Page 37 of Key to Destiny

The cloud, now fully silver, floated away, disappearing into the silver Chroma zone.

  They went to the place the ifrit had passed. There was a worn path there. This was evidently a regular crossing site.

  They continued exploring, but that single observation weighed on Gale's mind. Nothing like that existed on Charm. This would bear further investigation.

  Swale rejoined her during another rest. “Oh, I forgot about our experiment,” Gale said.

  That's all right. I was with Futility and Havoc. They really got it on, upright in a field.

  “I'll bet."

  He pretends to desire her sexually, and she pretends to desire to be desired. So they have passionless sex, maintaining the forms. But this time it got away from them, and they indulged in phenomenal ardor. They like each other better than either admits.

  “That happens. Are you ready to try for Charm?"

  Affirmation. I'll orient on Spanky, as she's the one I have most been with. Parting.

  Gale felt the succubus depart. But in a moment she returned. Couldn't make it, she reported with regret.

  Gale had an idea. “Try for the Lady Aspect."

  But I hardly ever go near her.

  “She has my ikon. That gives us a closer connection. I can't reach her telepathically from here, but maybe you can follow the ikon channel to her."

  On my way.

  This time she did not return. Gale was getting concerned, but then Swale reappeared. I made it! I explained to her, and she is willing to help. Once I was there, I had no difficulty reaching Spanky.

  “Satisfaction.” They had established a viable contact with the home world that did not require a physical Glamor trip, which was a more complicated matter.

  Now all she had to ponder was the matter of the ifrits.

  The whats?

  Gale explained what they had seen.

  I wonder if they are related to spirits.

  “I doubt it. These seem to be physical entities, normally diffuse enough to float."

  She discussed it with Havoc that evening. The quest for whatever was on the map was not going well; they were encountering things that balked even Glamors. He seemed glad enough for this distraction. “We have seen more of those clouds, but thought they were confined to their Chroma. You actually saw one change Chroma?"

  “An ifrit,” she agreed. “Weft named it. Those things are more than clouds. That was what looked like a conscious decision. It couldn't float across the nonChroma zone, so it coalesced into a form that could cross, did so, then returned to normal—taking on the new color. This is something we need to know more about."


  “Do you need Augur and Aura for the main mission? It occurred to me that they might go into a Red or Blue Chroma zone and study those clouds."

  “We can spare them. They are good people, but they can't move the way Glamors can, and Glamors have to be assigned to watch them in case of danger. If they got into their own Chroma zones, they could protect themselves. In fact, Ini and Futility could join them; they could protect those two as well as we could, in Chroma."

  “Ini can protect herself, in an Air Chroma zone. But yes, let's do that, because this could be important."


  Then things got complicated with the children, and further dialogue was impossible.

  * * *

  Chapter 6—Ifrits

  Augur kissed Aura good morning, and went out to help organize breakfast. The beauty of this Glamor bower struck him again: it was nonChroma, except for particular trees, which must have been planted and specially maintained. They were all the colors of the Chroma, each tree one color: Blue, Red, Silver, Black, and so on. Spot monochrome, surely tended in each case by the relevant Glamor. He had never imagined such an effect before coming here. They must have adapted miniChroma zones of the kind he had seen in the impact crater where they found the altar. The Ladies Ennui, Aspect, and Nonce had also done some farming in such zones, to make the tapestry. So obviously it was possible, but still a novelty.

  Gale was already out, generating foodstuff to shape into assorted types. She reminded him strongly of Aura, and he realized that this was to be expected; both were changelings of similar age.

  “Surely you should not have to be doing all this in addition to caring for your children, Lady,” he said. “Aura and I can—"

  “You can't conjure food in a nonChroma zone,” she said. “Symbol is handling the children at the moment. And you deserve your rest."

  That was another remarkable thing: the king's mistress spending more time with the king's wife and children than with the king. “But—"

  “I'm a Glamor, remember. I don't tire physically. But I'm glad you're here. We have a special assignment for you and Aura."

  “We are happy to do whatever we can."

  “We want you to go into one of your Chroma zones and study the ifrits."


  “The children named them. They are traveling clouds that can condense into balls to roll across nonChroma sections. Then they seem to return to cloud status, and assume the new Chroma zone's color."

  “This is more than interesting."

  “Agreement. Take Ini and Futility and make an extended observation. We want to know all about the ifrits."

  “Lady, this could take some time."

  She stepped close and kissed him, exactly as Aura was apt to do to stifle his protests about something. “Take the time. I suspect this could be important."

  “As you wish, Lady.” Already he liked the notion; this was a chance to be genuinely useful to the mission.

  “How is Red?"

  He hesitated. “In what sense?"

  “In the sexual sense. I understand she was with you when you fetched the altar ikon, but then you caught on to her nature. That would have stifled things. But now that Havoc and Ini have figured out how Glamors can have sex with knowing mortals, Red can be with you again. How is she?"



  “The sex is great, and I am learning things. But there's no human feeling; I might as well be with Futility. And of course I'd always rather be with Aura."

  She nodded. “And I with Havoc. But with Glamors, sex is a prime pastime and variety is spice. The other Glamors have known each other in every sense for decades or centuries, so the new Glamors—Havoc and I—are in demand for novelty, and the mortals along on this mission also. We just have to put up with it until this mission is done."

  “Understanding.” He pondered a moment. “You and I met in sex, before we knew each other."

  “Before I turned Glamor,” she agreed.

  “You reminded me of Aura."

  “And you reminded me of Havoc."

  “So it was good."


  “I liked the kiss."

  She smiled. “We changelings are attracted to each other. It's the combination of the similarity of form and mind, and understanding of being the fourth, the odd one out."

  He nodded. “It's what I found in Aura, though she was of a different Chroma."

  “Chroma means less than it seems. As the ifrits may demonstrate. They may have mechanisms we can use."

  “Agreement. Rapid exchange of Chromas is unknown on Charm.” He hesitated. “Question."


  “This diversion of resources to study the ifrits—won't it delay the primary mission?"

  “Negation. That is already delayed."


  She made a gesture of “no concern.” “Reason: we are well aware that this is an alien world to us, and there are surely dangers we don't anticipate. Perhaps not for Glamors, but for you mortals. We value you and don't want to risk you."

  “Appreciation,” Augur said, smiling.

  “So we are exploring the boundaries of the region covered by the map, defining them and seeking news of anything hostile or dangerous. There are no humans here, but there could be something else. W
hile we make this check, you are free for other pursuits."

  That did clarify it. “Understanding."

  Aura emerged. “How can I help?"

  Gale considered. “I'm not sure dancing on the table is appropriate for breakfast."

  “Then I'd better scrub pots."

  “The Lady Gale wants us to go into a Chroma zone and study the ifrits."


  Now the children burst forth from their chamber, followed by Symbol, who carried the baby. “Ifrits!” Weft cried. “Clouds who turn into balls and change colors."

  “Appreciation for that clarification,” Aura said.

  “We saw,” Warp said.

  “It started Brown and went Silver,” Flame explained.

  “Rapidly,” Weft said. “Within half an hour."

  The children had better vocabularies than Augur had realized; they were precocious, perhaps unsurprisingly. “And we will be observing how they do it,” he said. “We'll go with Ini and Futility."

  The Red Glamor appeared. “And I will guard you."

  Augur saw Aura considering: him with four women, one a Glamor, two with ikons. But she shrugged, accepting it. “That should be interesting.” He wasn't sure exactly how she meant it.

  Now others were appearing. They proceeded to breakfast, and discussed the mission.

  “I wonder,” Augur said. “Could we locate a region where Red and Blue Chroma overlap?"

  “Delight!” Aura said. For this would mean that both of them would have magic, as well as a zone whose essential properties would be familiar to them. Delight indeed!

  “There is such a region,” Ini said. “At the edge of the Tapestry map. I remember it from my study of it before we came here."

  Futility brought out the map, and they checked. She was correct. There seemed to be a small area of overlap. “There is our study site,” Augur said.

  Then little Weft asked a question. “Will the ifrit go there?"

  And there was the problem. Why should an ifrit go there? It would be sheer chance to have one of the clouds pass through that limited spot, and since there was no nonChroma zone there, no condensation to solid form would be necessary.

  “But there are other borders,” Aura said. “We can use the Purple zone as a base, and work outward until we find an ifrit crossing path. Then we can wait for one to cross."

  “Meanwhile there will be plenty else to study,” Ini said, satisfied.

  When the meal was done, they organized for the trip. The region was too far for them to walk in less than several days, so Glamors transported them. The Red and Blue Glamors took Augur and Aura, as before, while the Green and Translucent Glamors took Ini and Futility. Augur was aware that Futility had spent the night with Translucent, and he might seek further liaisons with her, just as Red would with Augur. Blue matched Aura's Chroma. Green seemed just to be helpful.

  Each Glamor embraced his or her mortal companion. Then they jumped, as they called it, to the site. They landed in the middle of the Purple Chroma zone. It was larger than it had seemed on the map. It felt like home.

  “Joy,” Aura said.

  “We will return in the evening,” Red said to Augur. “But we are attuned; if you have trouble, scream mentally for help."

  “In this zone, we should be able to take care of ourselves,” Augur said. “That is part of its appeal. But we appreciate your alertness."

  “Parting.” Red disappeared. But in a moment he felt her near presence. She was embracing him and kissing him, invisible. “I am not through with you, Red man,” she murmured. “Any more than Green is through with the Air girl.” Then she was truly gone.

  The Green Glamor had an interest in Ini? That would explain his helpfulness. Maybe he was simply ensuring that she would be amenable for sex. Ini with the ikon was a different creature from the socially shy girl whose family despaired of placing well, as Augur knew. But with or without the ikon she was a worthwhile person. He hoped the Glamor was making it plain that sex was all he wanted. It would be a shame to see Ini hurt.

  “Clarification,” Ini said for Futility's benefit, half startling him. He was glad for the moment that they weren't telepathic. “The two of you can do magic in this zone?"

  “Accuracy,” Aura said. “We have had experience, and are comfortable in Purple."

  “And of course in your own colors. So Futility and I should not depart these colors without making sure you know it. So you can protect us."

  “Agreement,” Augur said. “Unless you find an Air Chroma zone to step into."

  “That would be nice, but there is none here. So we will stay with the two of you, unless some other arrangement is expedient."

  “That's fine."

  “We should catalogue what we find here, so as not to waste time while waiting for the ifrits. With luck an ifrit will pass this region. Then we can focus on it."


  They got to work. First they delimited the Purple Chroma zone. Its boundaries were fuzzy, fading into red on one side and blue on the other, with nonChroma corridors at either end as the two Chroma zones curved away from each other. This was exactly as it had been on Charm. The plants here were purple, and surely the animals too.

  He checked the plants avidly. There were some he recognized, and more he didn't. The theory was that all the living inhabitants of both worlds had come from elsewhere in the universe, so it made sense that some would be the same. Presumably they were carried on planetoids and dust that flew through space and crashed on the planets. Possibly some had been seeded by colonizing ships from other worlds, as was the case with human beings and a few of the plants they brought with them. So some would land on one world, some on the other, and some on both.

  He wasn't sure whether he was more interested in the ones that were the same, or the ones that were different. Both were important. So he asked. “Ini."

  The Air Chroma woman was there immediately. “Here."

  “Ultimately I want to catalogue all the plants here, and Aura will do the animals. But which should I tackle first: familiar or unfamiliar?"

  “Familiar,” she said. “Rationale: you can do them more efficiently, and establish classifications. Then you will have a notion what Charm flora are missing here, and what Counter Charm ones are new."

  That did make sense. “You have thought about this."

  “I live for knowledge,” she said sincerely. “This is paradise."

  “We'll start at one end, where the Red and Blue Chroma zones converge, and work our way across the center, noting the familiar plants. On the return trip we'll note the novelties. I'm assuming that the great majority of plants will have global distribution, and that the Purple Chroma ones will be a representative sample. This is not necessarily the case, but will do for this present purpose."


  He smiled. “I like working with you already."

  “It's the ikon. It makes me sexy."

  “That must be it."

  “But let's omit the seduction for now."

  It was not entirely banter; he did know her and like her, and she really was sexy now. She was also competent. “I believe you are familiar with the broad classifications."

  “And the narrow ones,” she agreed. “However, I am not a specialist."

  “I am. Here is a slime brier, virtually identical to those of Charm."

  “Agreement. Futility."


  Ini spoke the technical term for the slime brier, and Futility noted it rapidly on her pad.

  They moved on, and it worked remarkably well. Augur could have made the notes himself, but that would have slowed him. He judged that Ini's cooperation doubled his speed, and Futility's doubled hers. He called out the familiar plants at a faster rate, and they kept pace.

  He glanced across at Aura. She was stalking animal life. When she saw his glance, she gave him a hand signal, then disappeared. She could do magic now, as could he, and could spy on timid creatures far better if
she became undetectable. He felt her mind trace; neither of them was telepathic, but they had the connection of love, and in-Chroma were aware of each other's nearness.

  Augur strode forward—and the ground gave way beneath him. Startled, he reacted instinctively: he floated in place, refusing to fall. It was good to be back in Chroma!

  “That's a feeder trap,” Ini said. “Don't enter it."

  “Agreement,” he said, using telekinesis to move the loose material below him aside. This exposed a deep pit with a smooth rounded dirt bottom. He concentrated to penetrate illusion, and saw the reality: a nest of writing tentacles, some with stout pincer claws. Had he fallen to the bottom, those tentacles would have wrapped around his legs and the pincers would have started chopping him up. “Confirmation. This is a feeder. It will go on Aura's list."

  He used his magic again, this time to restore the artful cover over the pit. But he made one change: he conjured a red stick to set on top of it, so that the site was plainly marked amidst the universal purple. That would prevent Ini or Futility from falling in. Not that they were likely to.

  They worked their way across the zone. In the center, where the overlap of red and blue magic was thickest, was a clearing with bare ground. They approached it carefully, but there was no masked pit. It was just packed dirt.

  “This would make a good campsite,” Ini said. “We could conjure material for a tent and sleep in comfort."

  The notion appealed. “And resume work that much sooner in the morning,” Augur agreed.

  “Without having to service Glamors all night,” Futility said. “Or be alert for rambunctious children."

  Aura appeared. “That would be nice."

  “Actually, my ikon makes me lusty,” Ini said. “I don't mind Glamor attention; it can really satisfy me."

  “You could signal for the Green Glamor,” Augur said.

  She was suddenly embarrassed. “Oh, I wouldn't do that. He surely has other business."

  “Take Augur,” Aura said with a certain resignation.

  “Apology. I don't wish to—"

  “If we return to the main camp tonight, we'll all be taken by Glamors,” Aura said. “If we stay here, two of us can rest, and the benefit of an early start remains."

  The others nodded. “We can pretend I want a night with three women,” Augur said.