The jumble of letters which were backwards on the front was now readable to him. It said “Start at the corner of the shed.” And an X was there. “What shed?” thought John. He got up and went back to the bushes and pushed through to the back yard next door. John looked around and there in the corner was an old shed with the doors coming off and the wood so old that it was gray. The shed looked to John to be hundreds of years old and was falling apart.

  John walked over to the shed and stood at the corner as it was shown on the map. It started to make sense to him now that he had a starting point. He followed the instructions as best he could until he got to the last big X. It brought him to his own yard to an old tree just on the edge. It was the only tree on their property and was left there because it was out of the way and looked to be still in good shape.

  John walked around the tree looking at it closely. There was no sign of anything out of the ordinary as far as he could make out. John folded the map and put it in his back pocket. The only thing left was to climb the tree. John grabbed a low limb and started to climb up. The higher he got the more John looked down. He was up about twenty feet when he looked up and saw a small slit. John stopped and looked closer at the cut in the tree. It looked like someone had made a hole at one time but the tree was healing itself and the hole had closed up and was almost gone. John pulled out his pocket knife and tried to make the hole a little bigger.

  It took him just a few minutes but he was able to get it open enough to see that there was a hollow behind the small hole. Inside he spotted what looked like another piece of paper folded in half twice. It looked very old but the tree hollow had kept it dry. John slid two fingers into the slit and was just able to touch the paper. It was too far in for him to get a good hold on it so he reached up and pulled a very small twig off the tree and used it with his knife to wiggle the paper out. When he got it out he saw that the paper was wrapped around something. He slowly opened the paper. There inside the paper were two baseball cards. To his amazement they were for Babe Ruth and the other was for Honus Wagner.

  Now John, being a big time baseball fan knew the names of these two very well and was happy that he had figured out the map. Those markings, H for hits and R for runs now made more sense and the R and H stood for Ruth and Wagner now were understood as well. He climbed down and when his dad and mom came home he told them all about the map and what he had found. His dad was beside himself. He sat down and started to cry. John came to him and asked his dad what’s wrong. He said to John, “John, these two cards are worth a fortune.” “We can now have a so much better life because of what you have found.” John looked at his father and smiled.

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  William and the Circus

  When William was five his mother wanted to give him a very nice birthday present. She thought and thought but couldn't think of anything that he would like. She talked to William's father but he didn't know anything either. When the Sunday paper came William's mother read about the circus that was coming to town and would be starting the next Saturday. She asked William's father what he thought and he agreed that it was a good idea, so William's mother went to the store where tickets were being sold for the circus. She bought three for her, her husband and William. She didn't tell him that they were going.

  When Saturday came and William's mother woke him up she said to him, "I have a surprise for you for your birthday. You have been so good that your father and I are taking you to the circus today." All William could say was, "Hooray." Then William ran around the room jumping up and down. He went into his bedroom and opened his toy box. Out came the toy lion and then the bear. William had a whole set of toy animals. Then he took out two clowns that were also in the toy box. He played with them until he thought to himself, "When are we going?" he ran to his mother and asked her. She said to him, "We will be going later this afternoon." William could hardly wait.

  The day seemed to go by so slowly that William kept asking his mother when? He ate some lunch and his mom said that he should take a nap. He laid down on his bed with the toy tiger and bear. "I'm not sleepy." Said William. But after a while he closed his eyes and was asleep and dreaming of the circus. When his mother came into his room a little later she woke William up and put out some clothes to change into. William got up and changed clothes then came out to the kitchen where his mother and father were. "Are we going now?" asked William. "Yes." Said his mother and the three of them went out and got into the car. The drive to the circus was only a short time but it was forever to William.

  As the rounded a corner William saw the big tent with little ones around it ahead of them. "Wow mom, look at that." He said to his mother. William's father parked the car and the three of them walked over to the big tent and got in line. William was so excited he kept trying to look around the people in front of them. "I can't see." He said to his mother. "Be patient William." His mother said. When they entered the tent William's eyes lit up. There were lots of people already there. They found some seats near the center of the seats and William sat between his parents.

  Soon all were seated and the music started. Into the tent came a parade of people and animals. "Look mom, elephants." Said William. The show went on for over two hours. There were jugglers, acrobats, clowns and animals. When the lion show started William sat close to his father. They were so much bigger than he thought they would be. At the end there was another parade and then it was all over.

  William and his mother and father left the tent and drove home. William talked all the way about the circus and that he wanted to join one when he grew up. His mother smiled thinking of all the other times William had said what he wanted to be when he got bigger. One time a policeman then a fireman now working in a circus. When they got home it was very late so William said good night to his parents and his mom put him in bed. "That's what I want to be when I get big." He said once again as his mother closed the door part way as usual. She thought to herself as she walked out, "There is still a lot of time before that will happen William. Take your time growing up."

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  William Meets a Beggar

  It was in the early spring when William and his mom went to the town square to shop for some summer clothes. They went in one store after another and soon William was getting tired. "This is boring." He said to his mom. "I know it is for you. Why don't we stop for some ice cream. Ok?" Said his mom. Now William will be five soon so this was a treat for him. "Hooray!"said William and he was happy to get some ice cream. They walked into a few more stores until William said, "Now mom?" And his mother said, "All right. It's across the street." And she lead him across to the ice cream store. As they went in William saw a man dressed in a uniform and he had no legs. There was a cup there and William's mom put a dollar in it. William looked back and he heard the man say, "God bless and thank you." To his mother. William was a little scared and hid behind his mom's dress as they stood at the counter. When his mom gave him the ice cream he looked at it and ate it slowly as he watched the man outside. When they were finished they walked outside again but now the man was gone.

  When they got home William thought about the man and went to his mom. "Mommy." He said. "Yes dear?" She answered. "Why didn't that man have any legs?" His mother thought a while then said, "Oh, you mean the man by the ice cream store. Well it looks like he lost them in the Army fighting to keep us safe." "He scared me a little." Said William." "Don't be afraid. He did something good and we should be proud of him. Your father was in the Army too and we were lucky that he came home with both of his legs." That night William included the man in his prayers. His mom was so happy to hear it that she started to cry a little. William was growing up so fast she thought to herself.

  William thought about that man all week. He felt bad for him and he wanted to do something. When his mom said that they were going to town again William asked if they were going to get ice cream again. His mom said, "I guess so if you behave." So when they were finished shopping
William and his mom went to the ice cream shop and as they got there the soldier without legs was there again. His mother again gave him a dollar and they went in and ordered ice cream. William's mom gave him a cone. Then William did something different. He walked outside and gave it to the man outside. Then he stepped back and gave a salute like he saw in the movies and the man laughed and saluted back. William's mom saw what he had done and bought another cone for him. As they left William turned and waved at the man who waved back and said as they walked by, "God bless and thank you."

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  Anthony Mastro

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