Page 6 of Tiger

  Zandy didn’t budge. She took a few deep breaths and stared at the woods around her, appreciating the beauty of what she saw but she couldn’t ignore the way her breasts felt achy. Her panties were soaked to the point she’d need to change them when she got home and it had spread to dampen her thighs. Desire still had her heart beating faster than normal.

  It would be unwise to risk her new job by sleeping with the head of security at the NSO. The bills, mortgage payment and her eating depended on avoiding getting fired. Is he really worth risking all that? Her eyes closed and all she could see was those eyes of his. They seemed to stare right into her soul when he looked at her and she shivered from the memory of his hands gripping her ass. Tiger was dangerous, unlike any other man she’d ever known and she’d never wanted anything more than him.

  Get in your car, damn it. Run! The last thing you need is to get involved with another man and this can’t go anywhere. You’ve sworn off men, remember? Two divorces, thirty-one years old and you’re always attracted to toxic men.

  She didn’t budge, just remained there with her eyes closed and silently listed all the reasons she needed to leave. She finally opened them and leaned down to collect her discarded shoes. She tossed them into the passenger side of her car and turned her head to watch the way he’d gone. Wise or not, she wasn’t leaving. He was coming back and she’d be there waiting when he did.

  On an up note she’d read that New Species were sterile and didn’t carry sexually transmitted diseases. He couldn’t knock her up or give her anything bad if they did end up having sex.

  * * * * *

  Tiger hauled the human out of the Jeep, shoved him at two of the officers and then handed over the rifle he’d confiscated from the jerk. “I caught him with this and took him to my Jeep to call it in but then he ran. I had to chase him down. He’s stupid so be wary.”

  The male who accepted responsibility for the prisoner nodded grimly. “Yes, Tiger.”

  “There may be more of them. Shut down the area, seal the gates and don’t allow anyone to leave or enter this way. I am going hunting.”

  “We’ll gather reinforcements to assist you.”

  “No.” Tiger shook his head. “I’m going alone. Make sure all the wall patrols are warned. Be sure they are wearing their protective gear in case of snipers. I’m turning off my radio. I plan to be totally silent while I search the woods.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” the second officer growled. “We are stronger in numbers.”

  “We’re also louder. I’m in charge and I just gave you an order. Seal it down. No one in or out and don’t be alarmed if you can’t contact me. I’ll be out there.” He spun to stomp back to the Jeep and leaped inside.

  His dick was still hard, his body burning to finish what he’d started with Zandy. He really hoped she hadn’t been lying. The thought of her being gone when he returned made him want to snarl.

  Another part of him hoped she wouldn’t be waiting. Touching her made him lose all control. He’d nearly taken her in front of a human witness and he didn’t even give a damn. He just wanted her.

  Her taste and the feel of her in his arms made him feel foreign, crazy things. He should return home to take a cold shower and find a Species female. They didn’t want commitment and were usually easy to understand despite Kit’s recent odd behavior. Zandy… Tiger had no idea what she wanted from him besides sex.

  No way was he taking a mate. He shook his head as he started the engine and threw it in drive, ignoring the worry on the other males’ faces as they watched him leave. He hated the tiny bit of guilt he felt over lying. The fact that he was willing to tell falsehoods to be with the attractive human rang alarm bells in his brain.

  Not that it stopped him from driving as fast as he could to return to where she hopefully waited. He took the turns a little too fast, broke the speed laws they had set for safety and only slowed when he came to the last curve of the road, to avoid hitting her car if it was still parked there.

  The sight of her made him want to roar in victory. She was his. He was going to strip her bare and do all the things he wanted. Raw hunger gripped him. He wanted Zandy Gordon and he was going to have her.

  He grinned, ecstatic all of a sudden as all doubt vanished. He’d worry about what it meant to want her, what she meant to him, later. Right now he just wanted to get her alone, away from the road, and put his hands back on her.

  There was a wide strip of grass that he used to park the Jeep. He tore the keys from the ignition and pocketed them as he jumped out. He strode right to her and held out his hand.

  “Give me your keys.”

  She blinked, obviously not expecting him to say that, but eased away from the car anyway. “They are in the ignition.”

  “I’m going to move your car off the road and park it behind my vehicle.”

  She nodded and inched away from her car as he moved impatiently. The urge to just bend, toss her over his shoulder and carry her deeper into the woods was strong. He doubted she’d appreciate his carnal thoughts of how he’d like to take her on the ground. He tried to cool his heated blood while he opened the door and attempted to wiggle his big body inside her car.

  The female had short legs and the steering wheel squeezed him until he got hold of the lever to shove the seat all the way back. The car smelled of her, laundry soap and something he couldn’t identify. He drove it off the road, parked it behind his Jeep and reached over to shove her purse under the seat, out of sight. The road was mostly secure but anyone could wander by if they were looking for trouble.

  The element of danger wasn’t missed by Tiger. He’d already found one human with a gun stalking the woods near Reservation walls. The man could have friends. That gave him pause as he removed the keys from the ignition, pocketed them and locked her car door.

  One look at Zandy’s steady green gaze and he decided she was worth some risk. He’d be aware of their surroundings and hoped he could remember to stay alert while he touched her. The smart thing would be to have her follow him back to the gates and take her to his house but the officers would talk. Tiger with a human female would cause a stir, considering his outspoken beliefs that Species males were foolish to hook up with them.

  Zandy chewed on her bottom lip, an uncertain expression making her appear fragile. He quickly closed the distance between them to scoop her up in his arms. She gasped but gripped his shoulders.

  “I can walk.”

  He resisted grinning, amused. She was light in his arms, felt good so close to him, and he wanted her there. “You’re not wearing shoes. I have you.” He forced his gaze from hers, turned toward his Jeep, and quickly headed that way.

  “Where are we going?” Zandy relaxed in Tiger’s arms.

  “I’m taking you away from the road. I don’t want any interruptions in case others are trespassing.” He paused by the side of the Jeep. “Do you see the blanket folded on the back bench? Could you please grab it?”

  She had to let go of him with one arm. He bent her over a little and she grabbed it and dropped it on her lap. Her arm wound around his neck again.

  “You really should let me walk. It’s just grass.”

  “I don’t want you to hurt your feet and where we are going there might be rocks and small twigs. Trust me. I have you.”

  Yes, you do, she admitted silently. The man was strong. He held her in his arms as if she didn’t weigh anything as he maneuvered through the trees quickly. It dawned on her that he was mostly a stranger. She was allowing him to take her deep into the woods and it probably wasn’t the brightest idea she’d ever had. He could be a serial killer but she doubted it. Something about him just made her trust him. Her intuition had been wrong before about people but Tiger wasn’t exactly a regular guy.

  “There is a pretty stream ahead,” he rasped. “We will go there.”

  That sounds romantic. She smiled, liking that. “Okay.”

  She studied his face. He really was gorgeous in a masculin
e, exotic kind of way. His hair did resemble a mane. The thick strands waved down his shoulders and the multicolored streaks were a truly striking sight. Her hand turned and she ran her fingers through some of it, enjoying the silky texture. His gaze flicked to hers for a second before he concentrated on where he stepped.

  “We’re almost there.”

  He had walked really fast but wasn’t out of breath and it made her realize how strong he must be. That probably should have made her a little leery of him but she didn’t feel any twinges of fear whatsoever. She was all for having sex with him. The chemistry between them was off-the-charts hot and his size actually made him more arresting.

  The woods opened into a small oasis of flowers, a narrow stream and plush grass. Tiger stopped walking, sniffing the air as Zandy gazed around in wonder.

  “It’s so pretty.”

  He turned to stare deeply into her eyes. “This is my new favorite spot. We recently acquired the land and I come here to bathe sometimes when I’m patrolling the area. Not many of the officers know about it and only a few of us hunt this section for intruders. We’ll have privacy.”

  He placed Zandy on her feet. Thick, soft grass cushioned her toes. The blanket nearly slipped to the ground but Tiger grabbed it. He straightened, stepped around her and bent to spread it over an area of moss by the water’s edge in the shade.

  His body twisted her way as he straightened and reached for his shirt to remove it. He exposed his impressively sculpted abs to her view. “Do you need help undressing? I’d like for us to remove all our clothes.”

  Her heart pounded as she made a final decision—she really wanted to have sex with him. It wasn’t much of a choice. The memory of him had haunted her since the night they’d kissed in that parking lot, the attraction between them too strong to deny. She wanted him. It had been nearly a year since she’d sworn off men after her divorce and the idea of being touched by him tempted her too much.

  Her fingers shook slightly as she unbuttoned her shirt, spread it apart and kept her gaze locked on Tiger. His eyes were stunning, so exotic she didn’t want to look away, but the view he exposed when he peeled off his shirt was too tempting to miss. Tan, golden skin, that broad chest, dusky flat nipples and thick bands of muscle was enough to convince her she’d made the right choice. He was perfection.

  The zipper at the back of her skirt sounded unusually loud as it came down. The material just dropped to her ankles and she stepped away from it. He softly growled at her as his gaze strayed down her body and she hoped that meant he liked what he saw. She was grateful to be wearing matching underwear. Her hands still trembled as she unfastened her bra, shrugged it off, and reached for her hips to ease her blue thong down her legs.

  He stalked closer to her, his pants still on, until only inches separated them. She felt totally exposed, standing there completely naked when he wasn’t.

  “You didn’t take off your pants.”

  A grin curved his sexy mouth. “I will soon but I don’t want to frighten you.”

  Her eyebrows arched. “Why would that scare me?”

  Hesitation made her worry until he spoke. “I really want you and I’m very hard. I’m also different from your males.”

  That stunned her and she glanced down. The outline of his cock was clear. It was big but appeared the same shape as a normal penis would be. Her gaze lifted and for the first time she really worried about being alone with him, yet she was prepared to deal with any physical differences they might have to overcome.

  Tiger seemed to read her mind. “I’m shaped and function the same way but we’re just bigger than your males. I don’t want you to be intimidated or risk you changing your mind.”

  “We’ll just take it slow.” Her hands reached for his waist. “I think I’ll risk a little fear.”

  His hands stopped her from opening his pants as he tugged her along with him. He backed up to the side of where the blanket waited and lowered to his knees, still holding her hands.

  Zandy dropped to her knees on the grass then moved onto the blanket. Tiger released her and touched her body instead. She gasped when he suddenly had her pinned down flat with him half over her until their mouths were nearly touching.

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted any female.” His voice came out gruff and sounded a little raw. “I am trying to slow down but it’s so difficult.”

  Her hands cupped his face. “I want you too. This is insane, isn’t it?”

  He nodded. “A little, but there is a strong pull between us.”

  Animal magnetism. She refused to say that aloud in case he took offense. She could have said raw lust but staring into his exotic catlike eyes, the first one fit more. Whatever the draw, it was incredibly strong.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I do you either,” she admitted. “Crazy or not.”

  A soft purr came from him and it surprised her but, at the same time, turned her on a little more. He certainly wasn’t like anyone she’d ever known. It was a good thing.

  “I’ll try to slow down.”

  “You don’t have to.” She decided to be blunt. “I ache for you.”

  His mouth came down on hers to end any further conversation between them and his aggressive kiss notched her passion higher. Her fingers frantically explored every inch of his chest she could reach. He was hot, figuratively and literally. One of his legs lifted and she spread hers to make room for him as he slid it between them.

  Her back arched to press more firmly against him. He snarled and pulled his mouth away as they both panted. His palms flattened on the blanket next to her and he lifted up to sit. He tore at his boots and socks and just tossed them aside. He rose quickly to his feet and grabbed the front of his pants. His gaze held hers.

  “Don’t fear me. I won’t hurt you.”

  Zandy wiggled enough to rise, bracing her bent elbows behind her. “Show me.”

  Desire narrowed his eyes and her gaze lowered to watch intently as he released the snap and the zipper. He allowed the pants to slide down once they were open, revealing black boxer briefs. She held back a gasp when she got clearer look at how much he wanted her. He bent, blocked her view of his cock and removed the pants completely. He straightened once more and his thumbs hooked the waist of his underwear.

  “We’ll take it slow.”

  “Just take them off.”

  His chest expanded as he sucked in a deep breath. “Please don’t change your mind. It would kill me.”

  A grin twisted her lips. “I can handle it.”

  The material lowered torturously slowly, as if he wanted to draw it out as long as possible. She appreciated the feeling of anticipation until the cotton lowered enough for his rigid cock to spring free. Her lips parted and she had to remember to breathe. Tiger was bigger than any man she’d ever seen. The shaft was thick and long and the tip of his cock curved a little upward with a fuller mushroom tip.

  “Oh wow.”

  He froze and stared at her. “What does that mean? Are you afraid?”

  “Nope. Just go slow.”

  The look of relief on his face was near comical to Zandy but she felt a little bad, wondering if he had reason to be so worried. Had some woman seen that bad boy and run from him? She wasn’t timid though. There weren’t too many challenges that she’d back down from, especially if they looked like something out of her hottest fantasy.

  He kicked away the briefs and dropped to his knees. One hand clutched her ankle and lifted, spread her thighs wider and his gaze fixed on her exposed pussy. He made a sexy sound—between a soft growl and a near purr.

  “You have hair.”

  She licked her lips. “Do you prefer it all gone? It’s just a little strip.”

  He let go of her ankle and bent over until his face was right above her spread thighs. “I like it a lot.” He inhaled and groaned. “So good.”

  She’d never had a man do that before but it seemed to turn him on more. One of his hands gripped her inner thigh and callouse
d fingertips made her shiver in the best way as he caressed her.

  “I want to taste you but I want inside you just as bad.” His gaze lifted. “You’re so wet and ready for me.”

  Zandy collapsed onto her back and lifted her arms to reach for him. “As good as that sounds, I want you right now.”

  He crawled over her and lowered his big body until she could feel his hot, thick cock against her inner thigh. They were belly to belly and his mouth sought hers. He kissed her as if it were the end of the world. It was so feverish and frantic it drove her a little out of her mind. She lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist. Her hips wiggled, trying to urge him on and she moaned when he adjusted his body a little higher until the incredibly rigid length of his cock pressed against the seam of her pussy.

  He rocked his hips to rub the length of his cock against her clit. It was easy to do since she was soaked with her need for him. It felt so good she had to tear her mouth from his or risk biting him. Her hands gripped his shoulders and her nails dug into his skin.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  His head burrowed against her neck and he placed hot, wet kisses on her throat, which she bared for him. The feel of the sharp points of his fangs registered and it turned her on more. He could have bitten into her at that point and she wouldn’t have cared. He hadn’t even entered her and she was ready to come.

  He spread his thighs, forcing hers wider apart and rolled his hips in a way that made his cock press tighter against the bundle of nerves.

  “Fuck me,” she demanded.

  He stopped kissing her neck and growled. “Easy.”

  “Fuck that. Take me.”

  Her body burned and she was so close to climaxing. Her fallen angel was just too sexy and the man knew how to take her to heaven. Her body screamed for release.

  He lifted up enough that she turned her head to stare into his eyes. The blue of them pulled her in and she barely registered when he reached between them and put space between their hips until the broad head of his cock pressed against the entrance of her pussy.