Chapter XI.Florence Secures Employment.

  For a few days after being installed in her new home Florence was likeone dazed.

  She could not settle her mind to any plan of self-support.

  She was too unhappy in her enforced exile from her home, and itsaddened her to think that the uncle who had always been so kind waspermanently estranged from her.

  Though Mrs. O'Keefe was kind, and Dodger was her faithful friend, shecould not accustom herself to her poor surroundings.

  She had not supposed luxury so essential to her happiness.

  It was worse for her because she had nothing to do but give way to hermorbid fancies.

  This Mrs. O'Keefe was clear-sighted enough to see.

  "I am sorry to see you so downcast like, my dear young lady," shesaid.

  "How can I help it, Mrs. O'Keefe?" returned Florence.

  "Try not to think of your wicked cousin, my dear."

  "It isn't of him that I think--it is of my uncle. How could he be socruel, and turn against me after years of kindness?"

  "It's that wicked Curtis that is settin' him against you, take my wordfor it, Miss Florence. Shure, he must be wake-minded to let such aspalpeen set him against a swate young leddy like you."

  "He is weak in body, not in mind, Mrs. O'Keefe. You are right inthinking that it is Curtis that is the cause of my misfortune."

  "Your uncle will come to his right mind some day, never fear! And now,my dear, shall I give you a bit of advice?"

  "Go on, my kind friend. I will promise to consider whatever you say."

  "Then you'd better get some kind of work to take up your mind--a bitof sewin', or writin', or anything that comes to hand. I suppose youwouldn't want to mind my apple-stand a couple of hours every day?"

  "No," answered Florence. "I don't feel equal to that."

  "It would do you no end of good to be out in the open air. It wouldbring back the roses to your pale cheeks. If you coop yourself up inthis dark room, you'll fade away and get thin."

  "You are right. I will make an effort and go out. Besides, I must seeabout work."

  Here Dodger entered the room in his usual breezy way. In his hand hebrandished a morning paper.

  "How are you feelin', Florence?" he asked; he had given up saying MissFlorence at her request. "Here's an advertisement that'll maybe suityou."

  "Show it to me, Dodger," said Florence, beginning to show someinterest.

  The boy directed her attention to the following advertisement:

  "Wanted.--A governess for a girl of twelve. Must be a good performer on the piano, and able to instruct in French and the usual English branches. Terms must be moderate. Apply to Mrs. Leighton, at 127 W. ---- Street."

  "There, Florence, what do you say to that? That's better than sewin'."

  "I don't know, Dodger, whether I am competent."

  "You play on the pianner, don't you?"


  "Well enough to teach?"

  "I think so; but I may not have the gift of teaching."

  "Yes, you have. Haven't you been teachin' me every evenin'? You makeeverything just as clear as mud--no, I don't mean that. You justexplain so that I can't help understandin'."

  "Then," said Florence, "I suppose I am at liberty to refer to you."

  "Yes; you can tell the lady to call at the office of Dodger, Esq., anymornin' after sunrise, and he'll give her full particulars."

  Florence did not immediately decide to apply for the situation, butthe more she thought of it the more she felt inclined to do so. Thelittle experience she had had with Dodger satisfied her that sheshould enjoy teaching better than sewing or writing.

  Accordingly, an hour later, she put on her street dress and wentuptown to the address given in the advertisement.

  No. 127 was a handsome brown-stone house, not unlike the one in whichFlorence had been accustomed to live. It was a refreshing contrast tothe poor tenement in which she lived at present.

  "Is Mrs. Leighton at home?" inquired Florence. "Yes, miss," answeredthe servant, respectfully. "Whom shall I say?"

  "I have come to apply for the situation of governess," answeredFlorence, feeling rather awkward as she made the statement.

  "Ah," said the servant, with a perceptible decline in respect. "Won'tyou step in?"

  "Thank you."

  "Well, she do dress fine for a governess," said Nancy to herself."It's likely she'll put on airs."

  The fact was that Florence was dressed according to her past socialposition--in a costly street attire--but it had never occurred to herthat she was too well dressed for a governess.

  She took her seat in the drawing-room, and five minutes later therewas a rustling heard, and Mrs. Leighton walked into the room.

  "Are you the applicant for the position of governess?" she asked,surveying the elegantly attired young lady seated on the sofa.

  "Yes, Mrs. Leighton," answered Florence, easily, for she felt more athome in a house like this than in the tenement.

  "Have you taught before?"

  "Very little," answered Florence, smiling to herself, as she wonderedwhat Mrs. Leighton would say if she could see Dodger, the only pupilshe ever had. "However, I like teaching, and I like children."

  "Pardon me, but you don't look like a governess, Miss----"

  "Linden," suggested Florence, filling out the sentence. "Dogovernesses have a peculiar look?"

  "I mean as to dress. You are more expensively dressed than the averagegoverness can afford."

  "It is only lately that my circumstances required me to supportmyself. I should not be able to buy such a dress out of my presentearnings."

  "I am glad to hear you say that, for I do not propose to give a largesalary."

  "I do not expect one," said Florence, quietly. "You consider yourselfcompetent to instruct in music, French and the English branches?"

  "Oh, yes."

  "Do you speak French?"

  "Yes, madam."

  "Would you favor me with a specimen of your piano playing?"

  There was a piano in the back parlor. Florence removed her gloves, andtaking a seat before it, dashed into a spirited selection fromStrauss.

  Mrs. Leighton listened with surprised approval.

  "Certainly you are a fine performer," she said. "What--if I shouldengage you--would you expect in the way of compensation?"

  "How much time would you expect me to give?"

  "Three hours daily--from nine to twelve."

  "I hardly know what to say. What did you expect to pay?"

  "About fifty cents an hour."

  Florence knew very well, from the sums that had been paid for her owneducation, that this was miserably small pay; but it was much morethan she could earn by sewing.

  "I will teach a month on those terms," she said, after a pause.

  Mrs. Leighton looked well pleased. She knew that she was making agreat bargain.

  "Oh, by the way," she said, "can you give references?"

  "I can refer you to Madam Morrison," naming the head of a celebratedfemale seminary. "She educated me."

  "That will be quite satisfactory," said Mrs. Leighton, graciously."Can you begin to-morrow?"

  "Yes, madam."

  "You will then see your pupil. At present she is out."

  Florence bowed and withdrew.

  She had been afraid Mrs. Leighton would inquire where she lived, andshe would hardly dare to name the humble street which she called home.

  She walked toward Fifth Avenue, when, just as she was turning thecorner, she met Mr. Percy de Brabazon, swinging a slender cane, anddressed in the extreme of the fashion.

  "Miss Linden!" he exclaimed, eagerly. "This is--aw--indeed a pleasure.Where are you walking this fine morning? May I--aw--have the pleasureof accompanying you?"

  Florence stopped short in deep embarrassment.