Page 55 of Key to Destiny

  “Oooh!” she moaned, in orgasm before she knew it.

  The member pulsed, and she felt it jetting thick fluid. This, too, generated pleasure that radiated outward from her groin. Now the rapture was at her mouth, breasts, and cleft. She was transported by the triple climax, kissing the mouth, pressing her breasts into the torso, and clenching involuntarily on the stem, milking it of all it offered.

  Slowly it faded. Embarrassed for her wanton display, she lifted herself off the plant. Sticky green moisture covered her front. She would have to wash it off.

  “That wouldn't show on a green woman,” Swale said. “She'd carry it to the next male flower and rub it well in."

  “Now I appreciate what travelers see in such plants,” Ennui said as she wiped herself off and dressed. “No man ever delivered a climax like that."

  “Plants don't go for nuances of personality or commitment,” Swale said. “Just for what works."

  “It certainly works!"

  “Next one's mine,” Aspect said.

  “But that won't propagate the plant,” Ennui protested, only half joking.

  “There will surely be other orchids."

  They walked on, admiring the other plants. Ennui realized that it was fortunate that the Nature Trail was cultivated, because otherwise there would have been a mix of predator plants. Of course she and Aspect were more or less invulnerable to physical attack, but other travelers weren't.

  There was another female orchid, then another male, and Aspect did strip and try it. She was almost comical to watch as she reacted, writhing and moaning in bliss; Ennui was glad Aspect hadn't laughed at her, and she kept a straight face now. She understood exactly what it felt like.

  “Think what boy and girl orchids could do for each other,” Swale said.

  “They surely are immune, even if they could travel around to do it."

  “A walking sex orchid!” Swale said, laughing. “What a market there would be for that."

  They did pause at two other flowers farther along. This time the effect was not as potent. They were developing immunity, or perhaps the ikons were acting to counter what could become a dangerous habit.

  Before evening they came to a closed campsite. They approached the green gatekeeper. “Passes, please,” he said. Then, glancing at them, he eyed them with new appraisal. “No fault."

  “Agreement,” Ennui said.

  The accommodations were good, as was the food. Ennui got to shower and change. Then she joined the gatekeeper for the night, and Aspect joined the other station worker. The green men were evidently intrigued by nonChroma flesh, and also by the alert minds of the two women, but the greatest appeal was of course the vibrantly shapely bodies.

  Ennui thought about that as she settled to sleep after exhausting the green man's wildest dreams. When they gave up the ikons, this would cease. They would lose their invulnerability, their shapes, and their seeming youth. Also their extreme desire for sex. Could it be worth it? Yes, to hold their good men. But what about for itself?

  Eternal sex is overrated, Swale thought. I am in a position to know. I'd trade it all to have my ordinary living body back.

  “But what of this wonderful power over men, that makes traveling and trading so easy?” Ennui asked, subvocalizing so as not to disturb the man sleeping next to her.

  You would not be traveling at all, if you didn't have that. You don't need it for your job at the palace.

  And that was true. “Can you detect any diminution in the power of my ikon?"


  “But it should be fading, with all our walking and sexual activity in a Chroma zone."

  Let me verify. She felt the succubus checking her body in the way that only a spirit could.

  In a moment Swale had her report. You won't like this. Your body is drawing magic power from your Glamor.

  Ennui was shocked. “But it's supposed to be the other way! We support our Glamors, so that they never run out of magic."

  It seems they support you similarly. Fortunately they are staying mostly in nonChroma zones on Counter Charm.

  This was appalling. They could be putting their Glamors in danger by depriving them of their magic. “We have to return to nonChroma!"

  In the morning, lest you reveal something to your companions.

  The succubus was correct. “You must advise the Glamors, and tell them to remain in nonChroma until we can get out of this Chroma zone."

  Agreement. Parting. Swale was gone.

  Ennui could do nothing at the moment, so willed herself to sleep, another ability she had discovered since taking the ikon. She remained horrified, but at least they had discovered the problem before doing irreparable harm.

  In the morning she advised Aspect. “Swale has returned to tell the others, so they can protect themselves, but we need to get out of here promptly."

  “Agreement!” Aspect was as disturbed as she was.

  They did not complete the circuit, which would have taken several more days. They reversed course, stopped for nothing, and by midday were back at the entrance. They paused only long enough for Aspect to fulfill their commitment to the main gatekeeper. Then they were on their way to the nearest nonChroma zone.

  “I think we do not want to trade for Chroma passages,” Ennui said. “We must follow the nonChroma trails.

  “Agreement. We can walk it all if we have to."

  As it turned out, they didn't have to; they were able to bargain with traveling traders for wagon rides. They did not encounter Andy and Bummer, because those two traveled across Chroma zones; perhaps that was just as well, because they didn't want to discuss their supposed curse again.

  They rode by day, taking men into the rolling wagons for agreed trysts. When the wagons camped by night, the two women set out alone to walk the next lap. They were indeed indefatigable, and did not feel the lack of sleep; it seemed they could take sleep or leave it. This was a real test of their ikon powers. By morning they had reached another staging area, and caught another trading caravan.

  In two days they were back at Triumph City. Their men were glad to see them, but surprised by their manner of return. And appalled by the explanation.

  “We can't give up our ikons, in more than one sense,” Ennui told Throe. “But I beg you, as Aspect is begging Chief, not to give up on us yet. We'll do our best to find another way."

  “We'll support you throughout,” he agreed. “Meanwhile it is just as well you are back. The mocks have a problem."

  “We'll handle it, whatever it is.” Because Ennui and Aspect were the real powers behind the mock throne.

  Ennui caught Throe up on their spot adventures during the excursion. She checked in on Nonce, who was recovering nicely from her distress, knowing that the perpetrators had been effectively dealt with.

  “Spanky was a great help,” Nonce said. “We've been friends throughout. She consoled me."

  “That's right—when Havoc first came, Bijou was First Bath Girl—"

  “First Mistress of the Bath,” Nonce agreed.

  “Spanky was second, and you were third. You moved up to First when the others went to other duties, and I think you won't be returning there. You have become my associate, and Aspect's."

  “It is a royal privilege."

  “I'm glad you had Spanky when you needed her."


  Then Ennui and Aspect went to talk to the mocks.

  Swale's brother Berm was an excellent imitation of King Havoc, wearing the royal robes with flair, and of course the crown was real. The ten magic Chroma gemstones conflicted with the real Havoc's Glamor magic, so he now used an imitation crown, as did Gale. That was just as well, because it lent substantial protection to the mocks, who needed it.

  Spanky made just as good an emulation of Queen Gale, royally garbed, with her hair styled correctly and her expression carefully schooled. No one would guess that she was a former bath girl, except for her larger bottom, which she never showed when on duty. She gazed at th
e mock king with adoration she didn't need to feign, for she did love Berm. Swale had remarked on that; she was so pleased to see her brother with a really good girl. The bath girls were good; they were carefully selected to be pretty, smart, honest, and discreet, because they washed the body of the king and served any other need he might have. They normally moved on to other positions of privilege, and excellent marriages. Swale knew Spanky well, as she often inhabited her, though never when the two had sex. The succubus wanted no part of sibling incest. “But if she ever obliges some other man,” Swale had remarked, “I mean to be there to help her swing that outstanding ass."

  Things had worked out remarkably well. That seemed to be the way with Havoc; when he wasn't wreaking havoc, he was putting things together in rather neat fitting ways. He seemed to have a special talent for that, comprehending the nuances of human interactions and capacities in ways that should have been beyond a mere barbarian. Ennui herself was an example, as was Aspect, and of course Symbol. Old vessels turned to marvelous new purposes.

  Ennui bowed her head as she came into the royal presence, maintaining the facade. “Sire."

  “Good to see you, Ennui,” Berm said with the correct degree of royal gruffness. Spanky came forward to embrace Ennui and Aspect in token queenly manner, smiling graciously. She did it exactly correctly, for Aspect herself had taught her how.

  The king got down to business, having little time to waste on amenities. “In your absence we ran afoul of a clerical problem."

  “Apology, Sire, for being absent when there was need."

  “Negation,” he said, waving a hand to dismiss it. “The office had a query and the clerk couldn't answer; if anyone can fathom it, you can."

  “Best effort, Sire."

  “It seems three siblings disappeared. A coach was seen in the area with the king's bodyguard aboard. A slender straw, but the fourth sibling came to petition for information, in case there was a royal connection."

  Oops. Throe had been recognized. He had ridden up with the coachman, to guide him to Limbo, and someone had seen him. So they had not gotten away with it cleanly.

  “The king would have dismissed it out of hand,” Spanky said mischievously. “But the fourth sibling is a pretty girl. She's still here."

  “Jealous wench,” Berm said, spanking her bottom. He liked to do that, and she liked to receive it. It was a barbarian mannerism they had invented.

  Berm must have suspected their involvement, considering Nonce's case, so was giving them the chance to cover it properly.

  And how would they do that? She needed time to think. “Sire, allow me to research in the records. We do keep track of coaches and bodyguards. May I report to you in an hour?"

  “Granted, in the audience hall,” he said carelessly, and turned away.

  Spanky followed, leaving a significant glance behind. She was close to Nonce, of course, as they had been bath girls together, and surely approved the action. But the king's reputation must not be sullied. The mocks were fervent about that; they existed to protect Havoc's name.

  They went to Ennui's office. She didn't need to research; she knew exactly what had happened, and knew Havoc and Gale would approve. In fact Swale should already have informed them of the escapade. Had Havoc handled it himself, the trio might not have made it to Limbo; they would have been dead. He liked Nonce.

  “How do we wiggle out of this one?” Ennui asked Aspect. “That pretty girl is waiting for an answer. She surely knows the nature of her siblings, and suspects they overstepped."

  “It's always the unthought of detail that catches you,” Aspect said. “Anonymous coach, anonymous women, known bodyguard. We have to explain him."

  “Why would the king's bodyguard have anything to do with three rogues?"

  Aspect smiled. “Not with three rogues. With two women. Was he slumming, or fetching them for the king's amusement?"

  “Explain the two women,” Ennui agreed.

  “Why not the truth: they were bait for a trap."

  It was coming clear. “Because there was a rumor of brigands in the area, and the king hates brigands."

  When she reported back to the king, Ennui had changed her clothing, hair style, and makeup to look closer to her real age, and dowdy. Sure enough, the fourth sibling had been summoned to the audience. The elder sister had been fit and comely; this younger one was more than comely, just rising onto marriage age. Havoc would indeed have noticed her, and tried to help her.

  The king and queen were seated on their audience thrones. The girl stood with head bowed, awaiting notice.

  “Proceed,” the king said.

  “Introduction,” Ennui said. “I am the king's private secretary. I have researched this matter and learned that the king's bodyguard was indeed on a mission to that region. It seems that there was a suspicion of brigands in the area, but such outlaws can be hard to catch; they tend to fade away when authorities show up. The king became annoyed, and declared that firmer action must be taken. Therefore there was set what is called a honey trap: two innocent maidens were placed stranded on the trail where the brigands might pass. Guards under the authority of the king's bodyguard waited in ambush. Ordinary travelers would have helped the maidens, or at worst ignored them. But one small band showed by its actions that it was brigand, the two men attempting to molest one maiden, the female holding the other maiden for her turn. The trap sprang, the brigands were captured, and summarily exiled. They turned out to have no prior evidence of brigandage, or they would have been executed."

  Ennui met the young woman's gaze. “Now it may be that your siblings ran afoul of those brigands and came to bad ends. In that case you can be satisfied that justice has been done. The brigands will not return. Are you satisfied?"

  The girl looked as if she had narrowly dodged a thrown spear. “Satisfied,” she agreed faintly.

  “The audience is concluded,” the king announced grandly. “Accept our hospitality this day and night, and we will see you to your home on the morrow."

  “Appreciation, Sire,” the girl said with evidently mixed emotions.

  Ennui retired to her office. The girl had known the nature of her siblings’ diversions, and realized that she might be implicated. Ennui had offered her an implied exoneration, and she would have a royal story to tell when she got home. Would Berm actually take her to bed for the night? Probably not; Spanky would resent it, and despite her prettiness, the girl might have some of her siblings’ propensities. Best not to get too close to her.

  So the spot problem had been dealt with. But not the larger one of the ikons. What were they to do about them?

  Ennui sighed. They would have to ask Havoc. He would understand, and come up with something. But she wished they had been able to handle it on their own.

  * * *

  Chapter 9—Illusion

  “Trouble with the ikons?” Havoc asked, dismayed.

  “Swale was with Ennui,” Gale said. “They wish to divest themselves of their ikons."


  “The ikons are changing them, Havoc, you know that. They once were two rather staid middle aged women; now they are youthful sex bombs."

  “Agreement. What is the problem?"

  She laughed. “You know what. They're not themselves any more, Havoc. They're losing their identities. They would rather reverse the process."

  He remembered how the Ladies Ennui and Aspect had approached him, intimating that they would like to have sex with him. That had set him back, because it did not match his notion of them. If they reverted, that would relieve that awkwardness. “Then let them revert, once we find another place for the ikons."

  “They have a place: in the crowns."

  “Objection: we can't carry our own ikons."

  “The real crowns."

  Then he saw it. “The ones we don't wear! Ideal."

  “But they can't let go of the ikons. They seem to have become attached, and can no longer set them aside. So they traveled in Chroma zones, hoping
to cut off the magic so that the ikons would not be able to hold on—and discovered that the ikons were drawing power from their primaries."

  “Us,” Havoc said, seeing it. “To protect themselves from separation, in case of a threat to their bearers. Makes sense."

  “But since the ladies don't want to risk weakening us, they immediately returned to nonChroma and are on their way back to Triumph City. That leaves the problem unsettled."

  “There must be a way. We can tackle it when we return to Charm. Can they wait that long?"

  “They'll have no choice. Swale says they are indulging in an orgy of sex, trying to use it up before they revert. Meanwhile we'll have to ponder how to accomplish the separation. It may be best for Symbol, also."

  “But she's a naturally sexy creature."

  “True. Maybe for her the ikon will be no problem.” Gale faced him. “Now we have three choices: sleep, discuss the illusion challenge, or sex. Do you have a preference?"

  “It is a formidable challenge, even with the help of the ifrits."

  She unveiled her right breast. “I inquired whether you have a preference."

  “Maybe sleep will be the best preparation."

  She exposed her left breast. “I inquired—"

  “The left one,” he said hastily, kissing it.

  Then, laughing, they clasped each other for a fast hot connection.

  “Remind me to tell you that I love you,” she murmured as they finished.

  “Negation. It's my turn."


  “I love you."

  “Since when?"

  “Since that first Peek when we were children. You had the nicest little bottom."

  She bopped him on the buttock. “I've still got it."

  “And I still love you."

  Weft appeared beside them. “Please. We're trying to sleep. Turn down the emotion."