Page 23 of Men of Iron


  That same afternoon the squires' quarters were thrown into such aferment of excitement as had, perhaps, never before stirred them. Aboutone o'clock in the afternoon the Earl himself and Lord George camewalking slowly across the Armory Court wrapped in deep conversation, andentered Sir James Lee's office.

  All the usual hubbub of noise that surrounded the neighborhood of thedormitory and the armory was stilled at their coming, and when the twonoblemen had entered Sir James's office, the lads and young men gatheredin knots discussing with an almost awesome interest what that visitmight portend.

  After some time Sir James Lee came to the door at the head of the longflight of stone steps, and whistling, beckoned one of the smaller pagesto him. He gave a short order that sent the little fellow flying on somemission. In the course of a few minutes he returned, hurrying acrossthe stony court with Myles Falworth, who presently entered Sir James'soffice. It was then and at this sight that the intense half-suppressedexcitement reached its height of fever-heat. What did it all mean? Theair was filled with a thousand vague, wild rumors--but the very wildestsurmises fell short of the real truth.

  Perhaps Myles was somewhat pale when he entered the office; certainlyhis nerves were in a tremor, for his heart told him that something veryportentous was about to befall him. The Earl sat at the table, and inthe seat that Sir James Lee usually occupied; Lord George half sat, halfleaned in the window-place. Sir James stood with his back to theempty fireplace, and his hands clasped behind him. All three were veryserious.

  "Give thee good den, Myles Falworth," said the Earl, as Myles bowedfirst to him and then to the others; "and I would have thee preparethyself for a great happening." Then, continuing directly to the point:"Thou knowest, sirrah, why we have been training thee so closely thesethree years gone; it is that thou shouldst be able to hold thine ownin the world. Nay, not only hold thine own, but to show thyself to bea knight of prowess shouldst it come to a battle between thee and thyfather's enemy; for there lieth no half-way place for thee, and thoumust be either great or else nothing. Well, sir, the time hath now comefor thee to show thy mettle. I would rather have chosen that thou hadstlabored a twelvemonth longer; but now, as I said, hath come a chance toprove thyself that may never come again. Sir James tells me that thouart passably ripe in skill. Thou must now show whether that be so or no.Hast thou ever heard of the Sieur de la Montaigne?"

  "Yea, my Lord. I have heard of him often," answered Myles. "It was hewho won the prize at the great tourney at Rochelle last year."

  "I see that thou hast his fame pat to thy tongue's end," said the Earl;"he is the chevalier of whom I speak, and he is reckoned the best knightof Dauphiny. That one of which thou spokest was the third great tourneyin which he was adjudged the victor. I am glad that thou holdest hisprowess highly. Knowest thou that he is in the train of the Comte deVermoise?"

  "Nay," said Myles, flushing; "I did hear news he was in England, butknew not that he was in this place."

  "Yea," said Lord Mackworth; "he is here." He paused for a moment; thensaid, suddenly. "Tell me, Myles Falworth, an thou wert a knight and ofrank fit to run a joust with the Sieur de la Montaigne, wouldst thoudare encounter him in the lists?"

  The Earl's question fell upon Myles so suddenly and unexpectedly thatfor a moment or so he stood staring at the speaker with mouth agape.Meanwhile the Earl sat looking calmly back at him, slowly stroking hisbeard the while.

  It was Sir James Lee's voice that broke the silence. "Thou heardst thyLord speak," said he, harshly. "Hast thou no tongue to answer, sirrah?"

  "Be silent, Lee," said Lord Mackworth, quietly. "Let the lad have timeto think before he speaketh."

  The sound of the words aroused Myles. He advanced to the table, andrested his hand upon it. "My Lord--my Lord," said he, "I know not whatto say, I--I am amazed and afeard."

  "How! how!" cried Sir James Lee, harshly. "Afeard, sayst thou? An thouart afeard, thou knave, thou needst never look upon my face or speak tome more! I have done with thee forever an thou art afeard even were thechampion a Sir Alisander."

  "Peace, peace, Lee," said the Earl, holding up his hand. "Thou art toohasty. The lad shall have his will in this matter, and thou and no oneshall constrain him. Methinks, also, thou dost not understand him. Speakfrom thy heart, Myles; why art thou afraid?"

  "Because," said Myles, "I am so young, sir; I am but a raw boy. Howshould I dare be so hardy as to venture to set lance against such an oneas the Sieur de la Montaigne? What would I be but a laughing-stock forall the world who would see me so foolish as to venture me against oneof such prowess and skill?"

  "Nay, Myles," said Lord George, "thou thinkest not well enough of thineown skill and prowess. Thinkest thou we would undertake to set theeagainst him, an we did not think that thou couldst hold thine own fairlywell?"

  "Hold mine own?" cried Myles, turning to Lord George. "Sir; thou dostnot mean--thou canst not mean, that I may hope or dream to hold mine ownagainst the Sieur de la Montaigne."

  "Aye," said Lord George, "that was what I did mean."

  "Come, Myles," said the Earl; "now tell me: wilt thou fight the Sieur dela Montaigne?"

  "Yea," said Myles, drawing himself to his full height and throwing outhis chest. "Yea," and his cheeks and forehead flushed red; "an thou bidme do so, I will fight him."

  "There spake my brave lad!" cried Lord George heartily.

  "I give thee joy, Myles," said the Earl, reaching him his hand, whichMyles took and kissed. "And I give thee double joy. I have talked withthe King concerning thee this morning, and he hath consented to knightthee--yea, to knight thee with all honors of the Bath--provided thouwilt match thee against the Sieur de la Montaigne for the honor ofEngland and Mackworth. Just now the King lieth to sleep for a littlewhile after his dinner; have thyself in readiness when he cometh forth,and I will have thee presented."

  Then the Earl turned to Sir James Lee, and questioned him as to how thebachelors were fitted with clothes. Myles listened, only half hearingthe words through the tumbling of his thoughts. He had dreamed in hisday-dreams that some time he might be knighted, but that time alwaysseemed very, very distant. To be knighted now, in his boyhood, by theKing, with the honors of the Bath, and under the patronage of theEarl of Mackworth; to joust--to actually joust--with the Sieur de laMontaigne, one of the most famous chevaliers of France! No wonder heonly half heard the words; half heard the Earl's questions concerninghis clothes and the discussion which followed; half heard Lord Georgevolunteer to array him in fitting garments from his own wardrobe.

  "Thou mayst go now," said the Earl, at last turning to him. "But be thouat George's apartments by two of the clock to be dressed fittingly forthe occasion."

  Then Myles went out stupefied, dazed, bewildered. He looked around,but he did not see Gascoyne. He said not a word to any of the others inanswer to the eager questions poured upon him by his fellow-squires,but walked straight away. He hardly knew where he went, but by-and-byhe found himself in a grassy angle below the end of the south stable; aspot overlooking the outer wall and the river beyond. He looked around;no one was near, and he flung himself at length, burying his face inhis arms. How long he lay there he did not know, but suddenly someone touched him upon the shoulder, and he sprang up quickly. It wasGascoyne.

  "What is to do, Myles?" said his friend, anxiously. "What is all thistalk I hear concerning thee up yonder at the armory?"

  "Oh, Francis!" cried Myles, with a husky choking voice: "I am to beknighted--by the King--by the King himself; and I--I am to fight theSieur de la Montaigne."

  He reached out his hand, and Gascoyne took it. They stood for a whilequite silent, and when at last the stillness was broken, it was Gascoynewho spoke, in a choking voice.

  "Thou art going to be great, Myles," said he. "I always knew that itmust be so with thee, and now the time hath come. Yea, thou wilt begreat, and live at court amongst noble folk, and Kings haply. Presentlythou wilt not be with me any more, and wilt forget me by-and-by."
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  "Nay, Francis, never will I forget thee!" answered Myles, pressinghis friend's hand. "I will always love thee better than any one in theworld, saving only my father and my mother."

  Gascoyne shook his head and looked away, swallowing at the dry lump inhis throat. Suddenly he turned to Myles. "Wilt thou grant me a boon?"

  "Yea," answered Myles. "What is it?"

  "That thou wilt choose me for thy squire."

  "Nay," said Myles; "how canst thou think to serve me as squire? Thouwilt be a knight thyself some day, Francis, and why dost thou wish nowto be my squire?"

  "Because," said Gascoyne, with a short laugh, "I would rather be in thycompany as a squire than in mine own as a knight, even if I might bebanneret."

  Myles flung his arm around his friend's neck, and kissed him upon thecheek. "Thou shalt have thy will," said he; "but whether knight orsquire, thou art ever mine own true friend."

  Then they went slowly back together, hand in hand, to the castle worldagain.

  At two o'clock Myles went to Lord George's apartments, and there hisfriend and patron dressed him out in a costume better fitted for theceremony of presentation--a fur-trimmed jacket of green brocaded velvetembroidered with golden thread, a black velvet hood-cap rolled like aturban and with a jewel in the front, a pair of crimson hose, and a pairof black velvet shoes trimmed and stitched with gold-thread. Myles hadnever worn such splendid clothes in his life before, and he could notbut feel that they became him well.

  "Sir," said he, as he looked down at himself, "sure it is not lawful forme to wear such clothes as these."

  In those days there was a law, known as a sumptuary law, which regulatedby statute the clothes that each class of people were privileged towear. It was, as Myles said, against the law for him to wear suchgarments as those in which he was clad--either velvet, crimson stuff,fur or silver or gold embroidery--nevertheless such a solemn ceremony aspresentation to the King excused the temporary overstepping of the law,and so Lord George told him. As he laid his hand upon the lad's shoulderand held him off at arm's-length, he added, "And I pledge thee my word,Myles, that thou art as lusty and handsome a lad as ever mine eyesbeheld."

  "Thou art very kind to me, sir," said Myles, in answer.

  Lord George laughed; and then giving him a shake, let go his shoulder.

  It was about three o'clock when little Edmond de Montefort, LordMackworth's favorite page, came with word that the King was then walkingin the Earl's pleasance.

  "Come, Myles," said Lord George, and then Myles arose from theseat where he had been sitting, his heart palpitating and throbbingtumultuously.

  At the wicket-gate of the pleasance two gentlemen-at-arms stood guard inhalf-armor; they saluted Lord George, and permitted him to pass with hisprotege. As he laid his hand upon the latch of the wicket he paused fora moment and turned.

  "Myles," said he, in a low voice, "thou art a thoughtful and cautiouslad; for thy father's sake be thoughtful and cautious now. Do notspeak his name or betray that thou art his son." Then he opened thewicket-gate and entered.

  Any lad of Myles's age, even one far more used to the world than he,would perhaps have felt all the oppression that he experienced under theweight of such a presentation. He hardly knew what he was doing asLord George led him to where the King stood, a little apart fromthe attendants, with the Earl and the Comte de Vermoise. Even in hisconfusion he knew enough to kneel, and somehow his honest, modestdiffidence became the young fellow very well. He was not awkward, forone so healthful in mind and body as he could not bear himself very ill,and he felt the assurance that in Lord George he had a kind friend athis side, and one well used to court ceremonies to lend him countenance.Then there is something always pleasing in frank, modest manliness suchas was stamped on Myles's handsome, sturdy face. No doubt the King'sheart warmed towards the fledgling warrior kneeling in the pathwaybefore him. He smiled very kindly as he gave the lad his hand to kiss,and that ceremony done, held fast to the hard, brown, sinewy fist of theyoung man with his soft white hand, and raised him to his feet.

  "By the mass!" said he, looking Myles over with smiling eyes, "thou arta right champion in good sooth. Such as thou art haply was Sir Galahadwhen he came to Arthur's court. And so they tell me, thou hast stomachto brook the Sieur de la Montaigne, that tough old boar of Dauphiny.Hast thou in good sooth the courage to face him? Knowest thou what agreat thing it is that thou hast set upon thyself--to do battle, even insport, with him?"

  "Yea, your Majesty," answered Myles, "well I wot it is a task haplybeyond me. But gladly would I take upon me even a greater venture, andone more dangerous, to do your Majesty's pleasure!"

  The King looked pleased. "Now that was right well said, young man," saidhe, "and I like it better that it came from such young and honest lips.Dost thou speak French?"

  "Yea, your Majesty," answered Myles. "In some small measure do I so."

  "I am glad of that," said the King; "for so I may make thee acquaintedwith Sieur de la Montaigne."

  He turned as he ended speaking, and beckoned to a heavy, thick-set,black-browed chevalier who stood with the other gentlemen attendants ata little distance. He came instantly forward in answer to the summons,and the King introduced the two to one another. As each took the otherformally by the hand, he measured his opponent hastily, body and limb,and perhaps each thought that he had never seen a stronger, stouter,better-knit man than the one upon whom he looked. But neverthelessthe contrast betwixt the two was very great--Myles, young, boyish,fresh-faced; the other, bronzed, weather beaten, and seamed with a greatwhite scar that ran across his forehead and cheek; the one a novice, theother a warrior seasoned in twoscore battles.

  A few polite phrases passed between the two, the King listening smiling,but with an absent and far-away look gradually stealing upon his face.As they ended speaking, a little pause of silence followed, and then theKing suddenly aroused himself.

  "So," said he, "I am glad that ye two are acquainted. And now we willleave our youthful champion in thy charge, Beaumont--and in thine, MonSieur, as well--and so soon as the proper ceremonies are ended, we willdub him knight with our own hands. And now, Mackworth, and thou my LordCount, let us walk a little; I have bethought me further concerningthese threescore extra men for Dauphiny."

  Then Myles withdrew, under the charge of Lord George and the Sieur dela Montaigne and while the King and the two nobles walked slowly up anddown the gravel path between the tall rose-bushes, Myles stoodtalking with the gentlemen attendants, finding himself, with a certaintriumphant exultation, the peer of any and the hero of the hour.

  That night was the last that Myles and Gascoyne spent lodging in thedormitory in their squirehood service. The next day they were assignedapartments in Lord George's part of the house, and thither theytransported themselves and their belongings, amid the awestruck wonderand admiration of their fellow-squires.