Page 20 of Key to Destiny

  “We crave variety, and the joy of innocence,” the woman said. “Yes, I am the Red Glamor. A mortal person can't do it knowingly with a Glamor."

  “Why not? How are you different, if you keep your present form?"

  “Watch,” Stevia said, speaking to the other two. She approached Augur. “Kiss me."

  He tried, but his face would not touch hers. “Something opposes me."

  “Moreso for penetration,” she said. “There's something about knowing that balks the mortal, male or female. So I could have my fun with you only so long as you did not know. But you were too smart."

  Augur's feelings were mixed. Stevia had worked him over thoroughly, but it had been an almost insane pleasure doing it, and educational. He wanted to be rid of her and back with Aura, but he suspected Stevia had more to teach him, and he wanted to learn it. He did not want to be denied her because of his own inability. “Could Swale enable it?"

  “Negation. She might help a mortal woman embrace a male Glamor, but would be helpless in this situation."

  “Affirmation,” Swale said, from Ini's body. “Glamors already have all the powers of sex I do. If I could operate a man's body it could get interesting, but you need an incubus for that."

  “The white woman simply exposed her bottom and bent over,” he said. “It was an act of minimal contact and very brief duration. Is that kind of sex possible?"

  “Experiment,” Stevia said. She bared her gray bottom and bent forward. They were outdoors, in the open; evidently she didn't care.

  The sight and novelty stimulated him. Public sex? He glanced at Aura. “Objection?"

  “None,” she said tightly.

  He bared his member, which was erect and eager for this new experience. He approached the proffered target. He almost touched it, but halted. Somehow he could not close the last fraction of the distance.

  “Push?” Aura asked.

  He laughed, then reconsidered. “Affirmation."

  She got behind him and shoved him forward. His member collided with the bottom—and he received a jolt of current that nearly paralyzed him. He twisted away, falling.

  “Apology!” Aura cried, dropping to her knees to tend to him. “I did not realize!"

  “Needless,” he gasped. “I must be reacting wrongly."

  “Negation,” Stevia said. “The knowledge prevents you. You could do it with one of the others."

  “Doubt,” he said. “At least, not at this moment."


  He looked at Aura. “Acquiescence?"

  Evidently half nervous, half curious, Aura stood, inviting his embrace. He enfolded her, and there was no resistance, personal or magical. It was sheer bliss, because he was able to do it, and he was doing it at last with Aura. But this was demonstration, not romance. “Continue?” he asked doubtfully. He feared he was embarrassing her. They normally were not demonstrative in public.


  He kissed her, and it was as nice as ever. “Gratitude!” he murmured. The feeling had not been as intense as sex with the white woman, but it was far more meaningful.

  “Welcome,” Aura said, melting against him. She had been as concerned as he, and as relieved.

  “Confirmation,” Stevia said. “No fault in you. The fault is in me, for being discovered as a Glamor.” For a moment she shimmered and appeared as a beautiful red lady, outshining blue Aura. Then she reverted to dull gray.

  Augur disengaged from Aura. “Apology for experimenting on you,” he said.

  She smiled, embracing him again. “Needless. I'll take you any way I can get you.” It was almost as if they had had sex; both their emotions were overflowing.


  “Understanding.” She kissed him once more, deeply.

  “Gratitude,” he repeated.

  Then Swale spoke from Aura's body. “Had it been up to me, you would have duplicated your performance with the White Chroma woman with the Blue Chroma one, right here and now."

  “Aura let you in?” he asked, startled.

  “She trusts me now. But she doesn't need me.” Aura's expression changed, and it was evident the succubus was gone.

  They went about the evening routine, and that night Augur slept with Aura. They did not need to have sex; it was enough just to be together again. But they had it anyway, and not because of any succubus.

  “Now you are spent,” Aura murmured mischievously. “If only I had a dildo to use on you!"

  Swale must have put that notion in her mind. “Anything you do with me is nice."

  “You did know I was teasing?"

  He affected disappointment. “You were?"

  She spanked his buttock smartly, then kissed him. “This time."

  Next day they crossed an Air Chroma zone. Stevia's gem purchased a trip on an invisible floating coach. Ini removed her clothing and became visible in a colored dress.

  “Surprise!” Augur said.

  “This is Air Chroma,” she said. “We are not invisible to ourselves. We clothe ourselves with bright illusion."

  He saw it was true. Now he saw through the illusion, penetrating the dress and seeing not her body, but nothing.

  “Comprehension. You have disappeared.

  Then her body appeared, lean but female. “I made the dress, not needing to make my body,” she said. “But if you are seeing through the dress, then my body should show."

  He laughed. “Apology for peeking."


  He could see the dress again; his power of penetrating illusion did not mean it disappeared, merely that he could cause it to fade somewhat, revealing whatever it covered.

  They looked out of the invisible coach, and saw a land of phenomenal color.

  It was true: the folk of the Air Chroma not only clothed themselves with illusion, they covered everything else, making this a far more interesting zone than others. Or was it all by the people? In the Purple Chroma zone plants used illusion to enhance their flowers and apparent defenses; did they do the same here?

  “Question,” he said to Ini.

  “Yes, it is true that almost all Air Chroma women are beautiful,” she said. “Because all want to be, and with illusion each person crafts herself."

  That had not been his question, but it was surely the one visitors most often asked. He followed it up. “But what of you?"

  “I believe in being exactly what I am: a woman too smart and plain for her own good. So my illusion emulates my actual form as closely as is feasible."

  “Argument,” he said. “Were you and I isolated together for some time, perhaps on a small island in a nonChroma zone, I would find both your mind and your body desirable, now that I know you, without help from Swale."

  “You are too smart a man for your own good,” she retorted, blushing.

  “Your illusion replica recreates even your embarrassment!” Aura said.

  “Compulsive honesty,” Ini said, blushing worse.

  Augur glanced at Aura and saw her trace nod. “Favor.” Then without waiting he put his hands on Ini's shoulders, carefully turned her upper body to face him, and kissed her firmly on the mouth, which was accurately marked by the illusion.

  She gazed at him a moment after he let her go. “Favor? For whom?"

  “For me. You have become appealing to me. I believe that with similar association you will become appealing to some other good man who is available."

  “Doubt.” But her blush continued.

  “And if—when—it happens, be prepared to accept it. You are worthy."

  Ini looked half desperately at Aura. Aura nodded. She looked at Stevia, who also nodded. Her gaze dropped, and her flush faded. “Hope."

  Their coach landed at the far side of the zone, and they got out and crossed to the next zone, which was Black Chroma. All the landscape was black, including the trees. Even the clouds floating above were black. Augur found himself admiring it; he still had not gotten accustomed to the colors of other zones than Red, Blue, or Purple

  Stevia approached the black attendant, a middle aged woman, and made a deal for a rapid crossing.

  “That will be directly past the cone,” the woman said. “It is quiescent now, but there is always risk. You may prefer to take the longer route around the fringe."

  Augur hoped she was agree to the longer route, but she didn't. “The direct route will get us there by dusk. That seems best."

  The black woman shrugged. “Agreement.” She led them to a great round door set in the side of the adjacent black hill. She drew on a large lever, and the door swing grandly open. Inside was a black chamber whose far side was convex. This turned out to be the wall of a huge black bubble with a smaller round portal set into it. They entered that and took black seats. It was like a coach, but without windows.

  “Question: have you traversed a Black Chroma zone before?"

  “Negation,” Stevia answered for the group. She herself surely had, but the others had not.

  “Explanation: Black Chroma cones implode rather than explode. They suck all matter into themselves, where it disappears. Nevertheless, enough magic ambiance remains to empower the zone.” The woman floated near the floor, demonstrating. “We protect ourselves by developing our establishments largely underground, hollowing out the rock. This is secure from most inruptions. We use vacuum to suck our transport bubbles through the tunnels from station to station. You are advised to hold on; acceleration can be sudden."

  Augur discovered handholds on his seat. He grasped them, and the women did likewise. He did not care to display his nervousness about being in a Black Chroma zone.

  “This globe is routed close by the central cone, per your request,” the woman continued. “Suction is greatest at the cone, so it will accelerate toward it, and decelerate as it proceeds away from it. You will be aware of it, but will not experience discomfort, and your landing will be soft. The risk is not from the travel, but from the small chance of an inruption occurring during your trip. If a significant inruption occurs, you are lost. But the chance of that is very small at the moment.” She glanced at them. “Satisfaction?"

  “Agreement,” Stevia said.

  “Do not attempt to open the capsule while it is in motion. That would be foolhardy; the vacuum would probably kill you. Merely wait. The door will open of itself when the pressure equalizes at the far station. Parting.” She closed the door on them.

  Almost immediately Augur heard a peculiar whine, as of a wind blowing through a crevice. Then their globe moved, accelerating as if flung from a slingshot. The vacuum had taken hold, sucking it in toward the center of the zone.

  “Emotional discomfort,” Aura said.

  “Comfort,” Augur said. “Reassurance. Love."


  The sharp acceleration continued, pressing them back into their seats. The whine intensified. Augur felt as if he were in the grip of a violent storm that was blowing him wherever it wished. Its power was awesome; he could not affect its course. He hardly blamed Aura for her fear.

  The whine increased in loudness and rose in pitch. Then there was a kind of ping and it changed, beginning its descent. “We are past the cone,” Stevia said. “It remains quiescent."

  “Relief,” Aura breathed.

  The slowing continued, feeling like falling. Finally they came to a halt, and the portal opened. They were there.

  A black man was there. “Greeting, travelers. All is in order?"

  “Agreement,” Stevia said.

  “Your trade for the travel includes lodging and sustenance for the night, if you wish to accept it."

  Augur wanted to say no; he wanted to get well clear of this scary black Chroma zone. But Stevia spoke first. “Acceptance."

  The man showed them to a suite of chambers and shut them in. “Portals are kept closed between uses,” Stevia explained. “For protection against a surprise inruption."

  “Concern,” Aura said. “Wouldn't it be safer in the next Chroma zone?"

  “Negation. The next has no facilities, while this one is well equipped. Observe.” She went to the lavatory chamber and stepped into the shower sphere, her clothing dissolving as she did. She was not bothering to conceal her nature from them, now that it had been exposed. Warm water cascaded down on her body. “Few stations have this kind of shower."

  Augur saw her point; this was nice. They took turns in the shower, and it was refreshing. They did not bother to dress after it; instead they put their clothing into a laundry hamper, and it disappeared for cleaning. Then Stevia demonstrated their dinner service: she spoke into a tube, and soon a small globe arrived with four complete meals. They were completely black, from potatoes to wine, but were excellent; the taste was normal.

  “I think I am not used to this,” Ini said from her chair. She was invisible except for the food she was taking in; it outlined the upper portion of her alimentary tract before slowly dissolving into fuzziness and fading out. Her body seemed to be weaving slightly.

  “The wine!” Augur said. “It is intoxicating."

  “So I discover. I liked the taste, but it seems stronger than I thought. I may become ill."

  “Swale,” Stevia snapped.

  “Present,” the succubus said in Ini's body. “I will handle this.” The body straightened and ceased wavering. Evidently Swale was accustomed to wine, and had no problem with intoxication. “Of course I would like some sex in exchange for this service."

  “Since I can't have him, you might as well,” Stevia said.

  “Objection,” Aura said.

  “Suggestion,” Stevia said. “Let Swale put Ini down for the night, and transfer to you."

  That notion intrigued Augur. He glanced at Aura.

  “Acquiescence,” she said. Evidently she was intrigued too.

  In due course Ini was safely asleep on her bed, beyond the danger of illness. Swale, in Aura's body, joined Augur on his. “Favor,” she murmured.

  “We already agreed,” he reminded her.

  “Request: let me remain in control, but treat me as you would a real woman."

  He paused, considering. The succubus wanted to act like a real woman? She was like Ini in that respect, wanting simple recognition for herself as a person, rather than as a performer. “Agreement."

  He made love to her, in leisurely fashion, and she responded cautiously, as though not quite sure how to do this. There was no compulsion, just a slow accommodation. When at last they climaxed, she kissed him with a muted intensity that was unlike Aura. “Gratitude,” she breathed. Then she left; he felt the change.

  “She was like an innocent maiden,” Aura said. “She really has little experience with making love rather than sex. It was wonderful feeling with her."

  “Agreement,” he said. Then they slept.

  In the morning they considered it again. “As we get to know those of other Chroma,” Aura said, “we find they are like us in basic respects. They have hopes and fears and desires despite their magic."

  “Ini is under her intelligence an innocent teen girl,” he agreed. “Searching for true love, and fearful she won't find it. But she will."

  “And even Swale longs for similar fulfillment. Her obsession with sex is in her nature, but she longs for true love too. Is there any hope for her?"

  “With an incubus?"

  “She's a tamed succubus; there may be no other like her. I think she'd rather have the love of a normal man. Last night, with you, she just floated, pretending she was like me. I felt sorry for her."

  “You have a tender nature."

  “It came upon me when I met you."

  They kissed, used the facilities, and emerged from their chamber to join the others. “You're right,” Augur told Stevia, as they breakfasted on tasty black fruits and porridge. “This lodging is better than sleeping outside where bandits lurk."

  Stevia nodded. “I have had experience."

  “Curiosity,” Aura said.

  “I am approximately two hundred and sixty five years of age.
I achieved Glamor status at age fifteen, and have not aged since. I have enormous Glamor powers, yet at heart I remain a lonely girl in search of love."

  “You too!” Augur exclaimed.

  “I, and all women.” Stevia's gray form faded, and the bright red form of the Glamor emerged. This was the first time Augur had fully seen it, and he was awed. Her face and form were perfect; she was scintillatingly lovely. Beside her even Aura looked comparatively plain. “That is why I seek solace anonymously in the arms of mortal men."

  “But there are male Glamors,” Aura said.

  “And I have had intermittent affairs with them all, over the centuries,” the Glamor agreed. “We know and understand each other, and have no trouble relating, emotionally or physically. But it does get monotonous. There are only so many times you can have sex with the same man without exhausting the variations."

  Augur nodded. He had begun to see a pattern, even in the variety of sex Stevia had provided five times. Suppose it continued five hundred times? It would indeed get dull. “Regret,” he said. “Had I known, I would not have fathomed your identity. That is—"

  “Had you known that Stevia's secret needed to be maintained, you would have left it,” the Glamor said. “But I will find other innocent men. This merely clarifies my nature. I must separate from you soon anyway."

  “We're almost there!” Aura said.

  “Agreement. I will take you as far as I can, and point the way, and leave you.” She faced Augur. “But if you encounter a willing maiden hereafter, and suspect she is me in another guise, do not seek to confirm your suspicion. I would dearly like to embrace you again, and I will not take you from Aura."

  “Deal,” he agreed.

  The red beauty faded, and the plump gray Chroma woman formed. “Actually there are ways,” Stevia said. “But they require more time and effort than we have to spare at present. I explored them with Havoc, and it was fun."

  “King Havoc?” Aura asked, surprised.

  “She and my sexy sister Ine took on King Havoc together,” Ini said. “I received a stroke by stroke description.” She shook her invisible head; the ribbon in her hair moved. “For days I dreamed of being seduced by a Glamor. But that's impossible, even were one interested in me."