ‘Tell him he’s safe.’

  She took the phone, giving Bosch a look that said she now realized why he allowed her to come along. She spoke into the phone while looking at him.

  ‘Michael, this is Carla Entrenkin. You don’t have to worry. No one is here to harm you. We need to ask you about Howard Elias, that is all.’

  If Harris said anything to her Bosch didn’t hear it. The door lock buzzed and Edgar pulled it open. Entrenkin hung up the phone and they all went in.

  ‘The guy’s a mutt,’ Edgar said. ‘I don’t know why we’re treating him like a saint.’

  Entrenkin gave Edgar her look then.

  ‘Yes, you do, Detective Edgar.’

  Edgar was sufficiently cowed by her tone.

  When Harris opened the door of his fourth-floor apartment he was holding a gun at his side.

  ‘A’right, this is my home,’ he announced. ‘I don’t mean to be threatenin’ anybody but I need this for my pers‘nal comfort and protection. Otherwise, you ain’t comin’ in the place, know what I mean?’

  Bosch looked at the others, got no read, and looked back at Harris. He tried to contain his fury. Despite what Entrenkin had told him earlier, he still had little doubt that Harris was the murderer of a child. But he knew that what was important at the moment was the current investigation. He had to put his enmity for the man aside in order to extract whatever information he had.

  ‘All right,’ he said. ‘But you keep that weapon low and at your side. You point it at one of us and we’re going to have a big problem. We understand each other?’

  ‘Oh, we understand.’

  Harris backed away from the door and let them in by pointing the weapon toward the living room.

  ‘Remember, keep that thing down,’ Bosch said sternly.

  Harris dropped the gun to his side and they all entered. The apartment was furnished with rental stuff—puffy couch and matching chairs in light blue, cheap faux wood tables and shelves. Pastoral prints were on the walls. There was a cabinet with a television in it. The news was on.

  ‘Have a seat, ladies and gentlemen.’

  Harris took one of the big chairs, slumping in it so that the back rose above his head, giving him the appearance of sitting on a throne. Bosch stepped over and turned the television off, then introduced everybody and showed his badge.

  ‘It figure the white man in charge,’ Harris said.

  Bosch ignored it.

  ‘I take it you know that Howard Elias was murdered last night?’ he asked.

  “Course I know. Been sittin’ here watchin’ it all got-damned day.’

  ‘Then why’d you say you wouldn’t talk to us without your lawyer if you knew your lawyer was dead?’

  ‘I got more than one lawyer, dumbshit. I also got a crim’nal lawyer and I got a entertainment lawyer. I got lawyers, don’t worry. And I’ll get another to take Howie’s place. I’m gonna need ‘em, man, ’specially after they start cuttin’ up in South Central. I‘mma have my own riot like Rodney. That’ll put me on top.’

  Bosch could barely follow Harris’s line of thought but he understood enough to know Harris was on a power trip at his own community’s expense.

  ‘Well, let’s talk about your late lawyer, Howard Elias. When was the last time you saw him?’

  ‘Last night, but you already know that, right Chet?’

  ‘Till when?’

  ‘Till we walked out the muthafuckin’ door. Are you throwin’ down on me, man?’


  ‘You in-ter-OH-gating me, man?’

  ‘I’m trying to find out who killed Elias.’

  ‘You did that. You people got him.’

  ‘Well, that’s a possibility. That’s what we’re trying to find out.’

  Harris laughed as if what Bosch had said was absurd.

  ‘Yeah, you know that thing they say about the kettle and the pot, that’s what that is.’

  ‘We’ll see. When did you two part company? You and Howard Elias.’

  ‘When he went to his apartment and I went home.’

  ‘Which was when?’

  ‘I don’t know, Chet. Quarter to eleven, eleven a’clock. I don’t wear a watch. People tell me the time when I want to know it. They say on the news he got his ass shot at eleven, so we left quarter of.’

  ‘Had he mentioned any threats? Was he afraid of anyone?’

  ‘He wasn’t afraida shit. But he knew he was a dead man.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You people is what I mean. He knew you would come gunnin’ for him someday. Somebody finally did. Prob’ly come for me, too, one day. Tha’s why as soon as I get my money I’m splittin’ this place. All you cops can have it. And that’s all I got to say, Chet.’

  ‘Why do you call me that?’

  ‘Because that’s what you are. You’re a Chet, Chet.’

  Harris’s smile was a challenge. Bosch held his gaze for a moment, then turned to Entrenkin and nodded. She took it from there.

  ‘Michael, do you know who I am?’

  ‘Sure, I seen ya on the TV. Just like Mr Elias. I know you.’

  ‘Then you know I am not a police officer. My job is to make sure the police officers in this city are honest and do their jobs the way they should be done.’

  Harris snickered.

  ‘You got a lot a work ’head you, lady.’

  ‘I know that, Michael. But the reason I am here is to tell you that I think these three detectives want to do what is right. They want to find the person who killed Howard Elias, whether it is a cop or not. And I want to help them. You should want to help as well. You owe Howard that much. So will you please answer a few more questions?’

  Harris looked around the room and at the gun in his hand. It was a Smith & Wesson 9 millimeter with a satin finish. Bosch wondered if Harris would have brandished it in front of them if he knew the murder weapon was a nine. Harris shoved the weapon into the crack between the seat cushion and the arm of the big chair.

  ‘Okay, I guess. But not Chet. I don’ talk to white cops or Tom boys. You ask me.’

  Entrenkin looked back at Bosch and then back to Harris.

  ‘Michael, I want the detectives to ask the questions. They are better at it than me. But I think it’s okay for you to answer.’

  Harris shook his head.

  ‘You don’t understand, lady. Why should I help these fuckers? These people tortured me for no fucking reason. I ain’t got forty percent of my hearing because of the L-A-P-D. I ain’t cop-erating. Now if you got a question, then you ask it.’

  ‘Okay, Michael, that’s fine,’ Carla said. Tell me about last night. What did you and Howard work on?’

  ‘We worked on my testimony. Only you know how the cops call it testi-lying on account they never tell the damn truth when it comes to the brothers? Well, I call it my testi-money cause the LAPD is going to pay my ass for framin’ me and then fuckin’ with me. Damn right.’

  Bosch picked up the questioning as though Harris had never said he wouldn’t speak to him. ‘Did Howard tell you that?’

  ‘Sure did, Mr Chet.’

  ‘Did he say he could prove it was a frame?’

  ‘Yeah, ’cause he knew who really done the murder a that little white girl and then put her in the lot near my place. An’ it wudn’t me. He was goin’ to court Monday to start to zonerate me completely and get my money, my man Howard.’

  Bosch waited a beat. The next question and answer would be


  ‘Who what?’

  ‘Who really did the murder? Did he tell you?’

  ‘Nope. He said I didn’t need to know. Said it was dangerous to know that shit. But I bet it’s in there in his files. He ain’t gonna get away again.’

  Bosch glanced at Entrenkin.

  ‘Michael, I spent all day with the files. Yes, there are indications that Howard knew who killed Stacey Kincaid but no name was recorded anywhere. Are you sure he never told you a name or gave you any indication of who this person was?’

  Harris was momentarily nonplussed. He evidently realized that if Elias went down with the murderer’s name kept to himself, his case might have gone down a few notches as well. He would always carry the stigma of being a murderer who got off because a slick defense lawyer knew how to play a jury.

  ‘Goddamn,’ he said.

  Bosch came over and sat on the corner of the coffee table, so that he could be close to Harris.

  ‘Think hard,’ he said. ‘You spent a lot of time with him. Who would it be?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Harris said defensively. ‘Whyn’t you ask Pelfry about it, man?’

  ‘Who is Pelfry?’

  ‘Pelfry’s his leg man. His investigator.’

  ‘You know his whole name?’

  ‘I think it’s somethin’ like Jenks or somethin’.’


  ‘Yeah, Jenks. Tha’s what Howard call him.’

  Bosch felt a finger poke his shoulder and he turned to see Entrenkin give him a look. She knew who Pelfry was. He could let it go. Bosch stood up and looked down at Harris.

  ‘You came back here last night after you left Elias?’

  ‘Yeah, sure. Why?’

  ‘Anybody with you? You call anybody?’

  ‘What the fuck is this? You’re throwin’ down on me, man.’

  ‘It’s routine. Relax. We ask everybody where they’ve been. Where were you?’

  ‘I was here, man. I was beat. I came home and got in my bed. Ain’t nobody with me.’

  ‘Okay. Mind if I have a look at your pistola for a second?’