
  Days and weeks passed as Fayr prepared for her marriage. The wedding plans required great care and planning, for she understood now that her treasury and resources were limited. She would hold another great feast. She would share her remaining wealth of food throughout all of Dearen city. She would even distribute a few small shares of safra, with the hope that ever citizen might enjoy a small pinch on that night. She desperately needed everyone to celebrate this union. If she could not be happy, then the people must be happy for her.

  A few times, she received word from Chief Abrax that his preparations were going well, also. As promised, he expected to deliver a thousand troops by the day of the winter solstice.

  Vikand is in as much chaos as your own kingdom, High Chief Abrax wrote to her. High Chief Richard wants to claim the office of Khan and Polemarch as his father did before him. He has already led the Royal Horde against a few smaller towns who oppose him. He has also imprisoned his own brother, Picard, calling him a traitor. I have little doubt that if I take you as my Polemarch, my place as Khan is assured—or perhaps I should say King. I look forward to the day, Princess.

  Princess Fayr put away the letter with trembling hands. Even though she harbored some hope for her upcoming union with the Vikand chief, a feeling of dread overcame her every time she thought of the wedding. Preparations were underway, but she could not get excited. High Chief Abrax seemed like a decent and powerful man. Marriage with him would surely be better, she hoped, then marriage with Leonard Khan would have been. But he remained a pale comparison to the man she wished to marry.

  The tickle of tears on her cheeks alerted her to the fact she was crying again. She seemed to do that quite too easily as of late. She would have to relearn old habits soon, such as the ability to hide her own sorrow. Although the absence of the Haze now allowed her to cry without alienating her people, she still needed to stay strong for them. She needed to make certain sacrifices.

  If she and her nation could survive the future ahead of them, she must dry her tears and find joy in a world without safra, for the sake of them all.

