Page 24 of Key to Destiny

  She can start with his legs.

  Ennui put it into motion. “Don't tease us, virile man; come find your lodging.” She spread her legs farther, invitingly. Oh what a naughty show!

  Nocount was drawn to her as by a magnet. He came down on hands and knees, and she caught him about the waist and drew her groin into his. She avoided his face, as she had her ikon in her mouth; he would not be able to kiss her, and she didn't want him to realize that.

  Meanwhile Aspect, kneeling, caught his head and drew it in to the pillows of her breasts. She had her ikon in a little pouch tied to her ankle. Nonce, guided by a glance from Aspect, sat by his legs and massaged them. Her ikon was in her mouth.

  The coordinated effect was overwhelming for the man. He thrust into Ennui and jetted instantly. She held him close, making little sighs of pleasure, as she had so recently learned to do from Symbol. Men wanted to think that their pleasure translated automatically to the women, even when it was far too fast for that to be possible. But the fact was, she was so ikon-hot that mere penetration was enough to bring her to climax, and of course she was receiving his climax from his mind, triggering hers anyway. Telepathy transformed sex, making the woman share the man's urgency. So she really didn't have to pretend pleasure; she was having it.

  Spent, the brown man rolled off Ennui and let his head loll between Aspects generous breasts. Nonce continued massaging his legs, slowly working her way up. “Oh, that was great,” he gasped.

  “It has just begin,” Aspect murmured. “You must do me next.” She stroked his brown hair.

  Ennui faced away and used a tissue to do a spot cleanup while the others occupied Nocount's attention. Men were not much on the necessary supplementary details of sex; they preferred to focus only on the act itself.

  Constantly stimulated, it wasn't long before the man was ready for the next bout. Chroma men could recharge rapidly with the help of magic when they needed to. Aspect slid down and stroked his penis, while Nonce moved up to become his breasts pillow. Ennui took over the leg massage. They helped him get into position for Aspect, and she facilitated his penetration. But it was after all too soon; he was erect but not quite ready to climax again.

  Spank him, Aspect thought to Ennui.

  Surprised, Ennui hesitated. But Aspect sent her a mental picture: both men and women liked being sexually spanked. This was not something Ennui had ever had experience with, but she could not doubt Aspect's experience. Aspect had been a beautiful woman long before Ennui, despite their being the same age. So she tried it, lightly smacking Nocount's bottom as he lay on Aspect. His brown buttocks tautened, and his mind reacted; it was indeed stimulating him sexually.

  She spanked him harder, making it sting a little, and that sting translated into further desire. So there really was a connection between pain and pleasure; she had never believed it, but now was experiencing it through him. Soon he was pumping into Aspect, long and slow. Amazing how well such small signals worked.

  After another interlude of pillows and massage, during which Aspect quietly cleaned up, it was Nonce's turn. She was so eager she didn't wait for Nocount to initiate it; she got on him as he lay supine, set him into her, and clenched and bounced on him until he had no choice but to climax a third time. Ennui and Aspect felt it telepathically, and shared her urgency. His conclusion was slow, but almost painfully intense when it finally got there; the two of them gasped with him.

  Sexually exhausted, he lay among them, still appreciating their incidental catering, not noticing Nonce's quick cleanup. “You are the hottest three women I've met,” he said in wonder.

  “We intend to satisfy you,” Ennui said. “Let it never be said that nonChroma women are inadequate."

  “Never!” he agreed fervently. Then, perhaps fearing that they would want another round, embarrassing him by his lack of further ability, he remembered his promise to feed them. “There's good food in the locker."

  Ennui got up and located it. She did not dress; the man's dream wasn't yet over, and three naked women were part of it. There was an ample supply of brown bread, wine, potato salad, meat, and pudding. She portioned it out, and they sat cross-legged in a circle and ate. It was good food, and welcome.

  “Comment,” the brown man said. Now was the time to get to know each other, when there was no urgency.

  “Welcome,” Ennui said for the three of them.

  “I know it's no fault, and you're just keeping your end of the deal. I figured you'd honor it technically, but it wouldn't really be all there. It can make a big difference, how a woman is, even when she's doing it, if you know what I mean."

  All three smiled. “We know,” Ennui said.

  “But you three gave me more than I ever expected. It's as though you're really into it, liking it the way I did. And you're all beautiful; I figured you'd be less so when your clothes were off. Even now, you're letting me see your breasts and cracks, when you don't have to. If that's an act, it's a damn good one."

  It was phrased as a comment, but it was really a question, and required an answer. “We are traveling, and will be returning in due course. It will be easier if we can cross the Chroma zones with the same people as the first time, so we wish to make a good impression."

  “No offense.” This meant he had a negative remark.

  “None,” Ennui agreed.

  “I think this is horse manure. You could have made a good impression on me with a lot less enthusiasm. You could impress anyone without half trying. In fact, why did you choose my coach? It's the least of the ones available. I usually get the riffraff.” He frowned. “I took the job I could get, apprentice to a coachman, and when he retired twenty years later I took over the business. Strictly no account. Some women do pay with sex, but none of them have been anywhere near the class of any of you three. I'll bet you are part of a troupe doing pro entertaining. You had no need to ride with me, let alone make my dream."

  “We have ways of judging,” Ennui said. “We felt we would be more comfortable with you."

  “Even with my dream?"

  “Especially with your dream. It's one we are equipped to accommodate."

  “You sure are!"

  More explanation was needed. “And as it happens, we are lusty women. We don't like pain or degradation, but straight passion is nice. Some men are too cynical, some too brutal, and some insist on telling too much. So you were the one for us. We can oblige you, and you will keep our secret.” She allowed him to believe that he had guessed correctly about their employment; that was far safer than the truth.

  Nocount pondered a moment, thinking of the obscure tastes of some of the other coachmen; just the bits of it Ennui picked up telepathically were enough to make her glad the dragon seeds had guided them. “Well, you've done it,” he said at last. “And I'll be glad to take you back when you return, if I'm there. I just wish I had more time and vigor."

  “Yours are sufficient,” Aspect said.

  “Negation. I wish I could do at all again with you, but we're getting near the other side of the zone, and I'm not ready."

  “And the moment we're gone, you'll regret it,” Aspect said. “That you couldn't take it while it was there."

  Nocount laughed ruefully. “I regret it already."

  “Let's see what we can do,” Ennui said, loving the unfamiliar role of seductress.

  They cleared away the remnants of the food and closed in on him. They kissed him, fondled him, rubbed him, and soon had him sexually excited again. They knew that the nearness of the three ikons affected him, restoring him more rapidly than would otherwise be possible even with his Brown magic. Then Ennui did the honors, taking him into her and bringing him to a slow climax while the others stroked his body.

  “You see, you were ready after all,” Ennui said, kissing him as she held her ikon in her hand, behind her back. Then aspect kissed him as Ennui quietly returned her ikon to her mouth. Finally Nonce kissed him similarly. He was still inside Ennui, softening; she felt twitches as the others kiss
ed him, but that was all. He was truly done.

  The coach was lowered to the ground. The four of them hastily separated and dressed. “Maybe on the way back, you'll tell me more,” the man said. “There's got to be more."

  “Maybe we will,” Ennui said. “If you keep the faith."


  That set Ennui back for irrelevant reason: it reminded her of her oath with Havoc, that had transformed her life. Suppose she hadn't thought to demand it of him? It was possible that both of them would be dead, and someone else would be king. The thought appalled her.

  Fortunately Aspect covered for her. “Fond Parting,” she said, kissing Nocount again. Nonce followed, and then Ennui, reminded. They walked away, leaving the nice brown man bemused.

  * * * *

  Aspect smiled as they left the Brown Chroma zone. That had been more of an adventure than anticipated, but a pleasant one. Nonce, by far the youngest, was nevertheless most experienced in the art of man-pleasing, being a bath girl. Aspect herself knew it, but had not practiced it in decades; it was good to verify that she could still do it, albeit with the considerable aid of the ikon. Ennui was least experienced, because there had not before been general male interest in her body, but she had come through well. They had demonstrated that they had what it took to travel with sexual no fault.

  Then next Chroma was Air, or Invisible. Of course it wasn't invisible; it was a riot of colors, as every person, animal, and plant projected its own image, the way it wanted to be seen. It was only when folk left their Air Chroma zone that they lost their magic of illusion, and became invisible. Symbol suffered that, and the three Air sisters who had visited Triumph City. One might have thought that they would become dully visible when they lost their magic, but that wasn't the way Chroma worked; people retained their colors, until they slowly faded in new territory. Few regarded this fading as desirable; their colors were much of their identities, beyond their Chroma.

  They had no trouble making a deal with a handsome (naturally) pair of Air men, who took one look at their figures and had better ideas. They made a competitive game of it: one had sex with Ennui, the other with Aspect, simultaneously, and the first one who recovered enough to achieve a full second erection got Nonce for the follow-up. As it turned out, the second got her too, in the interest of maintaining male harmony. Thereafter the men concluded that they had had enough, their sexual ambition being slightly larger than their capacity. Symbol had covered that too: give men all the sex they wanted, because it was self limiting, despite their expectations. Meanwhile they floated magically across the zone in a large open basket, supported by piled pillows. Evidently these men had entertained traveling women before.

  By the time they reached the other side of the zone, night was closing, and they camped for the night. “It has been interesting,” Aspect said as they ate their supper, “But I think I have had enough sex for the day."

  “Agreement,” Ennui said. “But it certainly is easier to travel this way."

  “I always travel this way,” Nonce said.

  “You have always been young,” Aspect informed her. “The two of us have only recently gotten young again.” Actually she had understood that Nonce preferred to save her sex for the king, in case he should ever want it, but it was her business.

  The next zone was Green. Fabulous plants were everywhere, but the green men were just like the men of other colors in what counted. The three ikon-enhanced bodies lured them uncontrollably, and a deal was easy.

  In due course they came to a Gray Chroma zone. “I think this is the last one,” Nonce said. “I feel it getting close."

  “It will be a pleasure to let no fault be for a while,” Aspect said.

  They approached the Gray Chroma fringe station. This one had a nondescript gray-haired woman. That meant they would have to make some other kind of deal.

  “Confusion,” the gray woman said. “You wish to cross the zone?"

  “We believe so,” Aspect said patiently. “We are not sure of our destination, but believe it is close beyond."

  “That would be Death Valley. No one goes there."


  “It is part of a thick ribbon of barren terrain that extends throughout this region. It is nonChroma and deadly; few things live there, and only knowledgeable folk even approach it. Your mission is surely elsewhere."

  The three of them did not need to exchange a glance or thoughts. This sounded like the kind of place where something essential would be hidden, like magic yarn. “Perhaps. But we feel the need to check."

  “Introduction: I am Malkin."

  Sometimes peer-naming could be unkind. The word Malkin meant a rag mop or an untidy woman. Evidently she had reason for more comprehensive dialogue, so was taking a necessary step toward it.

  “We are the women Speck and On, and the girl No."

  “If you are determined to visit Death Valley, you will need a guide from Village Edge, adjacent to it. Otherwise you will be in peril. But even their experienced guides are not keen on penetrating that wilderness. They will make a demand."

  Here it came: the price. “Continue."

  “They have a situation in Village Edge. They are looking for a person or persons to represent an unpopular side in a decision on exile."

  “And this will be their price for a competent guide into Death Valley,” Aspect said. She wondered whether this could resemble the situation Throe and Gale had faced when they had been required to judge Augur and Aura, the cross-Chroma lovers. Travelers were liable for what local folk avoided.


  “What is the side?"

  “That is something they decline to divulge, but it must be extremely awkward. I am unable to make a recommendation, other than caution."

  This time Aspect did exchange the glances. “We seem to be without choice. We will go there and negotiate with them. But first we need to obtain passage to that village."

  “I will provide it without other requirement. The villagers have agreed to recompense me for any effort I make on their behalf."

  “Agreement,” Aspect said. Her dragon seed had not buzzed. Of course the seeds had limits, and did not seem to be concerned about things like awkwardness or embarrassment, only safely and truth. Malkin had not lied.

  The gray woman ushered them into her coach. Actually it was more like a boat, having no wheels and being open above. There were three seat-benches across it with room for two people on each. Aspect sat with Malkin in the front seat, and Ennui and Nonce sat in the real seat, leaving the middle one empty for balance.

  “Fasten belts.” Malkin demonstrated by drawing up straps that were tied into the seat, and knotting them across her lap. She waited while the others did the same. “The ride can veer."

  Aspect tried to peek into the gray woman's mind, but it was thoroughly opaque. The gray Chroma really did stifle other magic, it seemed, to a degree.

  The craft moved. It slid forward along a shallow indented track, self propelled. Its progress was smooth, as if the track were a slippery chute, as perhaps it was. She saw that the track curved sinuously ahead, and the boat followed it, gaining speed. When it came to a curve, it swung around it, throwing the passengers outward with surprising force. But the seat belt held, and no one toppled off the seat or out of the boat.

  “Comment: Each Chroma zone has a different type of transport,” Aspect remarked.

  “We prefer our own.” Evidently the woman wasn't much for conversation.

  They zoomed across the gray monochrome landscape at considerable velocity. Aspect saw gray trees, houses, lakes, and people, all looking much like those elsewhere, except for the color. She saw other sliding tracks, some with boats moving. Sometimes tracks diverged into two, or merged; they interconnected in much the manner of roads, except that there were no right angles. Some tracks formed bow-like loops. Aspect didn't understand that until she saw a boat zoom from one track, around a loop, and onto a new track going a different direction, without
ever stopping or even slowing much. That was it: no stopping, therefore greater efficiency.

  After a time they came to a gray village. The boat smoothly slowed, and finally glided to a stop at an outlying house. An old man emerged as they untied their seat belts and got out of the boat.

  “Greeting,” the man said.

  “Acknowledged,” they chorused.

  “Welcome to Village Edge."


  “Introduction: I am Elder Reaper."

  They named themselves.

  Then Malkin got to business: “These travelers need to visit Death Valley. They may be willing to serve your need."

  Reaper didn't hesitate. “Hospitality of the village for the duration, and a competent guide to Death Valley when the matter is concluded."

  Aspect paused momentarily, listening for a buzz from her dragon seed. There was none. “Agreement."

  “Parting,” Malkin said, returning to her boat. She seemed relieved. Perhaps other attempts had not worked out.

  “Parting,” they echoed as the boat slid away.

  “You did not inquire as to the matter we contemplate,” the elder said.

  “Our need is urgent,” Aspect answered. “Your terms seem fair."

  “Nevertheless, we shall give you the option of declining, after you understand its nature, provided you will agree to keep it private."

  “We agree not to bruit it about elsewhere,” Aspect said.

  Reaper glanced at the others; they nodded acceptance.

  “We have in our village two women whom some wish to exile; others wish to let them be. There will be a hearing and a decision. The women need a person or persons to argue their case effectively, as they are not apt at public presentations.” He paused, awaiting their response.

  Aspect had appeared in public many times, as queen, and was fair spoken. Now, with Gale's ikon enhancing her body and mind, she knew she could be quite effective. “I am apt, if there is a reasonable case to be made."