Page 51 of Key to Destiny

  “They were bad ones,” Ennui agreed. “Brigands, really. Not all men are like that."

  By this time the trio had caught up to them. “What seems to be the problem?” the young woman inquired, though they had surely heard the details during their approach.

  Aspect turned as if startled, making a small gasp of surprise. “Oh! Who are you?"

  “Just a maiden with her brothers,” the woman said. That much was true. “Seeking no mischief.” That was untrue; they were scouting the situation to see what offered.

  “Thank the planet!” Aspect exclaimed, inhaling, while Ennui looked more wary. “My sister and I are lost and need direction. Where is Village Corncob from here?” That village was a fair distance, and one this trio had never been to. That meant that the two of them really were stranded far from home.

  “Why, I'm not sure,” the woman said. She turned to her brothers. “What do you think?” She wasn't asking about the village.

  “It's a go,” one man said, eying Aspect's shapely bottom that her inadequate skirt did not sufficiently conceal.

  “I don't understand,” Aspect said.

  “We'll take care of you,” the man said, grabbing her arm.

  “Sister!” Ennui cried. “These are more brigands! Flee!"

  Aspect screamed and tried to run, but the man hauled her in, holding her fast with an arm around her neck. Ennui also tried to escape, after wasting time dumbfounded, but the other woman tackled her.

  Then it was exactly as in the game. The second man ripped off Aspect's shirt and yanked down her skirt. She struggled ineffectively, not using her real strength. In a moment he bared his erect member and wedged it into her crotch, finding the place. He shoved with force, entering her fully, completing the rape.

  That's it, Aspect thought. He's done it, and the others are accomplices.

  Complete stage two, Ennui thought.

  Then it changed. Aspect clamped on the member inside her, holding it in a viselike grip. It could not be torn off in the manner of a golem member, but it did hold the man painfully in place. She reached up with her supposedly ineffective hands to catch the lapels of his shirt in a cross-armed grip, digging the edges of her crossed wrists into the sides of his throat. It was a blood strangle, squeezing the buried carotid arteries that supplied blood to the brain, and in seconds he was unconscious. He sagged against her as she released his captive penis; she had no further use for it.

  “Hey!” the brother said, catching on that something was amiss. He had been holding her in place, but her action had been so fast and masked that he had missed most of it. Then he gagged as a lasso caught him from behind, dropping over his head and tightening around his neck. He let go of Aspect and tried to get hold of the rope, but it jerked him off his feet as it throttled him.

  The sister started to protest, but found she had a problem of her own. Helpless Ennui had suddenly turned competent, and put her in a harsh submission hold. In a moment she too was unconscious. Throe had not been joking when he said that Ennui was now stronger than he was; it was true, and she was in no gentle mood.

  Throe came forward. “Remind me never to antagonize either of you Amazons."

  “We'll be enticingly weak women again soon, when we revert,” Aspect said. “Now for stage three."

  They carried the unconscious trio to the hidden coach and dumped them inside. Throe used cord to tie their hands and feet together, then joined the coachman in front, leaving the captives in the charge of the women.

  As the coach started moving, following Throe's instructions, the captives recovered consciousness. “What?” the rapist demanded groggily.

  “We are taking you for a ride,” Aspect said. “You will not be returning."

  “Huh?” He tried to struggle, but couldn't get anywhere. Throe knew his business; the bonds were secure.

  “You are cheaters, rapists, and killers,” Aspect said. “Mostly indulging your foul appetites in the guise of a game, but not averse to doing it for real when opportunity arises. You raped me, and so I am punishing you."

  He was not quite ready to believe it. “You bitch—what did you do to me?"

  “I strangled your penis and throat. You will feel the bruises if you concentrate."

  He hardly needed to concentrate. He winced as he took stock of himself.

  The other two were reviving. “You're not helpless women,” the woman said. “You set us up. Why?"

  “Remember a young woman you befriended at the golem game two days ago?” Ennui asked her. “You set her up for rape and murder."

  “She was a fool,” the woman said scornfully. “A plum for picking."

  “Sometimes fools have friends."

  “We didn't hurt her,” the rape man said.

  “Not physically,” Ennui agreed. “Not directly. But it was still unfair, and it was an ugly shock for her."

  “It's all in the game. Next time she'll know better."

  “Next time perhaps you will know better too,” Aspect said. “You had better, because I doubt your new community will tolerate much of your nature."

  “What are you talking about? What new community?"

  “Limbo,” Aspect said succinctly.

  “Huh?” He had never heard of it.

  But the woman had. “You can't! That's for political crimes."

  “It's for folk we can't afford to have in circulation. Technically you aren't bad enough to kill, so we are merely removing you from our society."

  “We'll come back!” the rapist said threateningly.

  But the woman was pale around the gills. “No one comes back from there."

  “And perhaps those other game players who knew your ways will take warning from your mysterious disappearance,” Aspect said.

  “In fact, perhaps that type of game will be shut down,” Ennui said. They shared a certain grim satisfaction.

  In due course they arrived at the Limbo lake. Throe approached the boatman, who knew him. The three tied people were put on the boat.

  “Please!” the woman cried, her toughness gone.

  Aspect shrugged. “You never can tell the future. Should the king ever need you, he'll fetch you. Meanwhile, do your best to fit in. Your old life is finished."

  The boat moved across the hot water, disappearing into the night. The deed was done.

  The coach took them back to Triumph City by dawn. Throe gave the man a bonus gemstone. “Forget this day and night,” he said.

  “Forgotten.” The coach moved off.

  “Realization,” Aspect said as they walked to the ferry. “We were several hours in the Brown Chroma zone. We could have divested ourselves of the ikons."

  “Negation,” Ennui said. “I tried it, without success. There must be stored magic that takes more than a day to dissipate."

  Aspect sighed. “Then we'll have to arrange a longer stay in Chroma zones."

  “We can travel,” Ennui agreed. “And have one last great sexual fling before reverting to normal dull women."

  “There will always be a place for dull women,” Throe said.

  “With dull men,” Aspect said. “Lovable dull men."

  They all laughed, understanding each other. But Aspect feared this was going to be more of a challenge than they had anticipated. How long would the ikons retain their power while in Chroma zones? This could be an extended excursion.

  * * * *

  They waited silently at the Traveler's Exchange, preferring to answer some other traveler's specification than to make their own. That would help them remain anonymous, here in Triumph City where someone might recognize them.

  In due course two men stood in the center. “We are returning to our home village Applesauce after delivering our season's produce,” one said. “We have a covered wagon with bedding and enough food, but aren't good hands at women's work. We'd like a woman, no fault, for the trip. We can trade for transport across the Chroma zones, so she won't have to."

  There were a number of woman in the Exchange, but none resp
onded. It might be that none were going that way, or that none cared for the busy nights that no fault travel with two men promised.

  Ennui exchanged a glance with Aspect. It didn't matter where they went, so long as they remained for a sufficient time within Chroma zones. Applesauce was a fair distance; this should do it. They could certainly handle two rustic men, but would pretend reluctance.

  Aspect raised her hand. “My friend and I are going that way, lacking trading goods."

  The man looked at them. “Done.” He was evidently a fair judge of the physical forms of women.

  They gathered privately and exchanged introductions. “I'm Andy,” the one who had made the announcement said. “This is my friend Bummer."

  “I am Speck,” Aspect said. “My friend is On."

  “We are going beyond Applesauce,” Ennui said, “but your bedding and food will help us on our way."

  “And your womanly expertise will help us on ours,” Andy said.

  “About no fault: we prefer to get our rest at night,” Ennui said, playing it coy. “Shall we say once early, one on one, and we have our own bedding?” Part of her remained surprised by the coolness with which she negotiated; her old self would never have had either the nerve or the sexual power to compel strange men.

  There was a pause. “You are handsome women,” Andy said. “We would prefer you sharing our beds."

  Ennui made a show of considering. “Do you wager?"

  And licked his lips. “In a fair game, with fair stakes, yes."

  “We wager. If we win, we get to sleep alone, after one event for each of you, each night. You win, you get us in your beds for an hour."

  “Two hours."

  Ennui exchanged a glance with Aspect. “Done. What wager?"


  “We're not much on luck. We'd prefer some contest of skill."

  Andy laughed. “About our only halfway skill is telling stories, and not the kind you ladies might care for."

  Ennui had heard a fair number of stories over the years, being a good deal older than she looked. Since her purpose was to make a show of reluctance, and lose, this was fine. She and Aspect would get intense sex for two hours, while on record as not seeking it. “We can tell stories too."

  The men considered that chance of winning two hours. “Who judges?"

  “The villagers, first stage we get. You tell one, we tell one, they vote."


  They went to the men's covered wagon at the nearest Chroma zone staging area. It wasn't fancy, but it was well made, to handle the heavy load of canned applesauce it had delivered. The supplies weren't fancy but were adequate. There was room for four mattresses, but it would be more comfortable if they were put together, two by two. We lose, we forget to leave after two hours, Aspect thought. Ennui agreed. The men would not be sexually active all night; the male ambition was generally greater than male performance. But they could probably be tapped once or twice during the night, and in the morning. The novelty of clasping women this shapely would surely rev them up considerably.

  The Blue Chroma proprietor came to check with them and collect the trade. “Got an animal resting now. Ready in an hour."

  “Satisfactory,” Andy said.

  When they were on their own again, Andy turned to Ennui. “How soon is early?"

  Ennui smiled. Oh, he was eager! “Now, if you want. But that's it for today, unless you win the wager."

  “We'll take it."

  Andy had the first turn. He took Ennui inside the wagon while Aspect and Bummer remained outside. Ennui sat and removed her shirt, then slid off her skirt. It was shadowed inside, but there was enough light for him to see her clearly enough.

  He pursed his lips. “I knew you were a looker, but you're more than that."

  “Much more,” she said. “Are you staying dressed?"

  “Negation.” He had been distracted by the sight of her. He hastily got bare. His erection sprang up as his trousers came off. He was certainly ready.

  She didn't make him wait. She pounced on him, bore him back, and lay on top of him. She found his member and fitted the connection, then slid down to make it deep and tight. She found his face and kissed him.

  He erupted. He couldn't help it, as she had intended. “Deal,” she whispered in his ear. “If you can come again without falling out, I'll count it as one."

  He rose manfully to the challenge. Such was the excitement of the occasion, he managed to maintain penetration despite softening. She lifted her upper body so that her breasts hung down, just touching his chest, and let his hands fondle them. She was rather proud of those breasts, never having had a pair like them before the ikon. She loved proving their power over men, and they did not fail her this time. Before long he stiffened again, and she let him roll her over so he could finish it his way. He was phenomenally grateful—and she had had enough contact to climax twice herself.

  As she did this, she pondered the extent of the change she had undergone in the past year and a half. She had been a frowzy aging woman who had never related well to men or sex or, indeed, life itself. She had gambled her life on finding a new lifestyle, and succeeded beyond her dream. Havoc, the barbarian, had transformed her life. But that was only stage one. She had remained herself, in a remarkable new role as the king's most trusted friend.

  Then Havoc and Gale had turned Glamor, and given Ennui and Aspect their ikons to hold. And that seemingly innocuous act of trust had transformed the two women, at first subtly, then remarkably. Now they not only were capable of attracting men sexually, they craved the sex itself. Repeatedly. At first Ennui had thought it was the unfamiliar joy of being desired. Now she knew it was straight raw desire. Stage two. She was having sex with a man she'd never seen before an hour ago, because she needed frequent sexual fixes.

  The original Ennui would have freaked out at the very notion. The stage one Ennui would have disdained it. But the stage two Ennui actively sought it.

  And what would stage three bring?

  She had to be rid of the ikon. She adored what it did for her, but her rational mind, also enhanced by the ikon, knew this had to end. It was like being high on a happiness spell rather than on reality. There was bound to be a consequence.

  Andy subsided in bliss. “Gotta win that wager,” he gasped.

  She wanted him to win too. That was the ironic horror of it.

  They dressed and got out of the wagon. “'Bout time,” Bummer said. His trousers were bulging impatiently. He and Aspect scrambled into the wagon.

  Ennui remembered about playing coy. “But if we win, we sleep alone,” she reminded Andy.

  “We'll keep our word. But you sure showed me—and I'll bet your friend is showing Bummer right now."

  “So you both know we're worth the wager."

  “We know!"

  The men didn't really know anything, fortunately.

  When the others emerged, Bummer looked dazed. Aspect had surely educated him about city-style sex.

  “Now we need to plan,” Ennui said. She had plenty of experience organizing things for the king; it came naturally to her. “If we play this right, we can gain lodging and maybe even a good evening meal at a village, so that your supplies will stretch farther."

  “Doubt,” Andy said. “But we're willing to be surprised again."

  “We have a wager,” she said. “We can use it to gain more than just our private settlements."


  She explained. The men listened, and nodded. “If you can set it up, we'll go along,” Andy said.

  The animal came, a blue six legged rhino, huge and surly but obedient to its master. The entire wagon was strapped to its back, and it lumbered on at an amazing speed. The ride was rough; this was second class service, all the men could afford. But it was fast enough. By day's end they were at the far side of the Blue Chroma zone.

  “Now let's see if we can sleep in style,” Ennui said. “If we can proffer entertainment, villagers may be
willing to trade."

  “And we'll get our contest,” Andy said, licking his lips. The sexual sample had whetted his appetite for much more. That was the beauty of playing coy.

  Ennui approached the blue camp attendant. “Question: we'll be moving on tomorrow. We'd like to trade for lodging at a village tonight by telling stories. Is there a village near?"

  The man eyed her. She knew she looked rag-tag, by no accident. “You don't look like a minstrel troupe."

  “We aren't. We're amateurs. But we'd like to give it a try."

  He shrugged and pointed. “Walk that way."


  They walked along the blue path, through blue field and forest. Ennui had visited Chroma zones many times, but always briefly, and they remained intriguing. Probably to the zone natives, these shades of blue were as good as full color, and they didn't even notice the lack of variety.

  As she walked, Ennui rearranged her clothing to flatter her outline and offer sufficient peeks of flesh. Aspect, picking up on her cue, did the same.

  The village was blue too, and all the people in it. The four visitors were immediately the cynosure; they were the only non-blue folk there.

  The village elder came out to intercept them. “Introduction: I am Elder Condor of Village Deuce."

  “I am On, and my companions are Speck, Andy, and Bummer. We are travelers weary of the road who would like to trade for a comfortable night's lodging. We are amateur storytellers."

  “Not minstrels?"

  “Not minstrels,” she agreed. “Yet we have an angle."


  “We two women would prefer to sleep separately. The men want us in their beds. So we have a wager: whoever tells the best story wins the case. But we need judges to decide the issue. We propose to tell our stories to the villagers and let them decide."

  The Elder considered as Ennui coincidentally turned, showing her profile to advantage. He surely recognized the interest the villagers would have in a case like this, regardless of the merit of the stories. Sex was always intriguing, especially when there was a conflict of interests. Particularly when there were shapely women involved. “You will announce this?"